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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 31

31 – 31. Fairies of the Convenience Store (1)

The convenience store that the two Water Beasts passed by returned to its peaceful flow.

Today, neither Allensia nor Ceretini came during the day, and it just quietly and calmly turned into the evening.

[Water Beasts (Universe-1221)]

[History: Animals originally did not possess human characteristics. Water Beasts are intelligent beings that were created by the gods as a new sentient species during the process of creating humans after the Great War of Heaven and Horses, in which some human components were mixed with the existing animals by mistake.]

While having dinner, I looked up more information about Water Beasts.

It seems that these Water Beasts in Universe-1221 are not animals with human characteristics, but rather, animals that have acquired human characteristics. That’s why there were only Water Beasts that gave off a suspicious vibe, and Water Beasts like Marianne, who are almost indistinguishable from humans, are very rare.


“It’s almost time for the evening shift. Have you finished your dinner?”

The manager, who had been quite quiet today, sent a message as soon as the shift started.


“Yes, I know. I just ate as usual, but did you have your dinner, Manager?”


[No, I don’t consider meals to be essential. I do consume food when necessary to sell products to customers, but I don’t have to supplement nutrients through meals like Mr. Kim Hyun-woo does.]

Why is it that here in Uju-1221, there are beings similar to humans but not actually humans?

From what I’ve heard, the humans in Uju-1221 are quite different from the humans I’ve seen throughout my life.

In this case, even if I somehow manage to escape from this convenience store, it seems like my situation will only get worse.

I don’t even know why I ended up here in the first place.

-Shop Manager-

[Despite the fragility, you seem to be able to live with your limbs intact. Indeed, experience is useful. Then, I wish you good luck. I hope Kim Hyun-woo can start regular duty without any issues.]

Hey, I’m just a part-timer who can easily be replaced, yet he’s so considerate. I am truly grateful.

I really want to grab the manager by the head the next time he appears in front of me.

-Shop Manager-

[Then, I will reopen the convenience store. Since a cat has appeared, next time it might be a three-headed dog.]

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[Wait, if something like that really appears, will you take responsibility?]

-Shop Manager-

[Why should I? Anyway, I’m done. I have many tasks to complete today.]

This crazy manager.

I wonder why he calls a tiger a cat and talks like that as if a three-headed dog would appear.

“Oh, it’s open!”

“Welcome… Diana?”

The first guest at the evening convenience store that opened right away was the elf, Diana.

Was I waiting for the convenience store to open while having dinner? As soon as the door opened, she immediately entered as if she were almost stumbling.

“What did you come to buy today? The ones I bought last time are already gone.”

U.C Convenience Store had many unique cigarettes.

Especially the ones Diana bought were made by drying leaves from trees in different universes, which is a very popular product among elves from various universes.

Trees are like parents to elves, and it is said that when they smoke this cigarette, they feel as if they are right next to a tree.

“No, I haven’t finished all of them yet. I just came to browse.”

“You must have nothing better to do.”

“I can’t photosynthesize when the sun sets.”

Elves photosynthesize?

If you mention elves, you would think they are just vegetarians who like forests, but here, do elves actually photosynthesize like plants?

Certainly, there are leaves in my hair, but…

“Then you don’t really need to be alone in the forest, especially these days when the world is so ominous. It’s dangerous to wander around alone at night; you might disappear without anyone knowing.”

“This world is indeed a bit ominous. Just the other day, an Elf rudely grabbed someone by the collar.”

“That was because I wasn’t feeling well at that time…”

Even this morning, out of nowhere, a tiger charged at me in the convenience store, almost scaring the soul out of me.

The more I think about it, the more absurd it seems.

“But this time, it really seems dangerous, doesn’t it? In the morning, I saw humans, and even a White Mage, aside from the Black Mage, holding a conference.”

Diana said as she smoothed out the leaves in her hair.

“If they’re leaders…”

The White Mage would be talking about Ceretini, and the humans would refer to the King of the Tree Wiki’s creatures, Zarar Khan.

Come to think of it, unlike the White Mage or the Black Mage, there was no censorship on the detailed information for the creatures.

[King Zarar Khan of the Creatures (Universe-1221)]

[Birth: July 29th]

[Age: 351]

[Species: Creature]

[Physical: 220cm / 170kg]

[Occupation: King of Warriors]

[Hobbies: Fighting with the strong]

From Noble mtl dot com

[Affiliation: Kingdom of Animals]

Looking at the photo, this creature named Zarar Khan had a relatively human-like appearance.

If you just looked at the picture, he appeared quite human.

He had an extremely muscular body, but apart from the tiger-shaped head, there was no fur, and…


“Why are you acting like that?”

“Diana, do you happen to know anything about the King of the Creatures?”

“I don’t really know much about creatures, but… at best, he has two daughters and enjoys a form of combat called ‘wrestling’…”

Tiger Mask…?

I’ve heard of an anime or pro wrestler with the same name, but why would that exist in Universe-1221?

Why is Universe-1221 filled with everything from one to ten that is definitely not normal?

And if he has only two daughters…

“Are the names of the two daughters Amanda and Marine?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

Somehow, the late-arriving Sirens calling her ‘Madam’ made her feel like some kind of princess.

Tiger Princess, this is quite an innovative concept.

The older sister was somewhat alright, but wasn’t the younger sister literally a tiger?

“… I came to the convenience store this morning.”


“As soon as I opened the door in the morning, a tiger suddenly rushed in, and after that, a Siren who claimed to be the tiger’s sister entered. I thought I was going to be eaten until they left.”

“It’s fine. It’s been a long time since Sirens have eaten humans, even according to my standards. They probably won’t eat humans anymore. Maybe.”

“So you’re saying they have eaten humans before.”

“Sometimes Sirens go into heat and become more savage, but other than that, they don’t eat humans when they are in their right minds.”

“What in the world…”

How did I end up here in this convenience store in this universe after getting hit by a Pepsi and dying?

I’ve heard that there are countless parallel universes, almost infinite, so why is it that in this universe-1221, I find myself in this situation once again?

Moreover, even this convenience store wasn’t normal.

It’s not normal at all from the first to the tenth.

Among what I can see now, the elf who undergoes photosynthesis was the most normal.

The situation is once again terribly desperate.

“Anyway, Hyunwoo, you should be careful too. It’s one thing with the Holy See and Sirens, but if even the Archmage attends the conference, something must be really wrong. So, when you’re walking outside, be especially careful at night… Ugh, I’m getting scared just talking about it…”

Diana crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, as if she felt chilled.

But that’s okay.

Whether it’s fortunate or unfortunate, I am in a situation where I can’t freely wander outside.

And as long as I can press the red button in the convenience store, it seems like I will be safe no matter what happens.

I should worry about something else.

Like who the next customer will be.

“Well then, let’s continue our quest for gold and jewels today! Master! The usual for me!”

“Ugh! A bearded dwarf with a noble disposition?!”

“No! An elf with only long ears and a dirty personality?!”

Yes, problems like that might arise.


And so, the evening at the convenience store was in full swing as the dwarves who had come yesterday barged in again today.

I had hoped today would pass by a little more quietly, but seeing dwarves and elves snarling at each other, that thought seemed to have washed away in the river.

When would it be time to go home…


Meanwhile, at the meeting table in the same evening.

“So, in summary, the total number of missing individuals that we’ve managed to identify so far is around 200. If humanity and the beastmen each account for approximately half, and if there are five from the White Tower…”

Saint Alensia laid down the documents listing the identities of the missing people with a frown on her forehead.

“The missing parties from our end consisted of competent teams, not the ones that disappeared suddenly without gunshot from the watchtower…”

Sylletini, the head of the White Tower, also sighed and fiddled with her gun.

Although the reason why nearly 200 individuals went missing was uncertain, everyone in this room had an inkling of what had caused it.

They had all visited that place.

The problem was that no one knew what they looked like, and they couldn’t determine exactly what they were.

Even the terminology continued to be muddled, so they substituted with the word ‘they’.

Despite the circumstances, the number of missing people was increasing every year, so even the manifestations of the two transcendent beings were suffering from a headache without any special measures.

If there had initially been measures against them, the transcendent beings, akin to gods, wouldn’t have resorted to parasitizing the bodies of sentient organisms.

This may be the predetermined course of destruction.

The hourglass of universe-1221 was nearing its end.

The humans, and even the gods, revered the unknown entities.

Perhaps they faced an inevitable fate of destruction, having no ways to resist ‘them’, those barely identifiable phenomena.

“Gods and angels are too fearful.”

In such a grave atmosphere, there was a woman drinking wine with a churro as a side dish.

“Just start hunting and chase the prey until you tear their throats out.”

Her voice was brimming with confidence, so much so, it was overflowing.

The roar of a beast seemed to be heard from behind her.

” …Is that what my father said?”

The woman was Mariner, who was on the spot to act as an interpreter because Zullar Khan, the beast king, was incapable of speaking anything other than roars.

Behind Mariner stood an incredible beastman who looked very muscular and had a tiger’s head.

Sylletini seemed to be looking at Alensia in disapproval, wondering how she ended up creating such a hybrid.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode