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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 14

14 – Peaceful Morning at the Convenience Store (4)

The White Wizard is actually not a wizard, but refers to individuals who pursue the power of angels, seeking to become angels themselves through endless research.

One of the three transcendent beings in Universe-1221, known as angels.

The power they possess, White Magic, primarily utilizes the power of the sun as its main source of magic, often emitting a bright light that can blind the eyes when used.

It should be noted that the angels in Universe-1221 are different from the typical angels in most universal religions.

Most angels in universal religions are messengers of the gods, usually meaning angels who convey the will of God, but the angels in Universe-1221 belong to a completely different category from these angels.

[Angels (Universe-1221)]

[History: Originally, angels referred to fairies who lived in the sky, and they were distantly related to elves and dwarves. They were mainly known as guardians of the sky, supplying themselves with moisture from the clouds and sunlight.]

From the beginning, the angels here were not messengers of God.

They were just one of the fairies who lived in the sky, but by chance, they obtained transcendence and were classified as transcendent beings.

Of course, their appearance, cute and beautiful yet mysterious like elves, was praised, but on the other hand, due to their only living in the sky, they lacked common sense and empathy, often having twisted personalities.

Furthermore, after becoming transcendent beings, their problems intensified, especially when it came to demons. They questioned how demons, who used to live by feeding on the emotions of others, could be the same transcendent beings as themselves.

Naturally, the demons who had been quiet suddenly confronted the newly ordained individuals, showing off their skills, and that led to a back-and-forth between them…

This was the catalyst for the Heavenly-Demonic War.

Following the teachings of these angels, what would the White Wizards, who aspire to become angels themselves, be like?

[White Wizards (Universe-1221)]

[Characteristics: As they get closer to angels and ascend to the realm of transcendence, they receive more divine spirit, but as a result, their physical bodies become weaker, and their mental age decreases. Therefore, expecting common sense from White Wizards is a major mistake. According to records, White Wizards created by Halo’s birth have an average mental age of around early to mid-teens.]

Even normal people became angels and started to behave strangely, so in fact, they appear more angelic than demons.

In other words, it means that one of childishness or extreme elements of My Pace is surely present.

Sereatini, the master of the White Tower.

“In her promising youth, she was a girl with exceptional shooting skills and a clear sense of consideration for others…

However, under the influence of the angel, her mental age decreased, and instead of caring for others, she came to believe that it was only natural for others to care for her.

The weaknesses that arose under the influence of the angel also played a significant role in shaping her personality.

Nevertheless, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, her intelligence remained the same as before. Although she could be somewhat arrogant, she was grateful to have a certain level of awareness that the power of the angel should not be abused.

The power of the angel could be terrifyingly abused to the extent that even demons would shudder. For instance, the signature spell used by the angels, the Flash Bomb.

While it did indeed blind the opponent’s eyes, much like the solar power of another universe, it did more than just dazzle the eyes.

There were ominous rumors that those affected by this magic eventually gave up their sight. Even in the TrickyWiki, a repository of knowledge about the universe, the Flash Bomb used by the angels of Universe-1221 was classified as a Grade 2 danger document.

By the way, the foreign gospel that claims enlightenment will be achieved when read was categorized as a Grade 3 danger document.


“So, what kind of food is this?”

“It’s called Tanghulu, a snack made by coating strawberries with sugar. The price is as written, four for one donghwa.”

“Just eating fruit covered in sugar, huh? The universe that made this snack must be devoid of satisfaction and filled with desires.”

They, too, seem like demons brimming with unsatisfied desires.

Already an hour had passed.

I had to make detailed explanations for the annoying brat until he was satisfied as I roamed the convenience store during that hour.

Not only was my throat sore, but my patience was wearing thin, and I was almost starting to miss yesterday’s brats.

“Alright, I’ll take this one too.”

“Ah… yes…”

This kid seemed to have plenty of money, as he started buying famous convenience store snacks known for their value for money.

No, does he really have money? The snacks I had already put in the basket were worth more than a few silver coins, and I doubted whether this kid with light bulbs on his head, dressed in a panda robe, had that much money.

Could it be that later on, he’ll claim to be broke and resort to robbing me at gunpoint? Well, he’s already brandishing a gun.

Oh well, the shopkeeper will handle it later, I guess.

“Hmm, has time flown by already?”

The white magician, who had been exploring the convenience store for a while, looked at the wristwatch adorned with a halo and wore a disappointed expression.

“Well, there’s nothing to be done about it. I’ll calculate the cost of everything you’ve picked so far. It should be more than enough, though.”

“What do you mean, more than enough?”

“It’s material for studying the desires of a different universe. Especially for humans, their desires and preferences are revealed from their food culture, and at the same time, these things are quite decent research samples that can measure the quality of life.”

I don’t really know what he’s saying, but is he finally leaving? That damn bastard, who has the audacity to cock his gun out of nowhere, seems to be finally thinking of leaving the convenience store.

So I should be happy about the fact that I’m soon to be free, but after a long hour of explanations, both my body and mind are exhausted, and I don’t have the energy to cheer.

Furthermore, even the products in the shopping basket are older than me.

It would be tiresome to scan each one individually.

Beep-beep – with the sound, the list keeps growing.

[Jelly that you can suck all the way] [₩2500]

[Older milk cream bread] [₩2700]

[Suspicious Cow Farm Milk – Banana] [₩1500]

[Intensely chocolaty real chocolate mud rice cake] [₩1800]

I continue to scan the barcodes with trembling hands.

It’s not because I’m still holding the gun, it’s just that my body is simply exhausted and shaking.

Anyone would think I have Parkinson’s disease.

“…Is there something wrong with your body? Why are you shaking like that?”

The White Wizard looks at my trembling hands with a very worried expression and asks.

I appreciate the concern.

But damn, you shouldn’t say such things, you annoying brat.

Maybe because no other customers came during that hour, I ended up having to carry two shopping baskets full with this brat’s items in my hands.

He said he had to hold the gun, so he couldn’t hold the baskets. Well then, I really wanted to shout at him to just put the gun down and do some regular shopping.

The problem is, if I did that, it seemed like he wouldn’t need to hold the gun anymore.

If by any chance he understood what I meant and pulled the trigger without letting me know, who would know?

“Ahahahaha… It’s nothing important. I’m just tired…”

“I see, cheer up. Even though life might be tough, those who keep trying till the end will at least receive the minimum reward.”

So you shouldn’t say such things, you brat.

Honestly, I feel like grabbing that lightbulb above your head and throwing it out of the convenience store, making you spin in the air like a helicopter.

But the sight of the gun in front of me forcibly keeps my anger in check.

Actually, at this point, the gun seems more competent than magic.

If I’m hungry, I can just take the gun to a restaurant; if I need money, I can take the gun to a bank; if I’m in love, I can stick the gun in someone’s face and keep expressing my love until I put the gun down.

Ah! So this is the universal power of firearms?

[Squirtle chips – Chocolate] [₩1700]

I scanned every single snack, including the last one, with the barcode.

Even though I bought a lot of things to the extent that I had to buy four vinyl bags, surprisingly, it only came to 100,000 won.

Judging by the volume of the goods, it feels like I’m going on some kind of refuge. Of course, 100,000 won is not a small amount of money, but the price is relatively low compared to what I had thought.

I couldn’t help but feel the greatness of over-packaging.

“Here you go, that’ll be 100,000 won.”

According to the store owner, even if I speak in the currency I know, it is automatically translated for the people in Universe-1221.

Now, to answer the question of whether this damn kid has any money.

“Here it is.”

The white mage rummaged through his pocket, holding a gun in one hand, and handed me three gold coins.

From Noble mtl dot com

So he does have money.

But as far as I know, one gold coin is worth a thousand won, so did the exchange rate change?

No, it didn’t. I checked, and the exchange rate hadn’t changed.

Then why did he give me three gold coins?

“Excuse me, but two gold coins are enough.”

“Huh? One of them is a tip for you. You kindly helped me with my curiosity, so it’s a reward for that.”

As he talked about the tip, I looked at the shiny gold coins on the counter, then raised my head again.

“Well then, I guess I’ll be on my way. Thanks for your help today.”

“Oh, goodbye.”

The white mage finally loaded his gun on his back, holding the full plastic bags in both hands, and left the convenience store as if he were in a good mood.

I was still lost in thought, with one gold coin left on the counter.

The money I received for explaining the goods in the convenience store with the gun pointed at me for an hour. One gold coin, equivalent to a thousand won.

“…Is this okay?”

I roughly estimated it to be around 50,000 won per hour.

Although there was a great deal of psychological anxiety from having a gun pointed at me, if the gun isn’t fired, it might be okay after all.

Especially when I think about how many part-timers can’t even earn the minimum wage, it seemed even better.

Come to think of it, it’s surprisingly not bad, is it?

Even though it was tiring to explain the convenience store items for an hour and keep following him, it was easier than moving 180 bottles of Pepsi or doing loading and unloading for a part-time job.

Actually, if the gun wasn’t pointed at me, there wouldn’t have been any reason to worry like this.

Even if the gun was pointed, as long as it wasn’t fired, it would be fine.

Still, guns are intimidating, but receiving these gold coins made me think they were worth it.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode