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The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work Chapter 10

10 – 10. The Holy Maiden Too Sacred (4)

The place called RocketPang had a lot of objects that were more diverse, useless, and bizarre than one could imagine.

Especially in the self-defense items, they were selling everything from guns to wands with magic spells, staffs that could drop asteroids, potions that could transform you into a giant, and even a deadly poison called “kill pill” that kills a person when sprinkled.

It definitely seemed to go beyond the level of self-defense, and what was even more frightening were the realistic reviews of buyers that were posted along with the photos.



[Seller: The company I decided never to buy from again]

[Product Purchased: Hell Executioner Sword (地獄斬馬刀)]

[I have been using it well as a former swordmaster. I have used it well when dealing with space pirates during our pet lizard’s interstellar travels. It is inconvenient to have to draw it from my mouth every time I use it, but other than that, it’s really good.]

[- Helped 724 people -]



[Seller: Conflict Resolution Center]

[Product Purchased: Double Barrel Shotgun]

[It is an excellent tool for conversation. By adding this double barrel shotgun to kind words, you can get more than just kind words. You can also use it to resolve disputes with your neighbors.]

[- Helped 666 people -]

You can easily find these terrifying reviews that make your mind go blank just by reading them.

Who are they and what are they doing that they use and cherish such things?

“They all seem crazy.”

I struggled to hold onto my fading consciousness.

Based on the description, it seems that this Rocket Pang also sells various items from other universes in addition to the space-1221.

There seemed to be more than just dangerous self-defense items, but also simple food, clothing, electronic products, and adult products such as alcohol and cigarettes.

-Shop Owner-

[By the way, Rocket Pang is a partner company of our U.C. convenience store, where customers who have difficulty directly receiving their products can leave their pick-up and storage to the convenience store. Please keep this in mind as well.]

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[You will only handle safe products on my behalf, right?]

According to the shop owner, this U.C. convenience store receives and stores the products ordered from Rocket Pang on behalf of customers. However, the problem is that among the products I just saw, there were very dangerous items overflowing in the storage. I wondered if it was really okay.

Especially, they were selling green substances that were very abundant in radioactivity along with their pliability and elasticity, weren’t they?

-Shop Owner-

[I will first screen the products and then receive them, so you can rest assured.]

-Kim Hyun-woo-

[You won’t accept dangerous products, right?]

-Shop Owner-

[Furthermore, once I receive the products and inform Mr. Kim Hyun-woo about what they are, there won’t be any case of receiving unknown products.]

-Kim Hyun-woo-

“So you’re saying you won’t take any risks?”

And the manager didn’t reply for a while.

No, why would he choose to ignore me like that?

That damn manager’s reply took a solid 10 minutes to arrive.


“High-risk products are securely packaged and stored in the safe, specially made by U.C. Convenience store. Mr. Kim Hyun-woo only keeps the key to the safe. When the customer arrives, just hand it over.”

It’s a relief to hear that they are at least stored in a safe, but I still can’t shake off the feeling of unease.

What exactly is the universe, and why do the people living in it engage in such crazy acts? I, who have lived in an ordinary universe without magic or angels or demons or gods, find it difficult to comprehend.

Is this commonly referred to as culture shock?


“That’s it for today’s tasks. Mr. Kim Hyun-woo will work 8 hours a day during the probation period, and he can have one vacation day per week. If he goes without pressing the red button for a week, he will be awarded a vacation.”

The manager just kept talking before the shock of this cultural difference even had a chance to fade.

Still, this Rocket Pan isn’t all that bad.

As I mentioned earlier, they don’t only sell those dangerous products; they also sell ordinary items, and there are quite a few that could make good gifts.

I should make sure to repay Alencia properly once I receive the money.

I may not believe in gods anymore, but I was taught to always repay kindness, no matter what.

That’s what my late parents used to say.

Considering that I risked my life and even my vacation for just a cup of coffee, I believe it holds enough value.


“And Kim Hyun-woo.”


Is there something else to say?


“This is personal advice, so whether or not to accept it is up to you, Mr. Kim Hyun-woo.”

The next message sent by the manager seemed quite serious.


“I don’t recommend delving too much into the knowledge of this Universe-1221. People like Kim Hyun-woo would be better off silently doing what they need to do to stay alive.”

From Noble mtl dot com

I had a feeling that he was worrying about me.

No, now that I think about what that manager did to me, it’s probably not worry after all.

Is there something that I shouldn’t know?


“Saint! Saint!”

“The good kids should be getting ready for bed by now. What’s the matter?”

In the time when the night darkens and the stars whisper, the children from the orphanage approached Saint Alencia Benedictum with a book of fairy tales in hand.

She was reading through a pile of documents with a cold expression on her face.

But upon the arrival of the children, she greeted them with a smile as if wondering when they would come.

“I can’t sleep. Could you read us a fairy tale?”

“Right, today for some reason, sleep doesn’t come easy.”

“I guess there’s no other choice. I’ll go to the bed and read it to you. But everyone must fall asleep after the book is finished. Understood?”

“Yes! We understand!”

With a lantern in one hand and the fairy tale book brought by the children in the other, Alencia walked through the corridor.

The children followed behind her like baby ducks, exchanging light nods with the nuns from the orphanage they passed by, each going to finish their assigned tasks.

“Saint has arrived! Gather around, everyone!”

As they arrived at the sleeping quarters where the children slept, the other children also warmly welcomed Alencia.

It seemed that only a few children had come to her with a fairy tale book on behalf of everyone else.

“hehehe, it’s nice that you’re happy, but it’s late at night, so don’t be too noisy.”

“Yes, Saint. Let’s all speak quietly.”

The children here were all orphans who were abandoned by their parents before they could even write their own names, or who had lost their parents for some reason.

Even if there were no wars, unwanted goodbyes could happen for any reason.

Leaving the world due to illness, accidents, taking their own lives, or nearly being killed by thugs like the young man who was at a store today were not uncommon occurrences.

That’s why this orphanage was established.

Operated by the church, the orphanage helps the children develop faith until they are able to become independent or provides them with the opportunity to stay in the church and live a life devoted to serving God while protecting their purity.

“But what story would you like me to read?”

Alencia herself was also such a case.

She lost her parents at a young age and was entrusted to the orphanage, but she happened to receive the blessings of the gods and became a priest, eventually gaining recognition for her contributions and receiving the name of Saint.

That was when she was barely 15 years old.

At the age of 10, she had already been recognized for her talents and carried out religious duties as a representative of the gods. Now, as a saint, she mainly took care of the children.

She believed that in order to truly appear as a saint to others, she needed to distance herself from her past self.

“This is the book. The Three Little Pigs.”

“Didn’t I read this before?”

Alesnia laughed, shaking her head at the familiar book title.

Something like this happened today, but little did she know she would be reading this book tonight.

“But I want to read it again. Besides, this book is the most requested by the children.”

“Did any other child want to read a different book?”

“W-Well… I want to hear the story of Little Red Riding Hood.”

A timid-looking child raised their hand and spoke.

There were no other children who wanted to hear a different story.

Perhaps that child wanted to hear a different story alone.

“Ah, but it’s okay. I also like The Three Little Pigs. I read it yesterday, though…”

“Is that so? I understand.”

“The Saint?”

Alesnia handed the book back to the children as they called for her.

In that instant, various thoughts would have crossed their minds.

Was she trying to tell the story the child wanted instead of them, or was she asking them to come back after completely unifying their opinions?

Of course, only a few of the older children were capable of having such thoughts.

“Well then, after I finish telling the story of The Three Little Pigs, I will tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood separately. And we don’t need the book. We’ve memorized both stories anyway.”

“Really? You’re amazing, Saint.”

“If you study letters diligently and read books, you can do many things. Especially since you need to know how to read to recite prayers, you really should study hard.”

“Understood, Saint.”

Alesnia, having grown up in the orphanage, heard the same story and continued to read the same book to the new children even after becoming a saint.

Naturally, memorizing them became second nature.

“Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.”

She began slowly telling the fairy tale.

All the children listened attentively, their mouths shut tight, and as Alesnia’s melodious voice continued the story, one by one, they began to fall asleep from the middle of the story.

It was simply telling a memorable fairy tale, but to the children, it felt as comforting as a mother’s lullaby.

“…And so, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother were saved by the hands of a hunter blessed by God’s guidance.”

The story that began with The Three Little Pigs ended with Little Red Riding Hood, who had been eaten by the wolf, being saved by a hunter blessed by God.

After finishing the story, Alesnia looked around and found that even the last child who had been awake had fallen asleep peacefully.

Not wanting to disturb their slumber, Alesnia quietly left the bedroom, mindful that the children might wake up.

Outside, the knights who had come to meet her were waiting.

“Well, I suppose it’s time to go. The children are already asleep, so we can leave now.”

Now, the children were asleep.

The starlight of the night would gently illuminate them, and now she was headed to do the work she had been doing since ancient times in a place where not even starlight, let alone moonlight, could reach.

“What happened to the pig and the wolf from the daytime?”

“As you instructed, we cut off the pig’s tail and ears, and we skinned the wolf and soaked it in salt.”

“You did well. If someone were to commit such acts in the sacred land watched over by the gods, even more excruciating than death, they should atone for their sins.”

She smiled with satisfaction as she put on her mask.

However, going back to being the “Inquisitor” she originally was meant that ironically, to reveal herself, she had to conceal herself with a mask.

“I heard that a witch who kidnaps children has appeared.”

Covering her face with the mask and wearing a white veil to make her hair appear lighter, she held a black crucifix sword in her right hand, which she had been using for a long time.

Should it be called a harmony of black and white? Although her face was hidden by the mask, people who saw her thought that there must be a beautiful maiden beneath that mask.

“Perhaps the demon’s slaves are gathering sacrifices for their magic, but the hypocritical angels simply look on, so we must take care of it.”

After becoming the Holy Maiden, it was not something she particularly enjoyed, but she also helped with work like this as a form of light exercise because virtue was a virtue that the Holy Maiden should possess.

“…Excuse me, Holy Maiden.”

“Why do you ask?”

But suddenly, a knight hesitated to speak.

“I’ve been curious for a while now, but what is the cup you’re holding in your left hand? Does it perhaps contain holy water?”

“The cup? Ah…”

It was only then that Alessia realized the existence of what she had been holding continuously since her time in the orphanage.

It was the first coffee she had received from the mysterious shop.

“I forgot about it. It tasted better than I expected, but there was no need for it… I haven’t been sleeping properly lately…”


The cup, engulfed in blue flames, didn’t even leave ashes behind.

Certainly, she was tired, but there was another reason why she had been holding the cup. It was because the interesting man who had been guarding the mysterious shop had given it as a gift.

“Let’s go. We need to return before sunrise to pray with the children.”

Wasn’t it him, of all people, who had made the astounding declaration that he didn’t believe in gods right in front of her?

If you know what her past was like, it is an unimaginable lie.

Even if you don’t know her past, being a holy woman is a well-known fact throughout the world.

To say such a thing means either she has lost all fear and doesn’t even know the concept of fear, or she is so desperate to die that she has gone mad.

I even thought about burning her right there, or taking her to a lightless underground and torturing her until she truly repents.

However, Allenzia showed him mercy.

He seemed to genuinely not know anything, and moreover, his eyes resembled the eyes of herself and the children around her.

Eyes that seemed to say she had been abandoned by God.

Furthermore, he appeared to be more than just abandoned; it seemed as though his life had been taken away by God.

Of course, it cannot be known for certain if he actually went through such a thing.

And even if he did, perhaps it was God’s will.

“…Also, I want to go there one more time.”

Like when she lost her parents and entered the orphanage, burdened with the fate of being a holy woman.

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

The Fantasy World Fanatic Wants To Leave Work

이세계 편돌이는 퇴근하고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
An old-fashioned, rigid elf; a drunken dwarf; a cultish, fraudulent saintess, and so on… I don’t need any of them. A 24/7 convenience store. I want to leave work. That is my only wish.


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not work with dark mode