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Possessed as a Tutorial-Exclusive Cheat Character Chapter 56

56 – Pine Cone (4)

Harvest’s pursuit wasn’t over after just one encounter. It continued attacking relentlessly as if it wouldn’t allow any breaks.

Half a day.

Within that short time, I had been torn apart for the third time.

“These damn bastards…”

“But still…”

The way they looked at me had completely changed since our first encounter. I quenched my thirst with the water in my canteen.

Simultaneously, beverages came flying from various places.

“Here, have this too!”

“And mine too!”

Gathered gazes sparkled. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly pushed them away.

“Water is enough.”

“Yes, are dragonkin really that strong?!”

“Just by shooting a gun… Wow! Every shot hits! I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“How is your strength so powerful… Can I touch your bicep?”

“But where do you even wear the gun…”

“Wow. If I shot this, my arm would really break.”

“How do you control the recoil?”

I don’t mind the lively atmosphere itself.

It’s just that the fact that we’re still on the battlefield holds me back.


“Yes. Yes!”

A voice came from the radio attached to the car. We will temporarily stop for 10 minutes.

The cause seemed to be the slowing down of the transport truck. It was visible that some metal parts were stuck between the wheels and causing them to spin freely.


If it’s not removed, it will become a big obstacle later.

The vehicle stopped with the truck wrapped around it. Tetis Libra jumped out of the leading vehicle.

Her face was wet with sweat, seemingly tense. Our eyes met as she wiped off the dirt and dust that had gotten into her eyes.

She smiled brightly.


Upon hearing that, the soldiers beside me cheered.

“Damn… She can shoot well… But now that I think about it, she’s really pretty, huh?”

“I thought she was a magician… She’s crazy.”

Amidst whispers, we disembarked. Tetis Libra tapped my shoulder.

“It was a great defense shot.”

“Do you find it helpful?”

“I barely made it alive. Even when I shouted, the squad members didn’t listen at first. The gunner even released the turret completely.”

Tetis Libra smiled. She spun around.

“It seems like the headquarters has incurred more debt again.”

Maybe it’s because we’ve been together for about two years.

She, too, was gradually becoming accustomed to the battlefield. Enough to find some composure.

“We’re on the same team, aren’t we?”

“That statement is a little unsettling.”

“Stop talking.”

They approached the transport truck. The drivers who were struggling to remove the metal debris were startled.

“Why… why are they…”

“Move aside.”

There was no time for hesitation. They pushed the driver to one side and forcibly tore the debris caught between the wheels.

The driver’s face stiffened.

“Ah, I can’t get it out no matter what with my bare hands…”

“Subordinate of the commander!”

“Even during the fight earlier… what in the world…”

They removed the remaining debris too. Not a single scratch was found on the hand wearing the half-gauntlet.

To put it simply, after being designated as a ‘creature’, not only did their skin strength increase, but all physical endurance increased as well. Should we say that their physical abilities had almost reached their peak?

When they carelessly threw away the debris, the drivers quickly lowered their heads.

“T-Thank you!!”

“It’s nothing.”

Suddenly, their eyes met with the captain who had boarded the car. Their calm gaze quickly moved away from them.

What they were fixated on was Tethys Libra. The stare that had temporarily rested on her soon returned to its original place.

The special dispatch unit captain.

Edan Valf, was it?

They couldn’t tell what kind of person he was. Tethys Libra was very weak towards internal rumors within the military. It seemed like she was also responsible for being treated like an outcast.

Furthermore, this place was another front line far from their original one.

It was natural that they didn’t have information about Edan Valf. They just hoped that he would be a normal person.

They turned back and got into the vehicle they were in.

From afar, they could hear Blanca swearing.

“You bastards! Do you ignore me because I’m a woman! If you act sloppy next time, I’ll shoot a bullet through your head!!”


“Drive! Before I blow your brains out!”

The vehicle was shaking dangerously, showing a clear difference of opinion.

Indeed, female soldiers were rare within the resistance. Their scarce presence meant that trust in them was also lacking.

It would likely require some effort to dominate the battlefield.

“We will depart!”

The vehicle started moving again. I leaned back in my seat.

The air inside was lukewarm. I hoped it wouldn’t become any hotter than this.

Bullets were not infinite.

I could only hope that the slayers wouldn’t come closer.

From Noble mtl dot com

The Harvesters’ pursuit came to a complete halt. After repairing the transport vehicle, they had completely hidden their tracks, following their last ambush.

They may have felt overwhelmed by regular troops. Or maybe there was another ace up their sleeve.

Harvesters’ thoughts were difficult to know. How could I understand even a piece of machinery?

Initially, the enemy’s numbers were fewer than expected. They fell far short of the anticipated count.

I took a brief rest. If you don’t rest when you can, your body won’t hold up later.


The vehicle slowed down. The driver groaned.

“This is where the railroad is severed.”

I glanced through the window.

A long stretch of railroad. But it was visibly broken in the middle.

The damage was significant. Even if it were temporarily repaired, could a train pass through? That’s what crossed my mind.

The soldiers cursed.

“Damn, looks like they destroyed it just enough to make it uncertain.”

“If we start moving and the train gets caught on the severed tracks, won’t they attack us?”

“Vicious bastards…”

The soldiers’ words seemed credible.

Given the circumstances, the possibility that it could work might be the best bait.

“Keep moving.”

The voice from the radio was decisive. It seemed they would deal with the situation later.

It was the right judgment. Even if the railroad was fixed immediately, there was a chance the Harvesters would catch up and destroy it again.

The best time to repair the railroad would be when the train is in motion.

The vehicle continued moving. The end of the railroad was starting to become visible.

A mixed-race village that served as both the town at the edge of the federation and the terminus of the railway: “Pinecone.”

[Arriving in Pinecone feels…]

The creaking sign was partially broken. Some parts were stained with blood.

One soldier rubbed his arm.

“…it feels like walking into hell.”

Was it just a feeling?

Since we broke through the enemy’s encirclement, we had already entered the enemy’s territory ourselves. Having crossed that line once, our guard needed to become even stronger.

We were not simply walking into hell.

We were already inside hell.

“Ah! Damn it!”

The vehicle stopped at the entrance of the village.

Blanca jumped out, spewing curses. She glanced back and growled.

The soldiers who met her gaze quickly averted their eyes.

“You sons of b*tches… Avakusa! Give me another car! I can’t work with these assholes! They’re really nothing but dumbasses!”

Avakusa chuckled. He leaned on the shoulder of a young-looking tribesman next to him.

“Isn’t it just a lack of competence?”

“aaargh! I can’t believe I have to listen to that from this asshole!!!”

Avakusa swiftly lifted Blanca’s chin. She struggled.

“Let go! You gonna kill Drakan?!”

“Stop yelling and look ahead.”


She turned her head. The village was eerily quiet.

Damaged buildings came into view, with broken signs scattered about. It seemed like there wasn’t a single intact structure left.

The demolished station at the village entrance was also in ruins. The ceiling had collapsed, and there was no trace of what used to be called a “station.”

A literal broken-down village.

People were slowly coming out, one by one. But for some reason, it didn’t feel right.

Blanca also seemed to notice and pushed my hand away. She dusted off her clothes and growled once again.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?” Avakusa pressed her expression.

“You have a dirty look. Full of hostility. To the point where I want to break bones,” she replied.

“I came to rescue you, and you’re asking about my eyes?”

Both of them were right. The villagers who were watching us had no good intentions.

They looked sinister as if they had seen the enemy. Like people who had encountered the harvest.

“Pop their eyes out!”

“What the hell! You didn’t take off your eyes?!”

They caught the two who responded to save their lives.

“Don’t start a fight.”

“No, those bastards did it first…!”

“f*ck…they’re a bunch of pricks. Seriously.”

The platoon leader got out of the car. After a brief conversation with Tetis Libra, he approached the villagers.

A simple conversation followed. Luckily, we seemed to communicate. The platoon leader briefly spoke to us.

“Bring the vehicle inside. Make contact with the resistance group within the village and rest. Don’t forget to stand guard.”

The car slowly entered the village. We walked in step with the slow speed.

Between the alleys. We felt eyes behind the bushes. The moment we looked, the eyes disappeared into the distance.

People were watching. To the point where it felt burdensome.

Blanca punched the air.

“Just punch their eyes out!”

Avakusa lightly weaved.

“Just aim and hit them with your kurta!”

Did I teach them our clan’s martial arts for no reason?

“Hold on. Both of you.”

I also didn’t feel good. Being looked at with such dirty eyes wasn’t good.

But I couldn’t show it. It was an isolated village. The villagers looked malnourished.

I met a boy and a girl who looked like siblings. Their sunken cheeks looked like they had been starving for a long time.

Was it a lack of food distribution, or had the village run out of food entirely?

I rummaged through my pockets and took out

Avakusa gasped.

“Why did you take it out? It’s precious!”

“Mind your own business.”

Silently, he approached the two children. He forcibly placed a chocolate bar in the hands of the flinching kids.

“Stay away. You might get hurt.”

As they returned to the line, Blanca poked my side. Her mischievous face was filled with laughter.

“Oh, such a nice kid, huh? Yeah? I might fall for you. hehehe, a real sweetheart.”

“Why did you… Hand it over to me next time. I’d rather fight for my food.”

“Stop talking nonsense and move your feet.”

The broken train came into view.

There were people dressed in resistant forces’ attire around it.

Possessed as a Tutorial-Exclusive Cheat Character

Possessed as a Tutorial-Exclusive Cheat Character

튜토리얼 전용 사기캐에 빙의함
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Latent combat ability S. I was possessed by a tutorial-exclusive cheat character, a member of the dragon race.


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not work with dark mode