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Living as an Unemployed in Another World Chapter 68

68 – 3. Two Adventurers (21)


Magic is divided into several schools. It might be more accurate to say that it is a line rather than a school. Anyway, just as we like to categorize and sort all phenomena, even magic that seems like an incomprehensible miracle at first glance is encouraged to name it somehow and build knowledge accordingly. To the extent that there are towers of mages who only study each class scattered all over the world.

The witch taught me that classification, but she never tried to teach me that way. Was it because she thought her way was more right as she was a being who considered herself to be magic herself? No, it might have simply been because he didn’t want to pass on to me the knowledge accumulated by worldly wizards. At that time, she continued to try to dye me in her own color anyway. Yes that night Until I realized that I have no talent for magic.

Anyway, no matter what she thinks, it is a well-known fact that many wizards divide magic into several categories and study them. And the wizard in front of me also follows one of those classifications.

There is probably no one who doesn’t know that all adventurers with blue or higher have at least one nickname to support their reputation. Also, the nickname of Zenith, a wizard class, is ‘the wizard of the veil’. As its nickname suggests, it means that it is special to protect party members from enemies by putting up all sorts of barriers.

Unlike tower wizards who are preoccupied with only one type of magic to the point of being perverted in the first place, she is a wizard who works as an adventurer, so she embraces a variety of magic. There must be He is a genius who uses mental barrier, sound barrier, and anti-magic all together, and even uses attack magic with a greater [Advanced spell].

So, when I asked her to tell me about her magic, I thought she might be able to learn a protection spell that can be used effectively with a spell slot like mine…… I’m not sure what that has to do with touching Janice’s chest. I fully understand putting your hand on my chest, but what else would you do to be in the opposite position? There’s no way I could figure out the slots in her body with my skills.

“I want you to touch it too.”

But I can’t refuse. It’s not because I’m absolutely selfish. She’s also the position I’m asking for, and she’s wearing layers of her clothes, so it’s hard to tell, but my guess is that she definitely possesses Calia-level maternity. That doesn’t mean kneading, so I just put the thick part of her palm on her upper breast…… It’s so heavy that if you press it with a little force, it will bounce.

“…… How is it?”

“What do you think, big…… I’m not saying, what does this mean?”

“Can’t you feel something?”

I listened to her and focused on the feel on her palm. Although it has a cloth in between, it is obviously large, soft, and a little warm…… Damn, I’m not sure. I can’t feel anything other than touch.

“I don’t know.”

“…… It’s because Jin hasn’t filled the order himself yet.”


“Originally, when you get used to filling your slots with spells, you become good at distinguishing other people’s slots. Since the heart is the source of life, I told her to touch her breasts.”

Did you mean that? I thought you were just asking me to embrace you with motherhood to reassure me. Now that she knows it’s no use anyway, there’s no reason to touch her anymore. As I licked her lips and tried to remove her hand, she noticed my movement and grabbed her wrist, continuing to hold me back. No, why are you like this?

“Now is my time. Feel it.”

What, your touch there?

“The feeling that I infuse spells into Jin’s slot. If you remember, it will definitely come in handy when Jin fills the slot.”

“But the hand… ….”

“…… Concentrate.”

“Oh, yes.”

Then why do you keep holding your wrist? Anyway, as a mage, she’s much older than me, so she should do what she tells her to do now. I felt her presence enter me, careful not to unknowingly close her fingers.

When I woke up for the first time, I vaguely felt that something like a sloth had grown inside me, but Zenith, a first-class magician, reminded me of the feeling, and I was able to grasp the structure. How to say…… The slots I know of are just tools for wizards to cast spells, taking the form of some sort of directional object. This ‘this’ inside me was pulsating in sync with my heart. Yes, as if alive——.


In an instant, Janice pushed me away with her hand on my chest. The sign of the spell she was trying to deliver was cut off midway, and I was thrown off the bed in an instant by that power. Why not? Thanks to this, the ‘shape’ of my slot, which I had barely discerned, became blurred again.

After turning his head and gagging several times, Zenith’s complexion had deteriorated enough to be recognized at a glance. In that brief moment, he gasped for breath until he broke out in a cold sweat, then glared at me slightly.

…… Um, no. Okay. It can be unpleasant No matter how much I asked for it, there’s no way it would make me feel good to have an extramarital man keep touching my breasts. It’s a little shocking to suddenly vomit, but I’m still worried about Janice’s condition. Perhaps reading her emotions from my expression, she held her hand and muttered softly.

“…… Sorry.”

“Oh, no. Are you okay.”

“Wait, I made a mistake. Are you okay.”

“A mistake?”

I was puzzled, but I didn’t ask. Was it too much to keep meddling with other people’s slots? I was puzzled that a mage of her level would make a ‘mistake’, but it would be understandable if she hadn’t had this kind of experience. When I gave her a pat on the back to ask if she was okay, she continued to suck her breath and said in a hoarse voice.

“Anyway, I don’t think offensive magic is suitable for Jin.”


“Yes. Control can be difficult now. I don’t know what kind of labyrinth it is, but it seems good to learn change-type magic, which is useful depending on the situation.”

“Uh, uh yeah. Thanks for the advice…….”

I feel like I’m in a hurry to say something. Still, there was no way for Zenith to say nonsense, so I listened to it for now. Attacks are a bit difficult to control. Once you know that, it’s a big harvest.

“Jin, by any chance… ….”


“Oh, no. Hey, I’m tired…….”

“Uh. Uh, hey, sorry for overdoing it. Rest.”

I was worried about Janice, whose complexion was getting worse and worse, but at the same time, I read that she kept trying to send me out of the room, so I had no choice but to withdraw.

“Then, Janice, I’ll go.”

“Yes… ….”

Janice nodded weakly. Even if I do, I don’t think I’ll be of any help, so I can’t help it. I looked at her as she leaned hard on her bed and closed the door on her.


“Woo-wook…… !”

After confirming that Jin was leaving the room, Janice immediately fell to the floor and began to vomit. Are you tired? There was no way this kind of reaction would come out. Her moans and saliva flow simultaneously from her small mouth, and before long her face is engulfed in definite terror.

“Wow! Khehehe, kkeok…… !”

It wasn’t long before the vomit came out. I didn’t eat anything, so the contents didn’t come out endlessly. The hot liquid mixed with her stomach juices and saliva pours onto the floor of her room, and even that is soon filled with only her moaning and spitting out. Eventually, the noise stopped, and Janice leaned back on the bed, chanting an incantation with difficulty as she watched the scene she had created.

“Ha ha ha… ….”

What the hell did I just see? Janice denied what she saw.

Why can’t a slot hold only one spell? This is because it is an intangible space where slots do not grow. Even selected beings, including dragons, who do not need the process of memorizing spells, use separate slots when using magic of the same rank. A wizard whose capacity has grown will have a bigger and bigger slot, but there is no way to increase the slots that have already been created. That’s the truth about slots that Janice knows.

However, after seeing the ‘slots’ that had formed in Jin’s body, she felt that all of her common sense that she knew was twisted. That’s why she felt disgusted. To a wizard, knowledge of spells is all that constitutes oneself, so one instinctively feels repulsive to beings who deny all of that.

To put it in an analogy, it is like a human who has never looked into someone else’s wounds and one day opened someone’s chest and witnessed yellow flesh, blue blood vessels, and a fluttering heart. It was only natural that he would break out in a cold sweat and feel nauseous.

Jin’s things were neither arrows nor shells, nor pockets or marbles. In other words, it was not a ‘slot’ as a tool to store and release something.

Tumors? Parasite? No, Zenith found the most appropriate analogy————that was a curse.

Something that clings to Jin’s heart and imitates a slot. It is unknown who planted it and when, or whether it grew on its own.

Janice looked at the floor, where the vomit she had spat out had completely disappeared. Changes have occurred in the world through the Clean Order. He has consumed one slot. Jin will be too. ‘It’ could be called a ‘slot’ in that it has the ability to store and release spells.

But, if Janice’s judgment is correct. In the future, the size will increase according to the user’s capacity and experience. Through the process of taking orders and absorbing them. It will gradually improve its performance.

The reason why I expressed it as a curse is because I have absolutely no confidence that Jin will be able to completely control it. Slots with egos are the worst parasites for wizards who yearn to put everything in the world under their feet.

‘Living slots’.

Janice, he decided to accept what he saw.

The next day. Mira didn’t come to my room at night or in the morning, but showed up in the hall just as I was about to make up my mind to head for the city. Her usual disheveled appearance appeared out of nowhere, dressed as an adventurer, fully equipped with the equipment I bought and the dagger Chloe bought.

“…… Sorry, I overslept.”

“No. It’s not too late.”

I smiled at her on purpose. She joked with her playful tone about Mira, but she couldn’t get rid of the impression that she was intimidated by something. It seemed more plausible that she hadn’t overslept, but that she hadn’t slept.

As promised, we headed to the guild. I ran into Celine before leaving the inn, but she just glanced at me as she brushed off her laundry as if nothing had happened. Looking back today, it seems as if nothing happened.

If you go to the guild, you can always meet the person Alicia sent, so Chloe and Alphonse also decided to meet directly at the guild instead of meeting separately at the inn. Calia’s reaction was expected, but I headed to the guild as soon as I arrived in the city with Mira.

The guild is bustling while the sun is up, but you’ll quickly recognize the two as they’re a unique mix of half-elves and half-orcs. With that thought in mind, we moved into the guild———and encountered an unexpected composition.

“Don’t force yourself. It has already been decided.”

“Ha, who decided that? At least it’s obvious Didn’t the guild listen to your insistence because you were ignorant of your fodder and boasted that it was green?”

Alphonse, an archer with a smaller head than him, and a party centered around him. They were arguing facing each other in front of the poster. Chloe…… Unable to do this, he stood between the two as if struggling. As the onlookers gathered, Alphonse’s large size stood out even more.

“If you don’t believe me, file a formal complaint with the guild. What you say has no basis or justification.”

“How can I believe that? How do I know if you’re following what I’m told, even if you threatened to cut my throat with an axe? Honestly, why did a green adventurer come to such a remote area? Did you soak a lot of people and get kicked out?”

“…… I’m speechless. Don’t go there.”

“Why, let us slice it too? If you didn’t do something, how could a request be canceled without anyone accepting it!”

I narrowed my eyes and overheard their conversation. Apparently, the labyrinth-related quests in the guild were canceled from the moment we officially received an exploration request from Alicia…… It was as if the adventurer who had been eyeing the labyrinth request was blaming him.

I understand. Even though it’s a little far away, everyone would think that a labyrinth that suddenly appeared would contain hidden treasures. However, I expected that there might be complaints that new adventurers who suddenly appeared would be in charge of the training. I didn’t know it would come out so openly.

“X-arm, does this make sense? Hey, half elf! Say something too! After fighting, did you fall in love with this bastard!? Or, did you like the taste of orc sh*t that much?”

“…… You, I won’t let you speak any more.”

“What are you saying, what will I do if you don’t leave me alone? Do you think you are in the same class because you praised me for being pretty in the same yellow subject?”

Very upset. I’ll have to call Frederick before something bigger happens. Even if I get in the way, I’m just a rookie adventurer like you. Besides, from the point of view of Alphonse, a warrior who cannot be compared to them, their insults will only feel like worms wriggling. Rather, this division happened, but what are you doing locked in your room? Isn’t it the guild’s job to mediate disputes between adventurers? I held on to Mira’s shoulder, who was about to jump right in if I said a word, and, not wanting to make a bigger problem for no reason, broke through the crowd of hers and tried to stride toward the window.

“Where is the filthy orc face, is your mother safe after giving birth to you? The crotch must have been ripped out——”

“…… I told you to stop.”

“You, won’t you shut up?”

His last words stopped me in my tracks.

“──It’s all right, but what? On the subject of rolled stones. Things like you have no place here!”


The words came out without my knowledge. In the midst of the buzz around, I don’t know how only my voice could be heard so clearly. Everyone turned to me, and I said, baring my molars, not knowing what expression I was making myself.

“This, f*ck. Shut up, you worm-like bastard.”

Living as an Unemployed in Another World

Living as an Unemployed in Another World

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Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It has been five years since I was transferred to another world without a status window. After he fled after being rolled over by the witch, he decided he would do nothing more. In this world, only I live as an unemployed person.


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not work with dark mode