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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 48

48 – 48. The Reason Behind (3)

Anyway, lunch with Allensia was over.

As I tidied up and lightly bowed to say goodbye, she left the convenience store with a smile, holding a box of Bacchus in her hands.

It was a bit sad to see the memories slowly fading away, but it didn’t seem like a good idea for me to feel sorry for her when she said she was fine.

Being a saint must be a difficult thing.

[Black Devil Tower (Space-1221)]

[“A tower of knowledge containing the desires of those who worship demons.”]

[“A bundle of desires containing all human greed.”]

After Allensia left, I started looking into the Black Devil Tower related to demons through TreeWiki.

She also didn’t know why demons would do such things in the end.

Maybe this is the same for Seretini too.

So using TreeWiki is still the best choice I can make.

However, documents directly connected to demons were all censored or inaccessible, so I could only find clues through related surrounding documents.


[A sort of altar built by black sorcerers who worship demons. It is the base where black sorcerers, composed solely of humans, lead their disciples, either in a castle in the territory or on an island far away from the mainland. The island is popular as a resort.]

“Oh… I want to go there too.”

On TreeWiki, I could also see islands known as bases for black sorcerers, and they were all beautiful resort destinations that surpassed famous spots in Hawaii.

Sceneries from overseas that I had always been able to see only through photos.

Now I see that the Black Devil Tower is operated through the tourism industry to fund its operations.

“…But, is this a black sorcerer?”

The image is different from what I had in mind.

When you think of black sorcerers, it’s usually thought of as wicked and evil-minded people who worship demons, so why is there suddenly a mention of operating resorts?

Could I have entered the wrong document?

Ding dong-

“Hyunwoo? Why are you staring at the air like that?”

“Oh, Diana? You came early today.”

As I said that, Diana entered the convenience store.

Usually, Diana would only come after the sun had set, but today she came unusually early.

“There are a lot of clouds in the sky today. Since they are magical clouds, it’s not a good day to receive sunlight.”

I glanced out the window and indeed, there were quite a few clouds.

In the morning, it looked clear, but will it rain in the evening? Later, I should bring an umbrella from the warehouse.

I don’t know if they use umbrellas on Universe-1221 when it rains.

“By the way, looking at your clean face, it seems like you received proper treatment. Thank goodness.”

“Oh, the Saintess just left a moment ago.”

Luckily, Diana’s face seemed fine, except for being dragged by Seretini yesterday.

I was worried that she might come back with half of her face burnt, but Seretini only scared her, and didn’t actually harm her.

However, Diana had a more pitiful expression than the livestock being dragged to the slaughterhouse.

“Why do you look at me like that? Are you seeing red eyes or something again? If that’s the case, I will just leave.”

“Yesterday, I was grateful. Thanks to you, I am alive.”

I chuckled as I stroked Diana’s head.

I couldn’t do it in the early morning because I was too out of it, but I should take care of things like this when I remember.


However, Diana froze for about ten seconds in that spot.

Then, her face turned red and her hair stood up like a startled cat.

“W-what are you doing all of a sudden?! If you are grateful, just say thank you. Why are you patting my head… I am even older than your ancestor’s ancestor!”

Not long after, she turned her head with crossed arms.

Come to think of it, she is older than me.

From Noble mtl dot com

Her appearance and actions are completely different, so I momentarily forgot.

She is even older than my great-great-grandmother.

That’s why Diana, who is shorter than my waist, raised her hand towards the sky, as if she was trying to pat my head.

“No, why are you so tall?!”

Diana jumped in place and reached her hand towards my head.

“You are the small one.”

Of course, she couldn’t reach.

I lightly ignored Diana and looked again at TreeWiki.

“The original Matop was built in a place that angels and demons used as a major base during the heyday of the Heavenly War. However, as time passed and the Heavenly War ended, new races such as the Giants and Humans settled on the ground, and angels and demons carried out reforms to maintain their power and influence. The White Matop shifted its focus to the mercenary industry, while the Black Matop underwent improvements mainly for tourism and entertainment industries.”

I don’t know how they came to that conclusion, but the Black Matop had undergone improvements in a direction that is even harder to understand than the White Matop.

While it makes sense for the mercenary industry considering what Seretini has shown so far…

“…And they even have entertainment establishments, in addition to tourism?”

Doesn’t entertainment establishments suit them more than tourism?

Anyway, the white magic was strange, but in the end, Universe-1221 was undoubtedly a universe where magic existed.

But why does it improve in a direction that seems completely unrelated to magic, even though it’s called “Black Tower”?

“Diana, do you happen to know anything about black mages?”

“Why all of a sudden black mages?”

I couldn’t understand just from the Tree Wiki document, so I decided to ask Diana.

At least Diana, as she had just mentioned, seemed to know more about the situation than me since she was older.

“Yesterday, demons even stormed into the convenience store.”

“The ones who attacked us yesterday were demons?!”


I knew that was what Seretini had said, but it seems like Diana is just finding that out now.

“I didn’t know. So those were demons… I was deafened and confused because of that angel until dawn…”

Ah, now that I think about it, that makes sense.

I always wore earplugs when explosions happened like art, but Diana didn’t.

“…Demons looked scary. I was curious how much worse they were than angels, whom adults used to say were worse, but they were just monsters.”

Diana nodded her head as if she had understood something while recalling yesterday’s memories.

Seeing that, I thought that Diana might not know much about black mages either.

“But why are demons who broke into here yesterday related to black mages?”

Even demons and black mages seem to react as if they have little to do with each other.

Could it be that she doesn’t know at all?

It’s even more incomprehensible that Diana, who seemed to have experience despite her appearance, doesn’t know.

“What do you mean by ‘related’? Isn’t it that black mages worship demons just like white mages worship angels?”

“Black mages? Hmm… I heard that was the case in the old days, but it’s not like that anymore, right? Even black mages consider demons as monstrous beings.”

“Why? The Black Tower is related to demons, and the black mages belonging to the Black Tower have no reason to be afraid, do they?”

Diana tilted her head in response to my question that I couldn’t understand.

“The black tower, the black magic, is different from the white tower. Black mages don’t worship demons themselves, they just seek the power that demons possess. They’re not like those who fanatically worship angels like the white tower. So, maybe the true owner of the Black Tower isn’t the Black Mage?”

Come to think of it, Allensia also said that the mental state of the Black Mage was a problem and that the practical leader was different.

So it still seemed that the true owner of the Black Tower was not the Black Mage. I wondered what that had to do with the development of tourism and entertainment industries.

How did it end up being improved in that direction?

“Black mages are very greedy. They commonly use black magic based on various emotions such as arrogance, laziness, and lust. That’s probably why they know very well what people want and are interested in.”

“They use black magic based on emotions?”

“Yes, so it seems that the dark wizards create places in reality that are like paradises from dreams and use them as tourist destinations. They call it a resort or something like that. I’ve seen them once when they were transformed into trees and then uprooted to be replanted. They were truly magnificent and beautiful places!”

And why did Diana end up going to such a resort after being transformed into a tree?

The more I try to unravel the mystery, the more questions seem to arise, but for now, I decided to learn more about the dark wizards.

“Furthermore, the dark wizards themselves may have some issues due to the influence of dark magic, but the followers underneath them are perfectly fine. They didn’t carry out conscriptions like the white wizards did.”

“…White wizards had conscriptions?”

“Yes, there were rumors that at one point, white wizards abducted people like demons with their eyes turned red and brainwashed them.”

The word “conscriptions” suddenly brought back some unpleasant memories.

“For some reason, that psycho angel changed the policy somewhat, but there are still rumors that if outsiders loiter around the white wizard towers, they get abducted and undergo reintegration.”


Why does the black wizard tower suddenly seem normal?

I don’t know the exact details, but it seems like the black wizard tower has developed in a somewhat normal direction, while the white wizard tower has transformed in the opposite direction.

I should ask Seretini about it when she arrives, right?

No, I need to learn more about the demons first.

“So, the leader of the black wizard tower isn’t really related to the dark wizards.”

“Yes, if you call them tower leaders, the white wizard tower has angels residing in their bodies.”

However, the black wizard tower and the white wizard tower have quite different situations and positions regarding their tower leaders.

“But the black wizard tower is different.”

Diana seems to imply that it’s not a good thing.

“In a way, you can think of the black wizard tower’s tower leader as a sacrificial lamb made to contain demons. Regardless, they are modified from a young age to serve as vessels for demons, even if they don’t want to.”

She said with a sigh.

Based on the demon-related information I’ve gathered so far, here’s what I’ve found:

The tower leader of the black wizard tower, the incarnation of a demon, has significant mental issues.

Unlike the white wizard tower, the tower leader of the black wizard tower is not the leader of the tower and is instead made as a vessel for demons from a young age.

Except for a few special cases, the incarnation gradually loses their sense of self and is eventually consumed by the demon.

It was filled with all sorts of problems.

Apart from Seretini, who seems incredibly content with her profession, it seems that the incarnations of Alencia and the demons are somewhat akin to self-cannibalism.

That… the more I think about it, the more it feels truly unfortunate.

“Don’t dwell on it too much. This world has been this way for a long time. That’s why no one here feels anything odd about it, just like Hyunwoo doesn’t. And no one has any sympathy or pity for it.”

“…I see.”

Naturally, there was no part for me to meddle in here.

As Diana mentioned, Universe-1221 had felt like it had been this way for much longer before I arrived.

Moreover, surviving in this universe was no easy feat, and I had no time to worry about others’ circumstances.


“It seems we have a guest… Oh, a dwarf?”

“Ah, welcome, Mr. Lagos.”

For now, let’s focus on what I do.

As I confirmed the new customer who entered the convenience store, this time, the guest was a dwarf named Lagos, holding a small box in his hand.

“Nice to see you. I brought what you asked for… but why is an elf who should be doing photosynthesis in the forest here in broad daylight?”

Lagos frowned, eyeing Diana.

Diana also glared back at Lagos.

“That’s my business. Why is a dwarf who should be drinking in a tavern here in broad daylight?”

This is exciting.

I’m not looking forward to the two fairies making a ruckus in the convenience store, but I am looking forward to what’s inside the box Lagos brought.

It’s going to be a significant help in my convenience store survival journey.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode