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The Genius Assassin Who Does It All Himself Chapter 80

Yeosu (2)

* * *

There were several mischievous checks.

There were cases where people asked for tolls even though they tried to pass through empty alleys.

For the absurd reason of preventing terrorists, he even ran metal detectors all over his body.

In the first place, even if you only have one dagger, you can’t help but get caught in metal detection.

The hunter from Jagang took offense at it and complained about why the metal was detected.

But the funny thing is, it’s not a big deal after you’ve been out for a while! that the disposition is given.

Only then did Ganghu realize that the structure that runs here is not really checking and searching for safety and security.

I just found out that everyone smokes a joke with the intention of earning pocket money. So I changed my response.

After taking out a generous 50,000 won bill from a nearby ATM machine.

I made a bunch of 1 million won and 2 million won, respectively, and gave it to the hunters who were blocking my way.

Instead, it was conditional.

“I only give it to the guy who serves me most respectfully. It’s one person. I don’t choose multiple people.”

The air has changed since then.

Things like checkpoints and searches have disappeared into the afterlife.

They would scramble to open the road, clear obstacles, and suddenly get ice water and serve it to Ganghu.

After all, is this the taste of capitalism?

Ganghu was able to go inside, feeling the fun of spending money.

Perhaps it was because he was a warlord holding the Yeosu area, the flag of Jagang fluttered wherever he went.

Although it cannot be said that the scale is large compared to Abyss led by Lee Hyun-seok.

It was not enough to wear the title of a local warlord.

Probably, with this much power, there must have been quite a bit of collusion with the local commercial district, the police, and the Hunter Police Agency.

So it must be that the lower ones run amok without being afraid. It was an unusual picture.

Contrary to the expectation that it would be difficult to meet the captain, the meeting with Kim Ja-ho happened quickly.

When Kang-hoo inquired with the person in charge, it seemed to be because he guaranteed a minimum amount of 1 billion won along with the dungeon rental case.

It won’t be common for hunters from outside to come down to Yeosu and borrow a dungeon license… … .

I was curious, so I thought that there was a part of me that I met.

Anyway, I was able to meet Kim Ja-ho right away.

His office was full of stuffed wild animal heads.

All of them died with their eyes wide open, and it was terrifying to see them stuffed.

It was different from the hunters in the Seoul area who organize their offices in a neat and tidy form.

It was broad daylight with the sun just rising, but Kim Ja-ho started talking while drinking vodka from his glass.

“It’s not uncommon for outsiders to come, but they come out of nowhere and want to attack our own dungeon?”

“There are some dungeons that I’ve been interested in before.”

“I heard about what kind of dungeon it was beforehand. Is there anything special about that dungeon?”

“What? Is it a feeling? Do you feel like something good will come out this time around?”



“Are you a drug addict?”

The story suddenly jumped out, but the reaction came out within the expected range.

Han Seung-hyuk was like that in the past.

It was strange that Ganghu thought special of the dungeons they had already cleared dozens or hundreds of times.

I’d rather be surprised if the number of raids is less, or if there’s something really there.

Since it was an ordinary dungeon with no such thing, there was no way I could understand the sudden interest in it.

Besides, the 1 billion won they promised to give for the license rental fee is by no means a small amount.

“Can’t we just call it a hunter who likes adventure?”

“I won’t stop you from coming to our dungeon and spending money on our organization. Isn’t that too strange?”

“The world is like that.”

“This baby, this. A real drug sucker, this one.”

Kim Ja-ho clicked his tongue.

In particular, there were many stimulants imported from China in the Yeosu area.

Even if it wasn’t a drug, there were plenty of stimulants that had effects comparable to those of drugs.

That’s how Kim Ja-ho understood Kang-hu’s ridiculous curiosity. Then it seemed to make sense.

Anyway, from Jagang’s point of view, he made money by selling licenses, so there was nothing to lose.

Ganghu asked.


“good. Borrowing a license is no problem. But we have never opened a dungeon to an outsider alone.”


“To be exact, it’s more like a watcher. I’m not going to help you.”

“Is it because you can’t see other people eating good food?”

“Whoops. Listen to the end.”

Ganghu crossed his arms and waited for his words to continue.

I don’t know if it was spontaneous or if it was the original manual, but it seems to have its own rental method.

As Kang-hoo looked at him with a sad expression, Kim Ja-ho drank another glass of vodka and continued.

“The dungeon license fee is only 100 million won. Instead, we keep all the spoils from the middle.”


“I do not claim ownership of the drop items of the middle boss and main boss. Instead, we have everything else.”

“You seem to think that you can make 1 billion won with that.”

“Can I be honest with you?”

“You have nothing else to lie about.”

“If you die while attacking, all the items you have will be ours.”

“… … It’s amazing.”

Kang-hoo let out a laugh.

When I thought about it, it was because Kim Ja-ho’s idea was quite plausible.

That’s right.

If Ganghu loses his life during the attack, the item he was wearing naturally becomes Jagang’s possession.

There is no one to come and claim ownership, and it is not a publication that can be found that way.

“how is it?”

“Well, it’s true that I’m on the side of the boss monster. let’s do that.”

It wasn’t damage.

I came to this dungeon from the beginning with the purpose of adding skills.

In addition, he said he would not touch the most important middle boss, main boss reward.

“I will kindly hand over information related to the dungeon. Instead, you must do a level scan.”

“However much.”

Kang-hoo nodded, and Kim Ja-ho took out a scanning device and scanned Kang-hoo’s body.

From noble mtl dot com

A level scan usually takes about a minute, so there was an awkward silence for a while.

and after some time

Kim Ja-ho, who checked Kang-hu’s level on the scanner, was startled.

“hey. You’re going to enter the dungeon with this level? Then it’s the entrance cut. If you don’t want to die, will you bear it?”

“Worry about your life. Are you too kind? Then shall we do something that didn’t exist?”

“All monster levels here are 200. It must be really hard with a level less than 100, right?”

“Let’s see if it’s difficult or not difficult. Even if I die anyway, I will die, and you won’t die, right?”

“Hey, it’s my remoteness. okay. Then I’ll assign someone to guide me. keep in mind He won’t help you even if you’re in danger of dying.”

“Tell them not to sprinkle ash on the finished rice.”

Kang Hu replied bluntly.

There are some corners where Kim Ja-ho’s tone or reaction is a bit annoying, but in the end he was quite cooperative.

Since he is a local warlord, I wondered if there would be some tight corners, but the conversation went well.

Coincidentally, the dungeon was also waiting to be attacked, so I was able to prepare for entry without waiting.

A good start.

* * *

It wasn’t until 15 minutes later that Ganghu entered the dungeon with ‘The Watcher’.

It was a hunter who looked quite young, but no matter how high he set it, he didn’t seem to be 20 years old.

Immediately, a statement was made, and it was found that the name of the watcher was Baek Seon-tae. Of course it must be a pseudonym.

As soon as he entered the dungeon, Baek Seon-tae crossed his arms and watched Kang-hu’s attack.

Seeing no reason to add strength, he didn’t even think about taking out his weapon.

However, Baek Seon-tae was watching Kang-hu’s movements with interest, because he was in the same occupation as himself.

How long did you observe the river?

By the time Kang-hoo had finished his warm-up, gently subduing the monsters from the beginning.

Baek Seon-tae quietly spoke to Kang-hu.

It was a section where monsters stopped appearing, so an environment where we could talk naturally was created.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen a nice assassin. The posture is good, and there are no gaps. Interesting?”

“It’s hard to see an assassin.”

“To be exact, it’s hard to see a good assassin. It’s a world of people who are just flamboyant and then die.”

Baek Seon-tae’s words conveyed both pride in his profession and contempt for other assassins who were not up to his level.

In fact, Kang Hu’s thoughts were similar.

When it comes to the assassin career group, there are a lot of guys who have seen it somewhere and work hard to catch poo.

Such guys have a short life expectancy.

Assassin belongs to the most sensitive job group among many hunter jobs.

This is because the assassin is always ranked at the top of the list of occupations that are easy to lose one’s life with a single mistake.

If the goal number fails.

An assassin who has no choice but to be in the closest approach to the target becomes the most delicious prey.

The phrase “high risk, high return” doesn’t come out of nowhere. The risk is really great.

Baek Seon-tae continued.

“Is there any reason why you have to designate a dungeon like this? Giving up most of the rewards.”

“It’s kind of adventurous. It feels like leaving in search of irregularities in an uncertain world. Well, something like that.”

Kang-hu said whatever came to mind, but he seemed dumbfounded, so he turned his head slightly and smiled.

The reason is clear.

I came here because I can learn skills through skill book tricks.

But since I don’t really want to leak anything to people I’m seeing for the first time, I’m just saying bullsh*t.

“Anyway, good viewing. Sun-kyu’s level right now is unbelievable.”

Baek Seon-tae did not hide his sincerity.

His level is 250.

Compared to Kanghu’s level, he was 2.5 times more powerful.

However, throughout the battle, he felt a near-perfect perfection in Kanghu’s movements.

neat and concise.

Although he didn’t seem to be overdoing it, all his movements were sharp.

And he wasn’t even lying.

Hunters would know how difficult it is to coexist with such a list of modifiers.

If you put those words together into one lump, only one word comes out.


The perfection of Kang-hoo’s movements was just like that.

On the other hand, apart from Baek Seon-tae’s praise.

Ganghu was thinking of a way to use the current battle like training.

‘You should be able to avoid it much more closely than now. To create the timing I want.’

From a beginner’s point of view, it’s best to avoid it outright in the first place.

This is because the probability of falling into danger can be greatly reduced at the same time as the start.

But in practice, things don’t go so smoothly.

Looking at the evasion response in advance, the experienced hunter matches the next response while watching the evasion process.

It becomes easier to take the target because the opponent is in the shape of laying a hand in advance.

This is because it is natural for a seasoned hunter to prepare for a move or two.

‘The later you avoid it, the more you can waste both time and the right to attack.’

Making it difficult for the opponent to make the next move by delaying the dodging period as far back as possible.

That was the next step of growth Kang-hoo thought.

The Genius Assassin Who Does It All Himself

The Genius Assassin Who Does It All Himself

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A world only I know, and now I’ll have it all. There are no good guys here to share. There is only a poisonous person here who will do it all alone.


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not work with dark mode