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My Girlfriend Is a Yandere Chapter 22

22 – Freshmen

I’d rather all of this be a dream.

That will never happen.

How long did he sleep…?

I want to sleep a little longer, but I don’t want to get out of the futon.

I’m not a very diligent student. Even so, it wasn’t that I didn’t have a fundamental enough to skip class.

The first class in the morning starts at 9 am. You may not have to be late.

Lee Jin-ah deliberately made ample timetables.

The high school of the future is not an ordinary high school. Students are free to choose their own schedule, choose their own teachers, and attend classes freely.

I didn’t take any college stuff,

Maybe… This must be the same as the university education system..?

Study at bedtime..! As much as you wake up early and go to bed late… The face of your future spouse will change..! So, study hard and do your best..!

Well, to motivate with such words, the kids who go here are of a different level.

Obviously, if you live better than the teachers you teach, you will live better, but not worse.

….Except for me. …..

I don’t have time to lie in bed and wander around. After roughly dry washing your face and packing your toiletries. Went on a visit

“…Uh… Bye”

From noble mtl dot com


Opening the door, I saw her roommate sitting in the living room.

Aren’t you taking classes in the first class..?

It was relaxing to see him sitting at the table and tapping on his laptop. Doesn’t even make eye contact with me.

If I had known it would be like this, I would not have said hello first. Actually, I didn’t want to either. But… I just saw it as soon as I opened the door.

So, naturally, the words came out first, and now I’m just bitterly regretting it. I’d rather just go outside pretending not to see it…!

I still don’t know the name of my roommate.

Where you are from, what you like, and what you are good at. What time is the schedule, and who are the friends you usually go to? I don’t know anything.

-Hey, my friend…! Nice to meet you..! I’m Yuseon Kang..!

I never intended to be friendly like this.

There is no way to be friendly in the first place.

What on earth can you talk about with a kid who is watching stocks on a laptop on a weekday morning…?

The status is different, and the level of conversation is different.

A bastard like me must open his mouth for no reason. It’s just that I’m going to f*ck a dog – and spread it widely. In the first place, I’m not a great person to come here.

Like a horse without feet travels a thousand miles.

I didn’t show that I was close to Lee Jin-ah, but at some point, rumors spread throughout the school.

… Actually, well… The two of them always hang out together- if you don’t know, that’s stupid. Our roommate also seems to have a lot of money, but seeing that he also has a hard time with Lee Jin-ah.

Lee Jin-ah must be in a position of heaven and earth in this school.

The fact that I entered here was only possible because Lee Jin-ah acted with her cowardice.

Is it all with strength…?

I feel like everything inside me is being torn apart.

It’s bitter.

Putting on slippers, grabbing her toiletries and sneaking to the shower room.

Perhaps it’s because you can make your own timetable, but usually during the first class, everyone overslept or did their own chores, so the shower room was relatively quiet.

She didn’t take off her clothes, and prepared a simple wash in the washroom next to the shower.


I was brushing my teeth when someone entered the bathroom. First impressions are solid.

The appearance with the school uniform buttons fastened all the way and the hair turned to the side was intelligent. Should I say that I am good at studying?

The stereotype of the culprit shown in the media.

It looks just like that. He was even wearing glasses. That.. Why, rimless glasses. I’ve never seen a person that fits like that before.

That person digests things like that. I think he’ll be popular with women because he’s a bit intelligent. That… I looked a little dwarfed because I only studied.

But I don’t mean to belittle people with that.


Because two boys about the same height as me were standing behind the glasses man like bodyguards. It’s pretty frightening to just move your neck sideways.

I’m sure this is a school where you have to study really well to get into it, but the sportsman I met in class the other day, and the gorillas behind the glasses man here. Why do I have so many body type friends..?

It looks like that, but it’s funny to imagine squatting down and studying during the exam period.


Spit out the foam in your mouth and rinse your mouth. My evaluation of the three people who entered the restroom ends there. I have no interest.

I’m about to get my toiletries and run outside, but two gorillas block my way.

“…Are you that deer jumping?”

I think I came up with a nickname after entering this school. Roe deer jumping.

“Uh…Yes… I do”


Look at me and smile. Quickly check the name tag attached to the uniform. Color is greenish

I am yellow, but was the first year yellow, the second year green, and the third year maroon? They’re in different grades than me, so… Why are they pretending to know me?

… This person also had to have his younger brother enrolled in this school, but it wasn’t because of me that he failed or something like that..? So, maybe they’ll retaliate against me.

I don’t like that.

“I am the student president of this school. Nice to meet you”


A palm appeared in front of me. I don’t know what I am, so let’s stare at the palm.

“Let’s shake hands”

I see.

Looking at the gorillas behind me, I didn’t think they were beating me up or anything like that.

They joined hands. Seomseom corn without calluses at all. I don’t think I’ve ever done hard labor.

Actually, well… At my age, it’s abnormal to have flesh breaking, cracking, and cut calluses from cleaning the grill.

“Where did you go to middle school by any chance..?”

“Hanbit Middle School”

“Hanbit…? What kind of school is that?’

“I don’t know either”

“Is it a school in Korea?”

Maybe senior glasses and those gorillas didn’t go to a really good middle school like this future high school?

Actually, it’s more abnormal that she went to school like Lee Jin-ah, who could be found anywhere in the neighborhood. Common sense makes no sense for the granddaughter of Mirae Group to attend such a school.

By the way, how long have you been shaking hands? From earlier, I had only waved my hand up and down and never thought about releasing it.

“Hey, where is this sweater from?”

“This…? You bought that… At an outlet?”

“Outlet…? Oh, how old-fashioned…!”


Is buying at an outlet such a funny thing to them…?

Suddenly, where did the stern, stern, and serious expressions go? Everyone giggled and laughed as if they were watching a comedy show.

I don’t know how to react to that. Should I be angry..? Or should I burst into tears..? Should I be annoyed?

I didn’t even think I would laugh at this situation, so my hair turned white.

Hey, using an outlet could be used as a humorous subject for some.

I thought so.

My friends here don’t use outlets. Probably, that’s a lot of money. The house is also very full.

As if a Murim master drew his sword lightly and inserted it, all nearby mountains, rivers, and plants would split in half.

Just having this short conversation made me… My pride. I felt everything that I had protected until now disappear to the floor.

This… But this outfit… Yoo-jung… Bought it for me…

“But the color is pretty”


The student council president shook my hand and touched the sweater I was wearing.

Did I just touch it? Something, it felt like wiping cold sweat from the palms of that bastard… I could feel the eyes looking at me that I couldn’t hide.

Contempt, pathetic.

This bastard!

Looks like an insect. Power goes into both fists.

“Well, let’s talk roughly. I’m the student council president of this school. And… I’m the next successor to the Venus Group.”

Geumsung Group. Isn’t it a place that makes home appliances? When it comes to home appliances, I know that Mirae Group is a place that makes a difference.

Why did such a great person meet me?

“Why do you think Jina likes you?”


“No matter how much I think about it, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for him to like you. If it’s just that he likes a boy like he used to.

I study better than you, and I have more money. Well… I’ve come to use my fists a bit, but originally, a man’s charm doesn’t come from his body. It’s coming out of this head.”


“When I thought about it. Because Jin-ah went through something painful, she has a psychological trauma. That .. Because the person who helped her when she was having a hard time is the most memorable.

I heard rumors that Jina had a hard time at school.

She heard rumors that she suffered a lot from bad friends. Because you help me in such a moment.

Jinah Lee is mistaken for her, she is that … She is grateful for this feeling that she is feeling now. Thank you It’s not just a crush, I’m liking this boy…”

“So what do you want to say to me?”

“That guy is a waste to you. You mean that?”


This student council president likes Jinah Lee.

Actually… Yes what. I have no idea. I don’t know. If she’s the successor to the Venus Group, she’s a very popular person. Isn’t she on the same level as Lee Jin-ah…?

She says that outlet stores look tacky, so it’s understandable that she said that. For me, it feels similar to buying clothes at a 5-day market in the countryside..? Maybe..?

But… I can’t forgive that remark.

“This is the attitude of the person asking..?”

“… Huh?”

“Cancel what I said about the outlet. I apologize quickly.”

“Why should I?”

“Otherwise, I won’t introduce you to Lee Jin-ah”

“Uh…? Uh…? No. Uh.. That. I’m sorry, yes. I’ll apologize for that, no.. I’m… A little grumpy, so I just said something stupid.

I personally like outlets. Look at this – I bought this at a t-shirt outlet. It’s functional, so it’s pretty cool.”

When I unbuttoned the school uniform, there was a functional tee. Uh… It looks like Bose clothes to me. However..


“No… I mean, a cute girl like that follows you, but of course you get jealous. This is a man to man speaking… But I like him too…

I saw it once at the general meeting of Mirae Group… It was pretty”

“Let me introduce you”

I don’t think the student president expected me to say this. Just, I thought you were calculating and sharp.

Unexpectedly, there’s also a hurried figure.

“…No no, wait a minute. Aren’t you guys dating..?”

“It’s not like that. We just know each other. I’ll introduce you right now. Please follow me.”

From noble mtl dot com

Yesterday, while I was talking to the sportsman, I thought a lot. Why did i come to this school?

Starting with that thought, why does Lee Jin-ah take care of me and like me so much?

Something like that. I thought about it before going to bed yesterday. Because Jina had a difficult past. That’s why I’m lacking a lot of affection or something like that. She was also abused a lot.

Because I was the only one who took care of Jin-ah during elementary school. Maybe that’s why you feel grateful to me? I want to repay myself. It seems that there is such a thought.

First of all, he is the person who helped me when I was in trouble- he will be remembered a lot. Should I say that the student council president is that observational power..? I think that’s good.

Actually. I didn’t show it on the outside, but I was a little surprised that it was the same as I thought.

Jina is obsessed with me now, she is simply a nice person. Couldn’t it be because she couldn’t meet someone she could relate to?

She’s never really made friends before. That’s why she’s obsessed with me and that’s it.

So she couldn’t break up with me, so she continued to cause friction and hurt the people around her.

But that’s not the way to live in the world.

I don’t like being sick and I’m afraid of parting, so if I just go around me, there’s no progress.

I want to be like Jinah Lee’s rocket propellant.

After entering the normal orbit where I should have walked, just like returning to Earth. I just want to live my normal life.

Nursery school.

After that happened yesterday.

I really wanted to go back to the nursery school.

I want to see the director, and I want to see Yoojung too. No matter how much I think about it, going to school while paying attention to the people at this school… I can’t. I’m not that shameless.


I don’t think I should ever get involved with a woman named Lee Jin-ah in my life.

The difference in status between us is too great to hang out together anymore.

And… If it’s the Venus Group, there’s something that protects me or takes care of me… Or something like that..? A little snobbish..?

I go to my room, pack my things, and go out of the dormitory.

The chairman and the gorillas are waiting for me.

That… When I saw you in the washroom earlier, you were looking at me with some contempt… Bug-like eyes.

Now again- it was as gentle as that of the Buddha. You look different when you’re dealing with a rival and when you’re dealing with an ordinary person.

“Hey, that .. Thank you. What kind of things does Jin-a like?

“To be honest, I don’t know too much. If I had to say my favorite food… Pichu pork cutlet..?”

“Uh..? Pichu..? Isn’t that a rat that shoots electricity..? There’s another pork cutlet…? It’s edible, right…?”

“I like sundae, I like slush, and… I also like ramen.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Except for sundae… Hey, isn’t that sundae made from pig intestines? How do you eat that dirty thing…?

No no, sorry. I’ll apologize again for that part. Come to think of it, Jin-a went to ordinary elementary and middle school and likes common food.

I need to do some research on that part. By any chance, do you like sundae? If you have time, can you guide me to a sundae restaurant?”

You talk more than you look. I feel it every time, but what is happening to me right now. It’s so unreal.

Geumseong Group’s heir wants to eat with me, and Mirae Group’s granddaughter is waiting in front of my dormitory.

It’s a material that can’t even be used as a material for Gukppong TV.

As soon as I opened the dorm door, a girl with brown hair came up to me.

“Yoo Seon-ah~~! I’ve been waiting for you!”

“Let’s talk quickly now”

“Uh..? Uh- Hey, you guys really don’t have a relationship right..? I don’t think so…?”

“Because it’s not!”

“What should I say…?”

“No, why are you asking me that?

“Yoo Seon-ah! Who is the person next to you..?”

“Oh, this person…”

“Hey I have something to tell you…!”


The student body president held Jinah Lee’s hand.

My Girlfriend Is a Yandere

My Girlfriend Is a Yandere

내 여자친구는 얀데레
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
My childhood friend suddenly started taking great care of me.


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not work with dark mode