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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 30

Chapter 30 – IF) How to Get Rainier Pregnant

[This is a parallel world divided by the turning point in episode 27!]

“How is it. How about running away like this, Rainier?”
“Haha♡ Ah, haha!”
“Give me love for life. I will pierce you with this cock until you die of old age.”
Hee hee♡ Hey!”

This female will not be able to deny his word. No, he can’t deny it. This is sure

It’s a completely different feeling than before. Not only her pussy, but her entire body is entangled in the cock. I really want a cock. If he pulls out his cock even for a moment, he approaches her while gently shaking her ass, and when he drives his cock deep into her, she sobs her sexual intercourse.

Rainier has already crossed the river of no return.

Rafe stopped her pistoning and pulled out her prick. She said it was to give Rainier time to answer. Rainier, who was panting on her window sill, turned her body and looked up at her rave.

“Huh… Me, i… ”

Rainier’s gaze, which had stopped on the golden ring on her finger for a moment, returned to Rafe, and she blankly scanned his whole body.
Her eyes fluttered and she looked down at her ring once again.
Swallowing her saliva, she looks at him again.

And again.

After reciprocating her head a few times, Rainier smiled twistedly.

“Heh, heh… I like it…♡”

He wrapped his arms around Rafe’s neck and kissed him.

It was a dense and sticky kiss that took my soul away.


Two months passed. The first month was just beast time.

Rainier, who follows her lightly, led by her large hand, and Rafe, who guides her in front of her.

If lust fills you up while walking, fuck you. Whether it was a forest, a river, or the middle of a road, I drove without a break. All day long, the seeds were scattered in Rainier’s pure womb so that her semen would not have time to dry. At some point, it reached the level of wetting her pussy just by making eye contact with Rafe without pheromones.

The goddess’ words were correct. Even if Rainier’s vagina was messed with by his big cock, she was back to normal after a short break. It does not become limp and unable to tighten properly like other females. She could only see that she was a bitch for Rafe.

After a month of vagrant time, Rafe got a cabin in a secluded forest village. He was a new roost to spend his life with his females.

Peck- peck-

Rafe shook his thoughts and opened his eyes at the obscene noise he had heard from the morning.

“Cheup… ! Ha… Chop, chuup!”
“Chew. Huh… Are you awake? I was serving in the morning… ! Side.”

Rainier smiled softly as she kissed her cock one last time. Rafe, who was about to stroke her hair with satisfaction, froze in that position. Again, it’s because of the golden ring on Rainier’s hand.

Not even noticing his gaze, the short-haired female tilted his head and looked at Rafe.

“Honey… ?”
“Are you still wearing that ring?”
“Ah, this… “

Rainier’s eyes are filled with unknown emotions. Her Rafe couldn’t figure out what that feeling was. The same goes for Lenny.

Rafe, slightly annoyed, threw Rainier into her bed. In her house, she always taught her to live naked, so her trembling buttocks were exposed.

Even after hundreds or thousands of times, it is still clean and beautiful. There is no such thing as coloring or twisting. As if to vent her anger, Rafe vomited her emotions into that pure pussy.


Rafe, who had let go of his lust and calmed down a bit, changed his clothes and ate the meal that Rainier had prepared. It’s something I feel recently, but my cooking skills have improved dramatically. This is positive evidence that Rafe is changing into the female image he wants.

A faint smile appears on Rainie’s face, who must have woken up early in the morning and prepared a meal with her cute butt twitching.

“Get ready, Rainier. Today is the day guests come.”
Hehe… Heh, heh…♡”
“Now the time has come… Oh, here you are.”

The sound of footsteps walking on the lawn wet with the morning dew. Rafe set her bowl aside and opened the door to face her guest.

She is a woman wearing a large, ill-fitting hoodie. Whether she’s a hood with a mysterious ability, you can tell where her gaze is directed even if you can’t see her face.

She stood in front of her door and looked at Rafe, who was standing on her side, and Rainier, who was slumped over on her bed, breathing heavily, and greeted her.

“Puh… Hello? You look good in the morning.”
“Well, shouldn’t we pour out the seeds at least once more?”

Okay. To which she answered cheerfully, as if singing, she stepped inside her house. She flinched slightly as the smell of her sex penetrated her nostrils, but then she silently walked over and sat down on the bed.

As her bed slid to one side, Rainier looked blankly at the source of her weight with her unfocused eyes. The woman in the hood stroked Rainier’s head,

“So, what you requested is that you want to have a child with her wife?”
“Yes. I’ve already filled her up with semen hundreds of times and she still hasn’t conceived.”
“Huh~ That’s right… “

The woman stretched out Rainier’s cheeks and tapped her trembling buttocks. Rainier’s eyes finally returned to focus, as if she had finally escaped the afterglow of her climax.

“Oh, Goddess… ? Obviously then… “
“Are you a goddess? Puh… I’m only one of his servants. But if she’s referring to someone she met in Lyon… Yes that’s right. Is that me?”

Was it an old face? The light of her vigilance disappeared from Rainier’s expression.

“Are you still not broken? I’m glad…”

The woman muttered something incomprehensible to herself, then pointed Rafe out her door. Rafe nodded and followed her woman out the door.

“Great. She found out what caused the infertility.”
“It is the cause. What is it?”
“Puhh… “

The woman looked through her window at Rainier, who had just fallen asleep, and she laughed at what was so funny.

“Your wife’s body hasn’t yet accepted Rafe as her spouse.”
“…What does that mean?”
“It is only when her partner’s penis tears the hymen that her woman’s body recognizes her partner as her own mate. Without that process, her wife’s body wasn’t ready for her child.”

Hymen. That would hold her back.

“…So you’re saying there’s nothing you can do about it? Rainie didn’t have a hymen from the beginning… “
“No. There are solutions.”

The woman said with a smile that could be felt even outside her hood.

“Without the hymen… Can you make it for me?”
“Hymen… Do you make it?”

The woman answered the question.

“It teaches us who to serve until it is imprinted on every single cell. Uh huh… ”

After the conversation, Rafe and the woman entered the house. Rainier is soundly asleep and exhaling lightly. Her immaculate breasts rise and fall regularly. Rafe looked at it for a moment, then nodded her head to the woman.

“Puh… Then.”

As the woman raised her hand, a dazzling light bloomed from her hand. Her woman stroked Rainier’s lower belly with her hand, kissed her lightly, and she fell off. She was dumbfounded by the work that ended so quickly.

Still, since she is a person recommended by the goddess, she can be trusted. She is a goddess who has never told a lie.

Rafe shook Rainie, who was still asleep, to wake him up.

“Lenny. Wake up.”
“Ugh… Hey, honey…?”

Rafe silently perched on her lower body. Realizing Rafe’s purpose just from her posture, Rainier opened her legs wide without hesitation. Her already wet cunt greeted her raven with a puffy salute. This is the result of two months of education.

“Ah, honey… There are also guests over there… “
“She is a doctor who will treat your infertility. Never mind.”
“Yes… ”

Rainier, a compliant female, does not disagree with Rafe’s words. Rafe nodded her head in satisfaction, and shoved her cock into her rusty cunt.

Took. Something catches her cock as she gently pushes in. Rafe smiles at that unfamiliar sensation, while Rainier freezes and tries to understand her situation.

You will be embarrassed. The feeling you feel for the first time will be frightening.

“Uh… ? Seo, West… This… “
“Be patient.”

He speaks ruthlessly and pushes her by the waist.

Tuk, dududuk-
“Kyaaaaagh! Oh, it hurts! It hurts… ! What is this!”

A hymen created by a woman with divine power. It is connected to Rainier’s body and even her senses are shared intact.

Rainier began to struggle with her, bewildered by the pain she felt for the first time. The woman, who had been quietly watching her process, closed her mouth on Rainier, and her Rafe pushed her around the waist, pushing her cock all the way to her cervix.

“Huh… ! Uh huh… ”

Rainier’s small face was covered with her tears. Tears flow endlessly from the reddened eyes.

This was the reaction of all women who had their virgins penetrated by Rafe’s cock. Like the feeling of digging through her raw flesh with her knife. Well, it wasn’t Rafe’s business, so she ignored it.

“Ahh, ah… It hurts… Whoops! Heh, heh…”

Rainier burst into tears as she gently pulled out her cock. It is a pitiful face that makes even her sadism bloom.

Of course, she had no intention of letting him rest just because of that. She’s a female owned by Rafe.

The woman covered Rainier’s eyes this time and nodded her head towards her Rafe. Rafe responded by inserting her penis into her vaginal opening. She froze as Rainier, who was sobbing, drew in her breath.

“Ah? Ahhh… What… ? What is this… ? Why again…”
“Huh, uhhh… How. Why are you so cute Haaa…”

The woman held Rainier’s face in her arms. A sticky desire oozes from her voice. It’s bad taste. She finds satisfaction in destroying others.

It’s a taste that Rafe can’t understand because he’s just ‘making love’ with Rainier. Rafe soon decided to turn her attention off her woman and focus more on her mating with Rainier.

“Kyaaaaa!! It hurts… ! I’m sick! Save me, die, die… ! It hurts so much!!”

This hymen, created by divine power, is ‘regenerated’. It’s not Rainier’s body that doesn’t get hurt, so it’s tearing helplessly in front of the cock, and if you give it a while, it will return to its original form in no time. Of course, that feeling is transmitted to Rainier’s brain.

It is a woman’s proposal to imprint the sense of breakthrough. That Rainier will be able to cure her infertility only if she fully accepts the sensation. He had no reason to refuse, as Rafe was regretting that he hadn’t felt the sensation of piercing her virginity.

“It hurts… It hurts so much Rafe… ”

Pulled out her cock,

“Aagh!!! Kuck, snooze… ”

Again without consideration.

The woman trembles at her waist as she kisses her elongated Rainier on the cheek. She seems to feel at least a sense of sexuality.

Rainier is biting into her crab foam with her eyes raised. She, however, is never hurt by Rainier. She is a pervert-like female who feels even pain as a pleasure, so she will soon enjoy even the pain of breaking through.

“That’s okay!! Stop, please, buy, let go… ”

“!!!! Ah, oops!! Kolorok… “

Rainier, who had undergone several strokes of piston vagina, eventually passed out. It snapped her back behind her and collapsed like that. Maybe her first day should end like this.

Unfortunately, her rape gave up and pulled out her cock. Fucking a woman who has passed out and doesn’t respond is no different from fucking her corpse.


“Oh? Cheer up a little bit more, doggie-san!”

The dazzling light emitted from her woman’s hand covers Rainier’s head. As soon as the light disappeared, Rainier’s eyes, which had been cold, returned to life.

“Heheh?!Hee hee… ! What… Me why… ?”
“Now, Mr. Rafe? One more time!”

Really bad taste She is a pervert bitch who is eager to destroy people.

Even so, Rafe makes fun of his waist. Because he’s not a pervert, he’s just sharing her love with Rainier. It’s just that Rainier wants her to give birth to his child.

It was decidedly not to bother Rainier.

“Ah, ah… !!


“Little bit more! Fighting Fighting!”
“Huh, uh… “

Awakened by a blinding light.

“Huh! Heh heh! Jugeo… Huh! Kheuk… “

Passing out again.

“It’s just getting a baby! Just a little more until then…”
“.. Hehe… “

Forcibly awaken

How long has it been like that

“Huheuh ♡ Uh, ah! Head, head… Good clothes♡”

Rafe’s female tears, runny nose, saliva, and even urine and juice. All the water that was called water flowed from his body and he was howling.

Beautiful! Beautiful!
“Huh… !”
“Hee, hee hee♡ haaaaang♡”

A reward for hard work females. Rafe thrust his cock in as hard as he could and squirted out plenty of thick semen. Pure white turbid liquid fills Rainier’s womb.

It was at that moment that I felt an inexplicable sense of exhilaration. Rafe pulled her cock out of Rainier and stroked her belly.

It’s warmer than usual, and somehow it seems to be beating fast.

“Oh… No way… ?”


“…She must have been pregnant.”
“Oh my goodness… Congratulations Mr Rafe! And congratulations Mr. Doggo!”
“Heh heh heh… Hehe… “

Tears of joy flowed from his empty pupils, as if Rainier couldn’t hold back his joy.


A newlywed who picks vegetables while holding on to her swollen belly like a balloon. Of course, there is no way to tell if she is a newlywed, but looking at her face, she is definitely a newlywed. She looks like a green girl who just had a coming-of-age ceremony.

“Did you hear that? I hear the imperial family has gone into chaos lately!”
“Yes? No… What is it?”

Marianne, her vegetable vendor, whispered softly in the ear of the still young new wife. It was one of her hobbies that she liked to gossip about.

“Do you have a warrior? Adele… A person who is talking about something.”
“Ah… Yes.”

The new wife dropped her carrot and looked at Marianne.

“Well, he searched all over the empire to find his lover and ended up hanging her!”
“…Is it so?”
“I heard that the movements of the Demon King are unusual… Whew.”

Surprisingly, there is no change in the new wife’s expression, perhaps because she knows the subject. She has a dull expression, with no emotion whatsoever like when she first entered her shop. The new wife whimpered and took her money out of her pocket and handed it to Marianne.

It was after her husband appeared from afar that the new wife’s expression suddenly changed.

“Ah, it’s a westerner-!”

Perhaps she is also her newlywed, her face lights up just by seeing her husband. Seeing this, Marianne wanted to make fun of the newlyweds, so she said something mischievous.

“You seem to be on good terms with her husband? Why are you so good at night?”

She must have blushed like a blush and panicked.

However, the new wife

“Hehe. Of course! How great is our West’s cock!”
“Ah… I think I’m already getting wet just thinking about sleeping. I’m going to give birth to my third child soon, and I’ll be stuck all day again!”
“Three, three… Second? Girl, how old are you… “

The new wife did not answer Marianne’s questions and ran her gun at her husband. Leaning against her trusty husband’s chest while gasping for her full-term belly.

“I’m from the West… Hehe. You can’t pamper your pussy tonight… ?”
“Can not be done. Wouldn’t the child in the belly be surprised?”
“Ugh… Still… Then quiche, quiche please! Hehe.”

Trembling with all her fawning, she clings to her husband’s arm. It was a bright and beautiful smile that Marianne had never shown before.

…Only half.

Unlike the corners of her eyes, which curve gently in an arc, the corners of her mouth do not move. The corners of his mouth hardened as if frozen. The unnaturalness made Marianne feel goose bumps on her arm.

Isn’t it like a person who is broken somewhere, or rather, a scarecrow whose emotions have been castrated?

The new wife whispered her love to her husband and left. A silver ring glistened in the sunlight on her finger.

Marianne looked at him blankly, then shook her head and went back into her shop.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode