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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 21

21 – Farewell, Shouldn’t You Say Goodbye? (2)

It seemed the White Wizard intended to wait at the convenience store until the delivery arrived, as he remained seated even after the crowd of customers had dispersed.

“…Are you really planning to wait until 2 o’clock?”

It was already 12:30, and it didn’t seem like he could wait for another two and a half hours.

Instead, it was a bit unsettling to have him just sitting at the table, staring in this direction without doing anything.

Normally, when waiting like that, people would take out their phones and do something, not just quietly observe others.

Of course, there probably wouldn’t be a phone in this universe.

“That’s right. Is there a problem?”

The White Wizard nodded without any concern.

Usually, sitting in one position like that for so long would make one’s body stiff.

“No, it’s just a bit stifling…”

“Ah, you mean this outfit?”

The White Wizard wore a white frock coat and a golden halo adorned his head.

Through the brim of his hat, you could catch a glimpse of golden strands of hair.

His shadowy face sparkled with eyes the same shade of gold as his hair, and aside from that, I didn’t know any other details yet, but one thing was certain: he was the White Wizard.

It said on the TriviWiki that a light bulb was attached to the White Wizard’s head.

“It’s certainly a bit stifling, but this outfit is enchanted with magic that makes it difficult for others to recognize me.”

“That’s a fascinating outfit.”

This universe’s Pattern 1221 frock coat had such a function?

No wonder, even with so many customers coming and going in the convenience store, not a single one recognized the White Wizard.

Thinking about it, if someone in a frock coat like that were standing in a sunny corner of the store, they’d probably go unnoticed out of fear, but with a light bulb on their head, people would at least be curious enough to ask me about it.

That’s how it was with the usual weirdos who hung around the convenience store.

“Angels are not meant to be conspicuous to people. If necessary, they will reveal their form and identity, but for now, I conceal my true self and appearance.”

But why do I see him so clearly?

It bothered me a bit, but it was probably because I was the regular at U.C. Convenience Store.

This convenience store was not just an ordinary one, so there were various functions or measures related to magic, and there were still many left unexplored.

Or maybe the White Wizard was only showing himself to me.

“Come to think of it, how can you see me?”

Now that I thought about it, it didn’t seem to be the latter.

The White Wizard seemed to realize something was off only now, and he asked me with surprise.

“I don’t know either. Wasn’t that what you were showing me?”

“Well, I think the explanation was that it shows itself to those who want to have a conversation…”

That white sorcerer definitely seems sloppy, no matter how you look at it.

If it were an ordinary sorcerer, they would generally be meticulous or have a very high intelligence. However, this white sorcerer gives off a feeling that something is amiss.

“These robes are a precious heirloom passed down to me by my master. However, I haven’t heard a detailed explanation, so I don’t have a thorough understanding of it myself.”

“I see.”

Could it be that even in the White Pagoda where the white sorcerer resides, he is positioned quite lower?

Considering that he came here personally without sending his subordinates to a convenience store like this, it might be possible.

Although it is said that the white sorcerer must reach a certain level to possess a halo, as it is, just as the top 1% distinguishes itself from the top 0.1%, there may also be differences in rank among the white sorcerers.

“It seems like your master was also an amazing white sorcerer.”

“Yeah, he was an amazing person.”

I played along, giving appropriate responses, while waiting for the store owner’s reply regarding the message.

However, to my disappointment, the store owner still hadn’t even read the message.

Could he possibly be asleep?


“…Why are you like this again?”

So, what’s the problem this time?

With no customers and passing my time absentmindedly, suddenly the white sorcerer once again walked up to the counter and pointed the barrel of his gun at me.

“Hey, how could you not know that I’m a white sorcerer?”

Let me correct myself.

It’s not just one thing that is amiss. There are several.

Does he really not know, so he’s asking me?

“Excuse me, do you happen to not know that there’s a sparkling bulb-like thing above your head?”

“…A bulb? That’s funny. When my master was wearing this robe, not only was the halo not visible, but the wings were also not visible. I couldn’t see them with my own eyes, so there’s no way I could mistake you for being it.”


Perhaps I was so stunned that, even with the barrel of the gun right in front of me, I casually grabbed the white sorcerer’s shoulder.

“What are you doing?”

“Would you mind coming with me for a moment?”

And while still holding onto his shoulder, I headed towards the display shelf with the facial cleansing products.

I took out a mirror from there and handed it to him to see for himself.

The white magician furrowed his brow and exclaimed, “Why is there a mirror here all of a sudden?” After staring at the mirror for about 10 seconds, his face and Halo’s color started turning red this time.

It seems like he really didn’t know.

“Why, why is this floating here?! I’m certain that when the master used it, nothing was visible…!”

A very startled reaction.

Do you think I would know if you ask me?

How could I possibly know something that even you don’t know yourself?

“Moreover, didn’t you just mention the word ‘angel’ with your own mouth? As far as I know, the white magician is the only one here in the Vatican who is known to treat angels as if they are gods. Unless there is some other reason-“

“Uh…stop! That’s enough! I admit, I was careless! But this is the first time I’ve come out of that stuffy tower alone!”

If necessary, I could have mentioned about 10 more suspicious points, but the white magician could no longer bear the embarrassment and covered my mouth with both hands.

“Why didn’t they tell me why they can see my Halo…!”

But now, I couldn’t even breathe because my nose was covered.

“Wait, come to think of it, besides you, no one else could have seen me.”

Wait, this could be very dangerous.

While the white magician was still speaking about his personal matters, he continued to block my respiratory tract.

Even if he was just holding his breath, I wouldn’t have known, but if he continues to cover my mouth like this in the middle of speaking, I can’t hold out for long.

Even though I wanted to ask him to let go, my mouth was still blocked.

Despite being relatively small in stature, his strength was surprisingly strong. Even though I had exercised, I couldn’t budge.

“It’s just a matter of you closing your mouth. Just because other people noticed that I am the white magician, there’s no need to be astonished. If people here find out about that fact, it’ll only bring annoying things.”

After speaking to himself about various things, he finally relaxed.

Please, just release me.

I feel like I’m about to die.

I frantically tapped the white magician’s hand as if I were tapping out in a fight, three times in a row.

“Huh? Oops, sorry. Are you alright?”

“Heh, heh…”

I took deep breaths, enjoying the burst of oxygen that I had been deprived of.

Just before losing consciousness, my blocked hand was finally released.

Looking at the mirror, unlike the red-faced white magician and Halo, my face was very pale blue.

I almost died so insignificantly. Well, I’ve already died more insignificantly than that.

“Anyway, do you understand now? Stop catching random people and check if you’ve made any mistakes yourself.”

I sighed in relief and collapsed onto the chair.

“Okay, I understand. I’ll sincerely apologize again…”

From Noble mtl dot com

The White Sorcerer removed his hat and bowed his head, offering an apology.

Although, he didn’t seem to think he did anything wrong.

“Fine. If you’re sorry, just wait quietly like before. When the delivery arrives, accept it and go. It’s tiring to greet every customer one by one.”

“…Sure, I’ll wait quietly here.”

The White Sorcerer seated in front of me sat silently again, but this time, he fixed his piercing gaze on me.

It’s already annoying when someone stares at you continuously, let alone this.

“Do I seem very suspicious to you?”

“Not very, just suspicious in an ordinary way. After all, it’s not normal to carry a gun around from the beginning.”

But his appearance was strangely normal. When he took off his hat, his face gave off an unexpectedly warm feeling, like the morning sun.

His clean blond hair and subtly sparkling golden eyes even reminded me of the sun in the sky.

“If it’s because of the gun, that’s why I intentionally changed it to something easy to conceal. When you saw my gun yesterday, you were quite surprised, right?”

“No, whether the gun is big or small, carrying it around is suspicious, isn’t it?”

The issue is that his actions are quite different from his looks.

“In my White Pagoda, if you have the Halo, anyone can have their own gun. Of course, it may not be the same everywhere, but doesn’t everyone have at least one gun or a similar weapon at home?”

“…Not at all?”

I don’t know if there’s a Heavenly Empire on Universe-1221, but if I had to find something similar, it probably wouldn’t be the White Pagoda.

It’s scary that he talks about it so naturally.


“Oh, this is—”

“A key? Did it fall from the ceiling?”

Then, a key fell onto the table.

– Manager –

[Mr. Kim Hyun-woo? The package ordered by the previous guest has arrived. Preparations are complete, so please take this key and retrieve it from the safe. The safe is in the warehouse, so please make sure to deliver it properly.]

It seems that the package ordered by this White Sorcerer customer has finally arrived.

“It looks like the item you ordered has arrived. They said it’s in the warehouse, so I’ll go get it.”

“Really?! Okay, I’ll go with you! I couldn’t sleep at all last night because I was so excited for the delivery!”

While excited that the package had arrived, he acted more like a child.

Well, it’s better than acting like that because the package is a gun.

Maybe I can finally relax once this wizard guest leaves.

Should I say it’s mentally and physically exhausting at the same time?


[And do you not know that a guest has arrived?]

Suddenly, a guest? I didn’t hear the sound of the door opening, where could they be?

“Hurry up and let’s go! I want to shoot once…”

The cheerful white wizard suddenly fell silent.

It was because he spotted the guest who had arrived at the convenience store before me.

Arlencia was standing in front of the counter, waiting for me.

She also turned around upon hearing my voice.

“Oh, Miss Arlencia? When did you-“



The white wizard quickly pulled out a handgun and shot Arlencia.

What crazy thing is he doing?!

“No, what are you doing?!”

I asked in confusion, but what was even more shocking happened next.

“…White mage Seretini, why are you here?”


Arlencia caught the bullet in her hand.

And not only did she catch it, but she also crushed it into dust in her grip.

What is going on? This universe seems to have a different genre than what I expected…

“Tsk, a handgun is not enough against an annoying monster.”

“I don’t know what kind of audacity brought you to this Papal State, but if you’re holding innocent people hostage, even if you get rescued here, you won’t be exempt from complaints.”

The convenience store, once peaceful, began to feel the atmosphere of a battlefield, and I became an unwilling hostage.

-Hyunwoo Kim-

[Manager, can’t you do something about this?]

I asked the manager for help before the situation escalates.

Since I sent a message earlier, he’ll probably read it right away.


“This new popcorn is more delicious than I expected. I should consider adding it to the products… Ah, Mr. Kim Hyun-woo? I am not supposed to interfere with the store’s operations for a period of 8 hours. So please handle it smoothly.”

He read the message immediately, but the store manager had sent it without erasing his thoughts.

That damn store manager must be enjoying this situation while munching on popcorn.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode