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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 51

51 – Surviving in the U.C Convenience Store (3)

Seretini, the transcendent of Universe 1221.

The angel she carried within her was once a fairy of the sky freely flying around the world.

The fairy of the sky instinctively desires freedom.

Therefore, the angel, as a fairy of the sky, flies around with two wings, and its character is to fly directly with its two wings to the places it cannot reach and relieve its conscience.

However, no matter how much of a celestial being she was, there existed a place she couldn’t reach, a place beyond the grasp of ordinary beings.

Ordinary angels didn’t pay much attention to such places, dismissing them as inherently unreachable. But she, more than any other angel, longed for freedom, even desiring to reach the unreachable with her own two wings.

To soar beyond the heavens, even into the universe.

To someday see what she couldn’t see now.

She yearned for greater freedom than she had at that moment.

And so, one day, by chance, she attained the rank of a transcendental being, becoming the deity of Universe-1221, granting her even greater freedom to soar through the vast worlds.

The heights previously unattainable, the realms previously unseen, were now within her sight.

A different perspective, a different world altogether.

Now, as a transcendental being, there was no place she couldn’t reach in Universe-1221.

She had become freer than anyone in this world.


“It’s boring.”

For some reason, even after becoming a transcendental being, she didn’t seem to entertain the idea of freeing herself from a feeling of restraint, as if her two wings were still bound.

Certainly, she knew more than ever before, and could go to far more places.

Strangely, she felt even more miserable than before she became a transcendental being.

The reason remained unknown.

Even though she could freely soar through the sky, she felt like a bird trapped in a cage, gnawing at a corner of her heart.

Of course, this was something Seretini, the divine being of the White Pagoda, felt as well.

“What’s the use of having wings to fly freely if you can only fly within the confines of the cage in the end?”

She had risen to the position she had longed for.

This miserable truth, however, was not what she had hoped for.

As time passed, this thought only grew larger.

Naturally, she had made many efforts to fill the void in her heart, but it continued to grow instead of shrinking.

Ultimately, the emptiness could not be filled through conventional means.

Some other method, something entirely different from what she had done so far, was required to fill this void.


“Joking? Angels don’t joke. Everything I say is sincere.”

Seretini spoke as she looked at the convenience store’s CCTV.

While doing so, she deliberately leaned her body closer to Hyunwoo, even putting her arm around his shoulders, and smiled subtly as she gestured toward the person surveilling this place.

A distance so close that even body temperature can be felt completely.

The gaze that watched that scene conveyed a very displeasing emotion, yet the conversation continued.

[Sorry, but even if you are a transcendent being from Universe 1221, it is prohibited to s*xually harass employees.]

“s*xual harassment, you say? If Hyunwoo becomes my subordinate, it is not s*xual harassment but a necessary procedure similar to starting a day according to the contract.”

Whether Seretini knew about this discomfort or deliberately provoked further by calling Hyunwoo by name, she continued to provoke.

[But Mr. Kim Hyunwoo has not made any contracts with you yet. Even if he is a transcendent being, if you continue with actions that are problematic, I, as the manager of the Universe 1221 store, must take necessary measures.]

Of course, I did not think that the provocation would escalate since that would be going too far. I did not think that the girl beyond the CCTV had crossed that line.

Therefore, I merely settled on a risky balance.

“Tsk, it seems that you, who do not know freedom, are ignorant of amusement.”

With a click of her tongue, Seretini stood up from Hyunwoo’s knees.

Even Seretini, a transcendent being from Universe 1221, felt burdened by directly colliding with the store manager within the range that the manager of Universe 1’s abilities could reach.

As far as she knew, the manager of Universe 1 had the most omnipotent power compared to any transcendent being belonging to a specific universe. Considering that he had already observed countless universes on his own and intervened through multiple universe companies, he was different not only from her but from other transcendent beings in different universes as well.

If he wanted, isolating a universe completely from everything forever would be an easy task.

So, what they were doing today was merely a battle of nerves.

Just say what needs to be said and do not provide unnecessary stimulation.

“Let me say it one more time. I can give you freedom. Isn’t living in this narrow and confined world too depressing?”


“Moreover, in a situation where your life is threatened, the being that should have protected you at the most crucial moment did nothing but watch.”

Still, it would be best to bring him back as soon as possible.

Originally, Seretini had no intention of making the proposal so quickly. However, if the man in front of her were to die first, there might not be another chance.

Already, they had lost their lives in Universe 1221 dozens of times.

How long would the manager of Universe 1 turn a blind eye to this?

If the same thing were to happen to Kim Hyunwoo again this time, it would be no different than permanently breaking her own wings, so that she could never again fly in the sky.

There was a reason for her anxiety.

“So, I am making you this proposal. You don’t need to give an immediate answer. But I will not restrict your freedom and at least ensure that incidents like yesterday do not occur again.”

Her thin, delicate hand covered Hyunwoo’s hand.

As Seretini lightly covered the back of Hyunwoo’s hand as a final touch, she tried to conclude this provocation.

After all, provocation was just provocation.

However, contrary to her expectations, it seemed to have a surprisingly good effect.


“…I must have warned you to stop.”

When Cereniti blinked for a moment, she found herself facing the manager of the U.C convenience store in an empty white space.

Hyunwoo and the U.C convenience store had disappeared.

Snap! Snap!

The dense noise started to fill the white space.

The ceiling twisted, the space compressed, and the deformed floor disappeared completely.

This meant that the girl in front of her was incredibly angry.

“I warned you to stop if it was s*xual harassment. Why are you doing this?”

From Noble mtl dot com

Thanks to that, Cereniti was satisfied and lifted the corners of her mouth.

Maybe, the work would become easier than she thought.


So, what exactly happened?

“Could it be that they had a fight?”

Cereniti, who had been saying various words like sitting on my knees and promising freedom in exchange for a contract, suddenly flashed and disappeared in front of me.

Given the situation, it seemed like the manager took Cereniti away, but for some reason, it felt like he took her to scratch her face and make her feel bad.

Like in dramas or movies, taking someone you don’t like outside and slapping them in the face?

Of course, I didn’t know why the manager seemed upset.

Maybe he was annoyed because he was trying to take me, who was practically a slave at U.C convenience store.

I was worried that he might take it out on me later, since the manager is the type of person who holds grudges for a long time.

“…I hope neither side is harmed by me.”

First, I rearranged the dice on the table and realized that I couldn’t keep covering Diana’s eyes forever, so I slowly tried to take off her blindfold.

By the way, Diana has been unusually quiet since earlier.

Just a while ago, she was trembling, thinking she would be executed, but now she has strangely become very quiet.

Could she have fainted due to being too scared?

Last time, she was captured by Cereniti and eventually fainted, getting dragged away like a hunted animal.

It was quite entertaining, but at the same time, it was pitiful.


So I took off the blindfold covering Diana’s eyes, but there was no reaction at all.

Her limp body had arms and legs hanging lifelessly.

One thought came to mind when I saw her like that.

I wondered if this could really be happening.

“She’s sleeping, isn’t she?”

Diana was fast asleep.

“Snoring… Snoring…”

With drool dripping down, she slept with a satisfied expression, as if she was having a pleasant dream.

It was a completely different sight from just a few minutes ago.

I examined the eye mask that Ceretini had given her.

The reason Diana, who had been trembling, thinking she was facing execution, was able to sleep so well was all because of this eye mask.

I read a short product description on the back.

[Angel Label Sleeping Mask (New product with heat function!)]

[Are you still suffering from insomnia because of the irresistible lightbulb above your head? Don’t worry! If you wear this sleeping mask, even if the lightbulb is right in front of you, it guarantees you’ll fall asleep in just 5 minutes! If you want a good night’s sleep, use the Heavenbound Sleeping Mask!]

“…The performance seems solid.”

It was definitely an eye mask that the angel-like Ceretini would have.

I remember reading on Tree Wiki that the White Wizard suffered from insomnia because of the lightbulb above his head.

It was quite intriguing. Should I try using it too?

It guarantees sleep in just 5 minutes…

But what if I take it off at 4 minutes and 59 seconds? Will I not be able to fall asleep?

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode