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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 32

32 – 32. The Fairies of the Convenience Store (2)


A mysterious being who lived in the era before humans and was known as the intellect and fairy of the forest.


Similarly, a mysterious being known as the intellect and fairy of the land, who lived in the same era as the elves.

These two mysterious beings clashed in a convenience store.

Together, they created an atmosphere of frenzy.

“Why did these dwarves come here? You have your favorite tavern!”

“Coming from the elves who are banned from almost any store, how did you manage to get into this one?”

But do you know something?

Both elves and dwarves are quite small in size.

Compared to humans, they are like elementary school students or even smaller, so watching those fairies fight each other gives me the feeling of neighborhood kids arguing in front of a convenience store.

“You filthy elf, smoking cigarettes made from your own parents’ hair! There’s a limit to being debauched, and you even make those cigarettes yourself to sell?!”

“No, that’s not it! These cigarettes are made from naturally fallen leaves of the World Tree! You guys are the ones who have been whining for beer instead of breast milk since birth!”

And the level of their fighting is like real neighborhood kids.

No, even today’s kids wouldn’t fight like that.

Of course, it’s better than fighting like what happened with Seretini and Allencia last time, but this fight is still of lower standards and quality in its own way.

“We’ll dig tunnels under the Tree of Life and spray pesticides on its roots and leaves!”

“We’ll plant trees in your beloved mines so that only tree roots come out instead of gold!”

What are they even saying?

Should I just press the red button and smash both sides’ heads?

The elf made a clear and pure sound, but I wonder what sound the dwarf would make.

I also want to hear that clear and pure sound once more.

If I press it, I should at least record it.

“If you don’t want to spend your entire life digging tree roots and you can’t stand photosynthesizing like a tree with molten iron poured on your feet, then get lost!”

“You, dwarf, if you don’t want to spend your entire life photosynthesizing like a tree with molten iron poured on your feet, then get lost!”

I decided to tidy things up before it gets more troublesome for no reason.


When I cleared my throat, the two fairies stopped fighting and turned their gazes towards me.

First, let’s deal with the elf.



“If you keep fighting inside the convenience store, I’ll report it again.”

“…Ah?! No, please don’t! If you get reported again, it won’t end with just a beating like last time!”

Diana, as if no longer interested in the dwarves, immediately rushed over to me, clinging to my legs and pleading with me not to report them.

It seems like even these knights are quite intimidating.

Honestly, even most people would probably wet their pants if they were being dragged around by knights in that kind of plate armor.

“hahahahaha! It’s a lovely sight to see a human begging with their legs firmly held! hahahahaha! If I use your current state as an offering, I could probably chug down a whole beer!”

Now it’s the dwarves’ turn.

“And if you dwarves over there keep making a ruckus in the convenience store, we won’t sell you any alcohol.”

“Oh, no, that’s not the case! This is a place where you can buy alcohol for money! Let’s not do that and have a civilized conversation!”

“While the convenience store does sell alcohol, strictly speaking, it’s neither a bar nor a restaurant.”

As expected, when they heard that the dwarves declared their surrender upon hearing that alcohol wouldn’t be sold, it seems that our side really loves their alcohol.

The enthusiasm they showed just a moment ago while fighting with the elves disappeared, and they became surprisingly well-behaved upon hearing that alcohol wouldn’t be available.

At last, the convenience store was a bit quieter.

I comforted the teary-eyed Diana, who was brought to the knights, and calculated the beer and snacks that the dwarves had brought to the counter.

“And when you drink alcohol inside the store, please don’t sing or make loud noises like last time. It disrupts our business.”

“Oh, alright, sorry… you should have told us earlier.”

Well, whether this convenience store does well or not doesn’t really matter to me.

I just wanted to have a slightly more ordinary day and avoid endless noise due to the dwarves’ drinking habits.

“By the way, I heard that you dwarves had your own tavern, so why are you buying beer at the convenience store?”

After a moment of silence, I decided to ask, remembering what the customers had mentioned last time.

It seems like the owner of Imir’s Tavern is sick or something. How sick could they be to close their business for two days?

If that tavern is legitimate, these dwarves probably wouldn’t be causing a scene in the convenience store.

“Well… Imir’s Tavern is run by my wife, but she’s been struck by a terrible cold these past few days. She’s not getting any better, so we need to be able to run the business.”

From Noble mtl dot com

“A cold?”

Dwarf Lagus said while tearing open a squid-flavored peanut snack.

“Yeah, something like a cold that even most priests can’t cure. Since it usually gets better on its own with time, we don’t really bother trying to treat it.”

Come to think of it, a cold is one of the most common respiratory illnesses, and it’s said to be easy to recover from with natural immunity since there aren’t any specific treatments or vaccines available.

With so many variants, it’s difficult to select an effective treatment, they say.

“How about asking the Saint for a favor then? She’s unlikely to refuse if you approach her.”

“The Saint is quite busy, and it’s already difficult for ordinary people like us to meet her. Besides, she lives in a place that takes at least five hours by horse, so fetching her would be challenging.”

Alensia lives further away than I thought.

But despite that, she visits the convenience store fairly often, and there have been times when she came straight after having lunch with the children at the orphanage…

“She’s quite something…”

If you roughly calculate the time, Alensia probably takes less than 30 minutes to reach that place.

How did she get here? She certainly doesn’t have a car, and it can’t be magic either. Maybe she used teleportation through the power of faith?

Or perhaps she simply ran here on foot.

“Moreover, a fever usually subsides after a day of rest, but this time, it just won’t go away, and it’s bothering me.”

“Do you have any medicine for it?”

“Medicine? I’ve never heard of any proper medicine for a cold. Do they sell any here?”

“Just a moment. If it’s a common cold, there’s some over there. Take a look at the instructions.”

“Fever reducer… If I take this, my fever might go down. But, this little thing can’t cost ten gold coins, right?”

Lagos examined the convenience store medicines and pulled out the fever reducer.

It’s a familiar red box.

But for some reason, whether the medicine was too expensive or not, Lagos hesitated to take it to the counter.

Even if it’s expensive, 500,000 won for cold medicine is a bit outrageous.

“Why would medicine be that expensive? Just give me three Donghwas. It’s about the same price as the beer I’m drinking now.”

“Really? The medicine those damn merchants sold me didn’t bring down my fever even when I gave them ten gold coins…”

“Could you have been scammed back then? Were you perhaps drunk at that time?”

“…I might have been a bit tipsy.”

Lagos scratched his head and said.

“Next time, it’s better to drink in moderation.”

I nodded in agreement.

It seemed that the dwarf had been taken advantage of by those merchants while he was under the influence of alcohol.

The medicine he had bought for ten gold coins might not even be proper medicine.

“But it’s just a three Donghwa medicine… I wonder if it’ll be effective.”

“I take fever reducers when I have a fever. And the medicine you bought for ten gold coins didn’t work, right?”

“True, then give me one right away. Here you go! I’m heading home early today, so don’t make a fuss and get kicked out, just drink it quietly!”

After purchasing the fever reducer, Lagos rushed out of the convenience store in a hurry.

“That friend, maybe he’s going through a tough time with his wife, so he’s drinking more than usual with us. Our friend, who usually only drinks five cups of beer, can now drink even ten cups with us.”

One of the remaining dwarves said with a smirk.

Certainly, the dwarf named Lagos just now drank relatively less beer compared to the other dwarves.

However, relatively being the key word.

“By any chance, how much beer is in those cups?”

“Huh? There’s about one can’s worth in this big can. It’s a bit lower in alcohol content than what I usually drink.”

So, roughly five cans of beer is considered a small amount.

“Doesn’t it make you bloated?”

Even if it’s lower in alcohol content, just one can of beer would usually make one feel full, so how can he drink so much?

Even if it’s not beer, anything with carbonation in it would make your stomach feel like it’s about to burst if you drink that much.

“hahahaha! Dwarves have multiple stomachs for beer, you know.”

The dwarf laughed heartily and patted his belly.

“…We really need to dissect a dwarf and confirm if they indeed have multiple stomachs. They claim to drink impossible amounts of alcohol in the taverns. I think they might have around five stomachs.”

Diana, who was standing nearby, trembled as she watched this.

“Dwarves are anything but normal, they have… unique qualities.”

But with the amount of beer stomachs they claim to have, they seem relatively normal compared to the things I’ve seen so far.

From the beginning, even performing photosynthesis with sunlight isn’t normal.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode