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Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator Chapter 102

Episode 102

In the morning, Allen summoned Arcanthus and Sonned to meet again.

“Is the time of the day not enough? I feel bad because I think I put too much pressure on you.”

They looked at Allen without a moment’s rest, as if all their thoughts had been put together overnight.

“no. It doesn’t look good to turn off these issues too much.”

“Isn’t this a problem we don’t need to worry about?”

Arcandus’s face was fine with no blemishes, but Soned’s face had dark blemishes, showing signs of worrying for a long time.

“Everyone will be tired, so let’s get straight to the point.”

It was Arcanthus’ words. He opened his mouth as soon as Allen had finished speaking. Allen had expected his reaction, but asked again to confirm.

“Why did you think so?”

“Because the purpose is not different from that of Confucius.”

His green eyes were hardened without hesitation.

“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter that Confucius Julius was taken over by the devil. But it’s a different story if the guys who took his father are involved with him.”

It was a remark that could offend Allen’s heart if done wrong, but Allen didn’t care.

Because it was such a word.

“If Confucius tries to bring back Confucius Julius’ body, the organization that took his father back… , temporarily referred to as the Third Force. Clashes with them are unavoidable.”

He presented the facts calmly with a cold face.

“On a non-Barony-sized territory, continuous funding, and also linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, the lord of the barony… Loyal to the extent that even his father abandoned his estate.”

It even uses space movement artifacts like water, and it is impossible to guess the size of the force.

“Would you like to see them drive away the demons that have taken possession of Confucius Julius?”

“So will you keep following me? If we bump into them, maybe we can find Lord Fern?”

“good night.”

Allen responded with a satisfied smile.

Arcandus is a capable man. To use his powers to the full, he needed food to tame, not a leash to suppress.

“Then how about you, Sonned?”

Will you follow or will you not?

He sighed at the absurdity of having only one option from the beginning.

“Hey, merchants value trust the most. I will follow. but… .”

He opened and closed his mouth and thought about it, then closed his eyes tightly and opened his mouth.

“I would be grateful if Confucius could give you one promise. By considering my request once. Of course, it’s not grandiose or anything like that… .”

“okay. Don’t promise.”

Allen knew that Sonned had joined Allen with a purpose from the beginning.

The already well-established upper mid-cap stocks take the risk and fully join Allen’s side?

Traders value trust.

However, in front of those words, the word “when a sufficient profit is guaranteed” had to be premised.

Although Julius was not yet interested in the position of the successor, the conflict of the succession dispute did not begin, but even so, it was dangerous for the merchant to take sides.

“Soned, as long as your request does not conflict with my purpose, I will consider any request positively.”

“There will be no trouble for Confucius.”

Soned’s voice became firm. It was a face that believed in Allen’s promise. Of course, Allen didn’t just believe them either.

Safeguards are necessary.

[Linbell, Enelia.]

Allen blinked and they quietly sat behind him after they got the car ready.

‘Do you fully believe in giving favors and having the same purpose?’

Allen did not believe that things were going so well in the world.

To follow him because he has the same purpose as grace means that he can repay his favor and separate his purpose from him, or leave if his purpose is in line with that of others.

There may be others, but Allen had no choice but to prepare for any contingency.

For him, this life was an opportunity once again, so he had to succeed.

It was difficult to completely trust a person, unless you were a person who “completely” belonged to Allen, such as Linbell and Inellia.

So they will look out for Allen’s other men.

If they act as they promised, Allen will always believe in them, but if for some reason or betrayal they try to leave.

“Then tell me what to do from now on. Karik will have a separate room, so I hope it will be a secret.”

will inevitably have to be cut. Even if it causes you to lose yourself.

“Of course not.”

“I will only tell you the direction of work.”

Soned and Arcandus answered as if it was natural. Karik had been a colleague for several months, but whether he could be trusted was another matter.

Because you never know if this information will leak out.

“Then, Sonned, you should set up an upper branch here. I’ll give you the basic funds, so I hope you do it quickly. And since medicinal herbs and other healing items are expensive here, it would be ok if they were transported here.”

“And, since I am connected with a fairly famous blacksmith here, I will make sure that I receive a sufficient supply. After creating a distribution network between this place and the territory… .”

Allen made eye contact with Arcanthus. Arcandus spoke quickly, as if he understood what Allen was talking about.

“I think I should collect those who have been attacked by Confucius Julius. Just like in the estate.”

The top was also a gimmick, and it wasn’t.

In fact, in this desert, the price of potions and other medicinal herbs was high, and the weapons the Sindri brothers and sisters made would be welcome in any area.

“Are you sending them to the estate to blend in with the movement of the top? Or do you make them active here?”

“First, we will educate ourselves in the territory, and then we will work here.”

“If you are active, to what extent would you allow it? For example, organizing a mercenary corps… .”

“I leave that to your discretion.”

Arcanthus’ eyes deepened. Based on the information Allen said, you will decide how to act.

“What you have to do is simple. It’s basically rescue, entrapment, and stealth, but… After that, you’ll be doing things like infiltrating, agitating, and protecting factors. So let’s act with that in mind from the start.”

Because Arcandus succeeded in cornering Julius in a worse environment than this.

You can’t fully train him for all of that, but nobody can match him in getting the basics right.

Arcandus opened his mouth again, as if he had finished calculating.

“Are there more things I need to know?”

Allen thought for a moment, then shook his head.

“It’s not there, but… , I think it’s too early to talk that far.”

Arcanthus’ eyes twinkled. At Allen’s subtle hint, he noticed that there were other helpers besides them.

‘I’ll have to arrange a deal with the Sindri siblings, so let’s meet them in a little while, and Catherine and Illyana will be joining us in a few years, so I’ll have to reserve a seat in advance.’

At the same time, I will bring you in by briefly explaining Allen’s circumstances. They’ll have to wait a few years to decide whether to fully disclose the information.

However, Allen did not intend to reveal the relationship between the Ring Bridge and the Shadow Queen except for that.

First of all, the external perception of the ring bridge was not good, so it was not good for public use, and it did not fit with the image Allen was trying to create in the world.

‘And the shady queen… .’

Allen’s power had to be a little bigger to take on the task of organizing the forces of the shadows as she wanted.

At least one family should be able to deal with it.

She knows that too, so if it’s short, she’ll wait for 1 year or as long as 3 years.

“Then the story will be over soon, and the time is right, so why not have a meal and break up?”

“Haha, I was just getting hungry, so I agree.”

Soned nodded with a generous smile to evoke the atmosphere.

“I want to stay in my room and make plans, but… , it cannot be left out.”

“Of course, Arcandus. Were you not going to be alone here?”

“So you didn’t say you would go with me, Sonned. If you keep eating like that, you will get hungry.”

“No, that’s not too harsh!”

Allen looked at the two of them joking around as if they had become quite friendly, then turned to look out the window.

The heat was added to the cool breeze blowing through the city, and the trees planted throughout the streets were covered with lush green leaves.

It was the afternoon of the day that it had been ten months since I returned.

Sk?ll, an organization that only had a name, was officially launched.

Summer was hotter than last year.

Even after Arcandus and his party arrived, life at the academy continued without change.

After the accident, there was no sense of atrophy in the practical training classes, but the indoor training and education changed more thoroughly.

And when the cleanup of the relic practice case was completely finished, Allen, Julius, and Maria, who played a prominent role, received a lot of publicity along with the prize.

Julius received it and hurried to the academy’s report without even saying goodbye to Allen.

Probably, he’s going to pick up a replica of Stormbringer, the legendary magic sword.

Unlike the original ability, the imitation was a sword that summons storms, so it was also a fitting item for Julius.

Even if Allen took it first, he couldn’t use it, and he had to give him a sword to play a good brother, so it was an item he gave up.

Maria approached Allen as if she didn’t care what the reward was.

Without a word, she led Allen to an empty place. Allen followed her even though she was puzzled.

As the crowds became scarce and the people’s voices dwindled, she faced Allen.

I haven’t seen her since the relic practice.

The main character of the original work that appeared in the Black Book, and a woman who suddenly took her life before returning.

At first, with a little bit of sympathy, Julius approached the idea that he had to bring him in before he could embrace him.

After that, they continued to meet in order to check the doubts about her existence and Heisel.

However, after realizing his dependence on the Black Book, he moved on the basis of his pre-return memories, so it was only a month that he actually met him.

“Why aren’t you coming?”

She said it out loud. Those who don’t know the situation can’t understand it at all… , Allen realized what she was talking about at once.

“Isn’t there a lot of things to do with each other after practice?”

“But it was a promise.”

Her expression was weak, but there was little dissatisfaction. Allen stopped her excuses and apologized.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to care that much.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Then is that the end?”

She still stared at Allen with a blank expression on her face. White eyes caught his movement.

“If there is nothing more to say… .”


Allen stopped talking. central? Why all of a sudden Central… .

Allen paused at the memory that came to his mind. She still made eye contact with Allen. She couldn’t read the emotion in her expression.

“I’m from the Middle East.”

Even a month ago, there was an incident where I tried to find out her information. In the end, she couldn’t figure out anything, why.

“… So what about that?”

“Last answer.”

With that said, Maria took a step closer.

Her eyes were always on Allen, and even Allen himself couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Didn’t I say I was sensitive to privacy last time? Why is it all of a sudden… .”


The sound of her shoes stopped. She and Allen were so close that they couldn’t even fit her fist.

“Information, I’ll tell you more.”

“So come with me.”

It wasn’t flashy, but she had a faint scent of evening primrose.


There was only one emotion that could be read from Maria’s face.

A fervent desire to be pure.

It’s like Allen wants this, so he’s giving it to him.

It was hard to find anything more than that in her.

Because she was taken aback by her attitude. But she soon had to complicate her thoughts.

‘The intention of doing this suddenly is… , no first answer first.’

Did they understand the meaning of silence as a negation? As disappointment began to fill her eyes, Allen’s voice came out.

“… Yes, I got it.”

She looked into her eyes for a moment as if to confirm Allen’s sincerity, then silently nodded her head and stepped back.

“… Then move on There is no need to keep talking here.”

It was confirmed that the power of those behind Julius was not normal, so it was difficult to care about Hygel or Maria, so he gave up.

But, if she behaves like this… .

– Will the same thing happen again this time?

Allen did not move, but stopped for a moment.

She turned her head before taking a step forward.

“Allen, why?”

“… No, nothing.”

Allen hastily denied the thought that came to mind.

“Your face, it’s weird.”

Allen touched her face with both hands, as if to confirm her words. Her face had an unnaturally hardened expression.

Allen forcibly unwrapped his expression with both hands, and made up his expression.

“What’s going on?”

“for awhile… That’s what I was thinking of It’s nothing.”

She tilted her head and took a step back. Allen forced her heavy foot off and followed her.

‘no… , the same will never happen again.’

This time, I will act with caution.

It won’t go too deep, and you’ll be able to moderate your emotions.

Because that’s the right choice.

Perhaps it was because it was a sparsely populated place, the unpleasant sound of rusty iron moving pierced my ears.

Allen ignored the sound and hurried his steps.

Even as I moved away from the place, the sound still pierced my ears.

It felt kind of uncomfortable.

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

회귀가 빙의를 싫어함
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
By SerenePanda Allen opened the book. And there it was. The fact he wanted to ignore. No, the fact he actually was aware of. […Reader Kim Woojin, 21. Possessed the extra character, ‘Julius Reinhart’, of the novel “The Feast of the Returned Demon King”…] Julius Reinhart. My brother’s body was stolen by a possessor. That day, my brother died.


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not work with dark mode