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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 20

20 – 20. Can’t You Stay a Bit Longer? (1)

I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them, a whole day had passed.

I prepared for work as usual, stood in front of the counter, and, after organizing today’s disposals, had a simple breakfast with kimbap and milk.

– Manager –

[Starting today, we will be extending the working hours. If you used to work for 8 hours, this time it will be 16 hours, starting at 9 AM and ending at 5 PM, then starting again at 6 PM and closing at 2 AM.]

As expected, the day arrived when they decided to bury me in the convenience store forever.

The original 8-hour shift was now doubled to 16 hours.

– Manager –

[Ultimately, we aim for 24/7 working hours throughout the year, so please adapt to consecutive shifts as soon as possible, and we hope it won’t affect your formal duties.]

“Well, convenience stores are supposed to be 24/7, but…”

Why make one person work all day, every day?

Normally, even if it’s not ideal, it would be more humane to hire more part-timers and rotate shifts every three times a day.

Of course, I discussed this with the manager.

– Kim Hyunwoo –

“But why are you making me work 24/7 alone? It would be more efficient from a human rights perspective to hire more part-timers and rotate shifts three times a day, wouldn’t it?”

– Manager –

“Why should I consider the rights of my employees? Shouldn’t you be grateful that I’m not discarding and still making use of you?”

However, the owner here had always said that it was not his concern and advised them to stop talking nonsense and focus on their work.

-Mr. Owner-

[Furthermore, if we hire another employee, my workload will increase. Mr. Kim Hyunwoo, I am already diligently managing just you.]

Well, what I saw from the second floor was him playing games all day and occasionally sending messages.

Perhaps the owner simply disliked ordinary, bothersome tasks?

He had even discarded his underwear here and there and set up a makeshift cactus with cigarette butts.

Moreover, it seemed like he had indulged in quite a bit of alcohol, making it hard to imagine someone doing such things in that state.

Anyway, he appeared quite old.

Was he similar to the White Wizard who had come here then?


“Good morning.”

Just as they say if you mention a tiger, it comes, the White Wizard from yesterday greeted me with a big smile as soon as he opened the convenience store.

He didn’t forget to aim the gun as part of the greeting.

Forget about that, please.

At least, this time, fortunately, he was aiming a relatively small handgun, unlike yesterday.

…Is it fortunate?

Nevertheless, I’ve seen that small gun a lot in FPS games.

It was definitely called the Desert Eagle.

Still, wouldn’t it hurt less if you were shot with a smaller gun than a big one? Or maybe it’s better to be hit with a big gun and die instantly without suffering?

Which one is better?

“Did you have a good day yesterday?”

Maybe because he pointed the gun during the morning greeting, my brain was producing errors today in response to this unusual daily routine.

“Yes, I had a good day. Good morning to you, too. What brings you here today?”

“I came to pick up the gun I ordered last time. It said it would arrive today when I placed the order for it. But why are you raising your hands again?”

“Well, it became a habit. Why are you carrying a gun again today?”

“Oh, it’s also out of habit for me. I probably won’t need it today.”

With a perplexed expression, the White Wizard put the gun away.

I don’t know why the White Wizard has made it a habit to point a gun at people, but I hope today won’t be the day I have a gun pointed at me again.

I almost threw up everything I ate this morning when I saw the gun.

“So where are the things I ordered?”

The White Wizard looked around the convenience store, smiling happily.

“There isn’t one?”

“What did you say?”

But there was no mention of a delivery.

If it had arrived, the store owner would have mentioned it.

I heard that when the customer ordered the item through RocketPang, the store owner would confirm it and keep it in the customer vault at U.C Convenience Store.

At least, according to common sense, if a dangerous product arrives, the store owner would intervene.

“You said it would definitely arrive today, right?”

It seemed like my answer didn’t please the White Wizard, as he put his hand into the pocket where the gun was placed.

“Just a moment. It seems there is a misunderstanding. Let’s find out.”

I grabbed his hand and nodded, leading him towards the kiosk where RocketPang orders were made.

“If it’s not a misunderstanding, then I assume you plan on taking my cherished item.”

“If it’s a cherished item, it’s okay to handle it with care…”

“But if it’s a cherished item, wouldn’t it be best to keep it close to you at all times?”

Could he be referring to the rifle I brought with me yesterday as a cherished item?

His determination to make me a beehive seemed firm.


Let’s see, the order list should be somewhere here.

It seems that this White Wizard requested same-day delivery.

If it arrives the next day, it’s usually about that time, but the issue is whether same-day delivery actually means same-day delivery.

I’ve seen it in the news before, but well, it’s just the tyranny of large corporations.

[Delivery in progress ‧ Estimated arrival at 1 p.m.]

[Same-day delivery] – [H&K G11, White Edition, 1 piece]

As expected.

The delivery I ordered yesterday, as the White Wizard said, arrived today, but as I predicted, it was stated on the order list that it would arrive in the afternoon today.

“Well, well. I apologize…”

When I showed the kiosk screen to the White Wizard, he seemed to understand and scratched his head, looking relieved.

Somehow, the light bulb above my head seemed to emit a faint pink light.

[Hailo (Space-1221)]

[Features: Advanced White Wizards reach a certain level and create a form called ‘Hailo’ that can change depending on their emotions or mental state. When sleeping well, Hailo emits a bright light, and White Wizards often suffer from chronic sleep disorders.

According to the information I saw on Tree Wiki, it says that they can change their form depending on their emotions or mental state. In that case, if I were to get drunk or do drugs, would I also flicker like a neon sign?

I became slightly curious.

“Alright then. It seems like it’ll arrive around 1 PM, so if you have any other errands, come find me after that. Around 2 PM should be fine.”

“Got it. I’ll do that.”

[Delivery time may be slightly delayed depending on the weather conditions of the multiverse. Please take note.] [U.P Delivery]

I didn’t know there was weather in space, but sometimes the delivery arrives quickly while other times it arrives late.

So it would be best to come and pick it up around 2 PM, just in case.

“Excuse me, sir? You can come around 2 PM to pick it up.”

“Alright. I’ll pick up the delivery around 2 PM.”

So why is that white sorcerer standing there not going to the convenience store?

Just in case, I wonder if he’s planning to wait at the convenience store until the delivery arrives?

It’s not just an hour, it’s currently 10 AM, so even if the delivery arrives at 1 PM, he would have to wait for a whopping 3 hours!

“Is there a problem?”

There seem to be quite a few problems.

“Anyway, this store doesn’t have any restrictions on opening hours, and there’s no law saying you can’t wait for the delivery inside.”

Well, that’s true.

There’s hardly ever a case where people stay in the convenience store for two or three hours, even the middle-aged pseudo-old men who tell New Year’s jokes usually only stay for about an hour!

Who in their right mind would wait for a delivery at a convenience store for 3 hours?!

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[Manager, what do I do with that customer? I’d rather not know if he’s holding a gun, but he’s just saying he’ll wait for a delivery that will come to the convenience store in 3 hours.] 1

[No seriously, at least read the message. You always read them normally, why suddenly not this time?] 1

[If you’re curious or don’t know something, ask the manager then!] 1

This is the first time in my convenience store life that I asked the manager for help, but the manager, who always read messages diligently, didn’t remove the unread mark even after 10 minutes had passed.

Why is it that he’s never available when I actually need him?

Should I just go up to the second floor and personally call the manager?

“Oh, welcome sir.”

From Noble mtl dot com

But that was also impossible as the lunch hour approached and the customers began to flock in.

Soon, the customers started choosing instant noodles, bread, snacks, and coffee that weren’t too spicy and bringing them to the counter.

“… Um, if you continue to stand in front of the counter, other customers won’t be able to pay.”

“Got it. Then I’ll sit over there and wait.”

And so, the White Wizard sat at the table in the store, waiting for the delivery to arrive.

He worried that maybe someone would come and threaten him with a gun, telling him to personally go and retrieve the package. But surprisingly, the White Wizard acknowledged his mistake and patiently waited.

However, because he continued to stare at this direction intently, it was starting to bother me.

I wonder if he’s already searching for an opening to create a hole in my body…?


Meanwhile, around that time, after finishing the morning prayer at the church, Saint Allensia held the hands of the children and walked out of the worship hall.

For her, offering morning prayers to God every morning with the children was like a predetermined routine.

Unless she couldn’t return to the church until morning due to her “main job,” Allensia spent her daily life as a saint, taking care of the children in the orphanage.

“What should I do about this?”

However, at this moment, an uneasiness was settling in a corner of her heart.

“I lost the picture with the mark of the High Priest of the Black Mausoleum.”

That picture was also an important piece of information for the Church of Eclesia.

Of course, the one she carried around was just a copy, so losing it wouldn’t be a major issue. But if by any chance that picture became known to the public, it would make things difficult in various ways.

Information about demons is strictly limited to basic common knowledge for the people of the Papal State. Yet, Allensia losing the picture of the leader of those demons only added more trouble to an already troublesome situation.

“No, it should be fine. The last place I took out that picture was the U.C convenience store. It’s probably still there.”

So, she went to the U.C convenience store last night, but unfortunately, it was already closed.

Now, she could only hope that he wouldn’t show the picture to others and that she would have to go to retrieve it during lunchtime.

“…I’ve come such a long way as well. To think my faith would waver just because I had some spicy food.”

Unknowingly, Allensia muttered to herself.

Of course, it was because the spiciness was intense enough to make her whole body drenched in sweat.

If only she could return to the church and wash her body with holy water after untangling her necklace, she could barely calm down.

“What do you mean, Saint?”

At that moment, the child walking beside Allensia asked curiously.

It was understandable that it would seem strange since she suddenly started talking about spicy food.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just felt that this morning’s meal was spicy.”

“But this morning, we had salad and potato soup, right?”

“There was a bit of pepper in the soup, right? That’s why. I can’t handle spicy food… That’s why…”

Trying her best to come up with a convincing excuse, Allensia made up her mind.

As soon as it’s lunchtime, let’s go to the U.C convenience store.

Then, she would most likely be able to arrive before 1 p.m.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode