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0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 163


0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 163

‘This, how did this happen…!’

The Dragon of Chaos could not understand this situation.

Apparently, just a moment ago, he flew in the sky and showed off that he was the strongest dragon on this continent.

However, at just one word from that human, he lost his dignity and fell to the ground.

And he fell down, crushed under the feet of the human.

‘This is impossible!’

As the strongest race, as the strongest dragon, this was unacceptable.

He twisted his body and tried to get up somehow, but his body couldn’t move.

What the hell is this all about?

Even Rahal can’t subdue himself with just his voice.

If that were the case, he wouldn’t have created something like a celestial dragon to fight against himself.

‘For a moment.’

At that time, there was a thought that passed through the mind of the dragon of chaos.

‘What if it wasn’t Rahal?’

Rahal is the god of light.

Therefore, he cannot give orders to the Dragon of Chaos.

On the other hand, Remegeton, the god of darkness, was the only being in this world who could give orders to himself.

‘No way······!’

Only then did the dragon of chaos seem to open its eyes that had been closed for so long.

Look at this human

He is not at all afraid of the dragon, which should have been feared as a mere human, like a pet kept at home.

Rather, isn’t he showing that he is thoroughly above, and has an arrogant look in his eyes.

He said he could handle anything like you.

And those eyes resembled him.

He creates himself and is the only one who can deal with it.

That’s Lemegeton.

But he couldn’t be in a human body.

Besides, if he really was him, he wouldn’t even fight with himself.

If so, what do you mean?


I was thinking about that.

Relexion felt that the power that bound him was gone.

But he was troubled.

Should I get up right away, or should I just stay still?

That’s why it’s the reason why it’s still standing still, so Relexion moves its body slightly.


“Who dared to move?”

The knife-like voice pierced his ears and made Relexion’s body tremble.

But if you want to be really sure who your opponent is, you can’t stand still like this.

Fear arose in the heart, but the dragon of chaos forced its body to rise and roared.

Then he looked straight at Aslan and said.

[I will ask. Are you really Rahal?]

But he couldn’t get an answer to that.

Instead, they only heard Aslan’s wrathful scoldings.

“You are cheeky. You look down at me again.”

Lee Lexion snorted strongly and said.

[Don’t you have any intention of answering? If so, I will have to listen to it by force.]

He spread strong magic all over the place and activated the dragon’s unique skill, Fear.



Then people started to fall all over the place.

No matter how strong they are, they flinch in front of the dragon’s peer.

However, it is Relexion, the strongest of dragons, who is activating Fear right now.

Rylakan and Eltich staggered, gasping for breath.

[Success. Before my great power.]

Relexion focused his power towards Aslan.

To somehow bring him to his knees.


“What a ridiculous power.”

Despite this tremendous piercing, Aslan did not break.

No. He didn’t even flinch.

Other humans are fainting without being able to breathe.


“Take a good look, little creature. That is what true power is.”


More evil than the Dragon of Chaos, a greater dark power began to rise from its body.


Magi rising like fireworks.

Two evil eyes drawn in the middle were looking right through Relexion.

Relexion was at a loss for words for a while because of the demonic air that he could not dare to touch.

And he realized

He now realizes that it is not Rahal he is dealing with, but Remegeton, the master of darkness and the one who created him!


Power enough to casually trample the peers of the dragon of chaos.

As a result, Lee Lexion fell to the ground once again.

But this time there was no shame, no anger, no embarrassment.

Rather, I was filled with joy enough to bring tears to my eyes.

The joy of knowing that his owner, who disappeared somewhere underground a long time ago, has returned.


The power of Remegeton, huge enough to overturn the entire sky, flashed for a very short time and then disappeared.

As the power holding him down disappeared, Relexion slowly rose from his seat.

And he sent out a whole tone that only Remegeton could hear.

[Owner. I am your servant Please forgive me for the rudeness of not recognizing you earlier.]


Aslan just looked at himself without answering.

Doesn’t silence mean positivity soon?

If he was really angry, he wouldn’t let go of his strength as easily as he did, and he would have continued to ram the Relexion into the ground and pushed it all the way down into the basement.

Remegeton has enough power to do so.

[But why did you come in a human body? If you are the same as before, you should already be able to shatter this continent and tear the heavens and Rahal to pieces!]


This time, he said nothing.

I just look at you without saying a word.

[Also······. You must have plans I dare not imagine. As always, I believe in you. Master.]

Relexion could be seen in Aslan’s sharp eyes.

It means infinite trust in yourself.

Wasn’t there something he could tell without having to say it?

That was it now.

[I will wait for the day my master calls me again.]

Lee Lexion spread his wings vigorously from side to side and let out a loud roar.

It was a roar of joy that fully expressed the joy that the master of darkness had returned.

Then he flew high into the sky and got out of there.

It was a pity to part with the owner again like this, but he left this regret behind for the day he was planning.

* * *


Why did you suddenly leave?

Couldn’t you just make a U-turn and come back?

I had all sorts of thoughts.

‘They stared at me blankly, so I looked at them together, but they just left by themselves?’

I had already used up all my skills, and all that was left was this foolish bluff, so I had a snowball fight with Relexion.

But after staring at me for a while, he flew off somewhere.

That massive, massive body disappeared in an instant and was no longer visible.

‘It’s a strange thing. It’s not like he went to the bathroom suddenly.’

Is it real sh*t?

“The dragon of chaos was frightened by Your Majesty and ran away!”

It was then.

As Aaron shouted in a loud voice, the other knights also shouted in unison.

“Your Majesty has driven out the Dragon of Chaos!!”

“Your Majesty has defeated the Dragon of Chaos!”


In their eyes, it seemed like I had defeated the Dragon of Chaos.

Seeing them roar with voices full of emotion and joy.

Then all you have to do is to enjoy it and laugh.

“The pitiful bastards.”

There was no way this guy’s bravado would go unnoticed.

“Are my soldiers, and the empire’s strongest corps, making things difficult for me because they can’t stop just one thing?”


I continued my conversation while slowly glancing left and right.

“Jim raised you to be the strongest. But you’re falling far short of Jim’s expectations. How can you protect this continent and its people with such weak power?”

“Your majesty. However, the opponent is a dragon of chaos, said to be the strongest among dragons…”

“Shut up! Its notoriety is only high, and it is just a dragon in disguise.”


They seemed at a loss for words.

Even though Eltihi, Lailakan, and all of my offensive resources rushed at once, I couldn’t defeat the Dragon of Chaos.

It didn’t make sense in the first place to bring down such a bastard.

But as if that didn’t matter, my bravado was burning even hotter.

“You, raised by Jim, have nothing that I cannot deal with on this continent. Even so, the reason you can’t do that is because of the fear that remains in a corner of your heart. Still haven’t let go of that fear. What a shame.”

“Cow, I apologize.”

“Please forgive me, Your Majesty!”

They all knelt in front of me and bowed their heads.


“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Intensify military training. Take responsibility and increase their power. If not, my wrath will come upon you.”

“Yes! I absolutely will!”

Aaron yelled at his throat to burst.



Horace also answered, struggling to raise the old voice.

From noble mtl dot com

“Double your armaments now. Just because we unified all the kingdoms into an empire, we shouldn’t lower our armaments. Aren’t threats still lurking everywhere? How long will I have to come down from the throne and take care of you?”

“Cow, I’m sorry.”

“Take responsibility and use your strength to strengthen national power.”


Would you have done it like this?

There was still pressure to choose one of the empress candidates, but thanks to the Dragon of Chaos, she was able to escape from the crisis.

“Tsk tsk. Pitiful things.”

With that said, I turned away from them.


Today, the cloak was fluttering more excessively.

* * *

“Relexion. What happened to this? Why are you just coming out?”

The Babylonians thought that the Berak Empire would be devastated by the Dragon of Chaos. And the start was good.

Numerous attacks followed, but the dragon of chaos did not back down at all, and rather overpowered them.

However, after facing Aslan, he fell down twice, and escaped as if he were running away.


Relexion stared at the Babylonians.

They had no doubt that Aslan was Rahal.

That means he didn’t say anything to them.

Thinking that there must be some reason, Relexion kept quiet.

[You will find out soon.]

“What do you mean?”

[His great will. You guys really don’t have blind eyes.]

The Babylonians tilted their heads.

“What the hell are you talking about? Why did you just come out of there? Could it be that Aslan scared you?”

[Of course. There will be no existence on this continent that is not afraid of him.]


Leaving only such enigmatic words, the Dragon of Chaos spread its wings again.

[This is all I can say. The rest is up to you to figure out. And to wait until his time arrives.]

The dragon of chaos flew up in an instant and disappeared.

“What the hell…”

After that, the remaining Babylonians were filled with question marks in their heads.

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01초 소드마스터
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
In an instant, in that brief moment, I am the strongest.


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not work with dark mode