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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 29

Chapter 29 – I’ll Pierce You Through Until I Die of Old Age


“Hap… “


“Ha… Bout… “

A transparent liquid that drips down like a drug flowing through an intravenous drip. To put it bluntly, drugs are right. The more it touches my tongue, the more my remaining reason melts in real time.

The thought of not knowing when Ab and Ji-hyeon might come back has long since disappeared. Now just…

“Hehe… Smell… Smells so good… Ha… “
“Your eyes are back. Was it too much of a pheromone for a human female?”
“Cock, crick… “

The cock that had been shaking in front of me moved away. For a while, a moan escaped from the hand that gripped her chest.

“Huh ♡ I like her breasts ♡ Touch me more… Please touch me more…♡”
“As much as you like.”

This is, after all, a reward for the transaction. Rafe demanded that I drink pre-cum, and I complied. So what I’m doing now is by no means ugly.

“Ah, ah, don’t tease the clothes… “

Frustratingly, Rafe just rubbed his chest through his clothes. I decided to listen to your ‘favor’ anyway, so you can push harder.

He tried to unbutton his shirt with his clumsy skills, so I just undid it. The cloth that covered the body disappeared, and the second barrier, a light blue bra, appeared. I nervously threw off my bra and placed Rafe’s hand on my chest.

“This is it…♡ Raw breasts, fiddling with… “

Rafe’s hands feel relatively cold because his body is so hot. I don’t like it. Rather, thanks to it, a pleasant coolness spreads around the chest.

If Abra… Abra would probably understand. If I’m in a good mood, it’s good for Ab. Because Abbey loves me. Huh. If I’m happy, Ab will be happy too.

Woowook Koo-
“Haha! Hot, whoa… “

Rafe pinches my stiff nipples. It twists and breaks.

I threw my head back and gasped, then straightened my posture again. I want to see you go. Looking at that vulgar figure, I want to feel that strange sensation of my heart beating like crazy again.

“Haaaaang, ah, uhhh♡”

I lay under Rafe’s ass and stare at my body emitting a female sexual intercourse. It was covered by Rafe’s body, and the lower part of the waist was not visible. Even so, he can be seen writhing in pleasure as he lifts his chest.

Now my heart throbs like being pricked by a needle. Pain is pain, but somehow… The corner of the mouth rises slowly.

Rafe brought my breasts together and tried to rub his cock between them, but then gave up. Fool, it’s already a small chest, but there’s no way it’ll be like that when you’re lying down. I don’t know if I thought I hid it well, but I could see all of them pouting as if they were disappointed. There was also a surprisingly cute side.

“Breasts, now that I’m using them… “
“Under… I can’t even touch it… Do something nice again… “

Even though I touched my breasts, it felt so good, but what if I touched my pussy? And what if you pierce the womb with your cock? How good would that feel…

I pat Rafe’s thigh and urge him on. Rafe silently looked down at me and did not respond. Oh, you want me to touch your cock? Okay. That’s about it.

Chop, chop, chop, chop-

“Yes? Rafe… Haha, let’s do it quickly… My pussy keeps tickling… “
“Are you asking?”
“Ugh. Not a request… Oh, because it can’t be helped… Hehe.”
“You rationalize it that way. Well, good Someday you will know better.”

Rafe laughed mischievously and stood up on top of me. It’s not about leaving me, it’s about changing locations. Rafe, sitting between my crotches, spreads my legs.


“Huh… “

When the legs are spread apart, naturally, the pussy also spreads slightly. It must have been so wet that the sticky juice dripped and made obscene sounds. Shy

Rafe stroked my thigh one last time and started working. First, I put my hands on my chest that I had been massaging earlier. Twirling around his nipples, anxiously moving his hands down little by little.

It reached a shallow climax with just that short act. His thighs trembled and he tightened his grip as if to crush Rafe. The fact that I was tightening my solid body somehow felt strange.

“Ah, ah… ! Uh… “
“Do you feel that you are listening to my ‘request’?”
“Oh no… I’m just in the mood… ♡”

Okay. I’m not betraying Ab and doing nothing wrong. Trade anyway. It just makes me feel a little better… It was a normal transaction.

The hand moves further down. After passing through the barely visible ribs, he touched the cutely sunken navel and then went to the waist.

I’m sorry, but there’s nothing to see on the waist. A hand floats around the soft curve of your waist, then goes back on its way. After stroking the pubic bone, running around on the curved bald mountain, and then…

Hehe♡ What is it, what is this, what is this ♡”

Just by bouncing beans, consciousness rises up and falls off a cliff in an instant. Dizzying and creepy If you feel this good already, what will happen later?

Also something weird Ab is working hard to save people, can I lie down like this? Jihyun also said not to stick with her Lei Fran…

“Huh ♡ hu uh ♡ ha uh ♡ don’t bounce… ♡”

Consciousness flashed once more. My eyes are still on my body. I saw the scene of him holding his waist high and taking an unsightly posture.

Like shrimp Ironically, that was the first thing I thought of. A shrimp that gets startled just by touching it with a finger and runs away while bouncing its back.

“Huh… Oops, ugh… “
“Is the tension relaxed enough? Heh To be honest, I didn’t need it from the beginning.”

Said Rafe as he opened her cunt open, and she closed it. I wanted to stick it on him, but I had no strength in my body, so I had no choice but to stare at it languidly. Her chest, red with handprints, rises and falls irregularly.

After appreciating my appearance for a while, Rafe corrected his posture and sat down. His cock rests on my belly. No, it does not reach the lower abdomen, but reaches the pit of the stomach. Did you grow up like this in prison?

It’s heavy. How can a cock be so heavy? It feels like a hot stone is pressing down on my stomach. Get burnt The stomach explodes and dies.

I was terrified.

“I’m going to squeeze… That’s what you live for… “
“I don’t die. The goddess said, you never get hurt.”
“…You?! Uh, what… “

The goddess… ? Did he even say that?

If it’s a goddess, if it’s that bitch who can’t be bothered to bully me, then it’s no wonder I told her about my abilities. It’s strange, because she’s a malicious bitch to me…

Still… Can you really put this in? I don’t think I can go in.

“…As expected. Never show… ”

Why do women in adult comics say ‘Hick! I’ll never go into that!’ Now that I’m in that situation, I can’t help but say that.

It’s almost as thick as my forearm and the length is enough to pierce my stomach. I don’t think my narrow cunt can open that far. Besides, it’s the first time I’ve ever properly put something hard in my pussy. It must be very heavy.

Unlike me who was terrified, Rafe must have been very excited.

“Noisy. After all, Rainier said she would always listen to my ‘request’.”
“Ugh… “
“I won’t listen any more. Let me tell you what it feels like to be a female.”

Rafe pulls his back. For a long, long time, the cock that had been pressing down on my body moved away. Of course, I know very well that retreat is a retreat for the sake of advancing. Rafe adjusted the position of his cock with one hand, pressing down on my lower stomach to keep me from moving.

The cock was aimed at the pussy.

“Ahhh… “

Neither. This, this is wrong

This is sex It’s not like a request. I mean sex with a man after betraying Ab. That I’m being eaten by a man

Only then did the mind, which had been dazed by pheromones, return to normal. That cock is scary The squirming blood vessels in his cock were frightening, and Rafe looking down at me with bloodshot eyes was frightening.

I’m sick of it. I’m scared. Die. Kill it. Will inevitably die

“Stop! Stop… “
“Put it in.”

Boo Woo-wook-


The world stops No, it didn’t stop. Rafe just calmed down for a while and I just froze.

Lightning thunder. Lightning, which is light, first announces that thunder will soon come, and after a while, thunder, a latecomer, strikes down and reveals its appearance. It is Heaven’s consideration not to be startled by a sudden loud sound.

The situation now was similar to that. I heard it for the first time, but somehow I was afraid that sound foretold the future situation to me,

“Oh, uh?”

The thunder that comes next, the senses.

“Kyaaaaa!! Seebaal! It hurts, it hurts! Shut up… “

The awareness of betraying Av, the enlightenment of the male cubs, only shakes my head. The pain in the lower part was also painful, but the feeling of my head and heart exploding was more painful.

Die. I mean really dead. Don’t die, don’t get hurt. I’m really going to die…

My body and my mind. All.

“At first everyone was like that. Okay. As soon as the pheromones are absorbed into the vagina… “
“Take it!! Take it out! Hehe, please… Black, take it out… “

My face turned to contemplation as I looked down. It’s not even all in yet. It came into the vagina just a little beyond the glans. It is so thick that its outline is revealed in the lower abdomen.

Monster. The fact that my brain came up with that one thing. It’s a monster. It’s… I am a monster who betrayed Abu and abandoned my masculinity, and Rafe who violates me mercilessly is also a monster.

“Oh, since you’re small, it might hurt more at first.”
“Huh… Rafe please, please… Please stop… Me no more… “
“I get it. I will increase the pheromone concentration even more.”

A warm and sweet scent surrounds the body. It’s barely visible. Something like red smoke fills the cabin.

“Ahhh… “

Body trembles For a moment, the mind completely settles down and the muscles of the whole body relax. My mind drifts away again.

“I, I… Shouldn’t be like this… “
“Yes, yes. Then I’ll put it in.”

No pussy, Jill. When they meet the cock for the first time, they struggle to expand their width and embrace the object that took away the owner’s first. A soft lump of flesh wrapped around his cock.

As I stare blankly at it, I hear the sound of water flowing from my belly. Perhaps the female’s instinct is to secrete love juice by pheromones.

It’s a shame… No

“Ah… ? Oh, it doesn’t hurt… It doesn’t hurt… ?”
“Tsk. There’s no fun tearing the hymen. It’s a pity.”

Jju boo-
The cock that was pushing in more and more vigorously was blocked somewhere. Oh, that’s my womb. It must be the uterus. No more there That’s where the baby will grow…

“Hey, heh… Why, tears… ? Better… ?”
“This. Was it too thick? Well, it should be back to normal in about half a day.”
“Haha… Ha… Oh!”

Woowook Koo-
The cock presses the cervix, and the uterus struggles to raise its body upward to create space for the cock to move, but that is not enough. The cock forced his ugly body into it and fitted my body with only his own.

My body changes to follow Rafe’s cock. Jill, look. Everyone remembers Rafe. It moves its lower mouth and makes love to the cock of the man who pierced the owner’s body for the first time and must be the owner’s love.

And finally, the cock that had become completely accustomed to my body began to move.

Squeak- sizzle-
“Ah, ah, ah… This… Black… ”

5 minutes passed.

Squeak- sizzle-
“Ah, ah… It’s strange… Huh… Ah… !”

10 minutes passed.

Squeak- sizzle-
“Huh! Whoo, whoo! Afterglow, ah, ah… ”

15 minutes passed.


Teouk- Tteok- Tteok- Tteok-
“Ho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-gok♡ Let’s sleep…♡ I’m juicy…♡”

How much time has passed? How many times have I been there? I don’t know, I don’t know anything.

A sound is heard from outside. Cheers and cries. Ab and Jihyun are back. You rescued people safely.

Rafe shakes his hips from behind me. I hold Rafe’s arms and pull his hips back. He frantically looks out the window, unable to even stick his limp tongue in. It was because he was afraid that the beast would show a vulgar appearance of mating.

“How is it. How about running away like this, Rainier?”
“Haha♡ Ah, haha!”
“Give me love for life. I will pierce you with this cock until you die of old age.”
Hee hee♡ Hey!”

How can you feel this good all your life? Happy forever…

‘Have you not seen Lena and Rafe! Lena’s blue hair… Oh, I haven’t seen you since before?’

Av is beckoning to the villagers and asking where I am.

…Ab. Love me, foolish warrior.

Suddenly, I feel cramped in my fingers. The ring is still there. Thank god.

“Huh♡ That’s… Thought… “

The cock sucks. You can go away with one last slap, but Rafe won’t accept that.

“Ups… “
“Heh. Is it.”

Rafe answered in a somewhat relieved voice and moved his waist again. I added one to my climax count and collapsed on the spot.

Rafe looks down at me. He looks at me with his usual nonchalant face. I said while stroking the ring.

“…Not yet.”


Soon after, Ab and Jihyun opened the door and came in. The traces that fill the whole house have long since been erased. It does catch a little bit of the lingering smell, but Abra, who has a dull sense of smell, probably won’t notice it.

“Lena is here! You’ve been looking for a lot!”

Dressed neatly again, I smiled and ran to Abb and hugged him. Abba smiled broadly and hugged me. That’s how we felt each other’s body temperature.

Looking to the side, Jihyun’s eyes were scanning me. Red eyes, burning brightly, asked me a silent question.

What is this smell, and why are you with Rafe?


I replied by turning my head. Jihyun gritted his teeth and left with a deep sigh.


I looked at Jihyun’s back while feeling Ab’s hand stroking my hair. Her hand gripped the dagger tightly enough to stop her blood from flowing. A stride, a gait that no one can tell that he will retaliate against me later.

Looking at it, I didn’t know.

“Heh, heh… “
“Lena, did something good happen? You look good.”

Obscene juices leaked from her pussy. It was the result of imagining myself being beaten and begging for Jihyun.

My delightful otherworldly adventure has already been shattered. My dignity and masculinity have been brutally trampled upon, are being trampled on, and will be trampled on in the future. All I have left is…

“I love you Ab.”
“Uh? I love you too… “
“Love you.”
“Yes! Me too… “
“I love you.”

It’s just this stupid warrior.

Please don’t change that much.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode