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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 18

18 – 1. Academy (18)


I spent about 2 hours waiting for my body to recover and at the same time comforting Kang So-seon, who was starting to cry for the world to leave alone, and explaining the mechanism for creating a familiar.

“Takes off a part of the soul and turns it into a familiar. Mix it up and attach it back to me to make it whole. Damage comes along the way. It was something I had to do anyway, and it was a natural process, so there is no need to blame myself. Do you understand?”


At my words, Kang So-seon sniffed and nodded slowly. However, there was no sign of acceptance in her gaze. She understood, but she didn’t seem to agree with him or her.

Maybe this is what she is thinking right now.

She should have been able to do it a little safer, but she did it, and she forced herself to become this way. Even without mind-reading or thought-reading skills, she could clearly see her thoughts through her expression.

In her sad eyes, I was already seen as someone who was telling lies to reassure herself.

There are many things I want to ask, but I had a strong feeling that he would not say anything more because he thought of me. I hit her forehead and eventually gave up on persuading her.

Now I don’t know. Ji knows how to feel the debt. Why am I explaining and correcting phrases and phrases?

I’ll just do it my way, damn it!

Perhaps he was excited that the boring briefing session was over, Kalion, who was next to me, hurried over and stretched out his tongue to lick the tears flowing down her cheeks. Evie! Support, support What if I ate something like that and got sick?

“Ah… Are you comforting me?”


“Thank you…! Slick, you are such a good boy!”


Whoever wants to name it again. Don’t you call Growl Mongsil, is it smooth this time? My kid already has a cool name called Carlion.

Of course, I only thought about that dissatisfaction inside and did not express it outwardly.

Because no matter what you complain about, the situation that barely made it brighter will only get worse again. It is useless to tease him about where he left his capricious half-bones temperament. Because even that rebel came and went according to my heart.

And now my mood is that I want to avoid this playing house situation as soon as possible.

Perhaps it’s embarrassing to have cried so much, he glanced at me from a while ago and saw that he was using And Magic to cool off his flushed face from crying.

It’s been a long time since I tried to hide her face by pretending to hug Carlion. Kalion, whose complexion was pale due to being cold, was looking at me with a dead expression, but I ignored him for my own comfort.

I’m sorry. It’s a necessary sacrifice.

Carlion’s expression looking at me looked exactly like Caesar being betrayed by Brutus. Coincidentally, both have the same name. After all, it seems that history repeats itself round and round.

Waiting for some time for her Jiangsu line to calm down, I pointed her hand towards the back of the waterfall cave, which was a mess from her swinging her sword, and opened her mouth.

“…Senior, is that a temple?”

“Oh, that’s right. You were in a place like this this time.”

A long sword cut caused the wall to collapse, revealing a hidden path behind the waterfall.

The soft light flowing from the milky-white stone wall, which obviously looked like a different material, had an aura that felt a little different from magic.

Probably, judging from the word temple, that must be divine power. The aura of divine power that protects the temple, if it’s a cliché, it’s a cliché.

Divine power is a healing technique of vector that is different from the recovery magic used by magicians or recovery specialists.

If magical recovery is more like a scientific procedure to figure out and restore structure, healing with divine power is literally more like a miracle. Since it is close to the mechanism of restoration that completely ignores the structure of principles and returns to the body before being injured, the efficiency of recovery is also superior to divine power than magic.

It was healing by that divine power that healed my mother’s wounds when I broke my neck.

Come to think of it, even the recovery skill that the Earth Dragon showed was closer to recovery by divine power.

A temple hidden where sub-dragons are located. A named monster that demonstrates a skill similar to that of divine power. Lastly, the information about the reward of the treasure hunt that Hong Soo-ah told me. All three of them are pointing at the word ‘dragon’.

For some reason, I think it fits perfectly, but that only applies to me who knows the information, and if Hong Soo-ah hadn’t told me about the hidden mission, I would have declared clear at the goal point without adding anything to the temple.

I think that’s what most people have in common, not just me.

Come to think of it, does Kang So-seon know about the hidden mission? Most of the information she gained while running was related to monsters.

The fact that she experienced it all also meant that she had toured this dungeon a lot. It’s not strange to know information about hidden missions if you’ve been around that much.


The moment I turned around to ask that, my eyes widened at the scene that caught my eye. At the same time, without saying anything, his body moved toward Kang So-seon.

I tried to increase the shadows, but I ran out of time to do anything else. I put a lump of shadow on the magic power that I had turned on my body and held out my hand.



Surprised by my sudden appearance, Kang So-seon reflexively drew the sword from his waist, but my hand was faster than that. Her hand passed right next to her cheek and struck the sharp chin that approached from behind her.

Bagak! Wood deok!


The shadow of the fist that clashed with the head shattered, and the sound of something being cut from the hand resounded. At the same time, the pain, like being burned, made my wrists tingle.

My body bounced backwards as if it were being pulled by gravity by the cloud of magical power that came with the follow-up blow, which was not an ordinary charge.


The ability to not know the identity of the enemy is also a skill, but the difference in strength was too great. A tingling pain ran through her every time her wrist trembled.

Perhaps it was because I moved in a hurry, Growl rushed over and grabbed my body, which bounced off without proper control.

“Brahma Centipede…!”

Kang So-seon pulled out the half-drawn sword and shouted the enemy’s name.

When the jaws are crossed like scissors and fully opened, the guy sits like the horns of a bison. It was a centipede monster that he saw while running away from the Earth Dragon. The moment he looked directly at the body, in the blink of an eye, Kang So-seon’s arm, which projected magical energy onto the sword, disappeared leaving an afterimage.


With just that, the body of the guy whose body and head were separated flew away like an explosion.

[The summoner’s job level has increased.]

[The level of the skill [Sadism] Increases.]

[The skill level has increased by 1.]

I didn’t see a follow-up, as if he was alone. Perhaps, among the ones who were attracted to Aggro when they were running away from the Earth Dragon, the ones who survived must have arrived from now on.


Kang So-seon approached me and began to heal my hand by chanting the magic of Again. As soon as the magic touched her, her hand began to recover, and her wrist, which she thought was broken, began to quickly return to its place.

I sighed when I confirmed that my hand was properly healed and that it was moving by turning my wrist. I think this phrase was like this before. But she didn’t shed a tear like she had just before.

But that didn’t mean it in a good way. On the contrary, the situation is worse than before.

As if he had received a big shock, the shaky pupils were out of focus, and the sight of him holding his trembling hand tightly with the opposite hand made him feel fragile, as if it would break if he touched it.

A look of shame and self-blame. It is a common sight in the past life.

She was more shocked than that I was hurt because of her, that she reflexively drew her knife when I attacked. When he realized that the attack was to save himself, his negative feelings towards himself must have exploded.

Sometimes there are people like that. Those who shed tears saying they were sorry after hitting them in anger first.

I don’t know if he’s regretting what he did because his rational judgment came back later, but the person who suffered it himself must be gasping for breath with two noses.

That’s because the person who was beaten is walking around in a normal state, but the person who was hit is crying in a strange situation.

I don’t think it’s a big deal in this case, but it’s a problem because I’m more serious about it.

On the contrary, it’s strange to easily trust someone you met for the first time today.

If I were in Jiang So-sun’s position, I would have taken her hand in surprise. She may have ordered her summons to attack. In other words, she did nothing wrong with what she did. Rather, it can be seen as an appropriate response.

But even if I talk like that, she won’t understand.

This is because, in most human relationships, a generous and kind person is, paradoxically, strict with himself.

That’s probably why she told me about her cheating skill, [Combined literary and martial arts], As if it were nothing special. He has such a fraudulent skill. He must have received a lot of envy and jealousy from those around him.

Every time that happened, she would have pushed herself harder. She’s not bragging because of her skills, she says she’s in this position because she put in the effort. I want to be able to say that confidently.

That’s why, even if I pretend I didn’t see it or pretend I don’t know, she’ll blame herself and whip herself behind her, and she’ll suffer alone in a place I don’t know.

This type of person cannot easily get up once they fall down. It was not cool to see him worrying as if the world had collapsed over something really insignificant.



Kang So-seon answered my call with her eyes closed.

My voice was weak. He looked like a person waiting for the death sentence to fall on the guillotine, so he let out a sigh.

It would be better to feel certain than vague consolation. I raised her hand and put magic into her fingers and hit her drooping forehead.

Dick Beans!


“Let’s play with it.”

Because I hit it with magic, it must be pretty tingling. Actually, she was holding her forehead and making a blank expression. Then her face twisted and she bowed her head completely. Cry again?

“Let’s finish quickly and disband. Are you not even hungry?”

I didn’t want to see that, so I said it bluntly. I’ve been burning here for 3 hours already. That means it’s lunchtime soon. I made up my mind not to starve even if I ate less because I was very ill this morning.


I tried to say something, but I couldn’t hear it well. Thanks to the level of the skill in this dungeon, you can’t hear it even with skills over 30. How low did you say it?

I thought I heard the word ‘rumor’ faintly, but… If it’s a rumor, are you referring to the non-poetic rumor that Reus said? It’s strange that she, a member of the student council, doesn’t know about it if it’s brought up in the morality committee.

“What? Any complaints?”

“…No, I just thought that you are a strange person.”

“We’ll give it back to you.”

My gossip was that I was forced to smile. It’s strange to see a woman who half turns into a serial killer when she grabs a knife.

Maybe that’s why it didn’t touch my heart at all. It was a very light word because it contained no malice. Yes, this is better If you swear at me and let your heart melt, that’s enough.

There’s nothing better than peeling other people’s pumpkin seeds to relieve stress and relieve stress.

I also go around chewing on the insides of God’s bastard with a fairly high frequency. At first, it was because I was really angry, but after a day or two, it became a half habit. If something goes wrong, it’s God’s fault, and if things go wrong, it’s God’s fault.

Yeah, if God hadn’t sent me to this world in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to feel like this. As expected, all of the gods did not do well. First year. Thinking about it again makes me cringe again.

Someday I’ll get bored. Even if you beg to be saved, you die. On a rainy day, I’ll step on it until it’s dusty.

Ah, if you’re going to install it, I hope you do it quietly in a place I don’t know. It makes me feel bad if I openly open the front wall. Even now, I was seriously contemplating whether to hit one more magical bean.

I don’t care much about gossip or whatever, but don’t let it get caught. What if you get caught? I will bury it as it is. Cause i’m annoying I’m a thoroughly moody person, so I’m the kind of person who wants to live the way I feel.

When I conveyed that thought intact, Kang So-seon smiled somewhat suppressing her emotions.

“Yeah, that’s really strange. You are a strange person.”

“…If you don’t want to be hit again, just shut up and follow me.”

I didn’t hear an answer. Strange continues behind the scenes. Person who is abnormal. He scratched the inside of the person with a series of words like fool, idiot, sea cucumber, sea anemone, but he completely ignored them and moved on.

I don’t have the desire to hit someone who rushes at me just because I want to be hit.

My mind is twisted, so I want to do what the other person dislikes more than what they like. Even when you’re enjoying the game, you’re the type of person who thinks about how to make the other person worse than winning.


As I ignored it and moved forward, I began to pout my lips and openly hesitate as if I wanted to pass the time.

I grabbed the back of her clothes like holding a cat by the neck with a shadow, put her on the back of Growl, and tied it with a shadow to keep her from escaping.


Only sullen cries were brought in little by little, but there was no dialogue worthy of conversation. There was no fight, so there was no rough breathing. I don’t know if it’s because of the divine power, but it’s because there were no monsters around.

Soon, the moment I saw a huge stone statue made in the shape of a dragon on the other side, a system message popped up in front of me.

[Quest complete!]

[You have succeeded in reaching the designated location within the time limit.]

[You have obtained [Condensed Blue Steel x 4] As a reward.]


You cleared the dungeon. This means that it is time to part soon.

Recognizing that, she let out a short sigh. She released her shadow on her own for some time, and she, who had been lying down as if buried in Raul’s back, slowly got up and stood on her feet.

“It’s over.”

“I’m still in class, so seniors go first. If we go out together like this, there will be aggro again, so I will go after the seniors’ classes are completely over.”

“…Can I stay with you?”

I caught her by the tip of her collar and looked at her. On her face, there was more emotion than regret. That debt makes her prioritize me over her work.

If I don’t say it clearly here, she will continue to prioritize me over her thoughts. For an insignificant reason, she made me, whom I met for the first time today, into a being who could control her life.

To be honest, her heart was very heavy and burdensome. It’s hard for me just to maintain the current situation. I didn’t want to pay more attention to other people here.

I couldn’t understand what the hell I was so big inside of her. Life is too busy and short to live by giving meaning to everything.

“Senior, do you remember what I said to you at the beginning?”

“Yeah, I said I was in the way, I was going to prove I was competent.”

“I hate being bothered. I’m comfortable being alone, I prefer to spend as slowly and leisurely as possible, and I plan to get rid of everything and live a rough life unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

If she’s clever, she’ll know what I’m talking about. As my story continued, her expression darkened in real time.

“… I wonder if I was a nuisance to her junior?”

“No. Quite the contrary.”

In fact, I was able to clear the dungeon this fast because of Kang So-seon.

Even if I was alone, I would have been able to clear it, but I would have been in a hurry to avoid other monsters, let alone hunt the Earth Dragon. Probably, but with a high probability, he must have skipped all afternoon classes.

From that point of view, it is no different than receiving a bus from a strong man who took the position of vice president of the student council on his own.

It’s not her intention, but it’s a case of deceiving her as a school official and dragging her into my private affairs, so it’s a cheap situation even if she is accused of being trash.

“Then why…?”

There was a lot of emotion in her sobbing questions.

She always approached her first, and even if she didn’t come, I was able to quickly get close to her when she approached. For her, who lived in a natural world, the existence of me, who kept pushing away and ostracizing her, was ambiguous and mysterious. No doubt it will

That’s why I’m more curious. If you don’t hate me, why are you pushing me away? Why? In response to such a question, her doubts were bitten by the tail and became a mess and became unknown.

I’m not going to give you an answer that will solve her question.

“Unlike me, you are a very competent and busy person. Since you are kind enough to hang out with a guy like me like this, there must be many other people who need you.”

I’ll just give you an alternative to fall back on. So, stop worrying about me, who is annoying and uncooperative, and hang out with someone you like.

Have more debt with those who need you and favor you rather than me, who pushes you away and rejects you. It is good for me and for you.

Now she encounters a new sensation and is momentarily mistaken. I feel that this moment is special and that a different daily life is enjoyable because I met a person who is different from the people I have met so far.

The proof is her emotions, which fluctuated excessively emotionally.

Because I was excited, the emotions I felt when I lost that feeling came even louder. If the momentum was severe because of the shock he received along the way, it would have been severe, but not less.

I looked at her and organized her thoughts like that. Sometimes there are things that can be conveyed just by looking at them without saying anything.

She trembled softly and her bite began to fade. She met her eyes without avoiding them.

The beautiful orange pupils, reminiscent of pumpkins, stared at me for a while and then slowly closed as if they had given up.

Yeah, I knew you would. Because she cares about her target rather than herself, she always takes a step back and chooses to give up in front of a stubborn wall.

If you break out of that shell on your own someday, let’s treat them differently then. So now this is the end.

“…Can we meet again next time?”


I’m going to the academy, and as long as she doesn’t give up, I’ll definitely run into her someday.

But at that time, there will be other people’s eyes, and there will be a difference in power between an academy cadet and a core member of the student council.

You won’t be able to easily throw a joke without thinking like you do now, and you won’t be able to laugh hahahaha hahahaha.

Unlike me, who has nothing to lose in the small society of her academy, it is because she has her reputation and standing.

That never matters! What matters is the person’s heart! In the same brain, the words that look like a flower garden are nothing more than lines 1 of a simple creation in the face of cold reality. So that line doesn’t apply to me.

Because where I live is not a world of beautiful creations, but a harsh reality. No matter how crazy the setting is, it’s a world… At least I want to think so.

No matter what I thought in her mind, I drew her line from beginning to end, using her honorifics. Seniors and juniors. The link between us is such a thin relationship that there is nothing strange when it breaks.

I’m sorry for her but I don’t hold her expectations of her as much as she has me in her heart.

She and I are strangers to the last. I’m not optimistic enough to keep a person by my side who doesn’t know when to betray me and change his mind overnight.

I am that kind of person. No matter how friendly you are, it’s over when you turn around. A person who cannot be distinguished even from his previous life and his present life. After all, humans do not change easily.

Maybe she instinctively realizes it too, so she’s even more obsessed with this moment. It must be because if we break up like this, it will really end.

As I was doing mental care for others, which I hadn’t done in my previous life, it felt like thorns were sprouting in my mouth. As expected, it doesn’t match that I feel this kind of youthful feeling.

Couldn’t you be openly and coldly treated with harsh words? The probability of that is low, but it’s really scary when Kang So-seon turns around and asks me if he hated me so much.

It’s extreme, but it’s true that there’s nothing good about making enemies. So, my true intention is to go there while maintaining a good relationship while being as awkward as possible.

Garbage? Know. But what if it was me? The ups and downs of my previous life were too bitter to pursue pleasure without responsibility.

As I secretly let out a bitter sigh at that thought, Kang So-sun, who hid his arms behind his back and poked his head forward, said playfully to me.

“Can you give me one last hug? Break your body so that you won’t forget today.”

“…Are you crazy?”

She thought she had done well, but she suddenly crossed her line and became her slut. What the hell happened in that brief moment? Did I go to a room of unknown time and spirit? I don’t even know if I really know

When I frowned and glared at her, she laughed. Then, after hugging Graul, Carlyon, and finally Hive behind her, he stuck out his tongue in my direction.

“In the first place, I didn’t expect anything from my juniors.”

The moment she held a scroll in her hand, her body began to be engulfed in light. She received the reward and cleared the dungeon. I bowed my head towards her and greeted her.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“…Yes, juniors have worked hard too.”

Jiang Su-seon nodded her head in agreement as if she was satisfied with just getting the hopeless comfort that this was not the end.

With a carefree smile that goes well with her gentle impression, her figure has completely disappeared here.

I sighed and brushed my hair vigorously. I was out of my mind because I did something that didn’t suit me.


I came to my senses with a pat on the cheek. There is still work to be done. I turned my head and headed towards the temple in the back.

It was a temple, but it was a ruin with only one giant stone statue of a dragon standing there. If it hadn’t been for the remaining divine power, he wouldn’t have known that this place was a temple.

“A treasure to be found in a place like this”

Aside from the stone statues, there was nothing that caught my eye right away.

‘Let’s change our mindset’

It’s going to be simple. This is the hidden mission that Hong Soo-ah discovered. If Hong Soo-ah, who prefers moving with her body rather than using her brain, would have taken the first action if she found this statue?



My thoughts were leaning toward number one.

After that incident, the image of a person named Hong Soo-ah in me was stigmatized as a muscular-brained woman who screams and sees rather than thinks with her head.

A stone statue? If you break it, will anything come out? It seems that she did it with the same light heart and threw her fist containing her magic toward the stone statue.

Certainly, the classic of old RPG games was pot breaking, but it was unclear whether that would apply to places like this as well. It bothered me more that this place was a temple. It seems that something like a curse will be placed upon you for destroying the statue of the sacred dragon.

There is a high probability that the temple is hidden in a place like this, something that should have been blocked using divine power is also sealed! It’s because there’s a cliché that feels the same.

The dungeon is cleared because the conditions have been met because I came here, and you are automatically moved out of the dungeon when you receive a reward… Will it jump out right away if you make a mistake?

“…Let’s take a look and think.”

Breaking or pushing is next enough. It was the moment when he was about to approach the stone statue while generating magic.

Kidduk, ohdodok, jjapjjap!


I heard a strange sound in my ears. At first, I was afraid that a monster might have appeared, so I drew more magic power, but I inadvertently opened my mouth wide as I was completely taken aback by the sight in front of me.


“Greung? Purr?”


When I called, Kalion poured the light blue something she was eating deliciously into her mouth and licked the area around her mouth with her light red tongue. Then he began to tilt her head, asking what was going on.

At the place where he was, there was a box that was hidden by the rubble of the ruins and couldn’t be seen unless you looked closely. It is also in a broken state as if it was forcibly opened.

As I trudged along to Kalion’s side, I saw fragments of a broken shell and an opaque object that appeared to be an egg membrane. If there is a problem, is it that the appearance that is supposed to be intact is nowhere to be found, and only debris like crumbs remain?

Perhaps he ate too much, his flat stomach became plump.

…Isn’t that the hatchling’s egg shell that Hong Soo-ah was talking about? So, is the stone statue fake? No, in the first place, why is the eggshell in the box and he doesn’t even fill his stomach with what he eats, so why did he eat that?

No one was able to answer my question. It’s just that Kalion, whose tail is wrapped around my arm and his head poked in, seems to be happy that I’m by his side.


For some reason, I heard the hive’s cries coming from the other side.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode