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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 189

Chapter 189: The Two Sisters

After passing through the gates of the castle, I dismounted from my horse at the halfway point of the hill that leads to New Nellie Castle.

The metallic clatter of my armor from the impact of my dismount was a bit jarring.

This return to New Nellie was the first since the fall of Raishleif Castle. In other words, from the citizen's point of view, it is a triumphant return.

As with the return to Nambonan, we were advised to ride fully armed and show off our military prowess in a spectacular manner, rather than return elegantly in a horse-drawn carriage.

At the top of the hill, just before the castle, dozens of servants were waiting in line across the road.

In the middle of the road stood Tesch, my first servant.

When I handed the reins of my horse to a nearby servant, he bowed once and approached me.

Thank you for your long journey. Thank you for the long journey, little boy.

'Thanks for picking me up. I've spent a bit of time walking around the city of ……. It's a very lively place, much more so than the Nambonan market. .

It seems that the triumphant return had been announced beforehand, and the mood was very welcoming.

I took the trouble to put on my armor, so I'm going to make the most of it,……, I thought, and instead of going straight home, I circled the city of New Nellie before returning to the castle.

The next generation of the Quardenze family's military exploits are a source of great joy for the citizens of the city.

According to Tesch, when the news of the fall of Reishleif reached the citizens of New Nellie, there was a great uproar.

Most citizens do not understand the military importance of the Reishleif area. However, everyone understands the significance of the cracking of the “Great Shield of Wojstra,” The pride of the Spiaseik family.

Simply put, it means the end of Spiaseik.

As I was chatting with Tesch about the recent situation in New Nelly City, another carriage came to a stop just before the hill.

The hill was paved with stone, and it was more like a stairway with a very wide tread. It was a staircase with room to climb one step, take four or five steps, and then climb another step.

A horse alone could climb the stairs, but it was impossible for a wheeled carriage.

The servants who were waiting quickly moved to set up a small ramp for getting down from the carriage.

At the same time, the carriage door opens and Kohary appears, led by the maid. His gesture of looking around warily at his surroundings is reminiscent of a cat walking through the streets.

The mayor.”

She confirms my appearance and slowly approaches me, descending the ramp attached to the carriage with a rhythmic “Pon, pon, pon.

She shrinks a little at the sight of the servants, whom she has never seen before, but there is no hint of condescension there. I wondered if this was a good upbringing, and the word “Demure” Popped into my head.

“Um, where's my…… Brother?”

That was Kohliy's first voice as he came very close to me.

Roomon, who had been traveling on foot with the army, thanked him and left when he entered the city of Newnery.

He told me that the Belmacans were preparing a place for me to stay during my stay, and he went to greet me, clutching the letter I had prepared for him.

…… So, Roomon is somewhere in the castle. Tico's brother was there with him, so I guess the two of them are probably unpacking their bags right now.

And you too, Mr. Kiernes?”

The actual a lot of people are going to be able to get a lot more information on the subject of the particulars.

However, Tico's younger brother had been trained by Roomon to do his job and used him as much as he wanted, so I think his level of chores is a few steps higher than Tico's. Mansion with his arms full of materials.

He was always saying, “If you have something to do with roomon, you can ask one of his attendants to help you out. I'll have him take care of it.”

As in the mansion in Nambonan City, Kohary would have a maid.

I brought her all the way to New Nellie City, even though she had requested it.

I look at Tesh, and he adds to my words.

We have prepared a full-time maid to take care of Mr. Kohary's personal needs. We will introduce her to you when we show you your room. We have been contacted by the Belmacans, so we know where your brother will be staying. Feel free to let us know if you need us to make any arrangements for you.

Kohliy seemed to be relieved to hear that they knew where he was.

He let out a small breath and smiled.

I'm looking forward to working with you.

The curtsy she showed to Tesh was natural and not in any way self-conscious.

Kohary is used to dealing with servants and is well educated for a commoner. I think it was not a mistake to decide that there would be no problem letting him live in the castle.

Besides, if we let him live in the villa, there was a possibility that he would get along with Eve, who had a strange, strong sense of humor, and Rave's presence would be discovered. , So as long as he kept her at the castle, Kohliy and Eve would not come into contact with each other.

I'm counting on you, Tesch. Kohary is very dear to me.

I stood next to Kohliy and placed one hand on her slender waist using it as a fulcrum to pull her into a hug.

The smell of her long hair her tickled my nostrils.

I knew I had to crawl on Kohliy tonight. I hardened my resolve and my groin.

To begin with, I had planned to enjoy Kohliy on the way back home. However, the maids of the knight's house where I was allowed to stay at were all to my liking, so I enjoyed once-in-a-lifetime sex.

Somehow, I feel as if they are analyzing the type of women I like based on my past sexual behavior.

Whatever the case may be, the fact is that I haven't been able to hold Kohliy yet, even though he is so close to me.

If you have something you can't talk to anyone about, you can talk to me.

Saying that, I hugged Kohary from the front of her to enjoy her scent of her.

The more I hugged her, the more she let out a troubled breath.

She likes to be hugged tightly like this. Perhaps it is because RoomOn has always loved Kohliy in this way, but she becomes very attentive when she is hugged like this.

……..Yes, …….”

Good, good girl.”

After we finished our embrace, she nodded her head at my words with a look of regret in her eyes.

Looking at her eyes Her with this aura of dependence in full bloom, I felt compelled to tell her to depend on me.

A sister blessed with a good brother may naturally learn the art of tickling masculinity.

As we began to make our way through the castle, Kohliy began to walk diagonally behind me. If I reach out to her, we are within arm's reach of each other.I could see that he was walking carefully so as not to move away from me.

At any rate, I decided to head for Kohary's room.

I could have left the rest to the maids, but I wanted to know the location of the room beforehand.

It was a preliminary inspection for the night crawl.

Just as I arrived at the private room assigned to Kohliy, I heard a voice from the room.


Fanny and her group of servants appeared from the corner of the corridor.

My little sister, with her long, wavy, bright blue hair and a smile that reminded me of spring sunshine, was there.

I'm home, Fanny.

Of course, I knew of her approach by magic detection.

Fanny must have also been detecting magic, because when I started to move to Kohliy's room, she moved accordingly. She was even changing her movements accordingly when I started to move to Kohliy's room. , “Where are you going, brother?


Fanny approached me at a fast enough pace not to lose her grace Seeing this, I spread my hands at a 30-degree angle and she rolled into the sharp corner.

I close my sides and check out the feel of my sister I've missed so much.

'Oh brother,……'

'Hmmm, what's the matter Fanny? You're spoiled like a little girl. Here, sweetie, sweetie.”

I taste the softness of Fanny's hair with my fingertips as if I were loving a dog or a cat.

It's so soft to the touch, I feel like I could stroke it forever without getting tired of it.

Fanny presses her body, head, and face against my chest as if she is trying to get to the deepest part of my chest. It is somewhat like an animal marking itself, and I feel a strong sense of love for the act.

Unfortunately, the thick cloth of her clothes makes it impossible for me to enjoy her bulge her.If I wanted, I would like her to jump in with thinner clothes next time.

For now, I'll just enjoy my sister in a dress with layers of cuteness.

'Muuu…… Because, your brother fought a difficult battle, didn't he? I was very worried about whether he was injured or not. 'T you?”

Fanny, who was settled on my chest, looked me up and down.

I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep up with her blue eyes

I've written to you many times,” She said. It's going to be all right.

When I was staying at Raishleif Castle, Fanny and I exchanged letters, and every time we exchanged letters, there was always a sentence asking if she was hurt. I always replied that I was fine, but apparently she didn't trust me at all .

I'd say, “……Really?”

Peta, peta, peta.

Fanny boldly put her hands her all over my body I guess she was checking to see if I was hurt It is never petting.

Brother, my penis has swollen. Can you please check …… The words were coming near my throat, but I pushed them away.

Even the quintessential fanny would n't touch my ass but she wouldn't put her hand on her on my crotch.

But, paradoxically, doesn't this mean that I can touch Fanny's buttocks her, too?

I am relieved to hear that your brother is safe.

After pressing her face against my chest one more time, Fanny stepped back.

She then looked at me as if she expected something from me.

She looks at me, “You'll be at the castle tonight, right?”

I take a deep breath in my brain for a moment, trying not to be distracted.

I'm going to stay here until I go to King's Landing with my father. I may go to the castle during the day.

Fanny, probably happy with my words, put her left hand on her cheek her.

When Fanny is really happy, she puts one hand on her cheek her to cover up her smiling, lifting mouth her Big brother knows everything about his little sister his.

I have a lot to talk about with you, big brother.

Fanny smiles gently. I'm going to sleep with you tonight,” Fanny says calmly.

If this were a different meaning of “Sleep,” I would be very happy, but in this case, it is a healthy meaning of “Sleep.”

I was planning to crawl into bed with Kohli tonight. But how could I disrespect my sister, who was so happy to have a chat with me that she was smiling broadly?

I have a lot to talk about with Fanny, too.

The answer is no.

And you too, brother?

I want to protect this smile. I wonder why I feel like Fanny is always blocking my intercourse in this pattern.

He is a brother who never progresses.

“…… Oh my?”

At this point, Fanny finally noticed the presence of Kohliy standing diagonally behind me.

Her gaze her shifted to Kohliy for a brief moment, but it quickly returned to me.


Yes? What is it?

Who is the one with the beautiful hair over here?

It was hard to say that she was my beloved concubine.

Come to think of it, this might be the first time Fanny has seen my mistress. I have held a number of maids in the castle, but to Fanny, the maids are just servants.

In other words, Kohary is probably the first woman to appear as a mistress.

Perhaps she has not even met Eve.There is no way that the exclusive servant would let his daughter her, who carries a sign that she is a sex slave, into Fanny's sight her.

As I was searching for the right words to answer, one of the maids who had been accompanying Fanny quietly walked up to her.She then quietly spoke into Fanny's ear of her.

Immediately, Fanny answered in a small voice, “I understand. The servant's words were small and hard to hear, but I heard what sounded like a snippet of a sermon.

He seemed to have been admonished that it was a part of the house that was not to be touched.

He said, “…… Brother. I hope you are looking forward to this evening.”

He said, “Oh …… Yeah, I am. I'm looking forward to it too.”

The conversation was cut off abruptly, but it would be fine if the topic was over.

Well, I have been informed by letter that there are several maids in the castle who are pregnant, including Odie. You may have guessed how excited I am.

I said, “Your father and mother are waiting for you. Come with me.”

Fanny tugs on my arm.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

Leave it to me.

At those words, two maids stepped forward and took a bow. Apparently, they are the ones who will take care of Kohary.

While they were greeting Kohary, their arms were pulled tugging and pulling. At first, they were reserved, but then their strength became stronger and stronger.

I parted from Kohliy before the power of the Lord's ancestors could tear my clothes.

Everyone has been looking forward to dining with your brother for a long time.

I don't think it was my imagination that Fanny's words sounded a little emotionless.

The way she was fiddling with her curled-up hair with her fingers was reminiscent of a cat's backside as it pecks its tail on the floor.

This time, I had been unofficially offered the position of the next head of the family.

Therefore, I thought that there would be a certain amount of events at the dinner table.

Surprisingly, however, the meal ended with nothing more than praise for Operation Snake Fang.

Normally, they would have gathered all the knights serving the Quardenze family and held a sort of informal ceremony, but they said they did not have the time to do so.

My father is busy with the operation to conquer the Reischlieff area, the adjustment of diplomacy, which has become more complicated, and the preparations for the forthcoming royal social gathering.

I heard that he has announced to the nobles in the vicinity that he has made an unofficial decision on my becoming the next head of the family, so it seems that the facts are already being established.

After dinner, my father ordered me to come to the innermost room before going to bed.

He wants to talk to me in detail about how to conduct myself in the royal society and about the decision of the next head of the family.

Since these are the most important secrets of the Quardenze family, I think he wants to discuss them out of earshot of my mother, who is a close friend of her but has the Evenapis family as her parents 'home of her.

Even at the dinner table, I didn't even mention the word “O” For “King's Landing.

I proceeded up the stairs, trying to sort out the issues that would come up at tonight's meeting in my brain.

After the meal, Fanny said that she had to study for her daily routine, and she left me with a regretful look on her face.

I was now short of time, so I asked the head maid to show me the way to see Odie.

I asked the head maid to show me around. “I am sorry to have to invite you into such a small space,” She said.

No problem.

Oddie, the little man is here. Come in.”

The head maid calls out to the door.

When a muffled noise is heard from inside the room, the head maid opens that door and walks in.

Ody. Long time no see.

Inside the room, there was Ody sitting in an easy chair.

He was sitting on an easy chair. I'm sorry to bring you down here like this.

“No, no, no, no. Stay where you are. Don't move, it's all right.

The servant stood up and bowed to Odie, but Odie stopped him with the palm of his hand and approached him.

The servant set up the same chair facing Odie, so I sat down in it.

I looked at his stomach and saw a bulge that was different from his obesity.

'Your belly is getting bigger,' he said.

'Thanks to you, it's doing fine. I can't thank…… Enough for your help, little man.”

Odie's hand his gently stroked my belly, his touch his was gentle and full of compassion.

I decided to spend this afternoon on a maternity tour.

While I was at Raishleif Castle, I had received several reports from maids who were pregnant.

I wanted to talk to them in person, not just by letter, as they had received the love I had spread in their wombs. I believe that aftercare is important to continue an enjoyable sex life after childbirth.

The fish we are about to catch, of course, but it is the fish we have caught that we should feed.

That's why I decided to start with Oddie and see what he looks like.

By the way, aren't you going back to your hometown? I think she might not feel at home if she stays in the castle.

Odie is still the boss of the young maids, or in corporate terms, a manager. The current situation is like being at work on maternity leave, so to speak.

My feeling is that it's somewhat uncomfortable.

But Odie responded smilingly.

I've been living in this castle for as long as I can remember.I have been living in this castle since I can remember.And I have my mother here, so it's easy for me to ask her for advice.

Oddie's family is a knight family based in New Nelly.

The Minute and the other girls are living in the villa as I am now. I'm sure they don't feel comfortable with me around, do they?”

From Minute's point of view, Odie is her boss.Certainly, having a superior at work all the time during pregnancy would cause a great deal of stress.

I'm fine with that, as long as Odie is doing well.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as Odie lives a healthy life and delivers a healthy baby, I have nothing to say.In fact, her words seemed to come from the heart.

I move closer to Odie and kiss her lightly.

I asked her, “…… Odie, are you a man who doesn't believe in superstition much?”


'You're still talking to me normally, aren't you? You know what they say about …… Jealousy of babies, don't you?'

It's a very cute superstition that you should stay away from me because I get nervous when I'm with you.

Minute, Anna, and others were so frightened by this superstition that it made me nervous to watch them.

However, Oddie was not afraid of me even though our lips were pressed together.

I don't want to be shunned, but I feel as if he doesn't like me when I'm aloof like this.

I'm sorry if you are offended. It's just that …… Boy is ……”

'I hate it,' he said.

I meant to say it as a joke, but I sounded much more pathetic than I expected.

Then Odie smiled seductively and whispered in my ear to hide the words from the head maid, who was also my mother.

She said, “I have known …… You since you were a baby, and I am in awe of you, but a large part of me is aware of you as my little brother. So perhaps he will not be jealous of me.

The fact that he sees me, his lord his, as his little brother his is something that no other maid could do or say.

Perhaps it is because I am a half-sister, born between my father and the head maid, that I can think that way.

Besides, Odie is the one who has taken care of me since I was an infant. I am less conscious of him as a man, and I may recognize him as a younger brother or a child.

And most importantly, Odie still loves her husband her.

Despite the fact that she became pregnant with my child, their marriage seems to be better than before. I don't understand the sense of chastity in the Knight family.

I thought that I could make Odie my female by sowing my seed, but I was wrong.

However, I have no intention of forcibly separating the couple for now because my first priority is to keep Odie smiling.

I would be happy to continue to have him sire my seed whenever he was hungry.

I win because I get to hold Odie, Odie wins because she gets to fulfill her duties her as a squire woman, Odie's husband wins because he gets his squire's child, and the knight family wins because they get more squires.

Win-win-win-win, it is now the sound of a vibrator driving.

“Do you want a little touch?”

Go ahead.”

I touch her flabby belly, I have a child in here, the one I planted.

The situation of having my half-sister's seeding approved by her husband she was really immoral, and it was a nice thing to do.

“Are you feeling all right?”

“Yeah, I'm fine.”

I sat back in my chair, took Odie's hand her and held it in both of mine.

I secretly resolved that I would start the next one as soon as the current one was born.

'Even though she's magical, she it'll be her her first baby to me directly.

Oddie's face turned a bit odd at my statement.

He then turned his gaze to the head mother maid, who was standing behind me.

My eyes then turn to the head maid, who is standing behind me. Oddie is currently accompanied by a full-time healer.

Hmm? Ah.

I am a slave ancestor, so I have no experience with this, but I have heard that when you are pregnant, the magic power coming out of your body becomes very unstable. There. In other words, during that time it will be in the same state as the slave ancestor's body.”

I had known for some time that magic power becomes unstable during pregnancy, but I had not expected that the output would be zero.

I was about to say, “Is that okay? The head maid had just told me that a full-time healer was attached to her. It would not look good for a nobleman to be distraught over this.

Oddie, is that so?

'Yes. It was my first time and I was very frightened at first. I thought how fragile the bodies of …… Commoners and those born without. Old, elderly people can be very kind to the commoners.”

As those with magical powers age, the amount of time they spend without magical output increases. Eventually, they reach the end of their life span, and it is not uncommon for them to awaken to compassion for the commoners at this time.

By standing on the same level as those who have been looked down upon as vulnerable, they realize, “How can you people live with such weak bodies? ……

As Oddie spoke of his appreciation of magical power, the head maid told me as if to admonish me, “If this is a woman with magical power, she is the only one who can do this.

This is the same for any woman with magical powers. Please understand this well when your son eventually receives a legitimate wife. Cousin Odi was so anxious about it, how anxious must the noble wife be? To support her.

If the Lord Ancestor's magical power were to be lost now, …… I would be afraid of injury or death, and I would become a hermit.

I see. I'll keep that in mind.

“…… And infants and young children also have unstable output of magic power. If they suffer from bad luck, even the children of the main ancestor can die from the diseases that commoners suffer from.

It was a distant memory, about the time right after I was reborn on the continent of Eluo.

As an infant, I was very sick one day, but I remember that I was cured by my mother's healing magic. I guess that means I caught a cold because my magical output was zero.

I was wondering if women's magic power becomes unstable due to pregnancy, and if so, what happens to men?

The question was answered by the tesh that was attached to me.

'It is only additive. ………………….. No, the magic residue from the attack magic also had an effect.”

The way Tesch talked about it, as if he knew the actual case.

I feel a little uneasy.

The “Aftereffects of the magic residuals …… Will grandfather be all right? If he loses his magic power while he's stepping on the Reishleaf, there's nothing he can do about it.”

No matter how well-trained the red devil may be in a hundred battles, he cannot fight satisfactorily without the gasoline of magic power.

I am sorry to cause you worry. But please don't worry. There is no confirmation that the Grand Master's magical power has become unstable. He is not yet old enough to begin to lose his magical power. Besides, the Grand Master would not want the war to continue with his magic power unstable. If anything should happen, it would be a burden on the remaining master and the little boy.

Well, that makes sense. And it didn't look like Tesh was lying.

If the magic power of the main ancestral level is reduced to zero, those around him will definitely notice, so he cannot deceive them.

'Then good. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that kind of example.

No, it's only natural for the little boy to be concerned about the Grand Master.

Tesch then looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “I'm sorry, sir.

I have heard that some of the military officers who have been subjected to repeated attacks by the Lord Ancestor ………… Have such symptoms. Follower. It is not uncommon for them to have lasting aftereffects.”

We are at war, and the damage is naturally done to the military officers.

In the process of carving out the outer regions, there must have been a lot of battles with our ancestors,” He said.

Perhaps because I looked a little gloomy, Tesch made an excuse for the military officers' aftereffects as if he was trying to make up for it. He said that the aftereffects were rather wounds of honor for fighting for one's lord, and that they were not of the nature that I would feel guilty about.

I think he added this so that I would not be distracted more than necessary by the military officers and soldiers at the end of the line when I lead my troops.

However, I think it would be better not to talk too much to the Grand Master about anything related to magical residues.

Even though it was an honorable injury, it is true that it left him with aftereffects.

I don't think he cares much about that kind of thing, but if Tesch says so, then he is probably right.

I nodded my head in agreement.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode