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It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It Chapter 7

7. Goblin Soup for the Soul


[Heh heh. Goblin guy. Let your voice grow loud.]

[No matter how much you hear it, that’s not a goblin!]

You said something that fit the subject of the Holy Sword. Unfortunately, this time I had no choice but to agree with the Holy Sword.

Instead of the unique sweet and stinky smell that wafts from the goblin colony, it smells like a predator’s sting and a terrible smell of human excrement.

This is a characteristic of upper predators that cannot be compared with goblins. Even more so, if the smell is so thick, this place is probably a predator’s nest.

[Huh, true. Have I been tricked by the goblins?]

A dangerous area where a goblin or something like that can be used as a snack just by approaching. In the face of death, there was no need to ponder what the psychology that guided us to such a place was.

Thinking about it, the reason he asked for medicine before he died must have been so that his true intentions would not be discovered when he lied. To cover up my bodily reaction with medicine.

[In Vigo, you sang like that, but in fact, isn’t that what you mean? He said he was an adventurer in his previous life, but where did he sell his senses?]


He made fun of me for getting the number. But I decided to be lenient this time too. It’s not because I don’t have anything to refute!

[Well, wouldn’t that be enough for a warrior? Now, let’s get rid of it.]

To be honest, there were things that made me feel good because I filled my stomach with the blood of a higher level monster rather than a goblin. Actually, being a goblin wasn’t enough, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a guy like this?

The owner of the roar soon appeared. A massive body that makes the ground resonate with every step. A malicious twist on the ugliest of humans. A symbol of fear that does not fall out of children’s fairy tales.

The word of a giant, the lord of the forest and a calamity. Ogre…!

[Well, it’s a b*tch.]

Even though his personal fighting power is strong, he is so stupid that he is hunted by even a single orc corps. Even more so, the opponent is none other than the hero of humanity’s decisive battle.

With light steps, like walking, the hero stepped in front of the ogre. As she lightly brushed her hand, Chara Lang, her clear and bleak sword name rang out.


The ogre, who was briefly intimidated by the unknown atmosphere, soon stepped forward with even greater anger. The warrior also lifted me high.

A huge fist slammed down on the frail-looking girl, but the hero leaped lightly and landed on the giant’s arm.

An unstable ground with pulses beating even at this moment, and muscles wriggling. Even on top of it, the hero lowered his sword with an unwavering motion.


As if riding a roller coaster, I fell straight down toward the ogre with a flow of intense sensations. Now tear that flesh and devour blood…


But instead of pleasure, I let out a scream of shock.

Instead of cutting off the black ogre’s arm with a single sword, it only dug in half way. And the ogre’s muscles, which were not completely cut off, wriggled and squeezed me as if they were alive.

Actually, it doesn’t hurt that much, but I feel so damn dirty! Even because I am stuck in the wound and act as a hemostasis, the blood comes in tantalizingly.

And the hero had a face as shocked as mine.

“Too… Dull.”

Of course not! People often have illusions about a famous sword, but a sword that has not been maintained for decades will become dull. There is only one such sword in the world that is always in its best condition.

Of course, if you had martial arts skills like that of a hero, you could cut steel with tree branches, but it would have been difficult to show such a performance even with all your strength and blessings suppressed.

But now was not the time to lay out my detailed circumstances. Even in the middle of a tense battle, the hero was looking at me with a shocked face like a child who was told there was no Santa Claus.

[No, so this is-]


But my desperate defense was overshadowed by the ogre’s shout before it even began. Did he see the hero’s stop as an opportunity? He punched again with his healthy opposite arm.

“······A bit disappointing.”

And the hero muttered in a low voice.

The hero swung his opposite arm that did not hold a magic sword. The moment that fern-like hand collided with the ogre’s heavy fist, it instantly lit up.

A terrifyingly precise power control that suppresses the manifestation of divine protection as much as possible and confines it to one arm.

– God’s Protection (EX) activated!

– Bestows protection to the target according to the current situation.

– Activate the blessing of strength (B-)!

– Stronger than opponent. Increases the impact of your next hit by 300%.

With a roar like a bomb exploding, the ogre’s fist collided with the hero shattered as it were. The scream of the prey, not the roar of a predator, shook the whole mountain.

One arm is still dangling with me stuck in it, and the other arm is completely out of hand. No matter how strong the ogre was, he couldn’t resist any longer.

The hero pulled me out of the ogre’s hardened muscles. Many drops of blood seeped into me, but I couldn’t rejoice any longer.

From noble mtl dot com

Hook. Hooked hooked

The hero silently swung his sword like a skilled butcher. Several times if you can’t slash the enemy with one shot. Soon, the mangled ogre’s corpse collapsed with a roar.

I drank as much blood as I wanted, but because the atmosphere of the hero had calmed down, me and the holy sword couldn’t open their mouths.

As expected, was it because of my performance that I was disappointed? What if they try to burn me, saying that I am useless now? If you just throw it away without leaving it behind, that’s rather thank you.


The hero looked at me and seemed to be struggling with something. The lightly frowned expression was beautiful, but looking at that face I could not feel any emotion other than fear.

However, instead of generating divine power or throwing me to the floor, the hero just quietly wrapped himself around his waist. The atmosphere was also a bit relaxed compared to before.

The Holy Sword didn’t say anything either, as if he had read the atmosphere. In silence, the hero made his way through the forest. Soon, as the bush parted, he gasped at the revealed figure.


To my surprise, what I could see beyond the bushes was a goblin colony.

A place quite far from the ogre’s nest. Of course, there was no way I found this place by chance or luck. How?

But the hero seemed unwilling to explain. Soon after, I felt a sharp pain in the handle, and I was pulled out of the scabbard and dragged out into the world again.

“Like handling a glass sword…”

As if the feeling of intimidation from earlier had been a lie, the hero had returned to his usual hazy and dazed attitude. Muttering in dismay, the hero swung his sword.

A motion that restrained one’s own strength as much as possible so that it would not damage me. However, that was enough for those who were not ogres and goblins.

“Gorreuk! Gagoreuk! Goreuk!”

“Kagur! Each!”

The subjugation ended with amicably cutting down a couple of goblins filming a heartbreaking melodrama, and even bringing out and killing the offspring hidden under the beds made of straw.

Of course, I drank enough blood to be satisfied. I’ve been keeping my mouth shut because of the hero’s strange appearance, but I can’t stand it anymore.

[Yes, this is it!]

[No, don’t you notice?]

Sacred Sword timidly tackled me in a quieter voice than usual, but he couldn’t stop me. The first harvest in decades, let alone the ogre time, was so distracted that I didn’t even feel it properly.

But at this moment, my senses as a sword were more sensitive than ever. I could clearly feel even a drop of blood running down the blade.


[Hey, you. What are you doing now…!]

Not trying to erode the hero was the limit of my reason. Going out after a long time, harvesting after a long time. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to expect the virtue of moderation from a demonic sword in the first place?

So I laughed happily and shouted out loud.

[Come here, you pretty guys!]

– Activates the spectral power (SS-).

My vision goes beyond the material world and temporarily reaches the spiritual world. Above the dead goblins, bleeding everywhere, something like white, lumpy smoke rose.

Something that resembles the medicine that guys often smoke soon takes on the form it was in when I was alive, and at the same time it was perfectly formed and sucked into me.

This is a demonic sword, yes! In the first place, I didn’t become famous as a legendary sword that cuts through anything. Isn’t it just a matter of pretending to be a demonic sword?


I didn’t want to miss even a single drop, so after sucking up the blood and soul, I sighed in satisfaction. And only after the hunger was satisfied to some extent, reason raised its head.

No, wait. If you think about it, isn’t this a bit dangerous? I don’t know why the hero caught me, but isn’t the image that usually comes to mind when you think of a hero is an extremely good character.

Of course, this hero’s actions were so vague that I couldn’t read his thoughts, but in fact, he might have a good attitude. Given that I was taken out, this may be an exaggerated idea.

Alternatively, it could be a hypocritical type of person who, while committing evil deeds, flirts with others like, “You crossed the line.” In any case, I could pretend that the hero suddenly turned around and destroyed me.

[To touch the soul, you are like a seed to be punished!]


Still, one thing is certain, that the inclination of the holy sword is extremely good in areas not related to the hero. Stubborn, with no room for compromise.

The Holy Sword, whose standards of good and evil are so generous when it comes to warriors, was rather determined to prove its morality in other areas, perhaps because of that.

[I can’t believe it. The soul is an impenetrable realm that even the gods do not touch. Even an insignificant creature like a goblin deserves respect in its soul!]

[What are they saying because they have noble personalities? I’m leaving it alone because it’s not efficient.]

Actually, the Holy Sword’s reaction doesn’t matter much. All I care about is the warrior. To be honest, I don’t know if it’s to the extent of drinking blood, but isn’t the demonic sword that sucks the soul a bit uncomfortable?

Moreover, touching the soul is taboo in this world where heaven and reincarnation exist. The only ones who violated such a taboo were those who reached the atrocities, such as the demonic contractor or the fanatics of the Dark Church.

Usually, I would have endured it, but after a long time since I killed myself, I lost my self-control. I completely ignored the rampaging of the Holy Sword and focused my senses on the hero.

Now, how are you going to get out?

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

마검인데 용사가 집착함
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Leaving the Holy Sword in good condition, why would you f*ck with me…


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not work with dark mode