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The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard 104

Chapter 104 – If I Knew This Would Happen…

When I came to my senses, I was standing in the hallway of a mansion.


I’m sure I remember what Chloe did at the end…

Where are you? A place you don’t know at all. I glanced around and walked towards the end of the hallway.

I guess… I wonder if it was teleported for some reason.

If you need to know roughly where this place is, you should use a teleport…

Bubbly. As I walked along the hallway, I heard a loud noise breaking the secluded atmosphere.

-Mmmm… ! Mmmm!
-Grave? Mmmm…

Argument rather than noise. I pricked my ears and approached it, wondering if it could be a clue.

-This… You’re proud to say that you cheated on me with another man… !

-Under… ! Aren’t you proud of yourself in the first place? When you go to a social club, there are a lot of girls who have spent the night with you!

-Did I even pack the seeds? You are a child who might be a child of some kind of person. ! Every time I see that hair color, I get cursed at!

– What are you talking about… ! I swear to Goddess, I have never allowed my body to another man…

– Then what color is that hair! In my family, only blondes have been… !


Wow… It’s a fierce battle. Actually, there are quite a lot of people like this… Is not a problem

I was thinking of asking where this place was, but it became a headache. It wouldn’t be polite to intervene in a fight like that.

Thinking that it would be rude to pay any more attention, I was about to turn around when I heard the sound of jumping up the stairs from below.

I wondered if it would be misunderstood as a house invasion, and I saw a girl who shrank her body.

When I saw her face, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Mom! Mother!”

She climbs her stairs with a thick storybook in one hand and a bright smile.

That alone is no reason to be surprised at all. Why am I surprised…

“Me… Right? What, what?!”

The child’s appearance… It was similar to the image I had in my memory, no, it was the same.

Unlike me, who always wore tattered clothes and had scattered hair, he looked a bit different because he was properly decorated.

As I was bewildered and parenting, a little boy who must have been five years old looked at me. She then stopped her run and saluted her navel belly.

“Good morning Mr. Mometa! Are mom and dad inside?”
“Ah… ? What… “

I stuttered and turned my head. A window far away, the woman reflected in it was a maid with gray hair.

… What?

What what what what what I don’t understand the situation at all!

What is this guy in front of me, and why am I suddenly like this…

“Puh… Mometa, I guess you haven’t woken up yet? If you break the plate like last time, you might get scolded!”
“Yes… No, yes… “

I was swept away by the atmosphere and respected it as it was… To a kid with my image…

The kid, unaware of my speed, smiles and runs to the door where the argument has been heard.

I sighed at the peace that finally came… Recalling an important fact, I hurriedly got closer to the kid.

Until just now, those nobles were fighting! Besides, judging from what we were talking about… Oh, isn’t it?

“Should I sleep… “


“Mom! Dad! Shall I go in?”

The voice that had risen without knowing the end cut off. Then, when silence falls, the ignorant kid opens the door and enters the room.

My hand, trying to grab her little boy, cut through the air helplessly.

-Lol. I have read all the books you bought me yesterday! Therefore…
– Chloe. Mom and Dad are talking, so come back later.
-Under! Dad? Why am I the father of your son-in-law? Not a single drop of blood was mixed with me!
-You… ! What to do in front of a child… ! And really not!

Originally, one o’clock was an urgent moment, so I wouldn’t have paid attention to it, but not now.

The name Chloe was vaguely heard. And in memory, with a tear-stained face, Chloe talked about changing her body.

“To… ?”

Even if I brought in someone other than me, a stupid sound would have come out.

First of all, it is important to understand the situation. In order to do that, you have to listen to the conversation of that family, which is the only clue.

Close to the door, put your ear in the door crack. The voices of three people could be heard sparsely.

-Sorry, Dad… No, father. I should have said my morning greetings first…
-There is no need for that. I’ve never had a child like four years.
-Really… ! What? Then you really want to end it with me, you?!
-Okay! Fuck it all and get rid of that damn blue hair!
-Under… ! Do you know what I like to raise? Because I gave birth to a child with a stomachache… !

The parents of the little boy who had been arguing for a long time again shut up at the same time as if they were tired of the long argument.

The door is closed, so there is no way to know what the atmosphere is like inside.

All I heard was a hissing cry. The sound of something being thrown with a thud.


-Hey, hehe… Wrong… I did it… I’ll listen to you well… I won’t even ask you to read the book…
-…I said. That bitch, take care of it yourself.
-Great. I’m fed up with being suspicious.
-Dad… Mom… ! Don’t throw away… ! Do it wrong… !

When I heard that, I felt the string of rationality snapping.

I’ve seen countless pieces of garbage in my life, but this is the first time I’ve seen the heat soaring like now.

Trash. Yes, that expression suits you best.

It doesn’t matter if that girl is Chloe or who. What are grown-ups doing with that little child… ?

I stopped eavesdropping and kicked the door open.

“This… ! Crazy bastards!”
“Mo, Mometa? No, I just said something… “

Two radiant blondes, a man and a woman, and a little boy clinging to the crotch of the pants of a man who appears to be her father. The children’s book that her kid was holding on to is half-torn and tucked away in the corner.

I shouted as I glared at those who did not qualify as parents with burning eyes.

“Die… ! To you, the air was… “

However, while running with the thought of giving him a slap on the cheek.

“Wow?! Alas!”

A pillar suddenly protruded in front of my eyes.

Without knowing why, I crashed into it at full speed, and I fell into a pit.

“Ouch… What else is this time… “

Was it some kind of magic? When I turned my head around, the room I was in just now, the people were gone.

I have to protect the kid…

He gets up from his seat while rubbing his throbbing nose. She is wearing a nun’s uniform as if her body has changed this time as well, and her height seems to have grown significantly. I’m not surprised anymore

Anyway, this feels pretty familiar. Where did you see it?

“Hmm… “

No no. It doesn’t matter if it’s a familiar feeling.

What’s important now is…

“…Ugh! Hot, hot… !”

A burning sensation in the thighs.

After making sure that no one is around, I quickly lift up the nun’s uniform.

Located in a place where you can feel the heat is none other than the dagger sheath that Lemarck gave you as a gift.

I stood there, wondering at him, and pulled out my dagger, fearing that I would get burned if I did this.

A bluish dagger pulled out with a chilling sound. I muttered blankly as I looked at that day.

“This, this… Why do you do this… ?”

It was originally a blue sword, so it was amazing, but now it is a sword that lights up the surroundings with a bright light.

It is so bright that the dark surroundings are illuminated.

I stupidly stared at the dagger, then stupidly asked the dagger.

“Uh… Did you send me here?”

The dagger only emitted a brilliant light.

Is the method wrong? There was no change even if he swung his dagger and asked for it to be returned to its original place.

I put the dagger back in only after I almost cut his hand after doing all kinds of weird poses.

“Will you answer… Ahhh, you stupid idiot Rainier.”

And it’s so obvious that there’s no reason to ask. If it wasn’t for this guy, what sent me here?

You might think Chloe sent it, but… If you have that ability, it’s really the worst situation. I don’t even want to think

So, the current situation was created by this mysterious dagger given by Lemarck. I couldn’t have given her anything harmful, so it’s okay to be relieved.

With such faith, I calmed down and looked around.

Familiar chandeliers and corridors. Now I remember where this place was.

“The monastery where I met Chloe… “

It’s a little brighter than I remember, but it’s for sure. It is true that this place was like Chloe’s home.

That is so.

“Could it be that there and here are all scenes from Chloe’s memory? Then he said he took his body, so maybe… “

I’m not really an idiot, and I can infer this much.

Chloe’s body was mine… ? Well, something is strange…

“I am Chloe, and Chloe is born… ? Ugh… ?”

Calm down. Let’s sort it out slowly.

Let’s call Chloe’s body blond, and mine blue-haired.

At first I was born blonde… Chloe was born with blue hair. Somehow, Chloe came out and reversed his body to become the current state.

Wait a minute. It’s strange no matter how you think about it. So, I was born as a blonde to blue-haired parents, and Chloe, who was blue-haired, was born to blonde parents!

“Unless they changed each other when they were very young without their parents knowing… “

Did someone maliciously swap baby me and Chloe and bring them to each other’s parents?

In this way, everything fits snugly. It can be said that Chloe’s mother’s resentment, which she just heard about, also stemmed from this.

And there’s one person who can do it all without getting caught, and there’s one suspected suspect who deserves it.

“Goddess… “

If my hypothesis is correct, this is all a ruse by the goddess.

Ever since I was born, Chloe and I have had our lives twisted by the goddess’ tricks.

Like a toy, to please the goddess…

I’ll turn, really.

“Ahh… Head hurts. I thought it was over, but what are you talking about again… “

As I was moaning and clutching my head, I heard a familiar voice from afar.

-Mmmm… Mmmm?
-All creation. Mmmm.

Not one, but two.

Let’s hide for now! No matter how much Chloe’s memory became, it would be annoying if it got involved.

I hid behind the pillar I had put my nose in and listened to the voice.

-Sir Phillips… Really… Is that true?
-Of course. The goddess called Chloe herself. Still can’t believe it, haha.
-Ah… Then I really am a saint… ! The hero is coming to pick me up! Wow… !

Tumble. Along with the sound of footsteps, the voices go farther and farther away.

Judging by the content of the conversation, this is probably the case.

“It’s the memory of when Chloe was chosen as her saint. Why was the kid who was so kind back then… “

I muttered softly, then rubbed the dagger sheath on my thigh.

If you can show these memories, you’ll have other abilities.

“Dagger, can you make me invisible? I want to roam freely in Chloe’s memories.”

I honestly didn’t expect it. Even though he ignored my words, he couldn’t do me a favor…


“…Yes. What the hell did LeMarque give me?”

Anyway, since it has become transparent, there is nothing to shy away from now.

I’ll find out what kind of past you have. So you can see why she became such a twisted brat? I guess that’s what the dagger wanted in the first place.

“Dagger, erase my footsteps and voice just in case.”

I walked cautiously, talking to the guy I couldn’t even talk to.

Slowly… So as not to be noticed. The blue-haired little Chloe followed the bishop.

One o’clock is urgent… !


“Keugh… !”

Little by little, the barrier’s restoration was slowing down.

The demon king let out a drool and took a couple of steps back. The warrior’s holy sword backed by strengthening magic and knights’ support was too dangerous.

“If only you knocked me down… Peace will come to the empire. And I’m sure you can safely rescue Lena, whom you took hostage.”
“A hostage. I’m sorry about this. Rather, it is Rainier who lives by holding onto me. Haha… “
“Don’t put Lena in that mouth… ! I don’t know what flattery he tricked Lena into, but it doesn’t work on me!”

I dodged the warrior’s sword attack that he swung in anger by tilting his head.

He tried to punch the hero, who had a gap in his big movements, but his colleague, Assassin, came to his aid. As if reloading, the demon king stepped back once again, just as he was preparing for the regime.

Now there is nowhere to retreat, nowhere to run.

If your movement slows down, holy water will be sprinkled all over your body, and if you keep moving, your stamina will be consumed quickly.

It’s also not good enough to deal with intrusive articles. Because the tanker’s barrier, said to have [Absolute defense], Was firmly protecting everyone.

“Flaw… It’s much better than it was back then. The goddess must have put a lot of effort into raising it? Aren’t you dissatisfied with being used as a chess piece?”
“Kuh… ! Rafe maintains the barrier as much as possible, and Jihyun keeps throwing holy water bombs!”

I knew from the beginning that the strategy I first thought of would go wrong.

Apart from believing in Rainier, she thought there was no way the goddess would not intervene.

As expected, the hero party and knights were all wearing the blessings of the goddess. It was too much for a demon king with an indomitable body.

“All troops! Leave the demon king to the hero party and search for the traitors!”

Considering that allies had no support magic, they must have used up all their mana.

‘Alphonse must make a wise decision… ‘

Effortlessly pretending to be relaxed, the demon king blocks the front of the knight commander who is about to run. The knight commander couldn’t help but be astonished at his speed, covering a distance of several hundred meters in one breath.

“Where are you going? I am still alive and well.”
“Even after covering it with blood, it’s still going at this speed… !”

Obviously, Rainier would struggle and try to remain in the castle. I can imagine it, and it makes me smile.

You have to buy time. She made sure she and the rest of her got away safely.

Besides, it’s not very good that the place is so big.

“Her… If you knew it would be like this… “

Even give me a name. Even if it’s a clumsy love, you should have whispered to me.

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

The Warrior’s Party’s Castle Processing Wizard

용사 파티의 성처리 마법사
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I became a wizard, the rearguard of the warriors’ party… The requests of my colleagues are getting more and more strange.


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not work with dark mode