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The Main Heroine Likes the Extra Chapter 120

120 – The False Hero

“Are you really saying that?”

Chae-eun’s furious voice.

The anger and pressure he felt from her was enough to make Yoo Si-hyeon slightly step back from her.

“In the first place, even if you run away, where will you go?”


Even if they run away, there is nowhere for them to go.

The only way to return to the original world is to defeat the Demon King and ask the Emperor for a favor.

… In fact, the emperor promised that if only the Demon King was defeated, he could gather all the magic power and return it to him.

“Where… Quietly hiding…”

“If we run away, we will be pushed out by the Demon Lord’s army. Do you think there is a place to run and hide?”

At those words, Sihyeon bowed his head without saying anything.

When you think about the strength of the monster and the speed at which it increases.

If the warriors flee and their morale plummets, will the Allied Forces be able to stop the advance of the devil’s army?

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The possibility is infinitely low.

No matter where we run to on this continent, if it is eventually taken over by the Demon King’s army, there will be nowhere to run to.

“…I’m sorry. I guess I was a little too agitated.”

After Sihyeon said that, he turned around and left.

Chae-eun sat down in her seat.

Although she was angry at Sihyeon’s behavior, it was not something she couldn’t understand.

But in the end, this is all Sihyeon’s choice.

I came to this world as a hero knowing that I would be caught up in a war.

…Then, you must fulfill your responsibility until the end.

And it was the same for Chae-eun.

“…Let’s go back.”

I had to go back quickly and fulfill my responsibilities today as well.

“Miss Cheney? You have a bad complexion.”

“Ah, Ms. Leivinia.”

Hearing Leivinia’s worried voice, Chae-eun turned her head.

“I’m fine. I just had a little trouble sleeping.”

“Hmm… Then shall I teach you about herbs that are good for a good night’s sleep?”

“Yes, I will ask you when I have time.”

Recently, Chae-eun was learning about her herbs from Leivinia.

It was quite an interesting time because there were many different herbs from the original world and many had unique effects.

… Best of all, she didn’t have to think about useless things during the time she learned about her herbs from Leivinia.

“Where did the other friends go?”

“It looks like you both have other business.”

Eri, who often whined, and Sihyeon, who got on her nerves, stopped being like that at some point.

Eri seemed to have learned how to read, but she was engrossed in reading various books, and Sihyeon often went exploring with only a few soldiers. She

… She was a little concerned, so she asked the soldiers who followed her, and they said they were procuring the supplies she was lacking.

In fact, they were procuring medicinal herbs and edible fruits.

…I think both Sihyeon and Eri have overcome it to some extent. Chae-eun felt a little relieved inside.

“The Demon King’s Castle is right around the corner.”

“Yes, the final battle won’t be that far away.”

Chaeun looks far away. No, she looked up at the Demon King’s Castle, which was now quite close and could even be said to be right in front of her.

In fact, she was more like a castle made of large rocks like a building than a castle, but it was still called the Demon King’s Castle because it was a facility where the Demon King resided.

She began to advance little by little, and finally came here.

Within at least a month, she will have a decisive battle with the Demon King.

It’s not that there is no anxiety, but the power of vision, Eri’s sacred magic, and Chae-eun’s magic skills are several times stronger than the average.

She clearly believed that it would work for the Demon King as well.

No, if you don’t believe, nothing will start.

“After defeating the Demon King, Miss Cheney, will you return to your original world?”

“Yes. That will happen.”

The original world.

All I could say was that I really missed it.

I missed my father and mother, and I also missed her younger sister’s face.

… Fortunately, it is said that when she returns to the original world, she will be returned to her original time, but Chae-eun’s body has already grown for three years.

Father and mother… Will her younger sister Chaeyeon recognize her?

I vaguely had that thought.

“I’m going to feel lonely.”

“Yes, I think I’ll miss you a lot too.”

Because Chae-eun had developed a deep friendship with Leivinia, Chae-eun felt that her separation from Leivinia would be quite sad.

At that time, Leivinia clapped her hands and said.

“Oh, then come to my house before you go back to the original world! I’d like to introduce you to my husband and children too.”

“Ahahahaha, then I will definitely ask you to do so.”

Well, it’s not like you have to go back right away, it’s just that there will be some time.

Chae-eun tightly held the hand that Lavinia held out to her.

“I promise.”

It was a few days after her appointment with Leivinia.

If we go further for about two days, we will be close enough to enter the Demon King’s Castle.

But that night, Si-hyeon called Chae-eun.

Chae-eun headed to the place he had nominated, wondering if she had any business ahead of her final battle.

A vacant lot just across the forest.

This place was the place where the monsters were defeated and safety was secured just yesterday.

I could see that the temporarily built camp still remained.

They haven’t demolished it yet… With that in mind, Chae-eun entered the tent.

“Chae Eun, I’ve been waiting.”

Si-hyeon’s voice was heard, and Chae-eun was able to confirm that there was someone other than Si-hyeon in the tent.

It was none other than Seo E-ri.

Although she was surprised to see Lee in the room, then she must not have been summoned for an impure purpose.

Chae-eun looked at Si-hyeon and opened her mouth.

“So, what brought you here?”

After a while.

“…Are you guys in your right mind?”


At Si-hyeon’s words, Chae-eun felt her mind turn blank.

This was Sihyeon’s and Eri’s suggestion.

Eri, a sacred sealing technique discovered in a church book.

Holy magic that seals powerful demons or monsters using magical power and divine power.

With this, we will seal the Demon King and lie that we have defeated him.

While sealed with the sacred sealing technique, the Demon King’s existence and even his magic power are completely isolated and sealed from this world.

…If you don’t say it or check it yourself, no one will be able to tell that the Demon King has not been defeated but has been sealed.

In that way, we are going to ask the emperor to send us back to the original world.

“That’s a scam!!”

Chae-eun was angry.

She deserved to be angry.

“That’s right… If you use up all your remaining magic power to send us back, the seal will be broken and all united countries will be in danger!”

Even the magic power used to summon the warriors has not yet been refilled.

In that situation, she said she would ask other countries to scrape together the remaining magical power to send them back.

…However, this is a story that takes place when the Demon King is defeated and the territory and people can be protected on their own.

What if they are tricked and use up all their magic and send them away, and the Demon King is released from the seal…?

“Then everyone living on this continent becomes dangerous! Even though we know that…!!”

“What does that have to do with us!!”

Eri screamed at Chae-eun’s words.

“What happens to the people in this world has nothing to do with us!”

“You…You said that…”

Chae-eun, dumbfounded by Eri’s words, stuttered, unable to finish her sentence.

Chae-eun said as she looked at the book that Si-hyeon showed her in hopes of persuading her.

“And there’s no guarantee that this sealing technique will work! The opponent is the Demon Lord! It can’t be that simple!”

It was not my intention to undermine their confidence.

However, I hoped they would stop.

I didn’t want to deceive the people of this world with something like this.

…I hoped that the heart that Mr. Ogma left behind would not be trampled upon.

“No problem.”

Eri said confidently.

“If you use a catalyst, there is no problem.”


“Yes. No matter how powerful the demon lord is, if the sacred sealing technique is activated using a powerful catalyst, it will be possible to seal it for several years. The probability is close to 100%.”

Chae-eun also learned about catalysts when she was learning her magic.

A catalyst that assists powerful magic when using it.

It is common to use gems containing magical power, and when using a biological catalyst with magical power… That is, an offering, the magic can be activated even more powerfully.

However, it is a catalyst for sacred magic used to seal the Demon King.

She didn’t have anything like that.

She didn’t specifically mention taking sacred objects with her, and Chae-eun had never seen anything like that.

“Where is that catalyst?”

“You know? There is a being who has a lot of magic power and whose status itself is said to be noble…”

The moment she heard those words, Chae-eun’s face turned pale.

“You…You can’t believe it…”

“Yes, if you use that elf as a catalyst… You will definitely be able to seal the Demon King.”

“This…This crazy b*tch…”

It was absolutely something that Chae-eun could not ignore.

Chae-eun raised the magical power flowing through her body.

“You think I’ll just leave it like that?!”

Leivinia had someone waiting for her, her husband and her children.

She could never tolerate the thought of sacrificing such a person and running away herself.

“Hey, you’ll just fall into a coma while the seal is maintained anyway. Well, if you do something wrong, you might run out of vitality and die.”


Chae-eun chanted her magic.

She couldn’t bear it anymore.

No matter how much she is a colleague or a friend of her class, there is something that she cannot tolerate.

The moment Chae-eun was about to activate her magic, a heavy shock hit her from behind.


Chae-eun falls out with a single scream.

She realized that it was the work of her vision, and tried to raise her body, but Chae-eun’s body became heavy.

“This is…”

“Yes, this is the sacred sealing technique.”

Eri said mockingly.

“You’re not a demon, and you didn’t use a catalyst, so it’ll only last a few days at most, but…”

“Hey!! Seo Eri!! You!!”

Seo Eri got up from her seat and walked straight to Yoo Sihyeon.

“Hey, I told you right? That b*tch Lee Chae-eun will never agree to it.”


“Sihyeon, don’t worry. I have you.”

Saying that, Seo-eri grabbed Yoo Si-hyeon’s face, pulled her in, and kissed her deeply.

“Forget that b*tch. We just have to survive on our own.”


“These… These bastards…”

Is it because of the sealing technique?

Desperately clinging to her fading consciousness, Chae-eun glared at them.

“Well, for me, I’m glad you didn’t agree with Lee Chae-eun. Yoo Si-hyeon still had feelings for you.”

As if to mock Chae-eun, Seo E-ri put her hand behind Yoo Si-hyeon’s neck and hugged him.

Well, anyway, it didn’t matter to Chae-eun, who had already long since disappeared from Yoo Si-hyeon.

What came to Chae-eun’s mind was the face of a beautiful blonde elf who was passionately speaking while holding her herbs in her hand.


“Huh, you’re really persistent.”

Perhaps Seo E-ri was so dear to Chae-eun that she held out her hand.

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Perhaps the sealing technique was strengthened, Chae-eun’s body suddenly lost strength.

“Sleep soundly. When you open your eyes, it will all be over.”

His head hurt.

Her whole body complained of pain, as if her body had been floating and then crashed to the floor.

I felt like my fading consciousness was coming back little by little.

‘Where am I?’

Chae-eun tried to get up, feeling as if she was going to vomit.

‘What was I doing?’

I couldn’t think of anything.

Obviously, we all went to school together again…And…

…And then, I came to this world and fought…Before the final battle…So…

“Ugh…!! Wow!!”

In the end, Chae-eun was unable to withstand her boiling stomach and continued to feel nauseous.

Everything was emerging at the same time.

“Leivinia… That’s right… Seo E-ri and Yoo Si-hyeon, those bastards…!!”

Chae-eun hurriedly got out of her camp where she had fallen.


It was so dazzling.

I had to cover my eyes, which were stinging from the light I saw for the first time in a while.

The sky was very clear and bright.


There was no dark demonic energy covering the sky.

No, I couldn’t feel any demon energy.

Even to the Demon Castle that can be seen right nearby.

Chae-eun ran in a hurry.

To the Demon King’s Castle, go inside right away.

There was no one inside the Demon King’s Castle.

She couldn’t see any of the monsters that had been visible the last time she scouted.

It is a sight as if everything has ended.

…If someone who knows nothing sees it.

But Chae-eun did not know anything.

“Huh…! Huh…!!”

Chae-eun’s breath caught in her throat, as her physical strength was not very good.

But I couldn’t stop her.

A bad feeling was constantly gnawing at Chae-eun.

…The destination was visible.

She pushed open the rock door and entered.

A large room with a throne where the final boss in a game might be waiting.

There were no lights at all, and only a single ray of light came from a small window.

However, that ray of light was clearly illuminating something about her.


In front of him, Chae-eun got down on her knees.

Reaching out her hand, she touched it.

…It definitely happened.

But she doesn’t react at all and doesn’t make any movement.


Chae-eun cried for a long time in front of Leivinia, who was sleeping as if dead.

When we came out of the monster’s territory, where we couldn’t see many monsters anymore, the surprised faces of the soldiers guarding the place were amazing.

…And when we arrived at the imperial capital and reached the royal palace, the faces of the soldiers guarding there were even more amazing.

The emperor who rushed over after hearing the report also looked surprised, but also looked relieved and happy.

“Miss Cheney! You’re safe!!”

“…Your Majesty.”

…Apparently, it seemed to be known to the emperor and others that Chae-eun had died.

While relieved to see Chae-eun, the emperor spoke as if he was truly sorry.

“I… I’m sorry, your friends have returned to their original world. I don’t have enough magic power to send you back too.”

…As expected, it was already too late.

It looks like the emperor was trying to prepare a parade or a banquet, but he seemed to be rushing back.

They went back. No, he ran away.

It was natural that Chae-eun’s seal was released quickly, and he didn’t know when they would come after him.

“It’s okay, Your Majesty.”

“Is that so? I’m really sorry. But if you’ll just wait a few years…”

“No, I have no intention of going back.”

Chae Eun, he told all the truth and all the facts he knew.

The Demon King has not been defeated, he has just been sealed.

In order to escape, they only sealed it and told lies.

Of course, those who found out about this expressed despair and anger.

There were some who denied reality, saying that Chae-eun was telling lies.

However, the fact that those who returned and left as if running away supported Chae-eun’s words.

“Your Majesty, please give me time.”

Chaeun said.

Please give me time.

Please give me time to find a way to completely defeat the Demon King and save Leivinia.

Fortunately, the catalyst for the sealing technique was the high elf Leivinia, so the divine sealing technique applied to the Demon King was very powerful.

Powerful enough to seal the Demon King for nearly 10 years.

In it, Chae-eun tried to come up with her own measures.

Seeing Chae Eun’s face full of determination, the emperor nodded his head.

The emperor also could not sit still.

Until the Demon King’s seal was released, he had to do everything he could to prepare.

He informed the leaders of each country that the Demon King was not dead and ordered them to make thorough preparations.

On the other hand, the general public was not informed that the Demon King was not completely dead.

I did not want to put people who were relieved that the terrible war was finally over into anxiety again.

I wanted to stop the production of the statues of the warriors that had started, but I decided to leave it at that as well.

…I had to prepare thoroughly.

And, at Chae-eun’s request, the statue was recreated so that the face of the wizard, that is, Chae-eun, could not be seen.

It was Chae-eun’s request that she did not want her face known.

Chae-eun first headed to the hometown where the mercenary Ogma lived.

Ogma’s hometown village was almost completely restored.

There, Ogma’s tomb was.

I heard that the emperor himself buried Ogma’s body in that tomb.

In front of the grave, Chae-eun vowed to defeat the devil.

There was no way to know about Leivinia’s family.

I heard about the family, but I never heard who they were or where they lived.

Even the elf tribe that Leivinia belonged to did not know that Leivinia was married.

I searched around, but in the end, I couldn’t find any clues.

After finishing her work on the two people, Chae-eun searched for a way to completely defeat the Demon King.

1 Year, 3 years, 5 years…

And then 7 years…


After listening to everything that Witch Cheyney said, Leos quietly got up from the bench.

To be honest, I didn’t understand half of Chaney’s story.

Chaney is from another world, she is a Shinsungbong ninjutsu, etc…

However, there was one fact that could be known for sure.


Leos gently hugged Cheney’s small body from behind.

“You worked hard.”

Leos, who is ignorant of her magic, does not understand what she has done so far to completely erase the Demon King.

But she struggled to fulfill her responsibilities despite experiencing war, being betrayed, and being hurt.

…Even though he is a hero, with this small and weak body.

Hugging Leos’ large body, Chaney said nothing.

She just sobbed quietly, her body shaking.

After a while, Chaney and Leos, having calmed down a little, sat down on the bench.

Leos waited until Chainy calmed down and quietly opened her mouth.

To be honest, she thought for a long time about whether she should ask Chaney, who was hurt by an old incident.

But she had to ask.



“Is…The high elf still alive?”

“…He is being managed by the empire. Although his body is weakened, his life is not in danger.”

Although they are used as sacrifices and their vitality is greatly consumed, an elf is an elf.

As a high elf, she survived despite taking on a burden that would have killed her if she were an ordinary person.

Perhaps, when her demon lord’s seal is released, the woman who was used as her sacrifice will also regain her consciousness.

“…Thank goodness.”

Leos sighed in relief.

Seeing that, Cheyney looked at Leos.

“Leos, do you know Leivinia?”

“I’d like to ask first to confirm, but her full name is Leivinia Avewalk. Is that correct?”

At Leos’ words, Chaney opened her eyes wide and nodded her head.

Although she knew the name of the elf tribe that Leivinia belonged to, that is, her full name, she did not tell Leos about it because she had no need to talk about it.

“…I didn’t know they were high elves… But in a place like this…”

Leos sighed deeply.

The moment Cheyney, who was looking at Leos like that, was about to open her mouth, Leos’ mouth opened.

“Former name Leivinia Avewalk. Before she disappeared, she used the name Leivinia Gretooth.”


“Yes, she is my mother.”

At Leos’ words, Cheyney opened her mouth.

The Main Heroine Likes the Extra

The Main Heroine Likes the Extra

메인 히로인이 엑스트라를 좋아한다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
He is the fiancé of the sub-heroine and an extra who appears briefly as a villain early on. Despite his self-discipline and amicable relationship with his fiancé. She went to the protagonist’s side. Author note: There is a description reminiscent of NTR in the beginning. It has nothing to do with the heroine, but please be aware that some people may find it offensive.


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not work with dark mode