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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 40

Chapter 40 – Well Done♡

“Ah, uh… Hiccup!”

How stupid do you look It’s like hiccups with your chin held on, unable to do this or that.

Should I speak harshly?
How the hell did you find out who I am?
How far do you know?

I’m squeezing my brain so desperately that steam comes out of my head. As I gazed at the saintess’ shoes and the surrounding area with a grunt, the saintess whispered softly in my ear and raised her head quickly.

“You have a lot on your mind? I can hear the head rolling from here.”

I should have come with Ab. If that was the case, none of this would have happened.

No. She looked at her with half-opened eyes, and the thought went into it. What if, out of anger, I tell Ab who I am and how I’ve been lately?

The saintess who gently tickles my chin just like Ab did. Some people feel like their heart will burst, but they leisurely say, “It’s so soft…” ‘ She just smiled.

No way, really, no way, but I don’t think I meant to tell Ab. Concern raises her head at that smile that feels suspicious for some reason.

Hesitantly, the saintess kept her head fixed and carefully lifted her pupils. She tried to open her mouth and spoke carefully.

“Oh, you can’t tell anyone… “
“Puh… Sure. Wouldn’t that happen if my doggie just listened to me?”
“Ugh… ”

Intimidation, not intimidation. The saintess smiled her eyes and turned her body back to her tea table. Sitting in her chair, she leisurely crossed her legs and pointed alternately to me and to the floor right next to herself.


The way she moves her toes and lifts the teacup naturally is that of a celestial aristocrat.

It seems she can’t get away with it. I looked at the floor that her saintess pointed at, and finally let her sigh.

What the hell is it, why do you keep doing this…

And the blind can’t hear well? Do you think your eyesight and ears are better than Ab’s?

Even if you raise your hostility to a ridiculous request, are you just playing a joke when you hear a childish face, an innocent smile, and a booming voice? She does and she gets puzzled. I know you shouldn’t judge people by their appearance, but this is so pretty.

Anyway, she doesn’t know what will happen if she doesn’t listen to her again. Not only would that beam of light attack me, but she might even tell all her friends about it…

“I won’t say it twice.”
“Yes, yes!”

Yeah, think of it as role play or something. It’s not such a bad request, it’s just to act like a puppy.

Legs sticking to the floor. When I stepped forward with full strength, I was giggling, but fortunately I listened to the command well. She walked forward, squeaking her arms like a doll.

Standing right in front of the tea table, the saintess, who was sipping black tea, stared at me with her eyebrows slightly raised as if intrigued. The nod of her head seemed to mean that she should quickly sit down, so I lowered her stance.

“Okay… “

Of course, he only lowered his stance. She did as she was told, but I can’t figure out how to sit down.

Just with Daddy’s legs? No, then you’ll see all your panties. She just needs to get down on her knees and sit…

“Sit down, I said.”

The saintess bites her lips just as she smiles. Her slightly crushed lips turn blood red. She is unfiltered about the fact that she is uncomfortable with me.

Wrong, this is not unconditional!
You have to sit differently. Which… In what position…

I don’t know. No matter how much I think about it, I can’t figure out what kind of posture I want. You should have imitated a dog in your life.

On the day when the saintess was restless and unable to sit or stand, her report made her sigh.

“How do you sit when a doggie sits?”
“Ugh… Well… I don’t know… “
“Ha… Our doggie takes a lot of work.”

The saintess put the teacup down and leaned down to meet her eye level with me. Inhale the scent of lavender that permeates her nose! She did and held her breath, so I grabbed my chin and held it in motion.

Seeing her up close, the saintess’ skin looked much softer than she thought. Her firm and smooth body, unlike Jihyun’s body, felt soft and fluffy. She’s worried that Ab, who likes cute things, won’t sell her even for a moment.

Although only the nape of her neck and her face are visible, I imagine how beautiful the mass of her flesh hidden under her nun’s uniform must be.

Like a young look… Maybe her body isn’t ripe yet either? Or unexpectedly explosive growth? It’s not better than me… ?

She swallowed her dry saliva, watching her cute lips wet with tea. While she absentmindedly ran over her body, she corrected her posture while muttering to herself, like the saintess, immersed in her own world.

Her “Her hands should be on the floor. About two feet away like this… Well, that’s good.”
“Shall we put our feet next to our hands? Shoulder width apart… That’s right. Good job.”
“Spread your legs wide. Like a puppy Ah, shouldn’t you keep your butt on the ground?”

Anyway, how come your posture… Is getting weirder?

Finally, her touch on the back of her nose brought her spirit back, which had been sold elsewhere.

“Uh, over there… You must do this… ? I’m so ashamed…”

He told me to sit down, and it looks like a real puppy sitting and waiting for the owner.

She spreads her legs vulgarly, revealing her panties… It’s a precarious position where you can’t even attach your butt, to the point that you’ll fall down right away if you touch it even a little…

There is no other maid. It’s her fault that this is an enclosed space.

But the saintess, hearing my complaint, suddenly withdrew her smile from her face,

“Are you shy about the doggie topic? Hehe… Shall we just expose everything… “
“Oh no! I could! I am not ashamed!”
“Ah, that’s a relief!”

It is a lie. I’m embarrassed. I’m so ashamed… !

How could I not feel ashamed when I was opening my crotch in front of someone I had never seen before? Even from the morning, Jihyun and Rafe took turns getting fucked, so her panties are still wet. If you come even a little closer, you will see that the pussy part in the middle is wet.

As her face was dyed bright red and she was bowing down, the saintess, whose expression brightened up again, hummed her hum and patted my hair. I was slightly appalled at her ability to change her expression at will.

“The name… There should be. Dogs are so fed up… “
“This… What’s your name?”
“Um… Ah! Her hair is blue, so how about blue? Oh, don’t even think about refusing. I’m not asking, I’m notifying you.”

Suddenly, the name became blue. If it was a moderately cheesy name, I would have been a little angry, but it’s blue. What, if it’s blonde, it’s yellow, and if it’s red, it’s red?

It’s so ridiculous that I don’t even feel bad about it. I just awkwardly nod her head with the corner of her mouth raised.

“Ruler… Blue? I’ll give you a prize for sitting well?”

Finally, the saintess pressed my lips and leaned against her chair. I’m waiting with half worry and half anticipation for what a prize is,

I do a finger snap and get up from my seat. I just sat there like a dog, staring blankly at it as if I was frozen in place… For a moment.

I can’t move! What is this! What did you do!

My body doesn’t move. I can’t give strength to my body, as if I’m suddenly paralyzed. The only thing that can move is the eyes that move around in amazement.

“[Time stop]. Is this my power bestowed by the goddess?”
“I have to give her a prize, so I left her head and eye time as it is. She should know what award she won, right? Uh huh… “

In action… ! In action! This damn body! I mean move!

Doesn’t budge I can’t do anything to see if time really stopped.

It’s a scam! I thought Rafe’s ability [Absolute Defense] And Jihyun’s stealth skill were also fraudulent, but this one is even more fraudulent!

The saintess took her fear away and came closer to me, pulling her cheeks. I don’t know why she bothered pulling my cheeks while purring, when her cheeks looked softer than mine.

Anyway, even though time was stopped, the senses are felt intact, perhaps because her brain did not stop. She stretched her cheeks until it hurt, then released them.

“Wow… It’s very soft. Then… “

After fully enjoying the sensation of her cheeks, the saintess came stiffly closer to me and pulled up her skirt. Uh huh In the meantime, the hem of her skirt, which was already exposed, went up. The saintess closed her eyes for a moment and pondered something before she brought her small tongs from somewhere and secured the hem of her skirt to her blouse.

She was pinned down. She openly showed her wet panties. I want to bite her tongue at her shame.

She definitely realized Even the saintess… No, she is the same as a saint. It must be aiming for my body like Jihyun or Rafe.

“Aww… Relax and… “

Under the rolled up skirt. Between her panties and her cute navel, the saintess’ hand is placed on her immaculate belly.

It’s going to happen again… ? Now that I can’t even move… ?

Feeling an ambiguous feeling inside her, whether it was resignation or excitement, she watched the saintess’s hand. She closes her eyes and mumbles something, then a dazzling light emanates from her hand.

The object that the light penetrates is the lower part of my lower abdomen, which is almost close to the pubic area. A warm light tickles the place… It didn’t take long before the effect was revealed.

“Whoops. Got a signal? My eyes are trembling.”

Urgency soars in an instant. I haven’t drunk anything since I emptied earlier, but I’m embarrassed that I’m going to pee any minute.

“A chance to pee in the master’s room, on the expensive carpet. Isn’t it really a joy for the doggie?”

It’s crazy! Seriously, all my co-workers are crazy!

Fortunately, the bladder can be strengthened. I tightened my bladder with all my desperate strength to protect my last pride, my dignity as a human being.

“Oh? If I put up with it like that, will I be sad too? Come on…”

Cuckoo. Mischievously, she raises the corner of her mouth and presses on my lower belly. When I press my stomach, the bladder relaxes and urine tries to leak out drop by drop.

Now that’s the limit Tears are pouring out of your eyes

I am civilized. It’s not like a puppy peeing on the carpet…

…I can’t stand it! At least take off your panties! If you blow up these panties, you’ll have to buy a new one!

She enthusiastically rolled her pupils and sent her signal, and the saintess nodded her head as if she understood.

“Bluey doesn’t want to dirty her carpet? How can you be so nice… All right.”

You live… While doing so, the saintess lifted the teapot and poured all the remaining black tea into the cup. Then she puts the empty teapot right under my crotch,

“Is this a blue toilet? You can use her as much as you like ♡”

I press my absurd belly again.

As I was caught off guard for a while, I couldn’t react to the sudden pressure.


“Oh my gosh! The kettle must be full!”

I want to die… Why are there only perverts twisted around me… ?

Drops of water dripping down after staining the white panties yellow. I can’t look down because I can’t lower my head, but it looks like it’s being properly put into the kettle. It’s smart and you can hear the sound of water droplets falling on the surface of the water.

After the embarrassing urination was over, I sent out a desperate signal with tears in my eyes to please stop quickly. My mentality can’t stand it any longer.

That’s enough for you. You deserve to let go.

“To think that you can’t help but be rude like this… I have the evidence, so I can’t even get away with it?”
“You should be punished for daring to disrespect the master’s teapot, right?”

…What are you talking about?
Saying do it! You couldn’t even move your body and forced them to do it!

“Your eyes are defiant. No way… Do you think it’s unfair?”
“Isn’t it? You think you deserve to be punished for doing something wrong?”

The saintess lifted the teapot placed between my crotch. The transparent jug is about half full of yellow liquid, and it sizzles.

I hate to see it. Why do you have to show this to me?

Even if you avoid looking here and there, you keep bringing it in front of my eyes. In the end, he gave up avoiding and glared at her eyes.

I thought she must have been a moderate threat, but the saintess spoke absurd words without a hint of fright.

“Because this is all blue… Let Blue take it again.”
“Now, shall we open our mouths? Ah-“

No!!! I hate it!!

This, this is not real! Really, you’re too much!

The saintess’ hand grabbed my cheeks and pressed them. Of course, I couldn’t stop my mouth from opening as I couldn’t move my body.

Lips fall comically. The spout of the kettle approaches through the gap formed by the small hole.

Jebaal… !

The spout of the kettle bites into my gaping mouth. The tingling smell that stings your nose makes you confused whether this is real or not.

“Ego… From now on, I will only do business in the designated place, Yaksoo-ok♡ Come on, woo-wook…”

My head tilted back, and the teapot as well… Leaning forward…
Some kind of liquid is pouring in…
And then…

“Puh, puhahaha! Ah… Did you drink well? Our parang, you did well♡”


How can I explain this embarrassing situation? The saintess’s room, which she entered through the door, was chaos itself.

“Huh! Whew, whoop! It’s black… Aaaaa… !”

I don’t know why, but Lena is sitting on the floor and wailing loudly.

“There… Is anyone there? Because I can’t see… “

The blind saintess, staggering against the wall, waving her arms in the air to ask for help.

It’s a look that doesn’t match with each other to the point that I wonder if it’s a conte. What the hell happened here in that short amount of time? I have no clue.

“Joe, watch out!”

First of all, her posture as a saintess seemed precarious as if she would fall at any moment, so she quickly ran and wrapped her thin shoulders. The saintess, who was on the verge of falling, leaned her body on her chest and said thank you with a bright smile.

As if proving that she has the best beauty in the empire, it’s not a vain rumor, her bright smile, the soft skin that I can feel through her nun’s uniform, and the strong scent of flowers that even I, who have a dull sense of smell, can feel.

If I had really opened my eyes… How much more beautiful Still, in my eyes, Lena is much cuter.

If it wasn’t for Lena, she might have fallen in love at first sight…

“Ahh! Ooh, ooh, ooh… !”

However, when I looked behind her, Lena met her eyes, and for some reason Lena cried out louder, then covered her mouth and ran outside the line.

What is it did I make a mistake? Was there something I hadn’t noticed?

…Just decided not to understand.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode