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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 115

Chapter 115 – Gaiden) Rafe (1)

The death of the demon king after long torture.

It was an unexpected death, but… The pattern of that magical power proved that he was definitely a demon lord. The hero, Jihyun, and I, who were the official hero party at the time, were rewarded for our merits.

Of course, it wasn’t the reward I wanted.

All I wanted was one thing. It was only Rainie, a female who could bear my seed and was worthy of my cock.

In the midst of such unsatisfactory days. It must have been several months since I returned to the village of demons, but a hero who had disappeared came to visit me.

In the first place, I don’t have any crush on him. I tried to drive him out with a suitable excuse, but he took out his sword on a deserted forest road.

It is said that it has [Absolute Defense], But it is useless in front of the Holy Sword of the Hero. In addition, it was an attack close to surprise, so there was no chance for me to win.

I lost consciousness with his last blow that hit the back of my neck like that, and after a long time, my consciousness was awakened.

“Um… “

The light shining through his eyelids was not very bright. However, it was not too dark, but it was light enough to properly identify objects.

“You are awake. Oh oh… !”

Voice for the first time. No, not the very first.

“I never thought I would get a precious sample of the Elysian tribe… ! Haha, the world is something to live and see.”

Moist air, ringing voices. Apparently, this place was like a dungeon.

I glared annoyedly for inspiration. His face, which I finally saw, was the owner of the northern magic tower that I had seen through a knight once.

I’ve heard that he was inspired only by magical objects and magic, but why did he kidnap me?

Can not understand. At me who just stared at him without saying a word, he smiled blankly and waved his hand.

“How are you? Now, try moving your hand at least once. I need to find out if it’s functioning properly… “
“You’re trying to insult me… !”

What? The voice just…

“Case… ?”
Haha! What a success! My magic was not a failure!”

No voice. No, the voice definitely came out properly, but ‘my’ voice didn’t come out.

My voice, which was thick and low, wasn’t the one that made females tremble with that low resonance…

“What… “

It is thin. Weak. High… Shake. Unless my ears were weird, at least the voices I heard did.

After opening his mouth at the unbelievable situation, he shouts at the old man who is still laughing.

“You’re annoying… ! I’m the tanker of the hero party! No matter how much the magic tower lord is, the cost of playing a joke on the hero party is… “
“Her… Even if you try to move your hand.”
“Hand… ?”

At those words, I let go of my anger and slowly lowered my gaze.

… And.


I saw it. A hand that moves at will, but is twice as small as the one in my memory.

And, as if to obstruct even seeing the hands, two of them stood with their hands covered under the field of vision…

“It’s a chest! Not a homunculus or an artificial body, but your heart that is really alive!”
“Go… Sm… ?”

Originally, human beings, regardless of whether they are humans, demons, or demons, become fools if their cognition fails to keep up with the situation.

That’s exactly what happened to me right now. The feel of that soft piece of flesh I squeezed was the same as that of a female breast I knew.

Breast. Yes, breasts.

It exists only for the mother to suckle her young, to give the male visual satisfaction, and for the female’s own pleasure… Lumps of unnecessary fat.

It was up to me, Rafe.

“Mu, mu, what… Ugh!”

Startled, I raised myself up, but I couldn’t keep my balance and fell again. The body, not wearing a single thread, rolled helplessly across the floor.

The tail is nothing but the long thing that hangs down below the buttocks. A slight tingling pain penetrated from tail to tailbone, through the central nerve, and into the brain.

Why do I have a tail that only exists in female demons?

That curiosity was put to rest.

First of all, the culprit of this situation must be the author right in front of you. It’s not too late to knock him down and demand an explanation for everything.

“Ugh… “

However, the shaking of my arms to the extent that I couldn’t even clen a fist properly instilled in me indescribable anxiety and vague fear.

Haha. Even if it’s a little embarrassing now, you’ll get used to it in no time.”
“Adaptation… ?”
“Okay. Your original body, muscle mass, body balance, everything is different. However, whenever you feel that body is mine, you will synchronize… “
“Noisy… !”

It is a hallucination. Otherwise it’s a dream

How is this… Does it mean that something inconceivable can happen?

He struggled against the wall and stood up from the cold floor. Damn it, it’s lower than that. Perhaps because of irritation, the horse’s ears, which only female demons have, stood up.

“Oh oh! You adapt quickly!”
“This bastard!”

The distance from him was close, and if he rushed at him in an instant, even the master of the mage tower would not be able to react.

If you thought that being a tanker would be ignorant of combat, you are mistaken. I am confident that I have been learning Baktujutsu since I was a child.

A bouncing chest and a dull, sluggish body. It’s too light, so it’s hard to put weight on your fist.

However, the body chosen by the goddess. She was momentarily taken aback by her lower balance than her original body, but successfully threw her fist out. A rather satisfying regime rushed to his face.

“Her… What a bad-tempered mare.”

However, the master of the mage tower evaded the attack with an annoyingly leisurely manner and took something out of the robe’s pocket.

Small… Switch. Before I could figure out what it was, he pressed the button.

“I’ve put aside the body-touching and a few pranks. On the day I approach without permission… “

A tribe of wizards who like to explain bondi. I tried to snatch the switch from him while he was babbling, but he was quicker to retrieve his hand.

My outstretched hand powerlessly cut through the air.

He raised one eyebrow in surprise. He smiled viciously at him, as if asking how he was able to remain intact in that electric shock.

“Under! I was the tank of the hero party. Did you think that [Absolute Defense] Would have disappeared just by playing around with your body?”
“Hmm… Is it like that too… “

It’s always my ability to help, but it’s the first time I’ve ever been as grateful as I am now.

Thinking I had a chance to win, I walked over to him. Now that he knows he can’t hurt me…

He smiled and pressed the button without speaking.
Hold on-


It went dark before my eyes, but it brightened again. I made a stupid noise and wiped the saliva dripping from the corners of my mouth.

The only thing that has changed is that my gaze is low. He must have been lying on the floor, judging from the cold feel on his cheek.

“Moose… Jiseul… “

The tongue is loose for some reason. Mouth is tingling

When I put him up to ask for an explanation, he said with a fishy grin, just like I did.

“How about a female orgasm? Doesn’t it feel much better than ejaculation?”

Female orgasm. I can’t figure out what you’re talking about no, I don’t want to know

Due to the sweaty body, the hair that hangs down is clinging to the cheeks and the nape of the neck. Even when I turned my head around, it only got more and more tangled, so I gave up and leaned against the wall.

The cold wall touches your skin and gives you goosebumps. For a while, the wall assimilated and warmed up with my body temperature. When I stopped feeling the coldness, I felt a sense of incongruity between my crotch from then on.

“Ugh… ?”

Feel bad. Something… Feeling leaking out.

It wasn’t long before I felt that feeling.

It’s definitely something I’ve heard many times. From whom? For sure… From Rainier.

It came from between my crotches. Eventually, along with a warm sensation, I felt a sensation as if I was incontinent, with a stream of hot liquid flowing through me.

I couldn’t muster up the courage to look down and just looked up blankly at inspiration.

“Pleasure breaks people more easily than pain. If you endure the pain, it’s enough, if you harbor resentment inside and wait for the right time… Pleasure is different. No matter how much you hate it, I will slowly melt your brain and subdue your heart.”
“What… “

A pink button located at the bottom of the switch. He sat back in a comfortable-looking rocking chair and pressed the button.

A momentary void as if time had stopped. After that eternity-like time of fear is over, the sensation that I hadn’t felt because I was fainting attacks me again.

“Huh? Eh, ah, what? Oops!”

There was no point in leaning against the wall. Feeling like a tsunami that hit my whole body right away, I twisted my body and ended up lying on my side.

Haha! It is also my masterpiece! I thought I would have inherited the traits of a demonic female who is always in heat!”
“Huggggg! Aww! Hehe… !”

Twist one’s body Twist and twist again.

Just like Rainier, who once struggled with pleasure, did. Curl her fingers and toes and levitate her back in the air.

I used to laugh at Rainier. She made fun of not only her, but a lot of the females she had relationships with.

What kind of pleasure is that, twisting your body so much, rolling your eyes and wailing?

Because at the time I didn’t know anything about it. Because I didn’t even want to know.

“Oops! Uh, uh, uh… !”

I felt like I could understand them a little bit now.

It feels like earthworms are crawling all over your body, and it feels like a female with the best night skills caressing your entire body.

Of course, it was a level of pleasure I had never experienced before. Gritting my teeth, I managed to endure the pleasure that bordered on violence.

Unfortunately, however, hell had just begun.

“This is the initiation stage. It awakens the senses of the whole body. Of course, the pleasure felt will be the least.”
“Haaaaa! Haha… !”
“And the second stage, the caressing stage… “

All of a sudden, the sensation that stimulated the whole body disappeared. Before I could feel relieved, the second step that inspiration spoke of came.

“Hey! Hick! Ah!”
“It mainly focuses on erogenous zones, so you can feel the sensation of licking it with your tongue! Oh, of course, since your whole body is an erogenous zone, you can feel it all over your body, right?”
“Ahh… Hey… Hehe… !”

Voice… I want to endure it. Even if you bite your lip enough to make it bleed, it eventually opens and a ridiculous female voice comes out of your mouth.

It was so disgusting. Why am I voicing the voice of a weak and inferior female, the voice of a female who deserves to be conquered?

“Mum… Ahhh… Dance!! Stop! Stop… Hey, stop! Ahi!”
“Eh… With temperamental hair. Now that she’s a beautiful woman, shouldn’t her words be fine? I heard that it is basically a mare’s instinct to fawn over male horses.”
“Doc… Hit it… !”
“I guess it’s still not enough. What the hell Phase 3 will begin soon.”

He looks down at me as if watching a play, rocking his body back and forth.

I was stunned by the sight of him, but I was terrified when he said that the 3rd stage would begin.

The first two steps alone were so difficult. I don’t know what will happen in the next step. I might really go crazy.

“3… It’s a step… ?”
“Okay. Not even the final step. He is the so-called ‘insert’ guy.”
“What… ?”

Insertion? Is it really… Crazy? This inspiration?

“Don’t worry. I won’t really penetrate you, a virgin. It just gives you the slightest sense of penetration.”
“Keugh… That, make dumplings… ! Aww! Who… Yo, the hero requested this… Haha! Will… ? I’ll give you more money… !”
“I’m sorry, but it’s a specification. I have already decided to help him with his tearful story. If you’ve been destroying other people so much, shouldn’t you have been prepared to ruin yourself too?”
“Ah, uh, oh, got it! My, whoa, I was wrong! I was wrong… !”
“I’m not the one who needs an apology.”

I was about to apologize, but… Late. I could instinctively realize that.

The dizzying current that I felt all over my body disappeared. And… I felt something heavy and hard in my stomach, deep inside my stomach.

As I stared at him with wide-eyed eyes, the old man said with an expression he had never seen before, an angry expression.

“It’s nothing to call it a punishment. It will make you feel very good.”
“Ahhh… !”
“But if you lose everything you’ve built up as a member of the Hero party… A little bit will be her atonement for him and her. It would be better for you to put your heart down.”
“Ahhhhh! Hiya!”

He uttered his last words and left. I was helpless before the overwhelming waves of pleasure that came to me.

“Huh! Eww… Awesome! Line… Get on! I hate it… ! That, Mahaan! Whoa… !”

Something penetrates the body. There is no such thing as pain. There is only pleasure enough to bring tears to my eyes.

“Aww! Hmmm… !”

It’s painful when you feel like coming in. The lower abdomen is tightly packed, and the body instinctively tries to push the foreign object out. No, it’s like wrapping it tightly to squeeze it out.

I feel like my stamina is running out. Before I knew it, I was lying on the floor, raising my hips high into the sky and letting out a suppressed moan.

After such a difficult time of insertion,

“Haha!! Ahhh, please don’t do that! Aww!”

Get out something foreign.

In a hurry, I put my hand between the crotch and stir, but nothing is caught. Nothing was actually piercing my body.

But the sensations felt are real. The hot yang water that you feel in your stomach and each piece of flesh scrapes your body.

The exclamations of females in rapture heard from Rainier and numerous other females. It burst out of me.

That was the end of my memory. I lost consciousness on the cold prison floor, just as Rainie, who had been subordinated to me the other day, stretched out.

When I came to my senses again, I was in that narrow cell at the beginning.

What was placed in front of them was a cold stew and bread that was hard enough to look like.

The inspiration I don’t know since when was humming a song and looking at me.

What is… I don’t know at all All I can feel is my stomach still throbbing and hurting, and my body trembling as I imagine the sensation.

The memory of what just happened… Slowly resurfaced. I suddenly clenched my fists.

“Ah, uh… “
“Oops. I’m sorry. Making the sensitivity moderately sensitive… I made it to the point of incontinence.”
“City… Foot… You… I will definitely kill you… “
“Looks like you liked that body quite a bit. Are your bodies synchronizing well already?”

He stretches out his hand and points to a part of my body. I move my gaze along that direction.

At the end of it is a tail that moves left and right full of anger, as if representing my emotions. As I reached out and touched it, I felt a strange sensation of warmth enveloping my new body part.

“Ah… “

His words come to mind. The condition to be synchronized with this body is…

“Aaaaa!!! Right now! Shit, bastard, go back to normal right now… !”
“Then, first of all, how do we fix this damn character of our mare?”

Hold on-

[Sync 5% in progress]

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode