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It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It Chapter 37

37. Flying has no wings

The first ‘trace’ Cream found was a huge claw mark on the ground.

[Smells bad? I’m not sure.]

Cream also nodded as if agreeing with him. Choco, who was clutching his nose at our calm reaction, put on an astonished expression.

“It’s so steaming, can’t you really feel it?”


It seemed that only chocolate could smell that stench. By the way, he said he couldn’t even smell the cream, so how did he find the traces?

“Remaining, magical power. Disorganization of space.”

[Aha, I understand perfectly!]

I know for sure that I will never be able to just listen. While I shook my head, Cream, who had been contemplating for a moment, soon fixed her eyes in one direction.

“I found it.”

[What, already?]

“In the first place, far away, not even there.”

After saying that, Cream suddenly started running. It doesn’t matter since the holy sword and I were hanging from our waists in the first place, but only Choco looked flustered at the sudden acceleration without a signal.

“Master! Go with me!”

Soon, Choco sped up and caught up behind Cream. Every time the two girls kicked off the ground and ran, a crazy wind blew and clouds of dust rose. I thought it was some kind of cavalry charge.

Well, it’s nonsense that even if they actually collide, it’s going to be worse this way. Running along the Crimean sidewalk, we quickly got out of the forest and arrived at a rocky area.

[It’s close!]

“Yes, just a little further.”

They were so fast that it would have taken several hours. Of course, the effect of monsters and obstacles would be greater than the problem of the distance itself.

Monsters were frightened by the ferocious force of the sprint, and they did not even approach, and they smashed all the obstacles in the path, so it was possible to move quickly. Soon, Cream stopped galloping.



Choco couldn’t stop in time and almost ran into her cream, but her cream reached out and caught her, preventing her from harm.

Certainly, unlike Cream, where her breath and clothes were not disturbed at all, Choco’s appearance was somewhat messy, and she showed a slight but tired look. But the guy soon calmed her breathing.

[Is that it?]

The place we stopped was at the edge of a cliff, and there was a single rock hanging close to it. Soon, the wings spread wide from the back of the boulder.

Well, it must be more strange to not notice the approach after running so madly. The film wanted to leave for a moment, but soon a massive body like a rock floated up.

Yes. The subject we tracked was not human in the first place. Gray scales that wheeze heavily. Yellow eyes that were torn long like those of a snake. A rather fragile wing compared to its massive body.

Wyvern, a high-ranking monster that is even called an ogre in the sky.

“An awful stench…”

Wyvern only smelled a bit like carnivores, but Choco hated it and shook her whole body. Cream approached it cautiously.


But was she wary from the beginning? The moment Cream took her step off, the one that had maintained her ambiguous altitude flapped its wings vigorously and flew away.

While Cream briefly flinched at the strong wind, the Wyvern was already floating high in the air. He spun around his head as if laughing at us, then spat.

The needles that no one hit hit fell as they were, and began to melt the poor ground. The corners of Cream’s eyes, which had been showered with saliva out of nowhere, trembled slightly.

“Wait, stay.”

He’s mad. To punish the beast that dared to spit at him, Cream took a proud leap. By the way, did he have the ability to fly?

My brief apprehension ended in shocking fashion. The moment Cream floated into the air and was about to fall, it kicked into the air again. And jumped higher.

[Standing in the air!]

[You are saying something incomprehensible again.]

Of course, Cream didn’t learn martial arts all of a sudden, it was just that he made a platform of ice under his feet for a short moment and jumped on it. Actually, that seems more surprising.

Her ice treads, made of her creamy stilts, crumbled the moment she touched them. And, taking advantage of that momentary gap, Cream set her foot and leaped once again.

A skill that is possible because the control of both physical ability and divine power is transcendent. Seeing the incomprehensible appearance of something on the ground leaping through the air, the wyvern also shouted as if embarrassed.

“Kyaaak! Kyaaak!”

“Come with me~”

And, of course, Choco, who doesn’t have that ability, was chasing the two beings who were doing acrobatics in the air, and she was running after her feet on the ground. Be pitiful too

As Cream narrowed the distance little by little, Wyvern, perhaps feeling threatened, tried to dazzle Cream’s eyes by showing off her sudden rise and fall in succession.


Cream immediately formed a huge block of ice to block it, but in the meantime, the distance between her and the Wyvern got farther away. There won’t be an end to this

Even as she leaped through the air, Cream’s hand reached for her holy sword and she flinched back again and again. Seeing that, I screamed in frustration.

[No, I don’t know what you’re trying to do, just do it!]


[Yeah, I don’t give a damn whether you use the holy sword or not!]

Somehow, it seemed that Cream’s planting had become uncomfortable. Why? Anyway, the heart of a girl is really hard to understand.

Anyway, at my words, Cream let go of her hesitation and grabbed the handle of her holy sword. Come to think of it, how long has he been active? Um, never had one?


Whether or not the holy sword let out an exclamation of emotion, the hero who pulled out the holy sword suddenly stopped in the air. Countless ice platforms grew from under her feet of her champion, temporarily floating her in the air.

A temporary measure to the last. Because Cream suddenly stopped, the distance with the Wyvern was growing further. Cream didn’t care, however, and she fixed the handle of the holy sword.


Perhaps because she felt an unknown anxiety, the voice of her holy sword trembled strangely. As Cream held her holy sword in a strange posture, she immediately began to gather her holy power into her holy sword.

Fire of the sun, frost of the moon, lightning of the stars. The three divine powers came together to take the form of light. It was a destructive and dense light that was different from the divine power of the source.


The day I first met the hero, there was something I said to the holy sword.

The holy sword is incompetent. This is not an insult, it is a fact. The Holy Sword is literally incompetent. As an ego weapon, it does not possess any abilities. It just doesn’t break.

However, that’s why the holy sword could be a hero’s weapon. There was only one weapon in the world that would not be broken even if it contained the blessings of the three gods and the divine power of the three gods.

The moment the taut demonstration of power was released, a trail of light crossed the sky.

Light. No, rather than that, everything in that orbit was erased the moment the energy was so dense that it could be called white darkness. If it weren’t for empty space, a catastrophe would have happened.


It was the same with the falling wyvern from afar. It was blown close to half of its body, surviving with tenacious vitality and falling screaming.

At least, if Cream hadn’t intentionally missed it, it wouldn’t have left a single speck in the world. We needed to know about the monster, which had uncharacteristically intelligent behavior.

“Oh, that smells.”

Choco must have known that as well, so she quickly ran to the drop point and grabbed the body of the still living Wyvern so that the Wyvern would not die from the shock of the fall.

It wasn’t even David holding Goliath, but the sight of the little girl holding up the giant made me laugh out loud. Choco, who relieved her shock, threw it on the ground next to it like throwing away filth.

Cream, who had been running through the air, also landed next to him. The holy sword, which had become a turret of terrifying power, had already returned to its waist.

[Hey, are you okay?]

[Ugh, I’m fine… It’s just that I was surprised for a moment because I haven’t felt this feeling in a long time.]

From noble mtl dot com

The hero’s performance a moment ago was amazing, to the point that I, the demonic sword, was worried about the holy sword, Aries. Actually, Cream completely ignored the holy sword.

Cream tapped the body of the wriggling wyvern. However, Wyvern only vomited his blood bubbles, and now he couldn’t even scream properly.

“Is he dead?”

[······Do not touch, unclean thing.]


But the moment Choco touched the wyvern next to her, her half-closed eyes returned to sharp focus, sending her mental waves. No, could you tell me?

Choco, who was startled, was startled and hid behind Cream.

“Noisy! It is the thing that stinks.”

[Kuheu······, cool! Your family must have strange noses. If you couldn’t catch the prey and called a monster, your father will cry when he sees that.]

“Hey! What do you mean you kept running away because you didn’t have the confidence to fight?”

Choco showed strangely strong hostility, but when Cream picked up the scruff of her neck, she soon calmed down. Cream put her chocolate aside and spoke to her.

“City, nearby, whatever, whatever.”

[·······Kuch. Do you think I will respond to the person who made me look like this?]

“No, if I say it, will it hurt me?”

It’s miserable, miserable. No matter how strong it is, it is not at all threatening because it is no different from a child who is being teased when talking. Even more so because that monster already knows the irreversible state of his body.

Even if you leave it alone, dying will be the same, so you’re acting brave. Can’t help it Here, this body, which is the worst magic sword in history and a symbol of fear to humans, has no choice but to step out!

[Whoops. Aren’t you afraid of pain worse than death?]

[What is the remnant of the soul talking about, barely sustaining my existence by clinging to a metal object like a toothpick?]

Evil! It hurts so much! Ego items are made by putting the soul of a living being into an object, but during the processing process, of course, some degree of damage to the soul is bound to occur.

If you spend hundreds of years with an imperfect soul and an object that cannot be moved, the ego will naturally incline towards evil. Not only me, but other egos too.

So it’s all because the world is bad! It is rather a special case to maintain a good tendency like a holy sword. There are dozens of demonic swords in this world, but only one holy sword.


[Don’t laugh.]

Cream, who shares his thoughts with me, let out a short laugh involuntarily. I hated my sister-in-law who stopped me more than my mother-in-law who beat me, so I glanced at Cream for no reason.

[Hmmm. Anyway, the important thing right now is not my situation, but your situation, right? If you don’t want to suffer even if you die, you’d better blow it gently while you’re alive.]

[Huh. One is favored by the gods, and the other is just a body type. By what means? Does that mean you even have the ability to manipulate souls?]

[I know that well.]

I took a quick glance at Cream and the Holy Sword, and showed off my power after a long time. The handle still has a seal on it, but you can wield power even through the blade.

A whitish specter climbed up on my blade. Seeing this, the Wyvern’s eyes widened, his body shook and blood splattered from his wounds.

[Nonsense! How on earth can a fragment of an imperfect soul be able to dominate other souls?]

[Sure. But that’s what I do.]

There is only one holy sword in the world. And, there are many demonic swords in the world, but there is only one demonic sword that handles the soul.

[Shall we make a bet? After death, will I be able to snatch your soul?]


The wyvern let out a heavy groan, and before I could snatch the soul, he abruptly let go of his life. However, the cream that felt the sign immediately poured out healing light.

As the divine power of the source poured over the three hearts that had stopped slowly according to the owner’s will, the hearts were forcibly energized and the blood began to circulate again with a slow and heavy sound.

[These heinous bastards!]

[Uh-huh, if you talk like that to the hero, you will be punished. So do you want to say it or not?]

Realizing that there was no way in the end, the Wyvern made a squeak for a while and then confessed his circumstances.

[I just came to look at the old nest, following my mother’s orders. I’m out of luck that there was another monster at this time.]


[That’s a joke, I don’t need to explain.]

After saying that, the wyvern winked at Choco. It’s like the stench mentioned earlier, but it seems like there’s something complicated about that guy.

[I thought I was checking the level of military force in the city while moving secretly on my own… Well, it’s rather fortunate that my mother didn’t meet that monster.]

[Then what about illegal slavery? Intervened in the Ice Company?]

[······What are you talking about? Slaves seem to refer to the savage customs of humans who serve their own people, do I need to be interested in such things?]

As she looked at the cream carefully, she nodded her head. I don’t know if the senses of a hero can work on a monster with multiple hearts, but if it does work, that’s the truth.

Damn it, it has nothing to do with the illegal slavery case after all! I asked for tea cream in a rage.

[You bastard, what did you do…]

[I told you to tell me if you don’t want to suffer, I’ve never said that you won’t suffer!]


The Wyvern’s breath stopped with a monster-like death. The cream stuck me into the wyvern’s body and penetrated the heart, and I grabbed the soul that was about to escape the body.


I always like the fact that there are two deaths. The Holy Sword was also silent, probably lacking the energy to argue.

With the final scream, the Wyvern’s soul was sucked deep inside me. My heart was also satisfied with the strong soul I had ingested after a long time. It’s not human, so I can’t use it properly.

[But in the end, I couldn’t find a clue.]

A covert trick applied to the Chamber of Commerce and a strong man who flaunts himself outside the city. The timing was so coincidental, so I wondered, but in the end, it was a story that had nothing to do with it.

There is no geek who is so talented that he can avoid even the sensation of cream, secretly infiltrating the shop and putting slave sleeves instead of assassinating or stealing, so the third possibility is also ruled out.

Three possibilities. Inside spies, dukes from rival tops, third party intervention.

Two of them have already been denied.

Then, the remaining one.

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

마검인데 용사가 집착함
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Leaving the Holy Sword in good condition, why would you f*ck with me…


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not work with dark mode