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Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator Chapter 169

Episode 169

“It’s the Southern Reinforcement Army…”

As Allen left the academy, she thought about the offer she had made.

In the current continent, the damage is so great that it cannot be compared with the Mateap city. The nobles and those in the high ranks would be safe, but if it was an ordinary village, even if its location was inland, it could have disappeared overnight.

This confusion grows as it grows, and it will not be easily resolved.

In such a situation, as Milred said, the students felt a great sense of insecurity.

However, even if they quit the academy, unlike the aristocratic class, which is full of alternatives, commoner students did not have many options if they walked through the academy on their own. you

If you persist for a few years, you can succeed with a diploma.

But what if you leave the academy now?

If you are lucky, you may be able to go to another noble’s estate through the ties you have built up, but most of them are adventurers or mercenaries, and he will stop at the right line. am

In order to become a vassal of aristocrats or rise to the upper classes, a diploma was a very important token.

Therefore, the small aristocrats, including common students, had no choice but to conflict.

He wanted to confirm his hometown that he was in danger right away, but leaving the academy now meant giving up on future opportunities.

‘Still, the number of students who want to leave here by choosing a family is not too great:

She said so and went on to explain.

Those who value the reason for success more than their own desire to succeed.

As soon as they heard the news, they rushed to the administration.

The Academy also understood their feelings, so it was said that they tried to find other ways on their own.

Are you going to change the policy you changed a few months ago?

Should I give them a leave of absence and let them go home for a while?

Or will it be dismissed as usual?

Even among professors, various opinions were divided on this matter, and the situation was finally resolved only after the chairperson arbitrated directly.

The solution the chairman had suggested involved the Confederate Regiment, which she just spoke of.

“Gather the people you want and organize a reinforcement force.”

The academy was one of the few places that Estedor could not reach due to its geographical location.

Therefore, they announced that they were recruiting students who would go to the South, West, North and East divisions to apply.

The reason I called Allen was because he was friends with Benjamin, a former student council member, and the situation in the west was relatively safe.

Since the Elven Great Forest has a mountain range, it would be safe to pay attention only to what happens there.

‘Of course, even if that’s not the case, the territory won’t be destroyed/

The third force by my father’s side will stop me, and my mother will take care of her cancer.

Alice’s words didn’t make sense.

Even if Allen learned of this belatedly, she would not have volunteered for the Western Allies.

Allen tested her skills throughout the conversation. The hierarchy is the beginning of the 7th hierarchy. Milred had enough skills to call him a monster.

A skill that was not insufficient to spread fame.

But why have you never heard of her name?

So is her attitude. Since Benjamin was a member of the student council, it is understandable that he cares. But he disappeared a few months ago.

Why are you talking now instead of then?

‘Is it just the right time?’

When I found one suspicious thing, everything became suspicious.

The simplest reason is to send yourself there.

‘I’ll have to think about it later.’

I had to check what I had done for Inelia, and I also had to decide whether or not to reveal the airship to Iliana.

As Allen was returning to the dormitory, an arm suddenly popped out of an alley.

Allen involuntarily leaned back.

But, as if he had predicted how he would behave, his protruding arms grabbed him and pulled him in.

As Allen was being dragged, his other hand was half-drawing his sword. It was an unavoidable choice as the damage to the surroundings would increase if you accidentally use magic in a narrow alley.


But, as soon as Allen saw the face of the opponent, he had no choice but to put the sword back.

“don’t go.”

Maria, as always, spoke out of context. Allen pondered for a moment, then recalled the conversation she had just had.

“Are you talking about the Confederate Army?

it O n “o •

She closed her mouth as if she was worried about the question, then whispered only one small word.


Allen looked at her for a moment.

Now she felt different from usual. Her expressionless face, short speech, and actions are the same as usual, but… .

‘You look a little urgent.’

When the Lupinus family suddenly entered his room. It was like that time. He asked for his hand, as if he had a longing for an unknown.

Allen nodded as he had no intention of going south anyway.

“I do.”

“…then that’s it.”

Looking into his eyes as if it was the truth, she disappeared as quickly as when she called him in. As if you shouldn’t let anyone know about this.

Allen looked at her with an unfamiliar face, and then snorted.

“The dormitory is the other way around.”


As she was about to disappear into the next alley, she stopped at Allen’s words. She then walked over to Allen as if she had ever been.

Perhaps because of her embarrassment, she walked a little faster than before, passing Allen’s body and opening her mouth.

Allen opened his mouth to her back, just in case.

“Do you know… do you know about the Gray Catastrophe?”

She disappeared as if she had not heard Allen.

A smile appeared on Allen’s lips and then quickly disappeared. Her Allen moved her steps in the opposite direction to her.

A whitish figure appeared in their place and disappeared to the floor.

Arcandus looked at the old man standing in front of him.

Neatly groomed white hair, a kind smile, and a face that can be said to be profound even as an old man. If his attire was not that of a butler, he could be introduced as an aristocrat anywhere.

“Arcandus Fern, Baron Fern’s eldest son and future heir to Fern’s estate, right?”

“To correct it, it was supposed to be the successor.”

It has become unimaginable now.

Gardel nodded, noticing the faint displeasure in Arcanthus’ tone.

“It was just to confirm the facts, so don’t be angry. We are on Allen-sama’s side.”

“You mean ‘we’?”

Arcanthus didn’t care about his attitude and focused on something else.

Gadel nodded his head politely, as if he had noticed his question. He slowly opened his mouth.

“Let me introduce myself again.”

Soned did not open his mouth, as if he had entrusted Arcandus to take the lead in the conversation.

“The general butler of the Reinhardt family, I am called Gadel. And…”

A shadow rose from his body and scanned every nook and cranny of the room. When there was no sign of anyone eavesdropping, he continued.

“I once worked as a disciple of the Queen of Shadows and one of the dark kings. Now, I am taking care of the family business under Eliza-sama.”

Arcandus did not change his expression even after his introduction. Gardel smiled at that.

“You knew it too.”

“Didn’t you know that too?”

Arcanthus knew of Allen’s relationship with the Queen of Shadows.

I don’t know exactly how he made contact with her, but I heard that it had something to do with the Reinhardt’s general butler.

The fact that Gardel came here means that he is aware of the fact that he has come under Allen’s subordinates.

“You’re smarter than I’ve heard. Prince Allen has acquired a good talent.”

“Can I ask you a few more questions than that?”

“You can do it if you want.”

Even though it was their first meeting, Sonned thought to himself as if they had met several times.

If he had come to me when I was alone here, I would have been swayed by him.

Arcandus put the first question that came to his mind.

“How did you get here?”

“Is there a law that says you can’t concede just because you’re an elf?”

Unlike Soned, whose eyes widened in surprise, Arcandus nodded as if he could.

He put the following question to his lips.

“What happened outside that kept the outsiders locked in so thoroughly?”

“A large-scale demonic scene has occurred that covers the elven forest.”

“Come on, wait, is that really true!”

He jumped up and sat down again, wondering if his reaction was strange when the two eyes turned to him.

As Soned calmed his excitement so as not to interrupt their conversation, Arcandus closed his eyes as if his guess was correct.

“That’s why the elves separated from the outside…”

“Yes, there may be warlocks among the outsiders.”

“Is the barrier to prevent the magical energy from mixing into the forest?”

“You’re getting it right.”

The origin of elves is in the forest.

Their obsession with forests is beyond imagining, so it is more efficient to pollute the forest than to attack them to immobilize them.

‘•••However, I couldn’t imagine the scale of targeting the entire great forest.,

Arcanthus learned a lot from that clue alone.

The chaos that has occurred now is probably the chaos that has caused not only the Great Forest, but also most of the powers and the entire continent.

It aims to prevent all forces from moving.

‘In the meantime, what they’re aiming for is… .’

He opened his mouth to let him know that Gardel was talking before he fell into deep thought.

“Any more questions?”

“.••Can you tell who sent you here?,’

“It’s Eliza.”

“What’s your last name?”

Arcandus narrowed his eyes.

Few people know about this secret. Conversely, being able to say this proves his identity.

“You are the hostess of the Reinhardt family, Reinhardt is right, but… you don’t want this answer.”

He spit the words out of his mouth.


Upon hearing the answer, Arcandus calmed down and bowed his head politely. Suddenly, his tone had changed to polite.

“•••This is really, I’m sorry to make you suspicious. I thought that anyone could impersonate me, so I showed negligence.”

“Rather, I feel relieved that such talented people are by Confucius’s side.”

Arcandus decided that he could be trusted when he gave him real information’ and a secret that could prove his identity.

‘Who called me here?’

At first I thought Gardel would be connected with him,’ but he doesn’t seem to be.

Arcandus put his thoughts aside and opened his mouth. He had the information, and he noticed his identity. Now it’s time to get right to the point.

“Now that the story is slowly over, please organize it. There is someone you will meet.”

He didn’t say who Gardel meant, but he knew he was going to meet Eliza.

“Okay. Then Sonned…”

“It’s ok. It’s money, I can earn it again •”

Soned shook his head knowing what Arcandus was trying to say.

From here they had to escape in secret. It was not possible to take the luggage or goods used for the ascent.

With his willing consent, they stood up.

When their conversation was over, the shadow on Gardel’s toes wrapped around them.

“It can be dizzy for a while.”

The three of them instantly melted into the shadows and disappeared.

After a while, several elves entered their room and erased all traces of Arcanthus and Soned. Then he went back to his place as if nothing had happened.

The room fell into silence as if someone had come.

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

회귀가 빙의를 싫어함
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
By SerenePanda Allen opened the book. And there it was. The fact he wanted to ignore. No, the fact he actually was aware of. […Reader Kim Woojin, 21. Possessed the extra character, ‘Julius Reinhart’, of the novel “The Feast of the Returned Demon King”…] Julius Reinhart. My brother’s body was stolen by a possessor. That day, my brother died.


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not work with dark mode