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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 111

111 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (56)


“This joint class will be conducted with 3rd graders and 1st graders teaming up one-on-one.”

The class started, and Hong Soo-ah, who had gathered all her students as before, stepped up from the podium and started talking.

Now, even if she didn’t spread her magic separately, just by standing on her podium, the eyes of her students were focused on her.

Anyone who is beautiful and has great achievements, regardless of the age and the world, is bound to attract people’s attention.

“From now on, if you go to the designated place with the crest to be handed out to the device, there will be a cadet with a matching crest. Scoring begins at the same time as joining, and the events are largely divided into three categories.”

The hologram behind Soo-ah Hong was split into three and each changed into three words: [Development] [Cooperation] [Creativity]. The first among them was [Development].

“[Development] Literally means to develop. Prove that there is some progress for the two of you during the time of about 4 days from today, which is Tuesday, to Friday, when the scoring ends. It is good for 3rd graders to teach 1st graders, and on the contrary, there must be things that 3rd graders can learn from 1st graders. Keep this in mind.”


The next thing marked was [Cooperation].

“Cooperation is indispensable in practice. It is not always possible to be with someone who is suitable for one’s skills as it is common to have to forcibly match the sum with a person you meet for the first time. In that regard, this [Cooperation] Part intends to implement a virtual dungeon that is as close to real life as possible.”

Practice. When talking about Sunrise Academy, these are the words that always come out. At the same time, it is also the main culprit of the complexion of the cadets getting worse.

If the 1st year cadets, who were severely burned during the last uninhabited island experience, look depressed or half resigned to the 3rd year, it must be that the actual combat experience prepared by the academy is the best.

The problem is that the higher the quality of education, the harder it is for cadets who have to experience and learn.

It’s not just once or twice, it suddenly explodes when you try it, so it’s like a nightmare for the cadets.

I think it’s a bit of a shame from the receiving point of view, but from the point of view of teaching, I decided that it wasn’t too bad. If you have a bad head, you have to learn it even if you struggle with your body.

If you explode one or two things like this, you can naturally instill in the cadets the obsession that real combat = crazy situation that goes hook if you are not careful. It is also possible to gain the composure to deal with sudden situations immediately.

If you think about how men who have served in the military wake up automatically when they hear the sound of a horn, you can understand it roughly.

I wonder if it’s just two years of normal repetition, but if you add in all three years of experience that you’ll never forget, your body will react immediately even if you lose your memory later.

A real battle again…?

I lost 8kg last time…

…There’s been a lot of hair falling out in the sink these days.

Mongseong, Mongseong

Unsurprisingly, the stadium, where only silence had been present at the word actual battle, began to buzz one by one and soon became agitated. Most of the noise was made by first-year students.


In the end, Hong Soo-ah put her magic into her voice and memorized it, and the story continued in a quiet place again.

“The difficulty itself will be created based on the average of first-year cadets, and if you have been diligent in [Development], You can earn points without difficulty, so there should be nothing difficult.”

At those words, the expressions of the 3rd year cadets suddenly relaxed. But that didn’t last long either. It was said that way, but in other words, if there is a problem in the [Development] Stage, it is said that the [Cooperation] That will follow it will be eaten together.

The last changed hologram displayed [Creativity].

“[Creativity] Is simple. Until now, there was almost no point of contact, but you guys are competent people certified by Sunrise Academy. If so, we judged that it would be possible to create at least one plausible technology by using that talent to its fullest. So he said, anyone who thinks he has a talent would do well to prove it.”

The cadets swallowed the sighs that were about to come out at the words that were calm but felt a chill somewhere. Suddenly, a gasping sound was heard from all over the place, as if it had been swallowed.

“If it was a simple skill, it would be too easy…Yes, there is a sentence given to you, so make a skill based on it.”

Before the commotion, which was not a fuss, was over, Hong Soo-ah dropped the bomb again.

“In addition, the scores obtained through this scoring will affect the final exam.”

Two in a row. What I thought was a simple joint class became a dirty and difficult class, and in addition, it became an extension of the final exam.

Fire flickered in the eyes of the 3rd year cadets, who were making languorous faces at that fact.

Overwhelmed by them who instantly changed the atmosphere in the hall, the first year students naturally kept their mouths shut.

Perhaps deliberately inducing this situation, Hong Soo-ah nodded her head with an extremely satisfied expression and turned off the hologram behind her.

“If the penalty is strong, there must be an advantage. If the creativity and practicality of the technology devised in [Creativity] Is outstanding, it will be proposed to be registered in the Great Library immediately. Furthermore, we will select the top 10 groups with high scores in this test and reward them with red tickets that can be used at the upcoming Sun Culture Festival.”


It was none other than the third year cadets who cheered at Hong Soo-ah’s words.

If what had been in their eyes until now was the duty due to annoyance and necessity, what made their eyes shine now is the confidence that they can add one more stroke to their specifications before graduation, and the product must be obtained. It was a fight to stop.

To be honest, the latter was more overwhelming. It was none other than a first-year cadet who was bewildered by him.

It is written as the Great Library and read as the Akashic Records. It is a famous institution that no Awakener would know about. Although it is better known in the world as ‘The Association’s Archives’.

That’s because not only all the magic and technology that exist in the world, but also miscellaneous information such as academics, history, and news that happened on that day are all recorded.

From the beginning, it was an institution created to search for awakened criminals, but thanks to the vast amount of data that accumulates over time, it now feels like a library where anyone can access necessary knowledge instead of keeping secrets separately.

However, as there are many important materials, only those who enter the library can read the information, and the security is also strict.

Above all, even if you can access it, the level of records that can be viewed is set to a differential, so there are only rough explanations about magic and technology, but all details such as interpretation of magic and how to destroy it are locked. Hanging

That’s why I was even more perplexed.

The way to raise the information reading level of the Great Library is determined by how much you contribute to the library.

In other words, in order to read information corresponding to a higher level, one’s name is registered in the Great Library, and then the resulting gains and losses are thoroughly calculated to measure its contribution.

Even if it’s low right now, it can accumulate over time, so the act of leaving information with your name in the library is no different than investing in a safe asset.

You cheer more for the ticket to be seated at the back than the chance to leave the name of such a library? I couldn’t understand the attitude of the 3rd year students to the 1st year students who were still dreaming of vanity without facing reality.

But the worn out 3rd year students will refute this to the 1st year students.

Does the Great Library look like a dick? I mean.

Even though these two guys, who are mere cadets, are trying hard to devise things with their heads together, the limits are clear.

It is said that people’s thoughts are all there, and there are many graduate students all over the world struggling to accumulate contributions to the library.

The great library is a place where all the things that such people have developed and stuffed while experimenting with this and that are gathered.

They couldn’t understand the despair they felt when they heard the answer that what they worked hard on and devised was already recorded in the library.

In fact, all the stars are recorded in real stars.

Among the things I’ve seen, one of the most f*cking sh*t I’ve read was a book about the most ideal mating of orcs. If you ask me why I saw this, it’s because the name of the thesis looked damn good.

From noble mtl dot com

I was so stupid that I wanted to pluck the head of the guy who produced that thesis to see what the mystery of the alternative ergonomic universe and the mating of orcs were related to.

It’s not just that, the name is plausible, but most of the contents are richly packed excrement from a passing cow wrapped in luxurious words.

It’s probably about that point that the people in this world have a keen sense that even smart people have a screw or two missing from their heads.

In that sense, to be honest, I wasn’t very attracted to either of them.

I don’t even know if it’s a red ticket or what it’s for, so it’s a pass, and the library is a place where I can stop by and walk around like a front yard, so there’s nothing exciting about it.

In addition, the authority can penetrate even the highest secret, so it is practically a free pass.

Lee Se-rin said it was annoying to create a new one, because she registered my biometric information on the one she used to use. She was apt to change her body according to her interest, which was a possible trick because she was her own.

Above all, it is correct to say that the word is ‘Akashic Records’, but since all secrets are stored separately, it is actually a tree wiki that is difficult to search.

‘Looks like he’s going to get rid of it soon.’

There is an atmosphere that only those who have dealt with people can understand. It means that it will be over at this point. I felt it in Hong Soo-ah.

Suddenly ignoring the spirit of the 3rd graders who suddenly got excited and started preparing for this and that, I summarized what I had said so far.

Joint classes are held in teams of 3rd graders and one-on-one.

After getting to know each other, you can either give advice on the other person’s weaknesses or spend time learning about your own weaknesses.

[Development] Will definitely include self-development, so if we agree with each other, we can turn ambiguous class time into my free time.

It’s okay even if it’s a one-time thing in the middle, so it’s OK if you make one or more joint moves. On Friday, exploration within the virtual dungeon is scored as the last point.

It was more informative than I thought. It was so well organized that I couldn’t even think of a class prepared by this last academy.

After all, even if you fly and crawl in the academy, when you go out into society, you are all the same adults and all awakened people. As much as the work to be done on this floor is decided, networking will occupy an important part.

In this respect, these classes at the academy have several advantages.

In this way, by incorporating classes in which seniors educate juniors, you can naturally make friends and build personal connections.

Moreover, if there are people who feel the aptitude or worth in teaching, they may later become professors at the academy.

Even if it’s not that, it can contribute greatly to discovering new talent or lowering the mortality rate by passing on knowledge to those who have not entered the academy despite being talented for some reason, or those who have missed the time to enter the academy because of belated awakening. There is.

In short, the academy included these classes not only for immediate education, but also for the future.

Looking at it like this, it seems like it has no thoughts, but if you dig into it, you can see that there is a deeper inside story than I thought.

That’s why it’s even more annoying.

I don’t know why they voluntarily go through grazing education, adding insignificant excuses for the growth of their skills and personality, when they can do it well.

Thanks to that, I have to watch the installations of guys whose self-esteem and noses can’t even pierce the sky and have risen to the universe. No matter how novel and novel the damn plague is, if it is repeated over and over again, it will get tired of it.

Look at those worn-out 3rd year cadets. Isn’t it like a graduate student kidnapped by a research lab? The thought that I would end up like that later made me goosebumps.

Even if I pamper you, I will pamper you, and I will never pamper you. In the beginning, I was stuck with a new bastard.

“…This is the end of the precautions. It seems that there are already people who are itching to get together, so I’m going to disband. Last but not least, don’t overdo it. More than that.”


At the same time as Hong Soo-ah’s words, a crowd of people who moved quickly in their own way was formed.

“Mine are…runes.”

It was also split in half, so I couldn’t tell what letter it was.

There is a limit to shapes, and above all, it seems that variations were made in this way to present more abstract problems in the additional tasks of [Creativity].

“The location is also 1 station.”

The designated place happened to be located inside Stadium 1, so I waited until most of the people had left and only a few remained before getting up.

It’s annoying, but since he’s the one who’s going to be part of the team temporarily, shouldn’t he get to know each other better?

If possible, it would be better for the other side to proceed quickly and make good use of the remaining time.

I took a moderate step and headed for Station 1. Perhaps because I moved slowly, I could see a person waiting there first.


Perhaps my skills and stats are quite high. I checked my figure approaching from a distance and noticed it right away.

“Hello? Are we old?”

As the distance got closer, she smiled brightly and visualized the hologram of the device. I contrasted the text by forming a shadow next to her hologram without saying anything.

Nodding her head at the finished runes, which fit perfectly together, she didn’t finish at it, but looked at my shadow and exclaimed admiration.

“Wow, magic manipulation is so neat. Are you really a freshman? Anyone who sees it will think you’re a returning student.”

She brushed her white hair behind her, laughing niciously, erased her hologram, and held out her hand politely to me.

“I said it before, but I will introduce it again. My name is…”

“I remember. Shirogane Rui-senpai.”

She is a third year student who belongs to the student council and serves as the president of the morality committee, and is the older sister of Toru Shirogane, who is still in class S.

“Ohh~ This older sister might have been a little moved… No, I was definitely moved!”

Her eyes widened at my words, Shirogane Rui immediately put on her signature mischievous yet sad expression.

If you’re the chairman of the moral committee, you’ll have enough skills. Gauging her skills, I nodded her head and took her hand, which was still outstretched toward me.

“I take the lead.”

“Umm~ Are you okay? Noona, even though she looks like this, she’s very strict, right?”

It doesn’t matter. Rather, it’s because I can’t deny it anymore because I’m strict. I roughly shook her hand and raised the corner of my mouth to a smile.

“Wow~ Just like your sister said, you really smile like a demon king! My sister just gave me goosebumps! Look at this!!”

I erased my smile at Rui Shirogane’s words as she laughed and rolled up her own sleeves.

…Anyway, when I go back to class, I think I’ll have someone to talk to. Maybe there are more

Accompanying Rui Shirogane, who started chattering without a moment’s rest while running around behind her, I decided to head for her cafe where she could rest.

Her words were a companion, but in fact she ignored me and followed me behind me.

If there was anything I could learn about that woman in this short amount of time, it was that she was tired in many ways. I sighed at the already difficult class.

As expected, group assignments are the worst.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode