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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 41

41 – Shining Convenience Store at Night (2)

To be honest, I had been through numerous fights and battles before coming to the U.C convenience store.

I have dealt with alcohol-infused minds, who couldn’t think straight, and annoying kids who couldn’t be reasoned with. I have even faced crazy people swinging broken soju bottles and knives.

But this situation right now is extremely confusing.

Now that I think about it, if I had escaped from there earlier, I wouldn’t have to go through this mess. Regrets always come too late.

-Message sending failed-

[Connection to the system has been lost =(]

From Noble mtl dot com

I continued trying to contact the manager, but all I received was the repeated message of the connection being lost.

-Message sending failed-

[Connection to the system has been lost =(]

-Message sending failed-

[Connection to the system has been lost :3]

And to top it off, the messages keep changing the last emoticon, which is really annoying.

At this point, it feels like they’re doing it on purpose.

“Are you okay, arm? You’re bleeding a lot…”

“I’m feeling dizzy, my body is cold, and my vision is dark, but other than that, I’m fine.”

“But that’s not okay!”

Anyway, I thought I had experienced almost everything that could happen at a convenience store.

The only thing I hadn’t experienced yet was crashing a convenience store with a car and forced drive-thru, but even that would be considered insane.

[Title: Help, I’m Trapped in the Convenience Store]

[Author: ㅇㅇ(221.180)]

[A crazy monster appeared in the store, so I took refuge in the warehouse. What do I do?]


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[No registered intelligence available.]

“The manual is unbelievably long, but it’s not helpful at all.”

I looked through U.C Convenience Store’s support system, but there isn’t anything useful. Even if it’s not a messenger, most of the useful features like Tree Wiki and Rocket Pop are not working due to an unknown reason causing a disconnection with the system.

The only thing I can see is the manual, which is of no help at all, although I don’t know who wrote it.

I wish it was a book instead so I could at least use it to hit that monster’s eyes or something, but I can’t even do that with a manual in a non-existent system.

“…Are we going to die here?”

“If we’re going to die, it would be better. Usually, in situations like this, even after death, we won’t rest peacefully and suffer horribly.”

“Why do you say things that make us more scared instead of comforting us?!”

Well, that’s exactly the situation I’m in right now.

It was a comment from someone with experience.

“If you want to get out of here, there are two ways. One is to just wait. There’s hardly any food or water, but at least it’s safe.”

“But will anything change if we keep waiting?”

Maybe rescue will arrive someday? If anyone realizes that something is strange with the convenience store, they will come to help.

Whether it’s the store owner or another customer, they will feel that something is off when the convenience store is not open during its usual hours.

Especially if the store owner confirms the situation, he probably won’t stay still.

Someone will definitely come and start an argument with me, even if I go around denying it like this.

“How do you know when rescue will come? You can see that we’re injured, and there’s almost no water here. Even the leaves wither if they don’t get sunlight or water for just one day…”

The problem is when it will be confirmed, as Diana said. But wait, do leaves wither if they can’t perform photosynthesis?

Anyway, if this were a typical convenience store warehouse, everything would have been okay.

But unfortunately, U.C Convenience Store’s warehouse is not for storing goods, so there is hardly any food or water.

What’s left is only the things that were moved separately with little time left until expiration.

And even those are not something a person can eat.

It could be that I’m overly sensitive, but I feel like the wound on my shoulder keeps throbbing.

Just applying pressure and doing first aid will not sustain me for long.

In the end, I cannot just wait here.

After calming my breath, now it’s time to move.

“Diana, can you make more clones like the one you made earlier?”

“Yes? Yes… but I can only make two because I only made one earlier. And I can’t make any more until the clones are destroyed or retrieved.”

Well, that’s a very inconvenient power.

Usually, they create anywhere from one to a thousand doppelgangers.

Still, two should be enough.

“How about we try gambling once?”

“Gambling? Now?”

“Yeah, we did it earlier as a gamble, and the jackpot unexpectedly went off. Do you know, by any chance? Whether luck will come again this time.”

“It seems more like misfortune than luck…”

I agree with that sentiment, but now, whether it’s luck or misfortune, I have to move forward.

“Listen, for now, this warehouse might be dangerous for a different reason.”

Diana seems oblivious to the fact that the space station is wriggling.

I don’t even want to imagine what awaits if this plan fails, but if we don’t try, success won’t come either.

Dying without doing anything is repulsive.

Once is enough to die like that.


Time passes, inside the convenience store.

It had become a living hell, no trace of its past appearance remaining.

Barely the form inside remained.

Everywhere covered in black and red pupils, the interior expanded to an unimaginable extent, much larger than before.

Specifically, the inside of the store was torn apart, and it was connected by unknown black shadows.

But how is this possible?

Even with the shock of the collision between the avatars of two transcendent beings, the store showed no sign of change.

In fact, the U.C. convenience store looked like it was operating normally, even at night.

Even the employees at the counter were receiving guests and calculating items without any problems.

Just one small red eye in the shadow of the convenience store was looking at the inside.

The convenience store was anything but peaceful.

And returning to the world within the torn shadows…


The tightly closed door of the warehouse opens.

Two people quickly rush out of the open warehouse door.

“Run! If we can get close to the entrance, there’s a way to escape!”

“Got it!”

The place they were heading to was the break room for U.C. convenience store employees.

Inside the break room of U.C. convenience store, there were two exits, one of which led directly to the counter.

As the employees had done before, it seemed their intention was to activate the multi-dimensional emergency distress device at the counter, notifying both the U.C. convenience store’s system and the outside world of the danger they were facing.

However, their plan was a failure.

The space here had been expanded and transformed from the original U.C. convenience store, making it faster to run out of breath trying to reach the break room even at maximum human mobility.

The distance between the warehouse and the break room had expanded about twenty times more than before.




At that moment, roots sprouted from the ground, blocking the approach of crimson irises.

Those were likely the powers possessed by the elf who had been with him.

Originally, the intelligent entity of Space-1221 didn’t need to interfere, but due to an unexpected error, they were swallowed together.

However, it didn’t matter.

In the end, sacrifices were inevitable in all things.


The crimson irises sliced through the two individuals along with the tree that blocked their path.

The forms of the two people were severed from the waist down.

It seemed like the elf had tried to use the tree as a barrier, but it only managed to obstruct their view.

And that was the end of it.

If the U.C. convenience store employees were dead, there was no need to linger in this space any longer.

Just to be sure, they should swallow the corpses to prevent any possibility of revival.


The crimson irises picked up the remains of the two dismembered men and swallowed them whole.


However, there was something strange about the taste.

From the employees’ corpses, instead of the smell of flesh and bones, there was a hardness and the scent of wood.

So, with a puzzled thought, they inspected the corpse and realized that the one who had been severed from the waist down was not a man but just a large tree wearing the U.C. convenience store uniform.


A tree in the form of a human.

In other words, this was a doppelganger created by the elf.

Then where did the real one go?

Hundreds and thousands of eyes writhed, searching for the whereabouts of the real one, and finally found him, who had already escaped far away.

“Darn it, we’ve been caught! Run quickly!”

“We can safely escape if we follow the plan!”

“Did you think the convenience store would end up like this?! If you don’t want to die, just run! Luckily, it seems like the exit is still intact!”

It was a decoy.

If the one who emerged from the warehouse was fake, they would have noticed immediately, but at first, the real employees and elves were running to the break room.

But the elf made a wooden barrier there.

After using a fake as a decoy, the elf and the real two hid in the bushes and headed towards the exit.

Their aim was not to reveal this fact to the outside, but to escape to the outside.


“You’ve already chased us right behind?!”

“Look ahead! The front is the closest!”

The angry eyes turned redder as they chased straight ahead.

Not only the eyes chewing on the fake just now, but also from the floor, walls, and ceiling, eyes tried to kill the two people.

Of course, it was the same at the exit they were heading towards.

The ploy was good, but it turned out to be meaningless.

The exit they were heading towards had already been devoured by the red eyes.

“It appeared from the front too?!”

From Noble mtl dot com

“Leave it to me, I happen to have a secret weapon.”

However, Peondol seemed to have already expected that reaction.

“Diana, keep running with your eyes closed.”

“What?! Are you telling me to commit suicide?!”

Of course, even if they tried, they couldn’t resist their power.

No matter how much they used goods containing the civilizations of other universes, they were ultimately just toys created by intelligent beings.

The exit they were heading towards was simply an exit to escape the afterlife, nothing more and nothing less.

“Trust me, I will find a way for you to escape no matter what.”

“Oh, I understand! If I die, I’ll become a ghost and curse them forever!”

Yet he does not stop running.

Even though he knows that such puny creatures as intelligent beings cannot resist, he continues to move forward without slowing down at all.

“It seems like swallowing anything is their specialty…”

As he said that, he took out a white handkerchief from his pocket.

“…They also seem to be good at swallowing anything over on this side!”

He untied the knot of the white handkerchief and threw the ‘Secret Weapon’ he had kept safe, towards the entrance of the convenience store.

What he threw was indeed something.

What was thrown into the air was simply a dice.

A dazzling polyhedral dice that seemed to be connected to chaos.

Within that dice, the form of a divine being existing deep in time and space is reflected.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode