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Living as an Unemployed in Another World Chapter 83

83 – 3. Two Adventurers – Back story

“Keuk, kuck… ….”

“Pu-sup…… !”

The table was full of giggles and suppressed laughter. I murmured softly in the midst of the noise.

“Hey, you… ….”

“Mi, sorry Jin…… !”

“No, but how could the tinnitus be pitch black, kkeuk, scion, kyakyakyakyakyakyak!”

Unlike Hilda, who barely held back her laughter, Gerald laughed as if he couldn’t hold back any longer, grabbing his stomach and telling him to leave the inn. How many times is this? I have never revealed it myself, but every adventurer I meet hears the name from the guild and gives it to me at the inn.

This is all because of Frederick, the deputy guild leader. Since a person like the head of the guild wouldn’t have taken care of the trivial tasks, he must have had his breath. Wouldn’t it be nice if I just decided to be moderately inconspicuous, like an adventurer’s nickname? It would have been much better if it had been the ‘Jet-Dark Wizard’.

When I questioned him, he said there was another external pressure. How could that be? I wonder who puts external pressure on them by naming alternatives. It was clear that he was just trying to relieve the grudge he usually harbored against me.

“Don’t laugh.”


I strangled Gerald. His complexion turns blue as he makes a sound like an octopus that has been soaked in a bath. Seeing us like that, the adventurers at the inn burst into laughter.

Thinking about it, I thought that if he had this guy’s sword when dealing with the lich in that labyrinth, it might have been a little easier for him. A sword that emits sunlight is a direct blow to the undead. It seems that the guy believed in the sword and was winning and winning by himself even while other adventurers were avoiding undead-related requests, and that fact made it all the more repugnant.

“Keep, kuck. I die…….”

“…… Jin, then, really die.”


I almost killed you. I heard Janice’s voice and let go of my hand without hesitation. Gerald tumbled to the floor, and Mr. Sukhbat helped him back into his chair. Seeing him for the first time in a while, his impression was slightly softer than before, as if he had gained some realization after the meditation was over. Seeing that you can put on a detached face even after seeing that stupid thing.

I looked at Janice’s slender profile as she sipped tea alone at a table full of glasses. She and her had a heartbreak with each other a while ago…… Rather, it became somewhat awkward between them because they tried to see each other’s slots. Is not it? I don’t talk so much, so maybe I’m the only one who thinks it’s awkward. There is not much change in facial expression either.

At that time, someone passed by and tapped me on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Celine, who was busy carrying a tray, glancing at me for no reason.

As for my relationship with Celine, yes, quite a lot has changed. She was always on business when she talked to me, but these days she acts meaningless like that, or when her eyes meet, she turns her head for no reason…… Anyway, there seemed to be a change of heart. It could be my misunderstanding.

This time, it was like going to the labyrinth without consulting, so it was predicted that after returning, I would be caught up in the nagging of the storm without fail, but I was told that I just let go of what was going on.

Did I decide to admit it to Mr. Cooper, who was an adventurer, because I found out that ‘blue’, which I sweeted, was a fairly high grade among them? No, maybe it has changed since he showed me the gold coins he received as a reward from the guild. Around that time, Celine no longer told me to go to the carpenter’s guild or smithy to learn.

Anyway, I’m glad I don’t have to slam my door open anymore, and not be nervous about helping out at the inn when I’m so busy, but what to say…… It’s a bit hard to get used to.

“Hey, Jin. Are you…….”


Gerald, having recovered from the asphyxiation, poked his head at me. Did he already catch the subtle air current flowing between us, like a woman with a flamboyant personality? He asked me in a serious voice.

“I already did it with Celine… ….”

“Just die.”

I strangled him again. Janice seemed no longer interested in his life. Just as Gerald’s complexion was turning bluer than before, he suddenly opened the swing door and the three of them entered the inn along with the cold air of late autumn. You are finally here. I waved and Mira came running towards me with her pink hair flowing.


That’s why I said don’t do things like this in front of others. She didn’t care about my earnest request and sat down on my lap as it was. My strong legs added weight to my lower body, and envious sighs flowed from all around me. Who’s the guy who just told me to get out and die? I think I’m going to oil it every time I go. Wizards don’t forget grudges.

“Ahahahaha…… Can we sit down too?”


Chloe, who followed, smiled awkwardly and asked. Knowing this would happen, she reserved a seat at the far end in advance. I pulled a chair to make room for Chloe to sit on, and Alphonse sat on the chair across from it. Gerald, who was suddenly seated right next to him, shrank like a rat cannon under the pressure of those big muscles. What a sight to see.

In this way, the two adventurers’ parties sat around a table. It was full of eccentric people, but there was no awkwardness. Everyone here is more than a ‘blue’ adventurer, and Gerald’s party, excluding Janice, is famous for being friendly.

“Alphonse, can I try swinging this ax later?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Can you pull it with your strength? Then I go out on my back. Our party doesn’t even have a priest.”

“Isn’t that monk over there a cleric? For sure… ….”

“You are a monk. Can I touch your ears instead?”


After a while, each of them started chattering wildly, and I sat in the middle and watched them silently. Obviously, after running away from the witch, I was thoroughly alone for a long time…… Before I knew it, I had such a troublesome relationship. Even if I wanted to run away easily at this rate, I don’t think I can do that anymore. As I tilted my glass with a smile, Hilda suddenly hit the table and asked.

“Jin, is that for real!?”


“Adventurer, no more! It’s blue now!”

It seems that the story came from Chloe and Mira. Instead of answering, I just nodded. I understand, their party, including Gerald, spent several years and barely wore blue, but I, who became one of the leading adventurers in the outskirts after only two expeditions, said that I would quit right away. Even if it’s not your job, you can’t help but feel regretful.



But Hilda, there’s something you should know. I never said I would be an adventurer from the start. At Alicia’s request, I only challenged the labyrinth because various circumstances pushed me. He still has no interest in raising merit or reputation by catching monsters.

With all eyes on me, Mira smiled softly as she leaned against the table. And that was what it was like to say.

“Don’t worry. Adventurers don’t have the concept of retirement? I just want to get some rest.”

“Isn’t that right? Well, dealing with Richie, just hearing about it makes my hamstrings tingle. I think I might want to rest for a while too.”

What are you talking about? Because I really don’t do it anymore. I shook my head, but no one seemed to take my words seriously. Rogues get along very well.

And strictly speaking, even adventurers can retire. It is not uncommon for those who are disillusioned with the adventurer life to return their plate to the guild. But in my case, the guild just rejected it. It’s been a while since a new blue party has been formed, and I can’t accept it. If you really want to quit, come back after some time has passed.

“Then, what are you going to do during the break? Magic research?”

As Hilda asked, all eyes were on me. Yeah…….

“I’m not going to do anything.”

“Eh, I don’t believe it anymore!”

It’s real. This time, I felt it while dealing with a lich who could be said to be the highest peak among the undead.

My slots are not naturally occurring, but the curse planted by the witch ’emerges’ and imitates the slots of the wizard. Strictly speaking, if it wasn’t for this, I’d still be a half-penny wizard who couldn’t use magic.

Unlike the items I stole from the mansion, they are directly parasitic on my body, so I won’t do anything dangerous until I figure out what effect this will have later. I think I should also study the feeling of my heart being squeezed every time I cast a spell. If there is a kind of function that informs the witch of my location, it might be installed. It was impossible in common sense, but I thought that she could somehow do it.

“Well, no matter how long Jin is lazy again this time, I’ll think about that later…… Let’s eat something too.”

“Is that so? Here, an order!”

Chloe raised her hand and Celine quickly came out of the kitchen. She stared at me and Chloe, who was sitting next to me, and she shook her head alone, as if that wasn’t the case this time, and took the order with the kindest face she could. No, why are you glaring at me again?

Celine was leaving, and while she was waiting for her meal to be served, Alphonse suddenly spoke to me.

“Jin. How much is this inn per night?”


I asked again, tilting my head. Why is that all of a sudden In place of Alphonse, who still lacked an explanation, Chloe smiled and said to me.

“Actually, this guy got kicked out of .”


“Actually, I was drunk and sleeping in my room, and broke the bed and furniture while talking in my sleep. It’s really funny.”

As Chloe laughed and pointed her finger in a teasing way, Alphonse only grunted and groaned as if he had nothing to say. Was that I still thought I was kicked out for creating a sense of repulsion because of my race or something. He almost went to bully Calia again.

“If it’s like that, well, it’s 2 copper per night. Long-term stays can be cheaper, but I don’t know because you eat so much. I’ll tell you, so discuss it with the owner. How long are you going to stay?”

Alphonse pondered for a moment and then, without saying a word, took a gold coin out of his pocket. Its bright appearance drew attention not only to our table, but also to other tables. Originally, I don’t carelessly bring out things like that in front of others, but since the owner is the owner, I’m not too worried. I shrugged and said.

“I can stay for at least four months.”

“Then do it.”

After saying that, he handed me the gold coin right away. Really, what if I take it off? I put the gold coin in my pocket while facing that sad face. Anyway, what about Chloe? Even though I didn’t say anything, my eyes went straight to me. She looked at him enviously and opened her mouth.

“Me too… ….”


“Ugh… ….”

After receiving Mira’s restraint, he shrank again. Why are you two like that? Just as I was wondering, Mira tugged at the hem of my clothes and whispered in my ear. Oh tickle.

“Jin, after you finish eating, please go to the backyard for a while. Chloe has something to say.”

“To me?”

“Yes. We have already finished talking.”

“…… Okay.”

As she was about to ripen, I saw her Chloe leave her seat and followed her into her backyard. Contrary to the increasingly chilly weather, her light green hair fluttered like a field in summer. I looked at her cute ears that stick out a little more than human, and when she turned her head around, I smiled as if nothing had happened.


“That…… I have something to tell you.”


“Jin, are you sure you won’t be an adventurer for a while?”


I answered without hesitation. Until I figure out the identity of this slot, I plan to refrain from even magic, let alone adventure. In the first place, we need to know what this is, so that we can coexist in the future, or we are researching ways to do it. Actually, it was also because I didn’t feel like going to the dungeon again. I like white water.

Did they recognize my firm decision not to work? Chloe also looked at me with a sad expression, and as if she was about to confess, she took a step forward. The small and elaborate features come into view at a glance. And he brought out a story that could not be easily accepted.

“I’m going to quit being an adventurer for a while.”

“…… Uh?”

I thought I would calmly listen to anything I said, but a stupid voice leaked out without my knowledge. Apart from me, Chloe and you? When I put on a look of genuine bewilderment, she waved her hand and said,

“Oh, it’s not about getting injured or anything grandiose anyway. Just…… Do I have to say that I was able to look back on myself through this opportunity? While I was with you, I felt that I was lacking in many ways.”

“Chloe, I am.”

“I know! What are you talking about? Don’t worry, it won’t take long. First of all, I want to visit my hometown once.”

Chloe scratched my cheeks shyly and said.

“Originally, I wasn’t going to go back until I succeeded…… I just thought it would be nice to take this opportunity to go back to the starting point and listen to the story a little more.”

“That’s right.”

I muttered, unable to hide my regret. I thought Mirana, who will be active as an adventurer from now on, and Alphonse, who was a solo artist, have made good friends as well. It’s no big deal that everyone but me has finished the story.

“I’ll be back in the spring. You guys, too, will be adventurers again at that time, right?”


A time that barely exceeds one season. However, even that much future we do not know. It is not individual will that determines the future. Everything circulates on the wheel and returns.

“When I come back…… Let’s go on an adventure together again. Can’t you just throw me away?”

“… ….”

I didn’t answer. She only responded with a smile as she ate her shock and shook her fists.

“Don’t tease me! I mean, I’m a lot older than you guys!”

“Right. I’ve been wondering since before, Chloe, how old are you?”

“… ….”

When you go, even if you go, you should let them know. To be honest, I was so curious that it was hard to bear. Isn’t it time to tell you now?


“Seo? Buy? Fourty?”

“Thirty one… ….”

“… ….”

Are you ten years older than me? I expected it in terms of the blood of the elves, but I would have understood it if there were a lot more. As I was choosing my words, she stabbed herself and insisted on me.

“I-I’m not old enough! My mother said that half-elves can live up to 180 years old!”

So, in terms of human beings, he’s only about 16 years old. You were there with Alicia. I don’t know if I should treat her as her older brother or as her younger sister. When I sighed, Chloe hesitated a little before taking another step closer to me. It seems a little bit closer now. She looked at me and then took a step closer to me.

“Half-elves, aren’t they great? Even the age difference…… “

“Huh? No, if you have to calculate it, you’re younger than me. You have to think about your lifespan.”

You really care about useless things. When I said that, Chloe grinned. And. Chloe narrowed her remaining steps like the wind and left a short kiss on my cheek.

Unexpected blow. Her body, unable to respond to the quickness of her swordsman, looked at her with her fish-eye, her dumbfounded face, and her Chloe smiled innocently like her sunshine and said,

“You know what? In an elf-human marriage, there is no distinction between which finger she puts her ring on.”


As she said that, she spread out her white hand. Light’s ring, I guess I forgot to get it back after that. Chloe put her finger on my pretty lips…… Whispered in my ear.

“It’s a secret from Mira. Understand?”


I feel dizzy.

In the field where Chloe left, a single leaf fell softly.

Winter is coming.

Living as an Unemployed in Another World

Living as an Unemployed in Another World

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Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It has been five years since I was transferred to another world without a status window. After he fled after being rolled over by the witch, he decided he would do nothing more. In this world, only I live as an unemployed person.


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not work with dark mode