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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 54

54 – And This Too Shall Pass (1)


[Of course, the universe where Mr. Kim Hyunwoo lived could have been worse than here. According to the headquarters, Mr. Kim Hyunwoo has also experienced the loss of his parents and forced conscription by the country. Maybe it’s better than that place.]

I didn’t particularly think it was worse, but upon hearing it, it wasn’t a completely wrong statement, so it was difficult to refute.

By the way, when I hear stories like that, I feel like I’m the unfortunate protagonist of a tragic life.

I believe that I have lived my life in my own way, without feeling ashamed or inferior, working hard and sincerely.

Except for the fact that my head broke from the Pepsi-Cola in the end…

So even if I think about it again, it’s just unbelievable.

Who in the world would die with a broken head from drinking cola, logically speaking?


[Regardless, I hope you use the allowance you received wisely. Not everything in the world can be solved with money, but many of the things happening in the world can be solved with money.]

And I was lost in thought again.

Thinking again, maybe this is not that much money after all.

Working at the U.C. convenience store, as the shopkeeper said, is literally a matter of life and death, and the shopkeeper is even busy finding substitutes like me.

In a moment, I was overwhelmed by the large weekly salary, especially for a recent graduate like me with no connections or university degree, but this money was also an important fund for me to survive.

Considering that, it might not be a large amount of money.

As seen earlier, the items at RocketPang require a strong mental preparation with their prices.

“…Even though the pay at the convenience store is high for me, I can’t even dream of buying that Holy Sword.”

Even just the Holy Sword itself was not a price that an individual could easily afford.

With just one Holy Sword, I could have several apartments in Seoul.

But in the first place, it would be meaningless for me to buy it.

[Arcane Store]


[-Romantic Dragon Scale Armor-]

[-100% Natural Leather Nemea Lion Coat-]

[-Fire Rat Fur Pajamas-]

[-Hades and Transparent Hat-]

“Just looking at it makes it feel like a shop from a game.”

Anyway, since I now have money, I decided to look around and buy various things.

As a means of self-defense rather than a weapon that could defeat enemies, pressing the red button or seeking help from the shopkeeper would solve most situations, no matter what measures I had to take.

The problem here is surviving until the police arrive after pressing the red button.

Moreover, it becomes quite troublesome if I can’t press the red button from the beginning like the previous demon.

“I want to try on an armor made of dragon scales.”

So, for now, I’ll try to find suitable items while enduring and enduring. After all, if it’s a weapon, it’s a last resort, but there was this polyhedral die.

Above all, things that can be used as weapons are all incredibly expensive.

I can’t afford any of the defense items listed on the first page.

If it’s related to magic, the minimum price is in the millions, right?

[Dragon Scale Armor Full of Romance]

[Upon wearing, wings and a tail made of dragon scales appear.]

[100% Natural Leather Nemea Lion Coat]

[Coat with bulletproof, waterproof, and thermal functions.]

[Rat Fur Pajamas]

[Fireproof pajamas for a peaceful and safe sleep even in case of fire.]

[Hades and Transparent Hat]

[The God of the Underworld’s transparent hat that conceals both sound and appearance.]

Certainly, each item has striking features, but…

For now, with the money I currently have, there’s no way.

“The least I can survive with here is…”

Clearly, anyone can see that I need to save more money to afford the good items.

But I don’t know what will happen between this week and next week, so I need to have emergency measures with reasonable cost-effectiveness.

That’s why I dug through all sorts of things and found this.

Just a simple inscription on a silver ring, but it’s a ring with decent abilities.

-Shield Ring-

[A defensive ring that blocks at least one attack. Can be used permanently, but defense energy is charged one at a time every 3 hours and can be stored up to a maximum of 3. When used, it creates a transparent barrier that protects the user.]

“If it charges once every 3 hours, I can refill it up to 8 times a day…”

This shield ring charges once every 3 hours, but it’s being sold at a price that I can afford.

Originally, it might be too expensive or not selling well, so I’m offering a 50% discount. Based on the product description and price alone, it seems worth buying.



[Seller: Solomon and the Magic Ring]

[Product purchased: Shield Ring]

[As explained, it blocks any attack once when used, but the problem is that I have to personally activate the ring. The buyer must have an activation response to sudden ambushes. Please think carefully and make your purchase.]

[-Helped 6 people-]

The problem lies in the product reviews.

There don’t seem to be many people buying it, as there are hardly any reviews, and the few that exist only have a 3-star rating.

Based on the reviews, it seems like it does block whatever is thrown at it just as described. However, according to the following statement, if I don’t reactivate the ring myself, it’s meaningless even if I have it.

“Is the duration short?”

But if it did exist, I would be able to prevent situations like my shoulder being slashed by a demon like last time.

Even though Allensia treated me this time, to be honest, I was in so much pain back then that I couldn’t move properly, and if emergency treatment had been delayed, I could have died from excessive bleeding.

“An unset gem ring is on sale for a whopping 1.1 million won…”

But again, even if I can afford it, it’s still a burden, and if it turns out to be a scam and I can’t get a refund, it would be like throwing away half of my total assets without any choice.

However, even with all that, if this ring can help me survive a life-threatening situation even once, it’s worth it.

The video in the product description shows a simple rock falling on someone’s head but easily being stopped by the ring.

Furthermore, among other products, there isn’t anything with this level of performance at this price.

“…Should I endure for another week and buy something better?”

Damn it, I’m having trouble deciding.

There are various options: endure for another week and buy something better than this ring, or buy this for now, save money, and purchase another product later.

After hesitating for about 10 minutes in one spot, I finally made my decision.

“Alright, let’s go for it.”

With that, I closed my eyes and placed the order for the ring.


As soon as I pressed the order button, the ring mentioned in the product description fell in front of the counter.

Just like the spray I ordered last time, it seems that small items like this are delivered right away without having to wait for a day like Ceretini.

Or maybe there is no need to inspect it like it’s a gun.

[This too shall pass away]

“Will this too pass?”

That was the inscription on the ring.

According to the manual, once used, the ring’s inscription creates a protective barrier that blocks any attack.

I will have to confirm whether it really does block any attack, but for now, it feels like I’ve finally purchased a proper self-defense item.

The best thing would be if I didn’t have to use this, but now that I think about it, I secretly hope that the devil attacks.

I bought it with my hard-earned money, so I wanted to test its performance since I already ended up with it.

First, let’s try putting the ring on my ring finger.

True to its magical nature, there were no unfortunate incidents of discomfort or mismatched sizes.

It’s easy to take off, and when I put it on my finger, it transforms to a perfect size, boasting a comfortable fit.

How should I test this?

“Drorong… Drorong…”

As I thought about ways to test it, I suddenly heard a sound from beneath me.

It was Diana’s sleeping sound.

Come to think of it, the convenience store door was closed, but Diana was still sleeping behind the counter.

I’m not sure if it’s okay to close the door while there are still customers inside, but looking at the calm demeanor of the store owner who clearly knows that Diana is inside, it seems okay for now.

From Noble mtl dot com

Actually, this works out perfectly for me.

“Diana, Diana, wake up for a moment.”

“…Huh? Is it morning already?”

I shook Diana, whose face was covered in drool-like saliva, to wake her up.

After shaking her a few times, Diana wiped away her drool and half-opened her eyes in a dazed state.

“Oh? I was sleeping?”

“Yeah, you were snoring away.”

“I snored?! That, that can’t be-“

It sounded like a cat was lying outside the convenience store and scratching its belly while sleeping.

But that’s not important right now.

“Diana, I have a serious request for you.”

“Huh? What suddenly…”

“When I give you a signal, hit me with all your might. As hard as you can without killing me, just enough to give me the feeling of being hit.”

“Are you serious? Did I accidentally hit Hyunwoo’s head while sleep talking?”

Diana’s face instantly turned red, then quickly paled, showing a disappointed and flustered expression.

Let’s definitely test the performance first before going any further.

If I make a mistake, I might lose a few bones today, but it’s better than asking Seretina or Allensia for the test.

If I ask them and the ring turns out to be defective…

Perhaps it feels like a big hole is punctured in my stomach like a donut, or maybe it’s like a beehive with several holes sprouting all over my body.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode