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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 8

8 – 8. The Holy Maiden Too Sacred (2)

The wolf, unable to bear the injustice, charged towards Arlencia, but unfortunately, she swiftly evaded him and ended up being a knight in full plate armor who ran towards the wolf.

The wolf, being a beastkin himself, was quite large in size, but the knights, including their helmets, were over 2 meters tall, a very massive build.

Seeing the knight with a shining red light through the gaps in the helmet, the wolf swallowed its saliva and, whether it was instinct or not, turned its belly up and waved its tail.

A sign of surrender.

“Take that pig with you. The rest can wait outside.”


Rather than being affected by the wolf’s humiliating surrender, the knights kicked its head with their steel boots, rendering it unconscious, and dragged it away.

There was a sound of something breaking, but it seemed that the wolf was still alive.

On the head of the wolf, being dragged away like a hunted animal, there was a large lump.

“These beastkins are the ones who collect taxes in this area.”


As the knights left the convenience store, Arlencia frowned with a pretty face and sighed.

By the way, taxes, what kind of taxes are they?

“Simply put, it’s just extortion. Maybe they came to this store because it was an unfamiliar one, wanting to take money and leave their mark.”

“But isn’t it still too much to act like that even in broad daylight?”

I unconsciously rubbed my forehead.

In short, they were just a bunch of hoodlums.

No wonder they were causing such strange disturbances for inexplicable reasons, it was all a buildup to extort money.

I never expected such people to show up on the first day.

Thinking that I just stepped on dog poop on the street, I decided to clean up the mess they caused.

“Of course, it’s not allowed, but judging from the tattoos on their bodies, they seem to be from a gang called ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ They must be brave, knowing that someone has their back.”

“Isn’t that the title of a fairy tale book?”

“Yes, it’s a book that we read to children at the church.”

Even the name of the gang seems to have come from the head of a beast.

Perhaps the boss already knew about such guys, so wouldn’t it be right to warn right from the beginning that these guys exist?

Of course, there have been talks about how violent the werewolves can be, but I haven’t heard about these hoodlums.

[The Three Little Pigs (Cosmic-1221)]

[A famous gang consisting of pigs and werewolf werewolves, they expand their influence in big and small cities, engaging in extortion activities by bribing the guards in the area.]

Curious, I searched on TreeWiki and found out that there is actually a gang called The Three Little Pigs.

It’s quite surprising that there is even such unnecessary information on TreeWiki.

[♣The Universe of Knowledge You Cultivate♣]

[Welcome to TreeWiki!]

[TreeWiki is a wiki that contains knowledge of the entire universe. Be aware that unfiltered knowledge also exists.]

It’s not just an advertisement that it contains knowledge of the entire universe. If I had known, I would have looked into it in more detail.

[Major Intellectual Species List (Cosmic-1221)]



[*White Mage]

[*Black Mage]

[*Apostle (Priest)]

Looking at it now, some of the famous people in this Cosmic-1221 even have individual documents.

[King Zular Khan of the Werewolves]

[Seretini, the Mage Lord of the White Tower]

[Erebos, the Mage Lord of the Black Tower]

Just by looking at the adjectives in front, it seems like they’re advertising how amazing I am.

I’ll take a closer look at these people when I have time.

From Noble mtl dot com

“By the way, are you injured anywhere? That mean wolf earlier had a knife.”

While tidying up the mess caused by the beast’s offspring, Alencia walked forward and asked.

“Oh no, you have a wound on your face.”

Then I noticed a wound on my face.

I wiped off the blood, but the mark remained.

“I did get a slight cut on my face earlier, but it’s okay. If I apply some medicine and put a bandage on it, the scar won’t be visible.”

Fortunately, due to the convenience store’s size, it had most over-the-counter medications one might need, rivalling even some pharmacies. Moreover, it seemed like there was a first aid kit in the employee break room, so I could go get it quickly when there were no customers later. After all, it wasn’t just a minor scrape on my face, and at least it was much better than before.

“Could you stand still for a moment?” However, Alessia smiled and suddenly grabbed my shoulder with one hand, while the other hand moved toward the injured area.

At first, I was worried about what she was doing, but Alessia closed her eyes and began reciting some strange words. Yet, I still couldn’t believe it.

As her hand touched my injured face, it felt warm, and then a white light seemed to emanate from her fingertips. The pain disappeared, and the scars on my face vanished completely.


At first, I was too shocked to say anything. It was incredibly astonishing to witness something you might only see in movies happening right in front of your eyes.

“How do you feel now? It doesn’t hurt anymore, does it?”

Why was I so dumbfounded? Alessia chuckled as she looked at my surprised face.

Even though I turned my head away in embarrassment, the fact that my facial wounds had disappeared in an instant was still astonishing. Not only had the injuries disappeared, but all the blemishes and old scars on my face were gone as well.

“Could this be the magic I’ve heard about? Seeing you with your white robe, are you a white mage?”

“Magic? You mean this isn’t magic?” When I asked if what I had just witnessed was magic, Alessia seemed a bit surprised and tilted her head.

“Have you never seen magic directly, Mr. Hyunwoo?”

“Well… no, in fact, I don’t even know what magic exactly is.”

Of course, the magic in Universe-1221 probably wasn’t much different from the magic I was familiar with, but strictly speaking, I had lived in a world where magic didn’t exist. It was all just products of human imagination, and I had never seen real magic with my own eyes.

Or maybe magic did exist, but I just didn’t know about it.

“I see, this isn’t magic; it’s called the blessing of the gods. It can also be referred to as ‘power.’”

“Power… you say?”

“Yes, it’s a blessing given to those who worship the gods.”

Ah, now that she mentioned it, I knew about “power.”

[After the angels and demons were banished from the intermediate realm, a third entity was created by God. The strength varies greatly among individuals, with the existence of black magic based on the power of demons and white magic based on the power of angels. In addition, some of the followers of God possessed a power called “authority.”]

In addition to black magic and white magic, Universe-1221 had a power called “authority” bestowed upon those who followed God.

Considering the expression “This guest named Alensia, just by judging from her appearance, you can tell she only believes in God,” it was not surprising that she possessed such power.

“But, Hyunwoo, you don’t believe in God at all?”


I do believe in the existence of God.

After all, the fact that I am here is because I came here by the grace of a god like Pepsi.

But because I have experienced such things from God and don’t particularly enjoy religious rituals, I am considered a non-believer.

“In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe. Faith is also a personal freedom. Whether you believe in a god or deny the very existence of a god, that is all within the freedom allowed by God.”

When I hesitated to answer, Alensia did not insist on asking further and turned her head.

“Still, if you think that God guided me to come here today with the knights, I would appreciate it. That alone would satisfy God.”

Instead, she turned back and showed a beautiful smile.

I have seen plenty of celebrities or models with beautiful faces on the internet, but this went beyond the realm of simply being beautiful and exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

“Oh… By the way, I forgot to thank you earlier. Thank you for helping me. You even treated my wounds. If it weren’t for Alensia, the situation might have gotten worse. hahahaha.”

I politely bowed my head and thanked her.

Perhaps I had misjudged her.

At first, I thought she was just a false religious teacher with a beautiful face, but after helping me earlier and treating my wounds, it was clear that she was genuinely kind.

Although there are cases where such kindness deceives others.

“Also, this is about talking about my aristocracy, but in front of others, even if it’s a lie, it would be better to say that you believe in God. And please refrain from mistaking magic for blessings again.”

However, this time Alensia advised me with a slightly serious face instead of a smile.

Although it sounded somewhat rude, as she mentioned before, faith is freedom, and those who do not understand magic may have such misconceptions.

Was there a need to give such serious advice?

“Otherwise, Hyunwoo, you might be labeled as a heretic and be taken away, or you might be killed on the spot by the magicians.”

Upon reconsideration, it seemed better to take her advice seriously.

“Oh, really…?”

“Yes, the white mages would dare behead themselves if their magic was considered as evil as black magic, and the black mages would only leave their heads behind if their magic was considered as hypocritical as white magic.”

Unfortunately, Alensia’s reaction seemed to indicate that she had seen such dead people several times.

Indeed, like the incident with the beastfolk earlier, it was clear that there were not only kind people like Alensia in this universe.

Especially those who use transcendent powers like magic could easily kill ordinary people like me.

The innkeeper said that calling the police would solve the problem, but if I died before the police arrived, it would be meaningless.

“…And there are even those who worship gods like us, mistaking blessings for magic, and they have ‘heretical inquisitors’ who take them to a place from which no one returns, where they delight in tormenting them until they die,” Alensia said with a sorrowful expression.

I couldn’t help but shiver at the mention of torment. In the medieval era, torture was more akin to executing sinners through it, rather than extracting information from them. Perhaps even to force sinners to give up their lives willingly.

“Do you understand? I hope you won’t be mistaken next time,” she continued.

“I… I will be cautious,” I replied, swallowing hard.

“Good, that’s settled,” Alensia smiled with relief when I answered.

She really was a kind person. Once this was all over, I should learn more about what White Mages and Black Mages were, and who the religious believers in the gods were.

Living as an NPC really made me appreciate the value of life. If possible, I needed to escape from this convenience store as quickly as I could. Even though the welfare was good, I didn’t want a life-and-death situation, especially dying twice in a convenience store was absolutely not an option.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode