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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 62

Chapter 62 – The Princess’ Pet

– Aang! A little harder… ! Please put it deeper ab… ! Hehe!

What can be seen beyond the crystal ball is the scene of a sticky sex affair.

The blonde female and the equally blonde male are aligning their bellies.

The female was writhing in pleasure, with tears hanging from her closed eyes, and the male was shaking her waist, squeezing her female breasts with her firm arms.

Every time the bed creaked, the sounds of exultation and breathing tinged with pleasure leaked out. It was a sound that made me worry that the bed might collapse.

“Ah, Reese-sama… This…”

I murmured in dismay and looked at the back of the man in the video. It is a very familiar head and body.

Hopefully not.

But that nickname…

– Haha! Oops, ab oops… ! ♡
-Joayo! More! Deeper… ! Haang!

The man thumped his waist with a couple of big movements, then pulled out his cock just before the feeling of ejaculation came rushing in.

It felt so awkward to hear such a familiar voice making such rough breathing.

The woman trembled in ecstasy, but for a moment, she slowly raised her body and groped for it here and there.

That’s what I found. She smiled Betsy in satisfaction, cupping her hand around her cock and rocking it back and forth.

Tzu-bub- Tzu-bub- Tzu-bu-up-
The sound of sticky water flowed out, and soon after, thick semen spurted out on the woman’s face with her eyes closed.

It was a situation that was surprising enough because the man had not warned at all. But she didn’t care, rather she licked her semen from her face with her tongue in a strange way.

-Ha… Today was good ah. I think I’m still thumping because of how arrogant he was…
-That’s right, Chloe’s body is so hot.
-Oh my goodness. Better than Mr. Rainier?
-Of course. Also looks… Chloe is much more beautiful.
-Puheh… Jeongma egg… If you praise me like that, you’ll get hot again? Haum…

The woman kissed her glans with her tiny lips, then she swallowed her cock up to the root in one gulp.

I took my eyes off her vacantly as I watched the woman toss and turn her head, her snoring contentedly.

Somehow, when I said my vision was blurry, it must have been tears. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and asked Iris.

“This, this video… What the hell… ?”

Actually, I know what video it is. Even so, the reason I ask is because I want to hear that this video is a lie and that it was faked.

Tell me It’s a fake made to surprise me, tell me.

Perhaps because of the shock, my body trembled. As I was shaking my body, Iris-sama carefully hugged me and answered me calmly.

“This is the ‘Crystal Ball of Truth’. It shows the truth you want to avoid, but the truth you must know.”
“Huh… “
“In fact, it’s just a magic tool that shows the scene the target hates the most.”

Finally, Iris-sama murmured so quietly that I couldn’t hear.

But I was too preoccupied to think what the word was. The only thing I could do was hold back from wanting to cry out of sadness.

Iris-sama, with tears in her eyes, took me into her arms and said,

“How… I guess… You must have seen a bad scene… “

I lay down on the sofa in the corner of the living room. When the feeling of stability came from the soft cushioning that supported my back, I cried profusely while covering my face with both hands.

Ab and Chloe… Both of you are liars You were playing with me…

The sad feeling gradually turns into a sense of betrayal and anger.

It creates synergy with the body that was hot from before, burning more and more, adding to the anger.

“Ah, ab… I trusted only Ab and waited until the end… Meanwhile, Ab… “
“Yes, yes. Keep talking.”
“Actually… The reason I didn’t notice that I was being violated was because I had already left my heart… ? So, what is it… I really locked myself in a villa… It was… Whoops!”

I gave up everything to be with Ab.

He left home, and even though he was raped every day by Jihyun and Rafe, he only tried to show his smile.

The result is that the person I thought was my man cheated on me with the friend I trusted the most.


Suddenly, an intense headache makes my eyes go blank.

I crouched in a shrimp position, trying to find the most stable position possible, and with my face tucked between my knees, I wrestled with the flood of memories running through my head.

“Les, Miss Rainier! Are you okay? Come to your senses!”
“Head… Head… ! Kyaaaaagh!”

Rainier. Blue. Mazo sow. Who am I? There’s no way Ab will betray me. Chloe. In Lyon. I like vanilla ice cream. Egg Steak. I want to be adventurous. Who was I? This is Lenny. The sky is clear. Berry Easy Mode Another World. I’m sorry Hyunwoo. I hate brainwashing, it hurts. Rafe’s Cock Is The Best Hit me more, sister. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I want to live happily…

“Lenny!! Breathe! Then die… !”
“Huak!? Whoa, ha… !”

Thanks to Iris shaking her body, she was able to let out her breath. The eyes have finally fulfilled their role and received visual information.

Lastly, a faint headache strikes, and at the same time, all the forgotten memories come to mind.

Chloe, that crazy bitch. You messed around with my head in the gap where I lost my taste.

I now understand the situation clearly.

Somehow, Abbey fell for Chloe, and after realizing that I was defiled, she tried to keep me locked up, and she decided to dump me here in the end.

“Ugh… Chloe!!”

Eventually, unable to control my anger, I jumped up from the sofa and kicked the table over. Still, his anger did not cool down, so he tore his hair and screamed.

The thought that Iris was watching from the side had already taken a back seat.

I don’t think that the kind and pure Ab was passed on first. Maybe Chloe did some tricks and roasted and boiled Ab.

“Ha… Shivaal! Chloe!!”
“Les, Miss Rainier! Are you okay… ?”
“Huh, ugh… ! Miss Iris… “

Iris was startled and hugged me tightly from behind her. My frail body floated and fluttered in the air.

Yes, Iris, who told me the whole truth and brought back her memories. No matter how many times she thanks her, it’s not enough.

Calm down for once. Since she is still angry here, nothing will change, so she cools her head and calmly looks back at Iris.

She was looking down at me with her eyes wide open.

What will I look like reflected in the wall? Psychopath? Manic-depressive? I’m not sure.

Anyway, even though Iris has a crush on me, the fact that she dared to say shit in front of the imperial family doesn’t change.

Should I apologize? No, in times like this, I’d say thank you first.

“…Thank you. If it wasn’t for Iris-sama, she would have lived as a clown without knowing anything until the end. Thank you so much…”
“Whoops. I’m glad I was helpful.”

After those words, silence fell between me and Iris.

It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. It wasn’t until after her head cooled down that I began to pay attention to her body, which was getting hotter and hotter.

The lump that Iris ate earlier. That would be the effect.

Sexual desire isn’t infested, so it’s probably not the weak-willed kind. What was it?

“That, what you ate earlier… “
“Ah! It’s an invigorator. Miss Rainie seemed to be lacking energy, so I fed her on her own… How is it? Doesn’t your body feel warm and energized?”
“Um… It was like that. Yes, the effect is certain.”

Iris believes. No, to be precise, there was no one to trust except Iris.

Still, it’s fortunate that there is someone to believe in, even if it’s only one person in the world. Besides, that person was not an ordinary person, but the princess of the empire. It’s the best

I hesitated and looked at Iris before carefully opening my mouth.

“Um… Miss Iris.”
“Yes. Tell.”

Devil? Warrior? Goddess? I don’t need any of that anymore.

The role play is over. I’m going to get Av fully back, and I’ll just go back to her hometown and live happily ever after.

Ab is mine no one can give never lose it

“I have someone to bring back. Can you help?”

The first hurdle to do so is, of course, Chloe.

The ability to stop time, the overwhelming divine power, and even the brainwashing ability. It’s not easy to overcome, but with the help of Iris, the princess, it might be possible somehow.

And myself… Pretty confident. It feels like mana is overflowing from my body.

As I knelt down on her sofa and looked up at her Iris with a desperate expression, Iris grinned and helped me up. Then,

“Of course. For today, this is a request from my lover, Miss Rainier, so you have to do anything.”

He said and stroked my hair.

It was a very kind and gentle touch, just like Ab used to do in the past.

Love. Yes, such an affectionate touch, full of warm love…

Her mood soared and she almost laughed like an idiot, but she managed to catch herself and ask what she had been wondering about.

“Well, what does it mean to be lovers from before that?”
“Hmm. What do you mean… I have to show it with actions rather than words.”

To keep loving me, to be my lover.

Is Iris a lesbian like Jihyun?

Then it’s not that I don’t understand… Suddenly in the first place? Is she a princess or someone?

No, if you think about it again, I think I heard that there were a lot of gays and lesbians in the rulers from the old days. Then Iris can do the same.

She nodded her head at my question, and Iris quietly took my hand and stood up from her seat.

“Oh, Iris-sama?”

She had no answer coming back. I used to be proud of being above average by working out recently, but I was dragged along helplessly.

Where we arrived… Just a wall. I leaned against the wall and looked at the floor, avoiding her gaze.

But Iris lifted my chin and she put her hand right next to my head and said,

“Chewup… Chun… “

She licked her tongue once more. The series of movements were so smooth and natural that I accepted her tongue without even feeling strange.

“Chew… “
“Chew… “

It was so skillful that it felt like being sucked into Iris’s mouth.

I was quite proud of myself in kissing now. Maybe it was my own misunderstanding, but I couldn’t resist and lost my pace helplessly.

Kissing my body, which had long since fallen into pleasure, was like a switch to lewdness, so my body began to get wet quickly.

Her eyes widened blankly, and her legs gave way, almost collapsing, but Iris prevented it by putting her leg between hers and mine.

My panties rubbed against Iris’s thighs.

“I’m so happy… ! Hey… Hmm… “

Iris, who is taller than me, hugs my waist, and I put both of my arms around Iris’ neck to barely support myself.

How long has it been since you had such a satisfying kiss that wasn’t violated? I don’t even remember…

Just before reaching her climax with just a kiss like that, right before she showed an unsightly appearance, Iris’ tongue fell off.

I gasped like a beast and called Iris’ name.

“Ha… Iris… Whoops…”
“Plural? Miss Rainier will do anything she wants. Instead, Miss Rainier, please become my lover and listen to what I want.”

When Iris’ legs that supported my body disappeared, I sat down, leaning against the wall. Iris’s pants, which were soaked in my love juice, were stepped on in the snow.

Lover. A beautiful relationship that can only be with someone you love.

Mixing bodies is not done to deal with each other’s sexual desires, but to truly love each other.

Iris is telling me to drop her Ab and come over to her.

No, isn’t that throwing it away? Since I was abandoned first, I am not abandoning anyone.

All I have now is Iris. Then, it wouldn’t be wrong for me to choose Iris.

“If I can… No, no matter what it is, I will do my best to listen to it. Give me a chance to avenge…”
“Ha ha, that’s exactly the attitude Miss Rainier.”

I smiled. Iris also stroked me like I was proud, and she laughed along with me.

With the help of Iris, he will exact revenge on Chloe.

And after getting Abu back, then lock it up just like I did… Hmm… Umm…

I don’t know, let’s think about that later.

“I have something to prepare, so take off your clothes in advance. I’ll be back soon.”

Fortunately, I was able to wake up right away thanks to taking a stimulant or something.

Originally, it would take 5 minutes once the strength in the legs was relaxed. I definitely feel like my stamina has improved.

Maybe at this level, even if Rafe and Jihyun pounced on me all day, I would be able to survive. Even if I add a bit of exaggeration and get eaten by 100 people, I won’t be happy.

Anyway, as Iris told me to take off my clothes, I carefully took off my blouse and skirt and hung them on a hanger.

I hesitated whether to take off her underwear or not… I decided to take it off because I thought it would be more embarrassing to see her heavily stained with breast milk and love juice.

As she was completely naked and stood there awkwardly, covering her breasts and genitals with her arms, Iris, who had been touching something from her cloth, approached her.

The top is still a white uniform.

The problem is below. I took off my pants and revealed the sleek length, but when I looked up from there, there was something elongated in my panties…

“That, that… “

It’s Pennyban! Why do Jihyun and Iris and all the Reds like to attack?

Pennyban, also known as dildo panties. The dildo at the end of the panties really looks like a cock.

It seems that there is also a magical technique involved.

It twitched like a cock, and even transparent pre-cum leaked out every time.

Iris came up to me with her cock, no dildo, and pointed at my crotch with a grin.

“Has the conspiracy been pushed aside? Miss Rainier has a naughty side.”
“Yes?! It’s not like that, it’s because I’m not naturally like that… “
“Well, that’s fine. Follow me, Miss Rainier.”
“Uh, where are you… ?”

Where are you going in this state?

Without a word, Iris grabbed my arm and strode away. The place where her steps stopped was none other than the door leading to the hallway.

“Oh… ? Why is the door… ?”
“Wasn’t that what I wanted to hear?”
“Ah… “
“Let’s go, Miss Rainier. Now, hurry up.”

In the first place, I am not in a position to resist, and I have no intention of resisting.

Anyway, this body that has been polluted for a long time. If I could sacrifice this body to avenge Chloe… Is it beneficial

So I grabbed Iris’s hand and walked out into the hallway of her imperial palace completely naked.


“Lena-! I’m here!”

“Lena, are you sleeping in broad daylight? Why no answer, haha.”

“Leh… Uh?”

“Why half… ? What about Lena?”

“Puhh, uhhh… ! Did Mr. Rainier disappear by any chance? I’m sorry~”
“…Fuck, it’s you. How? I’m sure I’ve never missed one… ?”

“Ha… Seriously, you’re being punished for not listening to me. I kept telling her to be careful, because Mr. Rainier might leave her villa? Phuh!”
“Crazy year. I will kill… !”
“Then shall we trade? If you listen to me, I’ll bring Mr. Rainier. I don’t let go of liberation in the relationship anymore. How is it?”

“I will take silence as an affirmation. Uhhh… ! Great. Very good.”

“So… What shall we order our Ab first? Puhehe ♡”

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode