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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 22

Chapter 22 – A Wizard Who Can’t Masturbate…(1)

My body is swollen. My throat stings every time I swallow, as if it had been ripped apart, and my skin hurts like a bruise. What would I have done if this body wasn’t unscathed?

“Fuck… “
“Huh? My Rainier, what did you say?”
“Emm, I also use Eunhae… “
Hee hee.. ..Really?”

Ji-hyeon smiles sinisterly while stretching my cheeks. It doesn’t hurt, but if I say useless things, it will really hurt, so I answered calmly.

Yes, Jihyun is fine. At least it’s not different from the outside. He’s a crazy bitch with only Hitomi in his head, so it’s easy to predict.

“Lenny. I was worried because he suddenly collapsed yesterday.”

I mean this kid is evil. I thought he was a caring good guy when he was locked up in a slave top.

When I think of the pain in my throat yesterday… Horrible. Half mad at the sweet scent, I continued to suck on his cock. I cleared my throat a couple of times, feeling that there was still sticky semen left in my throat.

What? Cooper has no powers? Shit, just smelling it makes my head go blank.

Within a day, Rafe’s evaluation had been downgraded to a level similar to that of Jihyun. One is a crazy bitch who tries to rape me from time to time, and the other is a crazy bitch who tries to bring me into heat by exuding pheromones. What on earth was the goddess thinking to make the party like this?

Even though Rafe greeted me, as I stared at him, he felt embarrassed and tapped the ground with his hoof. Jihyun shouted at Rafe, who was looking at me with his characteristic expressionless face.

“Get out of here you bastard! I was talking to our Rainier first!”
“…What are you trying to do like a child? Anyway, Abel will be back soon. Please note that.”
“Nie yeh yeh. Now that you’ve said everything, go away! Don’t disturb the happy hour!”

I wish they were both off.

Contrary to my thoughts, Jihyun’s preemptive attack worked. The sight of her huffing and holding a dagger in one hand was enough to make Rafe sick. Rafe, who took turns looking at me and Jihyun, sighed.

“…It’s my turn next.”

The fierce battle of nerves ended when Rafe took a step back to prepare breakfast. Now I’m half resigned. I have to curse at my complacency for sleeping because I was tired when Abu came back after exercising in the morning. I won’t be away from you even for a second.

I just finished putting on my clothes, but Jihyun hugged me from behind her back and unbuttoned her shirt one by one. No matter how many times he has taken off other people’s clothes, as soon as his hand touches a button, the button is undone. I’m just amazed by that possessed hand technique.

“Uh, sister… Av is coming soon… ?”
“What is that bastard? I saw that bastard yesterday, he didn’t have any technique and he seemed like a fucking small dick? If you don’t want to go out with a bastard like that, go out with your sister. Huh?”
“What nonsense… Let go anyway! Let it go, sooooo… !”

Jihyun’s hand violently twists her chest through her underwear. Even if you think about it with common sense, it should be painful, but what I felt was pleasure.

As the flesh twisted, flashes of lightning exploded in front of my eyes. I hurriedly suppressed the groan that was about to burst out and threw my head back. Jihyun’s eyes, glistening with lust, stared alternately at my breasts and bare thighs.

Jihyun, who had lost his appetite, buried his nose in the nape of my neck and inhaled the smell of my flesh.

“Write… Ha… Our Rainier, how did he look so delicious… ? Hehe, did you cover your mouth to hold back your voice? It’s cute.”

Kwok- This time, she grabs her nipples through her underwear. Exciting pleasure spreads throughout the body, and soon you feel a floating feeling floating around your body. Instinctively, you pull your thighs together and pull the hem of your skirt all the way down.

Neither I nor Lenny are accustomed to the pleasures of the female body. Grinding her teeth as much as possible, she struggled to get out of Jihyun’s hands.

“Flaw… Yes!”

I twisted and twisted my body and finally went away a little bit. If I had been hurt that badly yesterday, I wouldn’t even have a sexual desire for a while, but my head started heating up, wanting more pleasure. Suddenly, the sound of my breathing grew loud enough to cover Jihyun’s insidious breathing.

I want to feel better. Holding her in Jihyun’s arms, feeling the soft touch of her chest. I want to become a fool in pleasure while being teased. I want to be touched like a mess until it melts away.

The power of the three human desires destroys even the dignity of a human being. I was afraid that I might become addicted to pleasure and turn my head pink.

