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0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 71

0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 71

“Only we are the ones who can understand the fate of this continent and save the people who are being played by false gods.”

The worshipers were those who believed that light rather corrupts the world and only darkness can save the continent. They strongly insisted that this place contaminated with light be purified with darkness.

“Until now, light had dominated the continent, but now it is different. Soon the darkness will engulf the continent.”

For the past 300 years, the continent has lived under the rule of light.

The worshipers hid underground from the light, waiting for the time, and the time had finally arrived.

The Tekina, who can be said to be the rulers of darkness, are releasing the seals one by one and appearing in the world.

“But there is a place that is a big stumbling block for us.”

The worshipers gathered at the roundtable nodded as if they already knew who it was.

“Aslan. He is interfering with everything we do!”

“All the darkness I managed to resurrect since he appeared is disappearing!”

“If we don’t do anything, the darkness will disappear again with the light.”

The worshipers began to raise their voices.

At first, as planned, little by little the seals on the Techinas were released, releasing the darkness on this continent again.

However, all plans went awry when Aslan began to appear.

No matter how powerful demons were summoned, they would die at Aslan’s hands, which was maddening for them.

“It is very likely that Aslan is the one prophesied according to the prophecy of Notrad.”

“huh. A prophecy about the Knight of Light? I don’t believe in the prophecies of that senile old man.”

“You can’t just ignore it. Notrad was the greatest prophet of his time. That is why the prophecies he left behind must have been known until now.”

Notrad’s Prophecy.

It was a prophecy that recorded what disasters would come to this continent in the future and what kind of crisis the continent would fall into.

People are interested in this prophecy not simply because a devastating disaster is predestined.

It was because of the content about the knight of light who would save this continent.

Have you always said that people are crazy about heroes?

That is why the people were enthusiastic about this terrifying prophecy.

“More and more people are recognizing Aslan as the Knight of Light. Although the temple denies this, don’t we know? That his power is beyond imagination.”


There was a moment of heavy silence.

Then the eldest of these worshipers spoke up.

“Now that this has happened, we have no choice but to take special measures.”

“If it’s a special measure…”

“Let’s summon the Great Devil.”


In the eyes of those who were startled, there was a question whether they were serious now.

“The Great Evil…. Isn’t that too sooner than the original plan?”

“The reason we don’t break the seals of the Techinas all at once is because it has to be within the controllable range. If you summon them indiscriminately, we will be out of control.”

They weren’t just crazy about black magic.

It was actually simple that they wanted to drive the light out of the darkness.

lust for power.

The desire to put this continent under their feet.

It was to use that means to break the seal of the Techina people, and it was not something like this to hand over the continent to the Techina.

In that sense, summoning the Great Demon carries a huge risk.

“Isn’t that something you don’t know until you try it? After gaining experience many times over the years, we are finally able to summon various demons. And little by little, we succeeded in moving them as we intended. Summoning the Great Demon is the same way.”

“No matter what, the Great Devil is…”

Read at noblemtl.com

Great Devil.

None of them have ever faced the Archdemon.

However, 300 years ago, the great demons turned this continent into hell, and information about their strength and cruelty was so vast that it could not be recorded.

There is a saying that even a single great devil can ruin a castle.

Among the great demons, their power was so unpredictable that the entire kingdom was wiped out depending on their rank.

“Then you’re going to let go and see it like this? If we continue like this, we will never be able to achieve our will! Even if you are afraid of the power of the Great Devil, you will never know until you try it. Besides, if you stay like this, you won’t be either one or the other anyway.”

They have been hiding in the shadows for a long time, waiting for the world of darkness to come.

Therefore, it was impossible to return to that terrible underworld again.

“Let’s do something!”

“If you push with the quantity, there is nothing you can do about it, even if you are the greatest devil.”

“The power won’t be the same as before due to the war 300 years ago, so we should be able to fully control it!”

Disparate opinions came together.

The result of the gathering of desire to grab hold of the world.

It was the resurrection of the Great Devil, which is not lacking even if it is called the greatest disaster of this land.

* * *

“Purify the forest, punish the worshipers, and block the ambush attack by the church. But I am…”

You got nothing.

I wouldn’t know if I had eaten at least one demon.

“It’s really value for money.”

It feels like I just served hard without gaining anything.

If there’s one thing you’re lucky about,

“That you got one of these psychokinesis skills?”

I slowly raised my sword with telekinesis.

Like other skills, it is an ability that is proportional to my strength, but there is something I felt while doing it consistently.

Psychokinesis means that the more you do it, the stronger it becomes.

like a muscle.

So now I could move not only one sword, but two with my telekinesis.

“Of course, if you use instant strength, you can use thousands of swords rather than two swords.”

I’m glad I’m still growing like this.

Will there ever come a day when I can wipe out my enemies with just this telekinesis instead of relying on momentary supernatural power?

If you keep playing the game, eventually the power of the character you’ve been raising will become so strong that you end up filming a matchless by yourself, and I wondered if that would be possible with this Aslan.

“Maybe it’s possible if we can use the momentary strength infinitely?”

In order to make that possible, I had no choice but to collect abilities and items from all over the place.

“Please give me one item, please.”

That was when I was begging and resenting the developers.

“Standby division commander. This is Aaron. May I come in?”

At the sound of that voice, his bowed head straightened and his back straightened.

I said after clearing my throat.

“Come in.”


Aaron, Hores, Alexander, Raphael, and Hariel entered the office.

“Meet the Grand Knight Commander… Ugh!”

On their way in, they noticed two swords flying around me and halted.

“Sit down.”

“Ah, yes.”

I slowly returned the two swords to their original positions.

Even if I wanted to put it down quickly, it wasn’t easy because I wasn’t used to telekinesis yet.

“indeed······. It is a great realm. The swords only follow the command of the Grand Division Commander.”

“Is that a swordsmanship technique that can be reached when the Divine Swords Union is reached?”

Following Aaron, even Alexander’s eyes sparkled.

It was a skill that had nothing to do with me at all.

It’s just a grabbing technique that can be seen as telekinesis.

Compared to the characteristics you have, it’s shabby mate.


“To be endlessly devoted.”

There’s no way this guy’s bravado would go past this.

“If you work hard to the end, you too will be able to reach this stage someday.”


Aaron and Alexander responded in a loud voice and strengthened their will.

If those two find out that I’m a can with no new swordsmanship or sword swordsmanship, how will they change…

Hmm. It’s terrifying to think about.

“Following the paladins, the priests have all decided to follow the Grand Master.”

At that time, I slightly frowned at Horeth’s words.

“I thought your loyalty to the church would be strong.”

“Seeing that Luminaire got scared and ran away by herself, she seemed to have completely abandoned her trust in the Church.”

“The Paladins have a lot of combat experience, so I think they will be a great help to the Knights in the future.”

Whatever rots, it’s Junchi.

Since they were priests and paladins who followed Luminaire, they would do more than average hits.

“It’s great to have new talent in our magic corps.”

Raphael seems to be satisfied too.

So, can I just write it?

It seemed like it would be better to prepare for it in advance, in case they might fall for the deception of the church again and cause trouble later.




“Ah yes.”

Hariel has been in that state ever since I collided with Luminaire.

“Make sure you hold onto it well so that the Paladins and Priests don’t shake.”


I looked at Hariel, who answered weakly, and asked.

“Or are you already shaking?”


“I understand. Since me and the church are fighting, you can’t help but be shaken. You can go back if you want to go back.”

“Ji, are you serious?”

“yes. I know very well how you feel about the Church. Even though they tried to kill me and you at the same time by moving the luminaire, if you still can’t abandon the church, isn’t it inevitable? I respect your choice, Hariel.”

Please don’t go back to the church.


Hariel looked at me blankly for a moment and then said.

“It’s a matter of my choice.”

“yes. It is only your choice. You have always chosen by and for the Order, but no one can force or suppress your choice. So make your own choice.”

“Would you really stop stopping me if I made the choice to return to the Order?”

Of course I want to stop!

If I could, I would throw my whole body at it to stop it.

Because she is a very precious named character that I have.

But I know Hariel’s character.

[free will]

They dislike being forced to make choices and have to make their own decisions through free will.

Until now, Hariel could be seen as forced to make a choice by the church, but in reality this is not the case.

It just seemed like the church was forcing them to make a choice, but it was all Hariel’s own choice.

‘I can tell just by looking at the current situation.’

Even though she clearly knew that being by my side was dangerous, she sent her subordinates to the church first and stayed here alone, almost dying at the hands of Luminaire.

In fact, Hariel only thought that he had been forced to make a choice by the church.

Therefore, if I forced her to make a choice, it might cause a reaction, so I deliberately handed over the choice to her.

“yes. I have no intention of stopping you. I don’t even deserve it.”


“I will continue to respect your choices, Hariel. Even if it leads to endangering my life.”

Hariel looked at me with a slightly surprised look.

Right then.

“Standby division commander! I have something urgent to tell you!”

Hearing the driver’s urgent voice from outside the office, I brought him inside.

“What’s going on?”

“I beseech you. It is urgent news that the King of Omer, Elberstein, is currently crossing the border and coming to the palace here!”

What about Elberstein?

You didn’t send any subordinates, and you crossed the border directly without notice?

Because of Elberstein’s [loyalty] trait, he probably wasn’t coming to stab me in the back.

If so, it means that something urgent has happened without time to notify.

“Let’s all go. I need to know why Elberstein came all the way here without a word.”


I left the office with my men to meet Elberstein.

However, there was one person who couldn’t follow suit.

It was Hariel, who seemed to be still in trouble.

* * *


Hariel just stared at the back of Aslan, who left the office fluttering his cape in a splendid way.

‘I respect your choice, Hariel.’

It was something I had never heard from anyone before.

On the battlefield, he showed infinitely cold and terrifying eyes, but when he talks to himself, he becomes infinitely softer.

“What should I do?”

It is a body that has dedicated its life to the church.

It is a body that has sworn to dedicate its life to Rahal.

The oath that seemed like it would never be broken or broken was shaking here and now.

But the trouble didn’t last long.

As Aslan said, the choice was entirely up to him.

Until now, decisions had been made for and by the church, but now, just once, I wanted to make a choice for myself.


She undid the necklace hanging around her neck.

It was a necklace imbued with holy light magic, and a sacred sign that she belonged to the church and that it was the sword that protected it.

“I don’t need this anymore.”

After tearing off what had been restraining me for so long, I felt something pierce through my heart.

Hariel put the necklace on Aslan’s table.

Then, after gently sweeping the seat where he was sitting, he left the office with a smile.

A faint light began to leak from the necklace she left behind.

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01초 소드마스터
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
In an instant, in that brief moment, I am the strongest.


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not work with dark mode