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2nd Rank Has Returned chapter 101

Two-Headed Ouroboros-2

I thought it was strong.

I thought I was stronger than anyone.

He’s better than his age.

I thought it was cool


It wasn’t just talent.

It wasn’t just a story that ended with effort.

Even though I can’t get any stronger.

I had to get stronger.

Because I couldn’t live without being strong.

body and mind.


“…what is this…”

Leo, who came out of the crystal ball, was being attacked by himself.

Read at noblemtl.com

Just like the first time he looked down on Leo he had seen.

A very rough and ruthless swordsmanship.

A knife that was left only to clumsy experiences and senses.

An attack worth looking at for a young mercenary.

And he destroyed it very simply.

“…how is this…!”

The moment she was about to look at the prophet, Arya could not say anything.

There was nothing there.

There was only acting, and it wasn’t just the prophets.

All the surroundings were covered with smoke.


A familiar voice is heard through the misty smoke.


Then, a voice calling out to himself harshly.


Behind him was a little Leo.

Not Leo, who is now by his side.

It was like Leonardo, who had just come to the family.

[Leo… Why…]

“Please don’t insult me for making a hole in my chest today!!”

Leonardo drew his sword as if he was fully prepared.

Then he rushed to Arya.

[for a moment…! Why all of a sudden…!]

It was very slow and simple compared to her usual attacks, but Arya couldn’t help but panic.

Because everything didn’t make sense.


“If you look at it that way, it’s your fault.”

This venom was clearly spoken by Ariaspil.

But that wasn’t what Arya, the warrior, said. I didn’t even remember saying it.

“I definitely apologized and said I wasn’t going to fight.”

Small Arya passed through the body of the warrior Ariaspil and fired a counterattack. Still, Leo, who was pushed away, fired his sword again.

The warrior Arya was looking at the place, but she was not there.

To put it in a metaphorical way, it was an existence close to a ghost watching from the side.

“Do you know what it feels like to do that crazy training with a crippled body for a month?!”

Leonardo swung his sword as if he was gushing out of anger. It was awkward, but the auror was definitely there.

It was worthwhile to endure Chris’ hell training. Leo thought seriously.

“…I do not know.”


Arya deflected all the attacks, and even broke Leo’s conversion blow.

“Is mana training so hard?”

Saying that, he slashed Leo’s neck with a wooden sword. Without getting hit by one, he said that he succeeded in attacking all of them.

More than a weak Leo… I was offended by myself for saying such things casually.

“…you are really unlucky…”

So Leo said and fell down.

Some of the knights and users who were watching the children fight were busy laughing or making fun of Leo as if they knew it.

Eventually, the scene scatters.

As if this was just the end of the preface.


A man punches a young Leo’s stomach.

“…the lowly one keeps climbing…!”

A face distorted by a sense of inferiority.

Leo was more sticky and dirty than the sense of inferiority he had shown himself, so just looking at it made him vomit.

Then what would happen to Leo who met him directly?


Read at noblemtl.com

Jehad Dinons continued to beat Leo’s body, bruising. It made me feel even more disgusting when I saw him deliberately beating an invisible belly or chest on the part of his clothes.

“It’s a topic that can be learned from Chris if you are lucky…! dare…!”

For some reason, the situation before and after was understandable.

Read at noblemtl.com

Jehad abandoned himself and ran away.

It wasn’t because he had heard from Leo that Jehad became a magician.

Every time I inhaled this smoke, the perfume of memories that didn’t exist permeated my head.


Even with his dying breath, Leo laughed at Jehard like that. It used to look like a provocation of scratching the opponent, but for some reason now it looked like a little boy’s bluff to hide his weakness.

“…Then you were a bit competent, weren’t you…? I can’t…”

At that one word, his incompetence exploded with a sense of inferiority.

“…this little bastard…!!”

Awkward, poo…

Insults echoing with the sound of slaps.

“Do you think you came here for something!? You’re just a scum who’s lucky enough to come here!!”

Efforts are mercilessly trampled on.

“Without Chris-sama, you would have been nothing!!”

Existence is scattered like ashes.

“Do you know that the young lady is friends with you? In the first place, do you know that the young lady and you are the same person?!”

Violence of the body and murder of the mind.

Read at noblemtl.com

Jehard left with these words.

“…ha…fuck it…”

Leo covered his mouth with nausea. It seems that even that behavior is a habit cut to save food and stamina, so there is nothing more to say.

“…I know…”

Leonardo didn’t cry. A red line was drawn as blood just dripped down his eye.

“I know the damn thing…”

I just wanted it to look like crying.

Leo wiped away the red tears in that way.


It was obviously Leo who was hit and who was sick, but nausea continued to come out of his mouth, even though he had not suffered anything.

It was disgusting, it was disgusting and I couldn’t get the vomit to come out.

I’m not sure if this is true or a lie, but I’m vomiting.

However, this non-existent past was not at all kind to Arya.

If so, how was it for Leo?

The second hand of the prophecy ticks rapidly.


“You should have come to your senses! If you’ve been fine, I’m sure…!”

Marken was holding Leo by the neck.

Although he had always been blunt towards Leo, he had never been so excited.



Marken couldn’t say anything, and his face turned red and contorted. The face was the same as that of Marken when Arya’s grandmother, whom she had only heard of, passed away.

“Please stop it! father!!”

At Chris’s words, Marken put on a really complicated expression. Arya thought it was compassion and anger boiled with love and hate.

“…do as you please.”

With that said, Marken left the room.


“…the Knights of Enforcement will leave.”

Leo’s eyes were out of focus. Couldn’t get the focus right. Even if it’s like Arya herself, it’s hard to see the front.

“There is no need for that! so…”

“Do you need a subordinate who lost his boss’s eye?”

“…that’s… it’s not your fault…! If it’s one eye, it’s an eye patch or a prosthetic eye…!”

“…Arya didn’t blink even with mind control. Perhaps if Arya hadn’t stopped it, it wouldn’t have ended with one eye.”

Leo said briefly.

“I was confident in my mental strength… I think even this is a bum-jae.”

With Jajo, Leo went out of the room.

After that, Leo left the Order of the Executioner.

The reason was that he was under the control of a warlock to attack his comrades, and because it was wide-area black magic, most of the people killed each other, even though Leonardo accepted it without excuses.

Even if you shout to stop.

Time moves.

As Leo felt.


The scene passes.

Now Leo’s body is full of scars. In the past, there were many wounds, but now there were deep scars in every part of his face.

The scar on his eyelids was a symbol of his iniquity.

“I am going back now. Even if the condition is full internal reconnaissance, the current state of the castle itself is strange.”

Leonardo looked at his colleagues and ordered. It meant that the state of the broken bones around here was strange.

Strangely, those knights were not in Arya’s memory. The thought that Leo had never been with them kept running through his head.

“Leo! But if you go like this now…!”

“Then it would be better to make a mistake and die?”

“It’s just a matter of possibility! Ogres also eat their own races, so their bones may be crushed!”

It wasn’t wrong, but Leonardo continued to look at the bone fragments with an incredulous look. It was still doubtful whether the bones of its kind could be crushed in such a way with only an ogre’s jaw force.

“…but the risk is high. First of all, let’s just report the reconnaissance so far, and then go back.”


The fellow knight spoke softly.

“…you are the only one responsible.”

At that, Leo paused for a moment.

“…you think we don’t know? You can always go back to the execution knight, so be patient. And every time you reprimand me for suspending your duties, you get a pay cut for being the leader and take responsibility for everything.”


Leo looked at his brown-haired colleague next to him.

“…are you braided?”

“…ah…that’s…because alcohol is the enemy…”

The brown-haired man was sweating profusely and averted his eyes. To Leo, that person was more of an enemy than alcohol.

“…ha… I took responsibility because I was the head coach, and I made a mistake and resigned. What else are you going back to?”

This time, the female knight blew her own tips as if frustrated.

“…do you think it was only you when you were under wide-area control as a warlock? The other guys even killed their own comrades and carried around the tops well…!”

“Who doesn’t know that!!”

Leo spoke to them in a voice almost devoted to evil. No, actually, that might be something I keep repeating to myself.

“…I stabbed my teacher in the eye, who gave me back and taught me how to fight!”

Like an evil used to somehow convince irrationality and absurdity.

“It didn’t help at all to the people who made me live like a human…!”

In Arya’s eyes, Leo was desperately beating himself down.

Because that was the only way I could live.

“…I know myself well… Now… What am I doing…? I can’t stand on the battlefield where they stand…”

At that one word, all the other colleagues shut their mouths. I couldn’t add any more words because I knew that every word I said was sincere and it was a feeling I wanted to deny.

“…if you want to do more reconnaissance, I understand. But I stand the vanguard.”

“Then you get hurt…”

“Who is it that makes people want to die now?”

Everyone shut their mouths at those words.

The atmosphere was as cold as a piece of thin ice, and there was no doubt that it was unsettling.

One of them, the only colleague who kept his mouth shut, gathered up the courage and approached Leo.

“…here, Leo.”

“What is it, if it’s not important, take good care of your part…”

“Do you like the warrior?”

Only silence passed.

The rest is just too nonsensical.

The first colleague who objected.

A colleague who was drunk and told about Leo’s situation.

A colleague who pointed out the guilt that Leo had.

Even Aria, who would not have been able to see this scene in the first place.

[No way]

I thought so.

“…that…it can’t be…! What a nonsensical sound…!”

Leo’s face flushed red, and he denied it in embarrassment. So disappointing.

“But when your hero came, you gave me the food you made yourself and picked flowers. certainly…”

– Star… not so much for you. If we can’t use our energy on an empty stomach, we’ll just be in trouble for each other.

– I don’t know the language of flowers. It’s just… I’ve gotten this from you before… I’m just paying off my debt for it.

“You said… Even giving you forget-me-not.”

Yes, I was just thinking.

“How do you know that?! uh?! When did you see him?!”

Leo grabbed him by the neck and shook him. like really shy.

“…Brave Nimi… When I said that it’s okay to speak in plain language when the two of us are together…!”

“Forget it!! Before you tear off the head and take out the noodles…!!”

“Hmm… looking back, there was a time when I was an executive officer, didn’t I?”

The brown-haired knight recalls. It was around the time he was an apprentice knight…

-You… your mission is different! Leo! Why are you here…!

– Don’t get me wrong! That’s already over…! And I’m not here to help you…! I just don’t want to see you being pushed around by those kids…!

“…Isn’t that just a confession?”

“Come to think of it… even when I introduced you to a colleague I knew…”

-I’m sorry, but I don’t like women who are weaker than me. And a woman who gets in the way of her job.

“… Anyone who sees this is the only hero. Is there any other woman who can overcome you with common sense and can’t even interfere with your work?”

“This… you know! Chris!”

“Do you see Chris as a woman?”


It was absolutely not.

“…Looking at this, he’s not just an arrogant bastard… he’s a pure boy with a girly sensibility.”

“What is a girl’s sensibility?!”

Rather, it was a denial that gave a definite answer.

“Can’t you honestly confess?”

“…Should I just throw these away?”

“I would rather do that.”

At those words, Leo asked with frozen eyes.

“…Is that so? Do you want me to live? Your enactment…”

“Isn’t it for you? Or do you think it’s for us?”

“…Then for whom?”

“Do you know when that hero is the only one who smells like a person? You know who’s always there when you’re smiling while dealing with that person?”

On the other hand, the co-workers seemed to laugh at how cute Leo’s expression was. At the same time, the female knight inserted the words of conversion to make it clear.

“Ha… I was lucky enough to have a drink with the hero once. But do you know what the hero said when he was completely drunk? Just calling your name…”

At that moment, Leo’s expression distorted.

To the extent that everyone around him becomes rigid.

“…Clearly, the entrance to the basement of Goseong on the map was… the only place we came in, right?”

“…right? Why is that…”

Leo grabbed his comrades and pushed them to the other side. Then he jumped to the side.

Arya recognized the reason as soon as she saw it.

A small light caught in Leo and Arya’s eyes. Such a flash of light had caught my eye in the basement, where there was only one entrance, behind the entrance, in the basement without a single window.


The light that flickered slightly in the distance swells up rapidly, burning a fire horse of a size that is incomparable to the chicks I caught as a child.


A subsequent explosion and roar descended, and debris blocked the exit.

“…the exit is…!”

“Don’t lose your mind!! From the publication…!”


Nerves are burning with hot pain. It wasn’t just because of the flames like the meteorite that flew in earlier. Just by touching the breath of an organism, the skin was warning of burns with pain.

“Harm…!! expression…!!”

Tinnitus sounded first with fear, and screams with pain. Because one of his comrades was torn in four with one swing of his hand.

Balrog had already reached the distance to annihilate everyone by moving his feet and wings for one moment.


everyone was frozen

Some of the ogres on the upper and lower level boundaries have been caught, so most of the tension may have been relaxed.

It was so unusual for such a monster to suddenly appear.

“…Wake!! If you go like this, everyone will die!”

The only thing that moved was Leo.


Leo pushed the three remaining companions away with his sword. And then he cries out loudly.

“Even if you are blocked, you can get out if you clear the rubble!! I’ll buy some time, so get rid of the rubble!!”

“Then you…!”

“Shut up!! I’m not dying!!”

Leo said with a smile close to the truth.

“Because I haven’t told him anything yet…!!”

Saying that, Leo rushed straight to Balrog.


Flesh and sword only collided, and sparks flew out. And without the blades rising, Leo’s weight is pushed away by the recoil.


In the following blow, if you just touch that fingertip, your life will be lost along with the flesh.

Leo, on the other hand, shifted his weight backwards and swallowed backwards altogether. With trembling hands, he did not forget to pick up the spear, a keepsake of a dead colleague.


Saying that, Leo just broke the spear. Then he threw the spear towards Balrog’s eyes.


Screaming with pain resounding The broken spear was surely lodged in Balrog’s eyes. At the same time, when a blind spot appeared, Leo rode up on Balrog’s back.


Auror’s clumsy hand makes a burning sound. The auror to maintain nerves did not slow the movement, but the pain from the burn remained the same.


Cheers and screams ring at the same time. He also inserts a broken spear into Balrog’s opposite eye.


“With this…”

Balrog held a flame from his mouth. If it was blown out like that, it was clear that this basement would become a sea of fire.

“…not yet… not finished…!!”

Leo untied the belt with the flowers hanging from the window. Still, he tied it to Balrog’s mouth and tightened it completely to keep his mouth shut.

Balrog kept his mouth shut and ran wildly in pain. The sensation of bullfighting on the fire plate, the bones are dislocated, and burns every time they come in contact with the skin.

“…please please…!!”

Leo prayed almost madly, looking towards the exit. The comrades were barely opening a gap in the melting wreckage with their battle hammers and shields.

“…done! now…!”

The moment Leo was about to give instructions,


Leo fell straight from his back. The moment an explosion occurred on my back, I couldn’t get enough strength to hold it in my arms.


A fully grown Balrog was able to breathe fire even from its pores. Of course, even the tied belt was burned with flames, and even the spear stabbed in the eye was melted.

“Crew aa Crew!!”

And it was also possible to shoot a huge fireball in the direction of his comrades.


The flames collide. I can’t see anything because of the smoke. But maybe it didn’t matter.

Because I don’t want to see anything now.

Exit completely blocked by melted debris

The corpses of my comrades melted and mixed with the wreckage.


Leo rushed to Balrog like crazy.

The anger that killed a comrade, the sadness that can no longer be lived.

longing for what to do.

resentment for what you want to do.

Despair to your helpless self.


When emotions swirl like that,

“…Sorry, I’m late.”

A warrior with a holy sword came.

Immediately after breaking through the wreckage that the remaining comrades were trying to open up with all their might.

He cuts down the monster that he couldn’t defeat even with all his tactics.

“…I’ll save you alone. Leo.”

The warrior said so.

It was then that I felt something breaking.

To Leo who was watching.

Even to Aria who was watching.

Everything in the world was detestable, and the most detestable among them was himself.

2nd Rank Has Returned

2nd Rank Has Returned

2인자는 회귀했다
Score 7.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I regressed to defeat the world’s best number one. But the eyes of the first person looking at me are unusual. Why is that…?


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not work with dark mode