The moment when he was about to declare surrender, unable to overcome the pleasure of the crushing nipples once again.

“That, that mahaan… ! Wrong…Do it! Listen well…”
“Whoa… I’m here Lena! Can I come in?”

I heard Ab’s voice panting as if he had just finished his workout. Rainier’s sensitive body reacted to Ab’s body odor by wagging her nose.

Even if you come, you have to come at a timing like this. Jihyun hugged me tight as he moved hurriedly. Then in my ear.

“Is your boyfriend here? Shall I just do it in front of my boyfriend? Shall I scream that she is gone into her sister’s hands?”
“Eww… Please… “
“Why is it good? To be honest, even our Lennie wants to go away unseemly in front of her boyfriend. Hehe… “
“Jebaal… “

A crazy bitch, a psycho bitch, a pervert bitch with a head full of Hitomi.

This beating heart… It must have been the fear that Ab would come in. I tried to calm my breathing, which seemed to have intensified for some reason. Jihyun’s hand is longer and bigger than my small hand. He grabbed his hand with both hands and begged earnestly.

Fortunately, Jihyun did not seem to have any intention of revealing this to Ab. He released his hold on me and pointed her chin out.

I’m sorry, no, what are you saying? Feeling relieved inside, he shouted outside.

“Oh no! I’m changing my clothes right now… !”
“Oh yeah? Okay. Then quickly change and come out!”

Abbey left without a doubt. An unknown emotion bloomed at the sound of Ab’s footsteps moving away from her. Relief or regret… I don’t know. The only thing that fills my head right now is a pink cumulus cloud.

In any case, the worst situation of showing Abu this situation was avoided. That’s it. At least it didn’t happen that the party was destroyed in front of Ab.

“Hee hee… Do you hate seeing your boyfriend that much?”
“…It can’t be good. Ha ha, really…”
“Perverted year. Other than that, your panties are wet?”

Jihyun’s hand, which was massaging my buttocks through her panties, reached my cheekbones at once. As he rubs his palms on the piles to see if they are really wet, he hears the strange sound of splashing water. I twisted my body with a groan.

“Ah… That stop… “
“Wow. How long does it take to be a pervert to get wet just by touching your breasts a little? Or not… Are you excited about getting caught by your boyfriend? OMG~”

All because of brainwashing. Of course, if I said it was because of brainwashing, Ji-hyeon would say ny-y-ni-yeh, raising my tantrum even more.

Be patient Let’s endure it until we find a way to solve this beggar brainwashing.

I hate it, but the fact that I entrust my body to someone else’s body is disgusting, but anyway, in the current situation, I have to satisfy Ji-hyun quickly to get out of it. I leaned against a large pillar supporting the tent and pushed my butt all the way back. This will make it easier to pierce my cunt.

“Now, Ab is waiting, so hurry up… “

However, Jihyun’s answer was totally unexpected.

“Okay. My Rainier told me to stop, but I have to stop. Shall we go eat?”
“To? No… Uh… “

No, I was hoping for this situation… Huh?

I was dumbfounded when Ji-hyeon stepped back without even touching me.

You must be well aware of the fact that my body is burning up. Still, smirking and babbling that shit is probably trying to get me to ask first.

There’s no way. I am human. It’s not like a monkey who bends his pride in a fit of lust.

“Heh. Then I’ll be out, so why don’t you put on your clothes and come out? Love you.Hee hee… “

Really go out I straightened my awkward posture and sat down on the blanket.

Even to protect my last dignity, I can’t ask those crazy bastards, and I have to comfort myself alone. With brainwashing knowledge embedded in your head, it is not difficult to come up with a method. I vulgarly spread my legs apart and gently pushed aside my wet panties. Next,


Masturbation ban brainwashing. Fuck!


“Whoa… Whoa… “
“So our next goal is to find the holy sword. It will take a long time to go, so I’ll go leisurely while doing quests.”
“Ha… Whew… “
“If you are ready, let’s start right away. Everyone has no objection… Lena? Are you not feeling well? My face is red… “
“Fine… Hey, let’s get ready to leave.”

I’m going crazy. Really. My head is full of thoughts of wanting to pierce my pussy. Ab said something at length, but she couldn’t hear a single word.

Somehow, I did find out something new. Pseudo-masturbation can be performed by holding a staff between the crotch. When the body, which is inflamed with sexual desire, moves on its own and tightens the thighs, the staff presses the pussy to get a slight pleasure. It’s a temporary measure anyway.

After roughly scrubbing her damp staff, straightening her ruffled skirt, she followed Ab. Yesterday, Abbey must have touched her body, but it was because I thought I should just ask Abbey.

“Lena, do you think you have a fever? Ugh, your body is a ball of fire!”

Ab put her hand on my forehead and, startled, she backed away. No, she had to warm up a little to see how hot she was.

Anyway, Ab’s hand touched her forehead for a moment, and her stomach started to thump. Her crazy sex drive and her love for Ab are combined to create a terrifying synergy.

If this were a novel or a manga, wouldn’t it be heart patterns in my eyes? To seduce the male in front of me, the man I’m in love with, I hugged his arm with a gentle voice. And then…

“Ah, abna… “
“Heroaaaaa!! Help me walk this tent!”
“Ah, stay still and wait here, Lena! I’ll come back soon and take a look!”

Ab pulls his arm out of my arms and smiles kindly. Where Ab is heading, I see Ji-hyun smiling at me with her eyes. Bad bitch, she must have done that on purpose knowing my situation.

“Ha… Oops… “

I think I’m really going crazy. Anywhere is fine, so I want to rub it.

Even if you pour cold water on your head with magic, it’s the same. I wake up for a moment, but then I’m covered in hot sexual desire.

Let’s think constructively. If you think seriously and change your mind…

“Oh really… !”

I gave up. I took out my anger by throwing the Ammon staff. What kind of a wizard is a bastard who can’t even solve his sexual desire… !

You have to find a way to deal with your sexual desire somehow. Something that could reduce this heat without asking Jihyun or Rafe…

“…Lime. Don’t bother me, go away… Ah!”

I was here! It doesn’t hurt my pride even if I ask, and there’s no reason to feel guilty since that’s the purpose of existence in the first place!

Raim, who looked at me curiously, lifted up the rhyme. Now, it seems that he is not excited at all, but even if he touches it, he is soft. Lime was startled when her body suddenly floated in the air, and she writhed strangely, trying to escape.

“Whoa… Follow me rhyme.”
“Cow, coo… !”
“Shut up. Someone else is listening… “

It is possible because using slime is not masturbation. The slime was the only one eating. I’m feeding them baby juice.

Just like Rafe, Jihyun, and Avgo. Everyone was busy tearing down the tent, so no one paid any attention to me. Grabbing Rhyme, who kept making incomprehensible noises, he sneaked into the woods.

“At this rate… No one will come, will they? Huh… “
“Dream… ? Quung… “
“Come on, suck it fast! Just finish it and go.”

Leaning against a tree, he sat down on the floor damp with the morning dew. I lifted my skirt and slightly pulled back my panties. Likewise, my cunt, which was dripping with morning dew, appeared toward the slime.

But it’s strange. An insignificant insignificant creature, a slime, does not attack even if he shows her pussy. Rather, he quietly backed away while ignoring me.

“Do you want to do it quickly? Huh? I’m begging you… !”
“Ew… “
“Do you want to explode like your friends too? Please suck it up.”

Rhyme shrunk to the size of her baseball as if remembering the end of her friends. Are you afraid

I’m sorry for threatening you with your life. What can I do though If I don’t relieve my sexual desire right now, I think I’ll really go into heat.

Lime curled up a lot. I picked him up and personally pressed him to his pussy, letting him taste the rich juice. What if this is the case? Can you stand this taste?

“Kwuuuuu… “
“Huh… Ah, good… Yes… ”

Lime’s body begins to unravel. Chew up and suck her love juice. Thanks to that, the pussy that was touching was rubbed, and a pleasant electric current ran up the spinal cord. She didn’t want to show a melting expression in front of mere trifles, so she gave her order while trying to keep her expression intact.

“Yes… Haha, ah… Keep sucking there… Haang!”

After all, I’m a genius to find a way like this?

As Lime had done before, he pushed her into her cunt slightly, provoking her to spray more juice. Gooey lime mucus enters the pussy and comes out again. Then go in again, come out again… Wait, I think something went deeper?

“Huh… ? Hey, hey rhyme, no depth… Hehe, look at it, but press it down… “

But at the time I didn’t know. That slime, once tasted bodily fluids, will not stop unless it enters whichever hole it enters. I went into the anus last time, but now it’s blocked by my panties and only my pussy is exposed…

Chewibububoob! Whoops!

“Huh?! Oh oh… ? That, there… Hee!”

Lime, mushy mucus, began to push in where it shouldn’t.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode