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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 23

23 – 23. Can’t you just say goodbye? (4)

[Title: Watch Two Female Cats Fight]

[Author: ㅇㅇ (221.180)]

[An avi of two women fighting with guns.]

“Sorry, I made a fuss to show you this… Is this the level of a fight between a nun and an angel for real? It’s a battle between the strongest beings in the world… But why the hell did they fight inside a convenience store? Damn it, they almost died, damn it!! It truly makes my heart tremble…”


[Total Comments: 35]

[ㅇㅇ (118.235): The chest of one of them does seem to be quite impressive…]

[ConvenienceStoreProA: In this genre, upstanding citizens like us always suffer]

[ConvenienceStoreProB: We had Juan 84-year-old and Danson, a serial killer, fighting in front of our convenience store. There’s a clear difference in caliber.]

[30YearOldVirginKimPyeonbong: I wonder how those two would be in bed?]

[ㅇㅇ: Is it the convenience store in front of Seoul Station Line 1? At least it won’t be boring there…]

ㄴ[ㅇㅇ (118.235): Yeah, for realㅋㅋ]

The convenience store I came to this time reminds me of Seoul Station Line 1, a place filled with numerous villains, just as if it were a holy land.

If it weren’t for that, there wouldn’t be a single day without these kinds of incidents happening.

Moreover, even though I don’t know the reason, it was clearly those two who fought, yet I was the one who got hurt the most.

Why does life suddenly feel so miserable?

“Uh, I’m, I’m sorry.”

The two lowered their heads and apologized while I stood in front of them, my head tightly wrapped in bandages.

Fortunately, Alencia treated her injuries, so she didn’t die, but the headache still remained, making my head dizzy.

Or maybe it’s worse than seeing gangsters fighting each other with knives in front of the convenience store.

At least guns didn’t come out, and there were no superhumans deflecting bullets with their bare hands.

“I thought Mr. Hyun-woo was taken hostage, so I… I thought the pure white Mage, who had a gun against Mr. Hyun-woo’s waist, was threatening him without any chance to resist.”

Alyncia said with an expression of unease.

But when you think about it, it’s a true statement from beginning to end, so there seems to be no need for argument.

“I thought that she, with her muscular body, came to deal with the foreigner from outside. Her face looked urgent, like a dog in desperate need to go to the bathroom.”

I’m not sure about that, but it’s probably because of that picture that Alyncia came to find me.

It looked important at first glance, so I guess she was in a hurry to leave it at the convenience store.

“But is the conclusion to show me the Jordan River? Even if there’s an ordinary person next to you, shouldn’t you at least consider adjusting your strength to show some consideration and not fight?”

This is the first time I’ve seen the phenomenon of a whirlwind occurring when a human moves.

Ah, speaking of which, one side was like an angel, and the other side was like a holy maiden blessed by god. They were both not ordinary humans.

“But I didn’t know that they would be so severely injured. They are much more fragile than they appear.”

But the white mage, Seretini, seems to find it incomprehensible that I was injured until I was about to die.

To that small angel, it’s clear that she has no conscience.

I must be stupid to expect conscience from an angelic figure who immediately pulled out a gun and pointed it at me as soon as I entered the convenience store.

“…Honestly, I was also surprised. I didn’t know that Hyunwoo would be more fragile than the children at the orphanage.”

But it’s unexpected for Alyncia to make such a comment.

Alyncia’s reaction seemed genuinely apologetic for not considering that I would be more fragile than children.

Even though the universe might be different, to think that I’m weaker than children at an orphanage?

I’ve always exercised and have decent muscles, and I have a record of subduing a madman with a knife at the convenience store.

I didn’t get into fights anywhere when I was young, and in high school, I actually got into too many fights, which gave my parents headaches…

“But isn’t it more illogical for those people? Besides, Alyncia, you’ve been shot in the head a few times, and you’re okay?”

“Yes? Ah… I’m fine. Even if I’m hit by such a toy, it just feels bad, not really ticklish.”

Alyncia laughed and extended her hand.

It doesn’t sound like a joke.

“Magic used by white mages like me is no big deal as long as you have faith.”

“What faith? Weren’t they just bodies made up of pure muscles that filled their brains 100%?”

“…Weren’t you satisfied by breaking their bones?”

The two of them seemed to have a very strained relationship, as they showed their teeth at each other at any given opportunity.

From the way they treated each other, it seemed like they had been in a grudge for a long time.

“It’s fine if you two fight, but if you’re going to do it, could you please do it outside the convenience store? Or you can send me away painlessly first, then do whatever you want.”

Let’s prevent them from engaging in a second round for no reason.

“First, there are a couple of errands to run at the convenience store. Since the senior mage here arrived first, would it be all right for me to attend to their matter first?”

“Yes, I don’t have a significant objection.”

Alexia nodded nonchalantly.

Not having a significant objection could mean having some objection at all.

“Well… then please follow me again. We have some packages stored in the warehouse. We’ll need to retrieve them from the safe. My head is pounding, and it’s a bit difficult to walk properly.”

I accompanied Alexia to the warehouse, supporting her.

Oh, by the way, was it off-limits for outsiders here?

Ordinary convenience stores don’t allow customers into their warehouses, but there was no such notice here.

-Store Manager-

[The warehouse may serve as a shelter in some cases, so it’s not strictly off-limits. However, it’s best to avoid allowing customers who aren’t related to the matter. It has been confirmed that certain intelligences from U.C Convenience Store are affected by the presence there.]

So, it meant not to let them in.

Of course, it’s natural, but the problem is that I can’t retrieve anything alone due to my throbbing headache.

-Store Manager-

From Noble mtl dot com

[If you’ve reached the warehouse door, you don’t have to personally retrieve it from the safe. Insert the key into the warehouse door, and it will come out. Originally, it’s not allowed, but considering your condition, we’re making an exception.]

Oh, I’m sincerely grateful for this exception, to the point that tears well up.

Couldn’t they have used this consideration to prevent those two from causing chaos at the convenience store in advance?

At the very least, if they had mediated in advance, I might not have ended up in this situation.


As the store manager said, I inserted the key into the package safe at the warehouse door and turned it.

The key fit perfectly, and when I opened the door, there was only one well-packaged package in an otherwise empty space.

That must be the package the store manager mentioned.

“Is this the item I ordered?”

“Yes, most likely.”

The senior mage Seretini, with a completely different expression from when we were fighting, picked up the package with a cheerful expression.

To boldly enter such an eerie and empty space without any hesitation, these people here are undoubtedly not only different physically but also mentally from the world I used to live in.

I should probably reexamine the information about U.C-1221 once those two leave.

I initially thought this universe was like something out of a typical fantasy novel, but it definitely surpassed my expectations.

For someone like me, who is shooting a survival film in a convenience store, not knowing more about the future customers could seriously jeopardize my life.

Thinking back, I felt like I would die at the hands of the people of U.C-1221 before I died because of this bizarre convenience store.

“Where, where… Ah, you’ve finally arrived!”

Seretini casually opened the well-wrapped package with his bare hands. Inside the box was a brand new, white-colored assault rifle G11 made by a famous German firearms company, complete with angel wings engraved in gold.

Alessia seemed to think of the gun as a magical wand.

Well, it does shoot flames like magic, and it can easily take out a few people in no time.

And he had fired it in the convenience store before…?

“Are you satisfied now?”

“Yes! I’m really satisfied! It looks exactly like what I wanted. And it’s so cheap!”

Cheap? When I saw the prices at the rocket store, even the cheapest ones were in the millions. Is this considered cheap?

Or maybe Seretini just has a lot of money, so he thinks it’s cheap.

To the rich people, it’s probably just a few hundred won, which is nothing to us.

“It feels like it was worth risking my life to come all the way to this remote countryside!”

Seretini hugged the gun as if he had received a toy on Children’s Day.

Alright then.

It’s not my business to know about the hobbies of the rich. As long as he doesn’t cause any more trouble in the convenience store, I’m fine.

I never thought I’d see bullets flying in the convenience store in my lifetime.

No, to be exact, I died and came back to life.

Even though I’m still alive despite witnessing such an incident, I keep reminding myself that I died for some ridiculous reason.

How did it come to this?

“It’s now Alessia’s turn, right? You came back because of the picture you left here yesterday, right?”

“Oh, yes…! Thank goodness. I left it here.”

When I mentioned the picture, Alessia finally breathed a sigh of relief and showed a bright face.

I went to the counter and took out the photo I had stored in the drawer and handed it to her.

“You’ve kept it well. Thank you so much.”

“It’s nothing. Just make sure you don’t forget it next time and be careful.”

“What is it? Is that a picture of the wicked Rachel?”

After I handed her the photo, Seretini glanced at it and asked, mentioning the woman’s name.

“If you say her real name in front of Hyunwoo, what will happen?!”

Suddenly, Alessia shrieked and covered my ears with both hands.

“Oh, what should I do? Should we start the blessing right here? Mr. Hyunwoo, if you suddenly feel unwell or like your head is going to split open and your brain will leak out, please let me know!”

Furthermore, she began hurriedly taking various things out of her pocket to prepare for something.

But even though my head ached, it wasn’t to the extent that my brain would flow out. This was purely due to the shock of colliding with my head when I had just flown away.

But was her name really Rachel?

It’s strange. When I searched for her photo on Trwiki, there was a black magic sorceress named Erebos, who looked similar to the Ceretini in front of me.

Perhaps the name mentioned in the document is different from what they are called in Universe-1221. Sometimes there are variations in spelling.

“Don’t worry. That guy won’t be affected even if he hears our real names.”

“Really? He seems fine though. Usually, their eyes turn black and melt from the beginning when they transform into them.”

“What are you talking about?!”

I shivered at Alencia’s explanation that came a little late. This time, the word ‘them’ came from the mouths of the people of Universe-1221.

I don’t know the circumstances, but just from her reaction, I felt like I was about to die again.

Fortunately, this time it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

“Well, it seems that ‘this generation’s’ Alencia doesn’t know much about this U.C. convenience store, huh? Oh, come to think of it, they probably didn’t receive a normal inheritance from the previous generation’s Saintess either.”

“…Yes, I heard that my predecessor was devoured by them. I had no choice but to temporarily inherit Alencia’s name through the remaining records and documents.”

So what are they talking about now? I don’t understand at all, and I wish they would explain a bit.

“Perfect timing. It was originally something Mr. Kim Hyunwoo was going to explain when he formally started working, but it might not be a bad idea to hear the explanation in advance since it seems like the conversation might get a bit lengthy.”

“What is it?”

Ceretini put the gun back in the box and pointed at the table. It seemed like there was something important they needed to discuss.

“This is an old story about the three transcendents here in this universe and the U.C. convenience store from outer space, but the story is still ongoing.”

-Store Manager-

[That’s great. Originally, I thought Mr. Kim Hyunwoo would handle this when he officially started working, but it’s not a bad idea to hear the explanation in advance.]

Even the quiet store manager sent me a message. I knew it, but this U.C. convenience store is certainly more than just a weird convenience store.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode