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The Main Heroine Likes the Extra Chapter 141

141 – Are you happy now?

Some time has passed since the Demon King incident.

A major event in which the Demon King was resurrected and tried to cause chaos in the world again.

However, due to the quick resolution of the incident itself, there were only a few people who knew the truth of the incident.

At most, the leaders of the empire and kingdom, our family, Count Wentoth, the World Tree Church, and high-ranking wizards of the White Magic Tower.

After the arrival of Princess Yuril from the royal capital and Prince Andrew from the Duke of Ignis, a small meeting was held at the Count of Wentos.

Originally, this was a meeting that was scheduled to discuss a strange incident that occurred at the church.

The place was not just a meeting, but a place to reveal the truth and have a conversation.

A story from 400 years ago, the whole truth about Saint Velia.

…And the devil’s treatment.


A silver-haired girl looking around with anxious eyes.

The Demon King lost all his memories and existence and became a pure being, looking just like a child.

No… He can no longer be called a demon lord.

With the child in front of them, Her Majesty Yuril, the kingdom’s princess, and Her Majesty Ophelia, the emperor of the empire, had a conversation about the child’s treatment.

This was a very important matter.

This child could become a demon lord that puts the world in danger, and he can prevent that from happening.

It was a matter that had to be decided carefully.


“It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t have to cry.”

A small girl shaking with anxiety and holding Sir’s hand tightly.

Sir was working hard to comfort the child, who no longer had even a trace of him as a demon lord.

…Seeing that, the conference room that had been debating over the treatment became quiet.

“…I need to get the kids out first.”

No one refuted His Majesty Yuril’s words.

…And after some time, a conclusion was reached.

“Riel, are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Yes, it’s okay.”

I asked Riel again because of her concern, but she calmly nodded her head.

I can’t help but be worried.

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“… In fact, even if he is the Demon King and the one who tormented me, I would say he doesn’t come close to me.”

“No, that’s true…But still.”

There are infinitely many people who have fallen into pain due to the devil.

Riel is also the culprit who put the Demon King into endless mental pain for his own resurrection.

… However, she thought that taking care of such a demon lord would be a great pain for Riel.

Rather, it was unexpected that Riel was so nonchalant.

Lowering her head, she looked at the child who was the Demon Lord…

A child sleeping quietly in Sir’s arms, breathing quietly.

“Look, he’s just a child.”

“…Really, Riel, are you okay with that?”

“Is it really okay? And…”

Sound of tossing and turning.


The child turned over her body and snuggled further into Sir’s arms.

In those arms, the child is closing his eyes with a relaxed expression.

“…Because I’m following Sir like this.”

“Riel is so amazing.”

“Huh? What?”

To be honest.

I haven’t suffered that much damage from the devil.

Rather, the ones who suffered damage from the Demon Lord were people like Riel and Liliana.

Even I can’t forgive the Demon King, so I have feelings of rejection even towards this child who is like a remnant of no longer the Demon King.

“…It’s just that Riel is really great.”

“What’s bothering you…”

Riel said with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

That expression was so similar to when I was upset during my academy days that I smiled without realizing it.

“…So, what are you going to name it?”

“Huh? Are you thinking of taking over Kyou in the end?”

“If I liked you, I didn’t intend to oppose it in the first place.”

I just feel a little bit of resistance.

Riel smiled and spoke to me.

“Yes. From now on, I hope to grow up seeing only beautiful things…”

This small child who was the Demon King… Was taken into the care of the Count Wentoth family.

To be more accurate, it would be better to say that World Tree Sir was in charge.

Originally, the kingdom, the empire, and the church would have taken charge of this child and wanted to monitor it, but there was a reason why they could not do so.

It was only for a short period of time, but the Demon King was at least halfway resurrected, and the aftermath was significant.

Due to the resurrection of the Demon King, demonic energy around the world was activated, and the remaining demons were also affected by it.

The activities of monsters were becoming more active all over the continent, and all countries were being chased to deal with them.

This is just the aftermath of a half-resurrection.

Of course, it would have been even more terrible if the Demon King had completely resurrected, created new monsters, and launched an all-out attack, so it would be fortunate.

Of course, the fact was spread, and a thorough investigation was conducted on the child, the remnant of this demon king.

The results of the investigation are that this child no longer has much influence on monsters.

In the first place, the monster’s activation and rampage were due to the Demon King’s will to ’cause despair and pain.’

This child, whose will had disappeared along with his very existence, was no longer a threat.

In that case, it was wiser to give priority to dealing with monsters everywhere rather than worrying about this child.

The same goes for the World Tree Church.

Of course, the World Tree Church suffered damage that was close to destruction as it was split in half and half of it was annihilated by the Devil.

It was necessary to quickly restore the church, reorganize its forces, and re-establish the church environment that had been corrupted by the cardinal faction.

And of course, not all of the Cardinals died.

Not everyone gathered in the church, and there are still members of the Cardinals dispatched to the Republic and some other kingdoms.

It would be a big deal if they came back and took over the church.

So the Pope, papal priests, and paladins quickly headed to the central church.

We had to quickly restore the church and reassure believers.

That was also a way to assist and help the World Tree, Sir.

In the case of the Magic Tower, Chainy, the Magic Tower lord, sensed his own end and entrusted the position of the next Magic Tower lord to his sire, Tower Lord Allise.

Alise, the 2nd Mage Tower lord, returned to the Mage Tower with the surviving high-ranking wizards and the evacuated low-ranking wizards.

Of course, when the White Magic Tower learned about the Demon King, she did not intend to completely let go of her hand.


At the Magic Tower, wizards were dispatched at regular intervals to look after the child who was the Demon Lord.

I wonder if something strange has happened, or if there is something wrong somewhere.

“Welcome, Liliana.”

“Hello, Riel.”

And the person in charge of that job was Alice’s best disciple, Liliana Edwin.

In the White Magic Tower, there was no one ahead of her in terms of manipulation and handling of her magical power.

She visited the count’s house again today.

“Riel, how are the kids doing?”

“Yes, I’ll call you now.”

Riel Ignis, no. Now Rielle Wentoth, she signaled to the maid waiting behind her.

Maid Luca, now a proper lady, bowed and left her room.

“The two of you are probably going out to have fun right now. We might have to wait a bit, so let’s have some tea.”

“hehehe, it looks like you’re doing very well.”

“Yes. I heard that Mr. Leelu, who takes care of the two, is sighing a lot these days?”

Riel was laughing like a child, and her Liliana was looking at her with a smile.

“Is that child healthy too?”

“Yes, I got kicked in the stomach a while ago. I heard it really energizes me.”

Saying that, Riel patted his stomach.

…The ship is now filled with new life.

“How is Liliana these days? I’ve been hearing her name a lot lately.”

“… hahahaha, it’s a shame. She just created some magic to help her father through his hard times…”

“What are you talking about? How many people have been helped thanks to that?”

Liliana devoted herself to researching magic, which was the duty of the White Magic Tower.

Along the way, she devised several spells to help her father, Baron Edwin, with her farming and merchant work.

Magic that dramatically increases the viability of crops and magic that minimizes the shaking of carts.

This magic, created simply to help her father, was a magic that was of great help to others as well, and her name, Liliana, was quickly spread by Baron Edwin, who noticed the fact.

Thanks to that, Liliana was scheduled to be given a medal from her kingdom.

Riel quietly looked at Liliana, who smiled vaguely as if she was embarrassed.

“Hey, Liliana…?”


“…Ugh, no. The kids will be arriving soon.”

Riel knows.

She said that sometimes, whenever Liliana came to her mansion, she would find herself staring at her husband, Kyouwentos.

As for Liliana’s feelings, she had already figured it out.

…Anyway, polygamy is not that rare among nobles.

Most high-ranking nobles have two to three wives.

In some ways, her own father, Duke Ignis and Count Wentos, both of whom belong to a curious category.

Therefore, Riel was confident that even if Kyou accepted Liliana, she would welcome her.

However, it seemed like Liliana herself had no intention of doing so.

No, I thought that even if she had thoughts, she was probably trying to control them herself.

So, she is always thinking about getting her horse out every time she visits.

…But, she couldn’t get her words out today either.

“I brought the ladies.”

A knock and Luca’s voice outside the door.

And then I heard the voice of a child chattering away.

“Yes, come in.”

As soon as Riel finished speaking, the door burst open and two children ran in.

Sir Wentoth, a bright girl of about 8 years old with light green hair and red eyes.

“Mom! Sister Liliana!!”

At Sir’s voice, Liliana smiled and waved her hand.

“It’s good to see you looking healthy today, Sir. And Calia, too.”


A girl who appears to be around the same age as Sir, with silver hair and golden eyes.

Kalia Wenthos.

“What did you two do for fun?”

“Playing tag!! Calia was the tagger!!”

“Uh…She’s so fast that it’s hard to catch her…How can I catch her…?”

Calia Wentos spoke with an expression that was almost on the verge of tears.

Liliana, who was looking at her appearance closely, stroked her head.

“It’s okay, Calia can be as fast as her older sister.”


“Well, if you try hard enough.”

Calia’s expression brightened, and Liliana also smiled brightly.

After a while, the children heard the three pets(?) Called Baduki, Frey, and Bligh crying, and went out to play again.

After the children left, Liliana opened her mouth.

“Yes, there is no problem. His magic is stable, and he is still a good kid.”

“Then, who raised it?”

Rielle puffed out her chest while saying that.

Liliana smiled at that sight.

“Then I’ll go back.”

“Already? Kyou will be back in a little while, so let’s have a meal together. Astane also decided to gather in the evening.”

Asta Wentoth, married to Baniella Grace and currently living elsewhere, is a story about a man coming to visit.

There is also Kino Wentos, who has not yet married and is studying at the count’s mansion, so if he comes, it means that the entire count’s family will gather.

“hahahaha… I feel sorry for being involved in a family gathering.”

That’s why Liliana took pains to refuse the position.

Riel also understood Liliana’s feelings, so she did not bother to capture her again.

“Oh my…This?”

As she was about to leave her room, Liliana bent down and picked up something from her.

…It looked like a painting.

“Oh, that…?!”

“hehehe, it looks just like it did back then. Who drew it?”

“That…The painter my father brought…!! I was so embarrassed that I hid it…But these guys are amazing!!”

It looks like the kids came into the room earlier and dropped it.

Liliana smiled after looking at the picture.

Riel, seeing that smile, spoke with her new red face.

“Why…Why are you smiling like that…? It’s a bit strange, isn’t it?”

“No? It’s just that you look happy. I don’t think there’s any need to be embarrassed.”


Who talks about me?

After coughing, she wiped her nose and looked at the monster corpse in front of her.

Although she was a bit far from the village, she received reports from local residents that they were afraid of the cries of monsters, so she went to see them and, as expected, there were a lot of them.

“Thank you for your hard work, Kyou.”

“Ah, Mr. Rush, thank you for your hard work. You supported me like this on purpose.”

“No, it’s right near the border with the empire, so we have to cooperate.”

Imperial Knight, Mr. Rush said with a sharp salute.

“Ah, more than that, Kyou-sama. Actually, Princess Lefia asked for a message.”

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“Huh? What again this time…?”

“That was… A message asking me to come visit you next time. I will prepare the best and wait for you…”

Princess Lefia renounced her right to succession to the throne and left the island, accepting only his title and fiefdom.

That too, a territory bordering the kingdom, our County of Wentoth.

The climate there is similar to that of the County of Wentoth, but it is a relatively empty land with abundant resources and without strong monsters.

I thought she must really be the princess of an empire to take care of such a place…

I didn’t know you’d be asking me to come visit you this often, but this is it.

What on earth are you planning? After all these years, are you still holding a grudge against the two-year-old?

I felt like my body was shaking with anxiety and a slightly cold feeling.

“hahahaha… I’m sorry, but it’s almost time for our third child to be born… Please tell me I’ll see you next time.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do. I’ll tell you.”

Mr. Rush nodded and led his soldiers back across the border.

After seeing him off, I also led the soldiers and hurried home.

Actually, Riel’s birth date was definitely approaching.

When she returned to the county, it was around the time when the sun was just about to set.

As I crossed the fortress and arrived at the count’s mansion, I saw a face I hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Brother! It’s been a while!”

“Asta! You’re already here!”

When I saw my younger brother’s happy face, I felt my face brighten without me realizing it.

“Hello, brother!”

“Baniella, welcome back. How are you these days?”

“Yes, that’s it…Actually…”

The moment Baniella was about to say something, Asta interrupted.

“Baniella, shush. We were supposed to talk later when we were all together.”

“Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry, brother. I’ll tell you later.”

“Huh…? Well…Okay. Then, let’s listen to it later.”


After sending the two people to the room, I headed to the room where Riel was waiting.

Because I went out this morning to subdue monsters, I could only see Riel’s face in the morning.




While rushing, she was attacked by two miscreants.

…You still have tremendous power, Sir.

And Calia, it’s good that her sword skills are gradually becoming brighter like my older sister, but what if her strength also resembles her?

Thanks to this, the damage is doubled.




And then, three shadows rushing towards it.

No, just wait a minute.

No matter how hard it is to withstand the weight of five…

…I was able to withstand intense battles with monsters.

I fainted for a few seconds.

As I entered her room, holding my sore back, Riel was there.

She looked at me and smiled brightly.

“I’m back, Riel.”

“Yes. Welcome.”

Riel was resting in a comfortable chair, holding her swollen belly.

She approached her, kissed her lightly and sat down next to her.

“Was the monster subjugation going smoothly?”

“Yes, Mr. Rush brought out soldiers to support us on the Empire side, so we didn’t have much trouble.”

“Mr. Rush? Did Princess Lefia send you?”

“Perhaps? He asked me to come visit him next time, so I declined for now, but…”

At those words, Riel spoke in a slightly lowered voice.

“I declined well.”


…It was like this before when Princess Lefia stayed, but the two people secretly had a bad relationship.

I don’t know why, but is there something wrong with the code?

As I was struggling with that thought, something caught my eye.

Is that… A painting?


As I approached the object on the desk with interest, I heard Riel’s voice sounding confused.

Ah, is it this picture?

Obviously, among the several identical paintings, only the one I had at my house was missing. I guess I found it.

“Well…Actually, I hid it…But it seems like the kids found it.”

“Hide it…? Why?”

“Well…I’m a bit embarrassed…”

Hearing Riel’s words, I looked at the picture again.

It’s a very happy-looking face. Is there anything to be ashamed of?

After saying that, Riel spoke again.

“Ahahahaha…Liliana said that too.”


“Yeah…So I don’t want to hide it anymore. Should I at least order a picture frame…?”

After seeing Riel say that, I looked at the picture again.

I suddenly became curious.

Riel…As depicted in this picture.



To Riel, who suddenly raised her head and looked at me, she asked the question she was curious about right now.

…Did I succeed?

I fell into this world and lived with vague goals.

Was it possible to achieve the new goal by intervening in the story of the ‘protagonists’?

I wanted to ask the question that leads to the answer now.

“Are you happy now?”

In response to my question, Riel looked blank for a moment.

And, she had the best smile on her face.

“Yes! Of course I’m happy!”

The Main Heroine Likes the Extra

The Main Heroine Likes the Extra

메인 히로인이 엑스트라를 좋아한다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
He is the fiancé of the sub-heroine and an extra who appears briefly as a villain early on. Despite his self-discipline and amicable relationship with his fiancé. She went to the protagonist’s side. Author note: There is a description reminiscent of NTR in the beginning. It has nothing to do with the heroine, but please be aware that some people may find it offensive.


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not work with dark mode