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The Villainess Has Proposed a Contract Marriage Chapter 53

53 – Happy New Year

December 31st, evening.

The artificial lights filled the streets as the twilight engulfed the sunset. It was a time when nobles would attend grand parties, exchanging pleasantries. However, the scenery at Duke Luminal’s mansion was quite different.

A New Year’s celebration was underway, not attended by nobles but by servants. It was a special event led by Elphesia’s consideration, and the faces of the grateful family members were priceless. While they enjoyed the New Year’s celebration, we left the mansion empty.

The first place we visited was the temple, with the intention of taking Urien with us.

Fortunately, the distance between the mansion and the temple was relatively short. Therefore, we quickly stopped the carriage at the entrance of the temple.

“His Excellency Duke Luminal!”

The temple gatekeeper quickly recognized the duke and, as if to ease the tension, the duke waved with a hearty laugh.

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Then, I noticed the gaze of his eyes shift to me.

“Wait, His Excellency Duke, you’re here…”

The gatekeeper’s eyes caught me as I descended from the carriage.

“Oh, Harte Kye! It’s been a while.”

“You remembered. Mr. Randle.”

“How could I forget? Your grace saved me from the blind sword of the noble that day.”


I was around fifteen at the time. There was an incident where a noble, lost in madness, committed sacrilege in front of the temple. Randle was the one who intervened and suffered injuries from the blind noble’s sword.

I was the one who treated him.

Since then, he occasionally brought me food.

“But why did His Excellency Harte visit the temple today?”

What brings you to the temple, the owner of the baptismal name?

Randall’s expression was probably unintentional, but it struck a chord in my heart. Nevertheless, I replied calmly without showing any emotions.

“I came to see the New Year’s celebration with my family. And also to watch the sunrise.”

“That’s nice! By the way, your family…”

Randall glanced at the people standing beside me.

The Duke and Elphicia, and three children.

A warm smile slowly appeared on his face, which had been carefully observing before.

“You look good, Harte.”


“I’m just a mere gatekeeper, so I dare not make any comments… but in my opinion, you look more relaxed now than when you were at the temple.”

“… hahahaha.”

I simply laughed with a satisfied heart. It seemed unexpected, as Randall’s eyebrows twitched.

“You have precious people with you, Harte.”

“I guess so.”

“That’s a relief.”

A faint sigh mixed with a hint of regret escaped from Randall’s breath. He then opened the door of the temple and bid farewell.

“I’ve been talking too much. I apologize for inconveniencing your family. I hope you have a pleasant time.”

“Thank you.”

Leaving behind the connections of the past, I stepped into the interior of the temple. And the present connections followed quietly, enjoying the view inside the temple.

Most of the temple grounds are empty. It means that there is a wide gap between buildings, and the space is filled with gardens. When passing through the veranda adorned with ivory-colored pillars, the children murmured in awe, as if it was something fascinating.

Elphesia, who had been walking silently, broke the silence.

“This is where you grew up, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Is it your first time coming inside?”

“Yeah. That self-righteous idealist never showed up, and now it’s so easy…”

“Who is this person?”

“He exists. A ridiculous fool.”

I became curious about the identity of the idealist who elicited scandalous gossip from the virtuous Elphesia. But before I could inquire, the duke, who was walking in step with the children, proudly boasted like a creased old man.

“Well, I know the inside of the temple very well. I visited it many times when I was young, and the path became memorized after a few repetitions.”

“Wow, that’s amazing! Grandpa!”

“hehehe, I’m quite a remarkable old man.”

“Grandpa is the best!”


I hope he doesn’t proudly brag about the infiltration mission into the Pope’s sanctum and the coup attempt. It’s painful to see Tiena, who knows nothing, praising the disguised ghost story with a raised thumb.

“So, son-in-law.”


Thinking that the duke had read my mind in response to his call, I was about to flinch, but he asked.

“Where are you leading us? I remember it’s a different direction from the pond if we pass through the legal route.”

“Oh, I didn’t explain well, Your Grace. If we pass through the legitimate path, we have to take a slightly roundabout way.”


The duke, not without shame, no longer pressed for an explanation. Instead, he started chatting with the children walking behind, as if to quickly change the subject.

Afterward, as the crimson glow completely faded, the starlight took its place, illuminating the world.

Facing a vast pond that could be easily mistaken for a lake, reflecting the white moon on its surface.

Even in the temple, the New Year was a special occasion.

Warm orange lights adorned the sacred pond rarely touched by human footsteps, creating a cozy impression. The orange lights also harmonized beautifully with the evening sky of deep blue, evoking a sense of romance.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful.”

Tina expressed her excitement first, and Julian agreed with her words.

“I never knew such a natural landscape was preserved in the heart of the city. Growing up in a place like this, anyone would become devout.”

The grass that gently embraced the body with every step, the well-arranged evergreen trees, and the large pond boasting a refreshing hue—all combined to create an unparalleled visual delight.

“By the way, it’s about time they arrive.”

“Who’s coming again?”

As Glenn smirked, I chuckled and informed him.

“Guess who, your secret friend.”

Seems like nobles never change. Just as the saying goes, even a tiger reveals itself when it speaks. The final guest showed themselves to us.

“Oh, hello! Everyone…!”

It was the voice of Echo, heard after a long time. The only difference from before was in the gaze.

The focus, which used to be blurry before entering the temple, now had a clear target—someone or something had captured Echo’s attention.

I asked Echo about their well-being.

“How are your eyes now?”

“They’re getting better. I can’t see emotions anymore, but now I vaguely see the shapes of things.”

“The advance is swift. If we stay a bit longer in the sanctuary, all the shrapnel will completely fall off.”

“Fortunately. Uh… but…”

At that moment, Echo caught my attention. She approached me, aligning her eyes with mine, and whispered.

“By any chance, is Glen… handsome? I mean, um… it’s still a bit blurry to me… even with a blurry face, Glen seems incredibly handsome…”

“Uh… well, yeah…”

It was perplexing.

Even with mosaic treatment, was it obvious that he had a handsome face? Thanks to Echo, I gained a new realization today.

“Uh… Glen seems to have both a beautiful heart and face. I envy him…”

“Echo is beautiful enough not to be overshadowed, so have confidence.”

In fact, characters in Peter’s works were like that. They must belong to a family that overwhelmed others with their influence on marriage matters. It must be due to innate genes. Just like Echo, who was caught up in unnecessary worries right in front of me.

After introducing Echo to Glen, I glanced sharply at the distant corner.

“So… there’s no way you sent the child with blurred vision alone, what are you all hiding like that.”

Only then did the hidden figures reveal themselves from behind the corner.

The leader and the holy pontiff, along with Polyamorph Erethite as Iberia and a woman’s body… all the familiar faces from the sanctuary were gathered.

“Long time no see, Harte. Is this your first time seeing me after handing over Echo?”

“That’s how it turned out, Your Holiness. But I never expected a high-ranking official to visit our family event.”

In a statement mixing jest and sincerity, the Holy Pontiff unfolded an invincible logic.

“After all, this is in front of my bed, right? Just think of it as a rental space and squeeze in a bit.”

That’s right. It was the logic of capitalism. Unable to win, I nodded my head in agreement.

“Well… do as you please.”

“Thank you~. The Duke and I are far apart, so I’ll be talking with the Marquis. Please don’t worry too much about it.”

“That’s true. Thank you for your consideration.”

Although the Marquis wanted to be in the middle, the Emperor pulled him along with force. And so, only the children and Euphysia remained in the place where the adults had disappeared.

… It’s not like all the adults have disappeared.

Euphysia, who had transformed into a silver-haired maiden, approached Tina with a twinkle in her eye.

“Hello, miss.”


The sensation of lips moving but the language being directly hammered into her head. Tina quickly realized Euphysia’s true identity.

“Are you a dragon, by any chance?”

“Correct. I am the one who raised Tina’s father, Count Harte.”

“Then you’re my dad’s mother…?”

“I’m more like a nanny, I suppose.”


The children crowded around Euphysia after her shocking confession. It seemed that not only Tina, but Julian and Glendow were also quite interested.

“Perhaps they’re curious because Euphysia raised them…”

I have a baptismal name, so there’s no need to worry. That’s why Euphysia, who forced me to pick up a spoon even though I starved myself since I was a child, was the one who did it.

“Were you a legendary divine dragon that only existed in folklore?”

“I am of royal blood. As you can see, that’s correct.”

“Divine Dragon, what was the Headmaster like when he was young?”

“He was a very stoic and boring little child. If you’ve become accustomed to the current Harte, you won’t believe anything I say.”

Certainly, as promised by Eréhite, the children found it hard to believe. Though it was all true, I decided to keep my mouth shut for the sake of my dignity.

It was when the children were listening to old stories by Eréhite.


Eubria spoke in her gentle voice.

Elegant and refreshing. She still exuded the beauty akin to a vessel crafted by the gods.

For some reason, I felt uncomfortable around Eubria.

“Anyway, when did my bodyguard start speaking his mind so openly…”


She was a childhood friend I had spent my youth with. Moreover, she had always been by my side as a bodyguard…

Now, somehow, even exchanging a single word was not easy. It’s hard to express in words, but it felt as if my heart had grown heavy.

Eubria, who keenly perceived my feelings, let out a chuckle.

“Enough. Eat well and live well.”

With a scolding in an unknown language and at the same time calling my name.



“Are you happier now than before?”


Happiness. Indeed, happiness.

It’s not that I wasn’t happy in the past. The life in the temple was peaceful, and the rigid rules suited my disposition. Above all, I received enough affection from the individuals gathered in this place and grew up.

Yet, if I were to compare the quantity of happiness, it would undoubtedly be impolite.

However, my eyes were already reflecting the connections of a new era.

Four children with sparkling eyes gather around a mysterious being and engage in conversation. It seemed as if a barrier had been erected around this pure group, rejecting the intrusion of adults. But just by looking at them, a satisfying sense of fulfillment welled up in my chest.

Next, what was contained in their eyes was a beautiful crimson.

Elphesia, who basks in starlight from a distance away from the children. She is my contracted wife, who I am responsible for all my life and the owner of a warmth that has become more familiar than anyone else.

That’s why I could only say this.

“Happiness continues.”

In the past, in the present, and in the future to come. I believe that the happiness I have felt up until now will surely continue.

“I’ve always had extraordinary people by my side. Of course, Euphria, you were one of them too.”

“But I wasn’t anything special.”

“You were special.”

“Because I was your duty.”

“That’s right.”

Euphria is a woman with a special position as a saint. Therefore, it was an undeniable fact that I treated her specially.

But now, with my body and mind grown, I know.

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Specialness can take on various forms, even though it’s the same word, it can branch out into countless meanings.

Specialness as a friend. Specialness as family. Specialness as my own group. The specialness I could define was diverse.

Euphria seemed to have realized that long ago.

“Ah, you’re so obedient. That’s why you can’t even play tricks, right?”

“Playing tricks is not a concept that suits you.”

“Alright then. I’m going to take care of Echo, so you take care of whoever needs it.”

It was obvious who the person to be taken care of was.

Sitting alone on the grass, Elphesia. She remained in the corner of my vision, far away from the warmth of people, even while talking to Ibris.

Although I hadn’t changed my position, she continued to catch my eye. The meaning was clear; it must be because I unconsciously looked only at her.

After Ibris turned her back on me, I approached Elphesia, who was staring blankly at the pond.

“Why are you doing this alone?”

“I’m not used to this kind of thing.”

“What kind of thing?”

“The atmosphere where people intertwine without understanding each other. It’s like looking at old photos that evoke a sense of longing. Things like that.”

Elphesia’s eyes narrowed. It was as if she was exploring a distant summit.

“And what about me?”


“What about me… Are we bound by a contract, destined to have an unemotional relationship?”


Elphesia neither affirmed nor denied hastily. She just chewed on the soft flesh inside her mouth, adjusting her eyebrows.

It was because of that moment that I became the one to ask and answer questions.

“To be honest, I don’t know either. If there was no understanding, it would be a lie. If Elphesia hadn’t advised me to think of the children, I wouldn’t have gotten married, let alone endured a lifetime. I accepted the contract marriage because I had my own benefits.”

She nodded slightly without saying a word. Until now, she had an emotionless face, but it was different after the next statement.

“But now, whether it’s a benefit or anything else, it doesn’t matter. I’m just happy that the person who became my wife is Elphesia.”


Elphesia wiped her nose on her pulled-up knees. Then, she scolded me with a cracked voice.

“Senseless words, as always…”

“Fortunately. It’s better to indulge in senseless chatter than heavy and formal talk.”


“That’s what family is, right?”

Senseless words are never useless. Everyone, at times, lightens the burden on their hearts by throwing around casual jokes. In families, it was one of the few relationships where such behavior was routinely accepted.

“So… I might as well throw some senseless words, even without a contractual obligation for mutual understanding.”


Her laughter was cut off midway. Unbeknownst to us, under the dark night sky announcing a new beginning, the sound of bells, heralding the start of the new year, echoed.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

A pure melody tapped on our ears.

Everyone’s gaze lingered on the bell tower at the entrance of the temple’s elevated floor. Yet, I only had eyes for Elysia. Just as she, who had kneeled beside me, looked up with eyes emptied of spirit.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

The bells leisurely strolled through the night, as if time itself had slowed down.

In that moment, I blessed her. May this senseless blessing move at the same pace as the lingering sound of the bells, synchronizing with her steps.

A path crafted from starlight. Until reaching the other side.

I wish for Elysia’s happiness.

“I hope this year is filled with joyous moments.”

Unrestricted by mutual understanding, may we look at the present, not as an old photograph but as the current moment we live in. And may such everyday life become even more familiar, resolving the conflicts cherished by Elysia.

I sent these wishes with the chimes welcoming the new year.


Just before the final bell tolls.

Elpisia buried her face in her knees as if trembling, then extended one eye out, peeking in this direction.

“… You too.”

Her heated voice tickles the ears like a mountain breeze.

“…… Please live long. By my side.”

The Villainess Has Proposed a Contract Marriage

The Villainess Has Proposed a Contract Marriage

악녀가 계약 결혼을 걸어왔다
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
One day, a villainess visited the orphanage. “I just hate kids!” “How does it even make sense to be saddled with a child at my age?” “What’s so great about these little ones fussing all day long…” Putting aside her dislike for children… Ever since she arrived, the kids somehow started to gain weight. “It’s all because of the contract, you know?” That’s what she says. While personally feeding them the cookies she made.


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