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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 19

Chapter 19 – Do It, Do It. ‘Cause I’m Fine Now…

In a dark cave. I left all my friends and was left alone.

“Eww… I can’t see any damn…”

It’s dark before my eyes I can’t even see what’s under my feet. If I keep going like this, I will meet even a cliff and fall down.

I’m not hurt, but I feel the pain. Free fall from a height of 20m in that state?

“Eh… “

He quietly lowered his body and started crawling on the floor. That way, at least you won’t stumble and fall.

…Isn’t it?

Anyway, this place, this cave is very unpleasant. The floor is sticky and uncomfortable, and the air is humid, so you naturally sweat. Originally, I heard that the cave was damp, but I thought it would be this bad.

As I continued to crawl, something soft came into my hand. I don’t know what it was, but it was a feeling I shouldn’t have felt in a cave. I stopped crawling and touched the suspicious object.


Soft and fluffy and sticky It’s the same feeling I felt on the floor…

Chew boo!


Something that suddenly wriggles and removes my hand. It was part of life. Did you even touch the tail of the monster? A strange gurgling sound came from all directions.

“Joe, fuck you… [Water Cannon]! [Water Cannon]!”

Maybe the magic is being used properly. You can guess it from the sound of water hitting the wall with a chug.

However, my resistance was soon suppressed.


“Ouch! Fuck… !”

A monster that lifts itself up by tying its ankles. Suddenly, I was dangling upside down in the air. A knee-length skirt hung down like a flower in full bloom and covered her waist.

I didn’t even feel ashamed of showing my panties. That’s because he was so surprised by the sudden feeling of his body turning over. I was so surprised that I even dropped the staff who were like my alter ego.

“Hey, what is this… Huh?!”

The tail of a wriggling monster wraps around my arm. Even tying his arms wasn’t enough, so he wrapped himself around his skinny calves and thighs, and his entire defenseless body. The monster freely groped the body of its prey, which was restrained and unable to move.

Twaap! Twaap!

The monster’s tail rubbing against my body making an unpleasant sound.

“Huh… What is this… Oh, what? What is this… !”

It moves wildly, smearing a lot of sticky liquid here and there. My head went blank and my breathing became rough. It was a big deal. I will now be ridiculed by this monster and show a lot of unseen faces.

“Haaang! Ah… Shi, I don’t like… Ahhh! Haha… !”

My back was already jumping up and down. While shuddering at the unpleasant sensation, he succumbs to his simmering sexual desire and seeks stronger stimulation.

Kill it! I feel so good that I’m dying… !

Eyesight flickers In the intense climax bursting out of the erogenous zone covering the whole body, not the pussy, I… !

“Hey… ! Go, go… “


“Haha! Sah, save me!”
“Lena! Can you come to your senses?!”

When I opened my eyes, I saw the poor ceiling of the tent and the face of a blond boy looking down at me.


What a nightmare. Even if you dream, it’s fucking fucking dreaming of tentacles. For some reason, I am terribly afraid that, according to my strange destiny, it may be a precognitive dream.

Of course, there are no sticky tentacles or a strange scent that fills the nostrils. Inside the tent, there is only Ab, which squeezes a wet towel and puts it on my forehead, and is filled with the aroma that comforts the mind and body.

“How surprised I was when he suddenly collapsed! How is your body? Do you think it’s okay? No, I don’t have time to be like this. Healing by going to church right now… “

It’s over. Really… That’s it.

Sex slavery and the dreaded brainwashing have really ended. Now you don’t have to feel that sensation of her head flipping and going crazy in real time. There are still unresolved brainwashing, but… That’s something to think about later.

Ab, who wants to carry me on his back and go to church right now. I smiled lightly at Ab and brought his hand and placed it in my arms.

Warm. Just like the voice of the goddess who fixed my hair.

I’m so happy when we’re together, but why did I try to distance myself from Ab so much? To think that he was trying to hurt a guy like this just because he was a man.

“I’m back. Ab.”

Abh came over and kissed her on the lips as if he were touching her glassware. I accepted the kiss with a smile on her eyes at the touch, which didn’t feel as disgusting as the first time.

…Of course, that laugh also included a sense of relief that they hadn’t caught my soggy crotch. I, who had never had a wet dream before, was now worried that my panties wet with love juice might be found out.


The reunion with Av, which makes her feel at ease, is also short-lived. Ab said that Jihyun and Rafe were worried about me and helped me up. Since her crotch was moderately dry, she followed Ab and headed out of the tent without saying a word.

I didn’t know it was only inside the tent, but it had been a long time since dusk had settled outside. The bonfire was burning, and Jihyun and Rafe, who were sitting right next to it, looked at me. And then, before I even said hello.


Jihyun hugged me with a scream that seemed to tear his eardrums. He hugged him so tightly that his lungs were out of breath, and he struggled for a while, fearing suffocation.

It was only after a springing rhyme came between us that Jihyun freed me.

“Khehe! Ah… Sister! But to the person who just woke up… “
“Lenny… ! How worried my sister was when she suddenly collapsed like that! Whoa… “

Why did this crazy bitch suddenly become so nice?! At best, ‘how! Wasn’t it difficult not having her sister by her side? Now, don’t leave your sister for the rest of your life!’ I thought it would be like this.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at her Ab, who smiled broadly.

“Jihyun was so worried about Lena! It was Ji-hyeon who brought me the aroma that is said to be good for recovery.”
“That… Okay?”

I’m surprised I need to revise Jihyun’s evaluation within me. There are times when I mess up, but I’m still kind…

“You thought you wouldn’t be able to win our Lenny again… Sniff.”
“Kuu kuu!”

I should have believed Whispering vulgar words in my ear, I gently pushed Jihyun, who was squeezing out all the water. Also, she was a little worried that she would scream, but maybe it was because it was in front of Ab, so she fell quietly without much reaction.

And next…

“Rafe! You too are unharmed! Did you meet your co-workers well?”

Seeing Rafe in clothes for the first time! I was wearing light leather clothes, but my body was so good that I was a beast! It seems to say Wearing clothes is a welcome welcome welcome because I had no desire to meet that ferocious thing in the giant atmosphere again.

Rafe, who had been blunt to begin with, became even worse as the number of people increased, and he sat down by the campfire with a slight nod of his head.

Could it be because of the incident that I was desperate for at the time? Well, even if it’s like me, she’ll only look like a crazy bitch when she goes off on her own and gasps. Huh. I’ll have to apologize properly next time.

After brief greetings with everyone, all four of the hero party gathered for the first time sat around the bonfire and talked about what had happened today.

How and where were the slaves evacuated? What is the plan to return home? What happened to Amber’s upper class, whose business fund was all gone? And even the fact that the fact that a hero appeared in the world began to be known.

“It’s all thanks to you, Lena. If it hadn’t been for your idea, by now… Wow, just thinking about it is terrifying.”
“…Idea? Oh, is that what I said before I disappeared?”
“Huh. Did you do as you said?”
“Even if the hero didn’t act clumsy, we’d save him faster.”
“Jihyun. It’s the hero’s duty, and it can’t be helped… “
“Nie yeh yeh. That’s right, our warrior.”

You seem to have gotten pretty close during the week without me.

If there were strengths between harmonious colleagues, there are no weaknesses. I really like the friendly and friendly atmosphere.

After that, Jihyun, who had several pleasant conversations with Abu, shuddered as if he was so happy.

“Eh… I shouldn’t say anyway! The quest is over. Let’s get some rest today. Men sleep with men and women sleep with women!”

Even so, he looks at me and smiles. I’ll eat it again, so be prepared for this.

It can’t be a story that shows everything inside. We will sleep together unconditionally. If you sleep alone or with Ji-hyun alone, you will surely see a severe face. I got all my mana back, but you never know.

If I get hit once, should I get hit twice?

She stuck out her tongue at Ji-hyeon and then turned her head towards Ab. It was to promote friendship and to talk about sleeping together, but Ab also opened his mouth at the same time as I did to see if he had something to say.

“Ab, with me today… “
“Lena, if you don’t mind… Oh, tell me first.”
“No. Because I’m not in a hurry Say it first, Ab.”
“Hmm. If so… “

Jihyun’s sharp eyes, Rafe’s nonchalant eyes, and Lime’s… He doesn’t have eyes. Fuck.

Anyway, all eyes waited for Ab’s mouth to open. This ignorant warrior didn’t even know that, and stuttered and spit out the words.

“Lea, Lena! There is something I really want to give you, keuheuk. Because… If it’s okay, can you come with me for a while?”
“…Anything you want to give?”

Is this it? Just looking at it, it’s a love love event, right? But did you have to do this in front of all your colleagues? Huh?

From not being able to meet my eyes, to my red face, to taking deep breaths. It wasn’t too difficult to roughly guess what Abu was planning. Even though she has no physical evidence, she is 200% psychiatric, so she did her share.

Finally, our foolish warrior made a big decision. He chewed up Renye’s shy confession, saying that he would answer later.

Anyway, it’s nice to have something to talk about just the two of us. If I told her to sleep here, it was obvious that Ji-hyeon would be an asshole. I need to make Abbey my side in advance.

“Okay. Then let’s go now.”
“Now? My heart is still ready… No. Let’s go! I think it’s now or never!”

Maybe if I hadn’t pushed my back just now, I wouldn’t have fallen over again.

A guy with no sense and no mood. It’s a shame because I’m the one who knows now. It must have been Rainier, Ji. Is not it? If it’s Rainie, who is at the end of Abu’s love, she must have been good…

Surprisingly, Jihyun stood up and did not stop us. It must be that he is discriminating enough to remain calm in front of Ab. If there are only two people like that left, it’s like a sudden change…

“Ab! Whew… Where are you going? Huh?”

Ab, perhaps wanting to show his manly side, took my hand and strode into the dark forest. He was so nervous that he just stared straight ahead and didn’t answer my question. Cute. Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I’ve seen you?

That’s how we arrived at the middle of the forest. Curiously, there are no trees around, so the empty lot reveals the starry sky.

Just then, the full moon rose. In this world, the full moon is a symbol of true love or something. The size is bigger than the earth, and there are no craters like gombo, so it looks prettier and more authentic.

As she gazed at the beautiful night sky embroidered with stars, Ab, who had only cleared her throat repeatedly to see if her heart was ready, started talking to her.

“Lena. Hey… At our coming-of-age ceremony. Do you remember that time?”

I’m sure he was referring to the time when Rainier shyly confessed her feelings and kissed her with Ab. Recalling her memories, I could feel Rainier’s feelings for wanting to linger with Abu for a little while longer while panting.

Deep love and happiness. And the thrill of knowing that what you so longed for has come true.

But even after kissing her, this foolish warrior hurt Renye, saying that she would answer later. It’s really bad.

Rainier, whose head is covered with her love, may be able to understand everything, but not me. In an instant, her tantrum flared up, her expression hardened and her cold reply cold.

“…Huh. You mean who cheated on me? I don’t remember everything then. It’s so brisk.”

Okay. Avgo Reniego. Both are each other’s first love. It is natural that I am clumsy at expressing love and confirming my feelings.

…But that’s not it! Let’s kiss too! Uh? Shake my heart! Not even a confession!

As I kept thinking about the past, my emotions intensified. I couldn’t contain my anger any longer and turned her head to the side in a pout.

“At the time, I didn’t know my heart well. Lena: Is it because I think of you as a very precious friend and simply don’t want to lose, or is it because I really love you?”
“But now I know. I have come to know that I did something really bad to you and how I feel. Eww… I can’t speak nicely because I’m not around, but… “

Av moved to where I was looking as I turned her head. Then she gets down on one leg and opens a small box to me.

“I love you Lena. Even if the moon burns, even if the sun cools down, I won’t change my mind. So… “

This isn’t a confession, it’s almost a proposal! I felt relieved right away. I want to laugh lightly right now, and I want to be hugged by Ab right now.

But now is the time to suppress that heart for a while. He forcibly pulled the corners of her mouth down and looked down at Ab with still cold eyes.

“So Lena. I’ll tell you this time.”

Ab’s straight blue eyes met her eyes.

Wait a minute! If she went this far, her mind would completely mix with Rainier’s…

“Be my lover, Lena. No matter what… As a warrior, I will protect you!”

What to do Ab… You’re so romantic… !

The ring is shiny and looks very expensive. Haha…

I burst into tears that I had been holding back. Tears only for joy, not for sorrow. She answered Ab’s confession while shedding mysterious tears that made her heart and stomach jump up the more she shed.

“Ab… ! Love you! I love you very very much too!”

Av took a shiny ring from her case. The only light was the moonlight, by which we could only make out each other’s faces, but the ring was dazzlingly golden. She gave me an idea of ​​how valuable the ring was.

Such a precious ring was put on the ring finger of my left hand. And the other was placed on the ring finger of Ab’s left hand. Finally, the rings had to find each other’s location.

“It is an artifact that will allow us to know each other’s location no matter where we are in the world. With this, no matter who Lena is in any danger, I… “

Oh you idiot! Giving away something like this is against the rules!

Ab’s trustworthy arms. She ran into his arms and took her prisoner. Abu flinched in surprise for a moment, but then she gently stroked my back.

It was such a warm touch… As we looked into each other’s eyes as if we were being sucked into each other’s eyes, we kissed at the same time without saying a word.

“Hum… Abuu… Chuu… “

Happy. I’m so happy. I’m so happy I’m so happy I could die!

I hugged Abu even more. She held her body together as if she were one body, holding her tiptoes up and mixing her tongue densely and sticky. She sucked Ab’s sweet saliva and made it mine.

“Whoa… Haha…♡”

To breathe, their tongues moved away from each other, but as soon as they stuck together and entangled each other, their lower bodies trembled. Gone. He left with just a kiss and spilled her love juice obscenely.

“Ab, ab… Because I’m fine now… “
“Lena… “

Now it didn’t matter anyway. The opponent is Ab, a person who would be worth giving my all to. Abu brushed my back while exhaling a rough, male-like breath that was different from usual. Her hips jumped again at her unconventional movements, and her pleasant pleasure welled up.

Gently caressing her waist, stroking her bare skin between her skirt and knee-highs. Ab’s hand came back up to my upper body and slowly, little by little, reached over my ribs.

“Do it, do it, ab… I love you…♡”
“I love you too Lena. Then… “

I left with just a kiss Even the slightest touch on her body made her ooze out.

What would happen if Ab’s hands touched my breasts, or even my pussy? And what if the cock penetrates the pussy?

Certainly, a much more exhilarating and pleasant pleasure than the fake pleasure I felt at the slave guild…

It was then. A roar from somewhere interrupted our sweet time.


I didn’t want to care. I just wanted to continue a deeper skinship with Abbe in front of me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pleasant pleasure that Abu would soon feel.

However, Ab is not as happy at this moment as I am.

“Ugh… Ab, don’t worry about anything else, come on… “
“Wait, Lena. It is the spirit of the demon. I’ll be on patrol soon, so wait a minute… !”

Left. After worrying about it like this, warming up like this, I left with that one sound. He shook off my grasping hand and ran away.

“What… ? Now… Ha.”

Bad ass

One word comes to mind. And.

Bastard son. Chew. Pannam baby.

All sorts of insults came to mind. She sat down, pouring out bad words at Ab, her beloved Ab.

You don’t have to take responsibility, really. If you move a little, you might cool off, but what about me? What do I say

“Bad. It was really bad this time ah… Whoops.”

Is it me who is sad now? Could it be Rainier? I don’t know. Now, it doesn’t matter whether I’m ‘me’ or ‘Rainier’.

My mournful sobs continued until the demon approached me, the familiar being, and lifted my head.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode