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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 55

Chapter 55 – The Frustrated Wizard (1)

Gying- Gying- Gying-
A faint vibrating sound. It brought my spirit, which had been sleeping deeply, to the real world.

“Um… “

I tossed and turned in my sleep to find the source of the sound,


Because of the pain in my neck that was about to break, I did not put strength on my body and ended up lying down.

Sore throat… What is it? It hurts so bad… !

In particular, the back of my neck hurts throbbing, as if someone had beaten me. Did someone hit you while you were asleep?

“Huh… “

In addition, the floor that touches the back is soft and not hard. In short, it is a touch that cannot be felt in a tent.

The fear felt in the unknown situation forcibly awakens the mind that was still in a drowsy state.

Having barely opened my eyes, I rolled my eyes and looked around.

The ceiling with luxurious chandeliers, equally luxurious furniture, and the mattress boasting the finest cushioning under me.

It’s a strange room. At least it’s a place I’ve never been to.

Gying- Gying-
It wasn’t long before I wondered why I was in this place, the sound of vibration again caught my attention.

Where do you hear… Very close.

Oh, this is the sound coming from the ring. Ab is making a call.

“Ugh… Hey, hello… ?
– Lena, you woke up! I thought you were still sleeping. What!

Abu’s cheerful voice was heard as he stammered to respond to the communication in a voice that was still locked.

The fear I felt until just now fades away with just one voice from Ab. Ab’s voice, my wonderful warrior, had the power to reassure me.

“Yes… Oh why am I here? Where else are you obviously me… “

Along with the pain in my head, the last memory before I lost consciousness comes to mind.

-Whoops, I’m pervert Ab. I’m a pervert, huh… I’m Rainier, a mad sow who only knows how to prick her pussy.

– Haaang! But don’t throw me away… Because I love Ab, because I can’t do without Ab… Hey, don’t hate me. Even if it’s pervert, uhhh, keep loving me. Kiss me, hug me

-I’ve been like this since the beginning♡ I, black, pussy, if it doesn’t hurt, hehe, I can’t live.

“Ugh… “

Crazy This can’t be my memory. Maybe it’s a dream

It is said that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious, but isn’t it too much to do? Did you do something so vulgar?

Even if you want to think so, the last moment, when you hear Jihyun’s scream after your eyes flash and go away, is something strange.

The pain and sounds I felt at that time are realistic. It’s so realistic that you can even feel the fear.

“I’ve been having strange dreams… Lol. Ahh, I’m so embarrassed in my dream… “
– It’s not a dream, Lena. Everything you remember is what you did in real life.
“Huh… ?”

Ab’s voice is as sweet as usual, but it has a strong artificial feel to it.

It feels like you are hiding your feelings.

That abga? I don’t worry too much because it’s the dominant thought… Ugh, I don’t know

Slowly the pain in her neck subsided as well, so she got up and leaned against the back of her bed.

When I woke up, it was a bigger room. The bed is wide enough to jump on and play on… No, in the first place, the room itself is comparable to the size of a normal house.

I looked around and calmed the agitation in my heart caused by Ab’s words.

After some time, her heart calmed down again, so she calmly cleared her throat and asked Ab.

“Hmm! Abu, what do you mean it’s not a dream? I didn’t even tell you what it was about…”
– Can you tell me? You lifted up your skirt and rubbed your back against me…
“Hey, stop it! Hey, it’s not a dream! Yeah, it’s not a dream… !”

Again, crazy. I wouldn’t even go crazy because of the master’s order, but somehow it seems that I went crazy and narrowly missed the order.

Why did you do that… ? I guess my hair is really weird. To be able to barely resist such an urge and tremble with that damn thing…

What should I explain to Ab. Would he rather have been drinking? Why is it said that it is weak in mind and body?

“Ah, ab… Haha… I’ll explain everything… “
– No, it’s okay. I already know what happened.
“…You know? What?”

That one word from Ab stopped me from trying hard to make excuses.

I know, Rani. What?

The thought of no way sticks out its head, but… I tried hard to suppress it, thinking that it would be impossible.

However, Abu’s subsequent words completely matched that thought.

-Jihyun, Rafe, and Chloe. The three of you were bullying you, everyone knows. I heard everything about being taken for training every day and being violated.
“Uh, how… ? No that… “
– Not being able to sleep every day… Actually, it was because I was suffering all night…
“Eww… To? How to… ? Hey?!”

I rolled out of bed feeling the pain in my heart.

The fear of this situation is greater than the sense of being sick. My beating heart beats like it’s about to burst, sending out an urgent call for help.

AB knows everything.

The fact that I’m dirty. I found out that Rafe and Jihyun had their crotches open and flattered them.

How far do you know? Could it be that I was ejaculated every day, and that I erased it while carrying a child… ?

“Hey, heck… ! Whoa… !”
– Lena! Calm down and breathe, breathe!

You will hate me will be thrown away you will be alone

I hate that. She’s the only one who loves me unless it’s Ab. She’s only trying to rape me.

I heard Ab’s voice trying to calm me down as I gasped for breath.

– Calm down Lena. ‘Cause I’m not mad at you
“Sorry… I was wrong… Originally, I just wanted to take an adventure… I didn’t want to do this… Hehe, I was wrong… !”
“Hey! Me, that, extreme…! Uh, I’ll do anything… ! I’ll do anything, so please don’t throw it away… Please… “

I even chewed my tongue and prayed for my hands to become my feet. Even though Ab couldn’t see me, he knelt down on her floor and rubbed her hands together.

Do you know If I pray this hard, Ab will raise me as a sex slave. That’s enough for me.

She prayed like that for a long time, and eventually her stamina ran out and she fell to the floor. As I panted and caught her breath, Ab let out a sigh of hers and asked me in her low voice.

-Ha… You also need a break. Yes?
“Hey, heh… Sorry, sorry… Wrong… “
-That’s our family’s villa in the capital. It happened that no one lived there, so I took you there for a while.

Villa. It looked nice somehow, but it turned out to be the villa of the Abne family.

…But why me in a place like that?

As she thought about it, her head, which had been flushed with embarrassment and fear, naturally cooled. Reason returns.

Only then did I stop the maniacal apologetics. He exhaled heavily and clung to the floor.

“Huh… Whoa… “
– You seem to have calmed down a bit now. Thank god.
“Ah, ab… Me… “
-Don’t worry, I don’t hate anything. Because I believe in you

Where do you believe in me? I’ve never done anything to earn Abbey’s trust like that.

I masturbated several times because of Abu, but I knew that the cause was also me, no, it was only because of me.

If I had acted wisely from the beginning, or at least had told Ab quickly, this situation would not have come to this.

In the end, I was cheating.

I didn’t just say I love you, didn’t I mix my tongue and rub my body with both of them. If he hadn’t been caught by Ab, he might have whispered love to the end and shook his waist.

I betrayed Ab. She has nothing to say, as she collapsed before pleasure and tried to hide the atrocities of her comrades until the very last moment.

But Ab, who believes in me who is such a trash.

How should I accept this? Is it worth that much to a dirty and broken me?

I chose silence. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I closed my mouth and carefully got up and lay down on the bed.

As I buried myself in the mattress and enjoyed the feeling of her cushion, Ab, who waited for me to calm down for a moment, resumed her words.

-We are going to the imperial palace. I have some business to do with the empress there. Meanwhile you are there…
“We… ? Everyone has gone except me… ?”
-Uh? Yes, yes… Ji?

Cries and tantrums rise.

If Av knows what those guys did to me, how can she stay with me without hitting me? And why did you leave me alone at the villa like this?

Feel bad. I’m hungry for love. I want to be loved even if it is a false relationship, a love that comes from a body relationship.

“You threw it away! I hate myself and throw it away… You left… ! Because I’m dirty… !”
-What… ? No, just to give you some time to be alone. I will be back soon
“Really… ? Really Ab?”
-Of course.

Even a newborn baby will know that my condition is not normal.

The appearance of raising the corner of the mouth brightly at even a small thing and then distorting the expression like a demon cannot be seen as a normal person.

Still, I’m aware of that fact, so maybe it’s a pretty good situation?

– I trust you, Lena. You are the Lena I used to know. She’s pure, innocent Lena who always wanted to go on an adventure.
“Ab… “
– Just 3 days. I might be back sooner if things go well, but… Just wait about 3 days. Never open the door no matter who comes by. Can you do it
“Huh… You can do it.”

If it’s about 3 days… I think you can. No, it’s funny to even think about that in the first place.

What’s so hard about being stuck at home? Even a 5-year-old would understand that.

– Lena, I believe you. Hurry up and get back to your original self.
“Original… Figure? I don’t know. I don’t even remember what I was like… “

Jihyun, Rafe, and Abdo. Everyone tells me that I have changed from my original appearance.

The original me, what the hell was that? It’s depressing to tell me something I can’t even remember.

She was speechless and was silent for a long time, so Ab, who couldn’t stand the silence, ended the conversation first.

-…Anyway, are you going?
“Huh… Go Ab… Must have… ?”

Broken communication. After looking down at the ring in a daze for a long time, I buried my face in the pillow and shed another bagful of tears.

Abb is right.

I don’t know what I used to be, but I shouldn’t be like this.

Ab is a wonderful warrior. If you want to be with someone like that, you can’t be in a dirty state like this.

3 days, let’s get all the bad things out of our heads for 3 days. It is to make my body and mind, which have been stained by those three people, clean again.

Can you do it, Rainier?
You can do it, mmmm?

Huh. Can… Yeah

…But my aspirations were cut short in the kitchen.

“Ugh… Uh, how did you do it?”

Cooking. It seems like there were a lot of things I knew I could do.

My stomach is growling, but I can’t even figure out what to cook.

“Hey, ramen? Kimchi soup? Soy sauce… Egg rice? What is it all about… ?”

The name of a dish with a familiar name passes through my head sequentially, but there is no way I can do it without knowing what it is.

Well, if you think about it, it was all Ab and Leif who did the cooking while adventuring. Jihyun and I were mainly in charge of washing the dishes.

“We don’t even have bread… Hee… “

If you’re going to take someone with you, you should have prepared the ingredients, ab…

Fortunately, I was able to come up with an innovative dish after standing in the kitchen for about 30 minutes and thinking about it.

Haha… Egg Steak! It is a food in which cooking oil is applied to a hot frying pan and a raw egg is released and cooked.

Everyone will be surprised to hear that you can eat eggs this way, right?

“Haum… Well, well… “

Besides, it tastes good. If you make it rare like beef, the flavor is even better.

Shall we ask for a patent on this when Ab comes back? It will definitely hit the jackpot!

Lunch time was spent doing research on various dishes, imagining how to open a restaurant with Ab.

…Unfortunately, no discovery has been made beyond egg steaks. What can I do? If you got one, that’s great!

Towards evening the second crisis came.

Smart- smart-
“Ugh… “

Someone knocking on the door. It doesn’t hit that hard, but it reverberates through the empty building and sounds pretty menacing.

Are you a thief? No, where is the thief who knocks and comes in? Will be a guest

I have no intention of opening it. Ab has told me not to open the door to anyone, so I sit behind the gate holding a broomstick.

Smart tock-
“Do, go back… ! I’m sorry, but I can’t open it… “
“Blue? There was. It’s me.”
“Lord, master…?”

Hearing that voice, he dropped the broom and sat down on the floor. I don’t know, but my face must be a very worthwhile sight to die for.

“Blue? I came for you, won’t you open it?”
“Uh, how… ? Ab is definitely with him… “
“It’s as simple as creating my alter ego. Anyway, won’t you open it? To be honest, it’s not even a matter of forcibly breaking through the gate.”
“Sir, I don’t like it… I made a promise to Abu… “
“Then you’re saying it’s okay if I take ‘Ab’?”

She was a little upset at that, but she soon regained her composure.

I grabbed the broom, not the missing staff, and stared sharply out the gate.

“Ab said he believed in me. So I will believe in Ab too.”
“Hmm… Faith, trust. That’s a good word. Abel and Blue both seem to trust each other very much, right?”
“All, of course… ! It will never be what you say… !”
“Puhhhhh… Great. After all, blue is fun.”

Is it a success? The hostility that I had just felt was gone.

Rather, it is a voice of joy. Where was the funny part of my words?

“It’s a pity, though. Even if your trust is so, Mr. Abel’s will soon be betrayed.”
“I will come back tomorrow. Instead, starting tomorrow, even if Parang cries and asks to go out, he won’t listen.”

It’s not even funny. I called him master for a few days, and he is really acting as if he is my master.

“Parangi has to pay the price for making me come back, okay?”
“…Go back. I will never open it.”
“Puhh… See you tomorrow, blue. You will miss it!”

She really came back. She really can’t be a crazy bitch who can’t figure out what’s inside.

There’s no way I’ll open the door just because it’s tomorrow. You got me wrong, Chloe.

I was relieved only after setting up an alarm device with a broom in case Chloe sneaked over the fence.

In the evening… Well, I’ll just have one more egg steak. Shall we eat it with salt this time?

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode