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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 64

Chapter 64 – The Warrior’s Party’s Sex Wizard

“…Last Lord of the Pandemonium, I have something to tell you.”

The eyelids that were closed were lifted, and a purple demonic eye appeared.

The purple demon’s eyes blankly glanced at the empty battleground, ignoring the voice that came from beside her, then slowly closed again.

It was only after 5 minutes had passed that a languid voice came from his mouth.

“It’s not like you’re talking about the lack of servants anyway. I must have said that forced exploitation is someone who will eventually incur resentment.”
“I’d like to say that, but… That is not what I am talking about now.”
“…If only?”

There is life in the dull purple eyes.

Sitting on the throne with his chin resting, he only rolled his eyes at the old butler.

He’s a really old man. The previous generation of demon kings and the previous generation of demon kings had him as their butler, so it is impossible to guess how old he will be.

The demon king blinked his eyes a couple of times in boredom and nodded his head to indicate that he should continue.

“The hero of this generation is looking for a way to open the gate to this place, the Pandemonium.”
“It’s just, um, this is the end. You don’t know if the warriors will attack you even tomorrow.”

That’s pretty much what I was expecting.

The warrior inserts a sword into the demon king’s neck, and the demon king mercilessly tears the warrior apart. Isn’t it a clichéd scenario that has been going on for thousands of years?

The servants were also sent back to their hometowns.

The hero has no choice but to be hostile to the demon tribe, and in the end, he will come to retrieve the head of the demon king, so it was best for him to let the servants go at least to prevent unnecessary sacrifice.

“Hmm… “

Because of that, the castle of demons became a little, no, a lot cold…

Well, to be honest, with his butler to talk to him, he wasn’t lonely.

The Demon King grinned, tilted his head left and right, and slowly raised the giant.

“Get ready, Alphonse. I need to get out.”
“Are you finally going to confront me? Great. If so, declare war on all countries right now… “
“It’s for the human world’s sighting. Wouldn’t it be better to watch how humans live than to wait all day for a hero to come, like a princess kidnapped in the castle of the devil?”
“Um… “

His old butler furrowed his brow, but finally smiled and nodded his head.

“Okay… It is. If so, what kind of person will you visit this time… “

Since he can’t visit Human World in his own form, he creates a false identity every time he visits Human World. The person the butler is talking about must be what he is talking about.

After thinking about it for a while, the demon king said what came to his mind.

“This time, Lemarque, one of the mere adventurers on the street… How much is it Please follow the relevant procedures in advance.”
“Adventurer… Yes, I see… “
“Ah, you will go with me, so you know that.”
“Yes?! That is… “
“How do you know if this will be your last nightlife? Isn’t this the first time we’ve left for the Human World together?”
“After… I will obey the command of the last monarch.”
“Feel so good. Haha!”

There are more things to see in the multi-colored Inworld than in the desolate Demon World.

The appearances and cultures of various humans are incomparably more enjoyable than those of the demons.

Like this, going undercover to mix with humans and watch them was a game and pastime that he continued in between after sitting on the throne.

The Demon King smiled and left the battlefield.

In the place where the cold air lingered, only his butler remained and let out a worried sigh.


“Hmm… Uh… “

Have you ever seen so many people’s eyes focused on you in your life?

To put it bluntly, I had a similar experience when I went up to slavery at the old slave auction.

But at least I was wearing a mat back then, and I wasn’t naked like I am now!

“About Me! You should introduce yourself first!”
“What the fuck are you talking about! At times like this, isn’t it a talent show first?”
“Boo! Just do both!”

I was dizzy because of the loud voices of the knights. Every time I feel the eyes scanning my body, my face heats up.

And this guard post looked small from the outside, but why is it so big?

At first, the inside was full of knights, but now it’s half people and half air because more people keep coming in. What’s this.

“Ugh… I’m Rainier… “
“Stop. You guys, the lady is uncomfortable.”
“Ah, the captain laughed too!”
“Haha! I can’t deny that.”

Still, it’s a place where order is better than expected.

It’s not that I’m not proud of myself, my body is pretty if you look at it objectively. That kind of body is standing naked and dripping with love juice, but close to 100 people are still not rushing at it.

Let’s think about this moment.

How the hell can you satisfy all these people!? Even if each person cums only once… I think my stomach is about to explode!

“Then we have to decide the order… “
“Isn’t the captain going to do it first anyway? It’s like that every day, but what’s new… “
“Well, that’s right.”

I’m of the opinion that if you’re going to get hit, it’s better to get hit quickly.

Moreover, thanks to Iris, your body is in a hot state right now. It would be better to throw it away with the help of this heat than to heat up again later.

“Then I first… Hmm?”

Even if 100 people say one word at a time, it is 100 words.

It’s embarrassing to just listen to the knights talking naked, and I don’t want this time to be prolonged.

I knelt in front of the captain and unbuckled my trousers. He was startled for a moment, but soon he pretended to be nothing and stroked my hair, making a fuss.

“Flaw… “

The male’s concentrated scent spreads out as soon as he lowers his pants. A smell several times thicker than the smell I smelled from Ab the other day makes my head dizzy.

“Haha! Didn’t Iris-sama choose a pretty amazing person this time?”

It’s okay though. I can stand it now.

I whimpered and took off my underwear, and before I knew it, I brought my mouth to the cock that towered high in the sky. However,

“Flaw… I can’t. For now, I have to start with one step out.”

I let out a pitiful scream because of the captain who pushed my body roughly and climbed on top of it.

I wanted to start softly… Apparently, people don’t want to do that.

The captain violently spread my legs apart and put his cock into my moist cunt.

“Ha uh… ! It’s a thousand, a thousand, a thousand… “
“Oh oh… This tightening… ?”
“How is it? It seems to come alive, doesn’t it?”
“Everything! It’s just like a virgin pussy accepting a cock for the first time!”

The cock, the second in my life, thrusts its head into my pussy, which has long been rusted, and I hold him with my legs wide apart to make it easier to penetrate while covering my blushing face with both hands.

It’s embarrassing, of course. What are you doing with so many people?

Still, if I can get revenge on Chloe who took everything from me, I can endure it.

That bitch took off my precious ring too, so I took it off… ! That bitch!

“More… That… “
“Hmm? What?”

Yeah, I don’t have time to be so late.

I have to go get Abu back soon!

“Harder… It’s okay if you put it on. Others, please use my body as much as you want.”
“I, really? They won’t intentionally hurt you, but they’re close to 100… “
“Are you okay. I’m a sex changer… Come on… !”

Even though the female said this, the knights only looked at each other and were unable to step forward. Even the leader is considerate of me and moves his waist gently, which makes me feel stuffy.

How will we do it. What can I say to make these men go into heat right away and attack me?

“Hmm… I get it. If you want something rough, a little… “
“I am Rainier. He’s the sex processing wizard of the Hero party.”
“All I know how to do is shake my butt… I am a lecherous mazo sow wizard.”

The words come out easily because it is sincerity without a single lie. The voices of the chattering knights soon ceased.

I went on and on, applauding my wit inwardly.

“You can strangle her, or you can mess with her vagina. Please, please enjoy eating my vulgar pussy and body.”

Every time I speak, I feel like my dignity as a human being is being shaved off, but the intense sense of immorality that makes my head melt makes my body tremble. The lower abdomen is tight.

Exciting. I’m so, so excited…

I want to get dirty more. I want to make a complete mess so Abu will regret it.

“Look at my toilet… Please use it to your heart’s content… “

As I uttered my last words, silence reigned in the guard post.

I wouldn’t know if I screamed, but it’s awkward because it’s quiet enough that I can hear my heartbeat. Captain, why did your waist stop again!


Fortunately, however, one of the knights in the front jumped up and approached me, as if he liked my toilet declaration.

“Under… ! Captain, then I will write the mouthpiece.”
“…Ah, yes.”

Alone, I untied the front of my pants, took out my terrifying cock, and brought it to my mouth.

At the same time, the knights who had been silent clamored.

“Fuck… ! I can’t stand it!”
“Get out of the way, you bastard! I’ll fuck you in the ass!”
“I am the goddaughter! Meat toilet lady, be my goddaughter!”
“Khah… I’m an armpit, damn it!”

Ah… My eyes are full of men.

Men who come from training and are full of the smell of sweat, their pants swollen like they’re about to explode.

All horny males who are so excited to fuck me…♡

The captain’s cock, which had stopped, began to move violently, as if he were also stimulated by my words.

Squeak- sizzle-
“Huh! Leader, please sleep, haha… !”
“How are you? I’m proud to say that I’m the best cock in my age group, right?”
“Black! Chego clothes! Hi! Haha…♡”

Fain! Fang, Fang!
Cheeks and pubic bones collide violently. The pleasure from the cock scratching the vaginal wrinkles was far greater than the pain felt from colliding with the bone.

“Hey… ! Look at Rainier, let’s break it more… How… !”

Someone lifted me up and pierced my twitching backside. Naturally, no lubrication was applied, so a burning pain engulfed her buttocks.

It was almost at the same time that his cock violently dug into his mouth.

Zboob! Tzu-bub- Tzu-buop-!
While shaking her waist up and down, she grabs the cock of which she doesn’t know who it belongs to in both hands and shakes it.

Men are also clinging to her breasts, sucking on the flowing milk. It’s like raising multiple babies.

Dozens of hands and tongues groping and licking me here and there.

Neck, ear, armpit, waist. It feels like tentacles are stuck everywhere.

“Huh! Heh, whoa!!”

The first circumstance, as expected, was the leader.

The sticky semen was wrapped in his vagina, and he stepped back with an awkward smile at the fact that he had ejaculated faster than expected.

Fortunately, before I could feel the pity that the cock was gone, a healthy, stiff new cock penetrated my cunt.

“Huh… Crazy! You want to see this?”
“Why is the class different from that of a prostitute?”
“Of course… ! Even though the leader just wrote it, what tightening… Ugh… !”

Happy. The body floats up and down.

Ecstatic The world looks dazzlingly beautiful.

No matter how far I go, my stamina won’t go down. That energizer was really good.


The semen of the knights masturbating while watching me rained down.

Not only the glossy hair, but also the face, thighs, and soles of the feet.

Some knights began to smear semen on his hair and use it as a lubricant to shave his hair. Another knight rubbed his cock against his ear and began to spread his pre-cum.

“Huh… ! Khehe! Cough Coke… !”
“You were too strong… ?”
“More! Do more! It makes me feel better!”

Only then can I tell if Iris asked for it or if I asked for it.

It makes me wonder what it would be like if I forgot Abbey for a moment and lived like this for the rest of my life.

Meals can be replaced with semen, and above all, it feels good, so wouldn’t it be okay? But all my life, my body only smells like semen… Are you feeling a bit uncomfortable?

“Cheap, everything… ! Suck!”

This is the second vaginal ejaculation. Hot semen began to accumulate on the anal side as well.

Slowly, I feel the semen swaying in my stomach. If we collect all the semen for 100 people here, what will happen then?

Looking down for a moment, my body was in a state where my bare skin was barely exposed.

The sticky white cream covers the whole body, and the rough parts of the body are kneaded by men’s rough hands. It’s really creepy and nice to look at.

“Huh! Heh, ahhh♡ Go! Oh again… Gandya ah… !”

I don’t know how many climaxes I’ve already had.

If you satisfy one man, the next one. If you satisfy that man, the next man again.

There are even numerous men whose sexual desire does not die after a single fight, such as a man who is wrapped up in the back of his pussy moving to another place to come in his pussy.

“Eww… Ab… “

Suddenly, memories from my childhood come to mind.

While playing in the water by the stream, when the water got into her eyes and made her cry, Ab was startled and ran to her.

Now, even though I have semen in my eyes and shed tears, no one cares about me. Rather, they slap me on the buttocks and breasts and push me even harder.

Nevertheless, I feel happiness and pleasure in such indifference. She is delighted by tightening her pussy and back pussy.

“Flaw… Was it the second time? You should mark it.”

A knight came with a quill and drew two sticks across my thigh. After a while, a knight cummed again, and the number of sticks increased to three.

No matter how good your fitness is… Will it be possible to stay intact until 100 of these sticks are filled?

“Huh, huh uhh ♡ let’s go again! Hehe♡”

So I spent three days buried in sticky pleasure.

Iris, who said she would visit me once a day, finally came to visit me, and at that time, the stick drawn on my thigh was already…


The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode