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It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It Chapter 32

32. What you get is a stronger chain.

“This kid is…?”

“I don’t know.”


“One of my guards picked it up. They say he was lost in a deep forest.”

However, the owner did not explain why he had brought the child to this place. Needless to say, Coffee felt dirty possessiveness and obsession in the old owner’s eyes.

However, the girl was beautiful even to him, who was already senile and his carnal appetite had declined. Was it around sixteen? Although she had flawless white skin and dazzling platinum hair resembling starlight, she was also beautiful.

More than anything else, it was the sympathetic eyes that attracted people’s attention. Countless stars were sprinkled over the jet-black universe, and that gaze made me feel a sense of wonder just by touching it.

“For the time being, take care of this child first.”

“I will. Come to think of it, this child’s name is…”

“Let’s call her Cream, it looks like she doesn’t know anything about herself.”

That was the first day he met the lady that Coffee would serve.

Even after that, he would take care of the young lady while taking the role of general manager of the store as before.

Even though at the age of 16, she could have known the world, she was as innocent as a newborn child. I knew his rudimentary common sense, but I knew nothing about his other memories.

Who he is, what his original name was, and why his eyes are like this. However, even when she lost her memory, it was not difficult to feel the extraordinaryness of the girl.

The girl was emotionless, expressionless, and indifferent, but terribly burrowed into anything I was interested in. It was to the point of being afraid of the genius that flashed for a while between the normally fierce and lacking appearances.

Little by little, Coffey realized that the lady had a perfect place in his heart as his superior. Unlike his master, who rules with fear and stigma, he is an object to be praised and worshiped.

Several years have passed. In the meantime, the master had left her young lady in his care, and he came only occasionally to see her. He’s been busy expanding his business, and he’s been more out of town than in town.

However, the upper level has expanded to the upper level, and his business has also entered a stable track. The day to create a new base for Baskin’s mansion and trading house. The master called him and instructed him on one thing.

“Bring the cream to me.”

The possessiveness and obsession that had been hidden up until now strongly emerged in the master’s eyes. Coffee felt an ominous feeling, but bowed her head to the owner.


“You dare to vomit at me about slavery? Well, it feels good, so let me explain.”

His master has aged with the storms of time, but his body, trained through countless battles and hardships, still retains vigor. He’s at least good enough to act as a man.

From noble mtl dot com

He knew that, as Coffee often chose female slaves for his masters. However, he had no idea how far that dirty desire could go.

“As you know, Cream is not branded. I intend to make the child her wife.”


“I’m sure I never allowed you to cross the gate?”

Reading a look of repulsion in the old butler’s eyes, the owner of the giant slammed his head into the floor. And he yelled

“Befitting my tool, you do what you tell me to do! Go ahead and prepare your best clothes and scented candles for the first night!”

“I see…”

Regardless of his own will, Coffee couldn’t disobey his master’s orders because of the stigma attached to him. He got up and went to the lady.

The lady he served was as innocent and noble as ever. Coffee oppresses his sore heart, and he pushes the lady he adores into the den of foul beasts.

As a faithful slave, he waited at the entrance of the hall. In the silence where no sound leaks out due to the soundproofing, so that the morning sun shines through the night.

Because I couldn’t resist, the young lady was trampled on and crushed by her dirty desires – amidst a struggle between an almost suicidal depression and a stigma-forced loyalty, Coffee opened the door to clean up.

As he expected, the inside of the room was messy with traces of trampling and breaking.

The old master he served.

“Are you here?”

The splendid and extravagant decorations of the mixed room were torn to pieces, leaving no trace, and on the huge bed lay the owner’s head with a distorted face in pain.

And, amidst countless blood, internal organs, and misery, the girl he served was sitting with an innocent face as ever.

His expression was as expressionless as ever, but Coffee didn’t miss the corner of his mouth that rose slightly like a seasoned butler. The young lady was laughing among the mounds of corpses, her white body stained with blood.

“What happened…?”



“I jumped at him and killed him.”

Coffee turned his gaze away from the young lady and looked around carefully at the scenery around him.

In addition to the owner’s body, there were also other slave soldiers escorting the master in the dark. Warriors who paid a pretty high price, even in terms of combat power, were quite outstanding.

The owner is also old, but he was a veteran warrior with a lot of experience. Who would believe it if they said that all of them were torn to pieces by a bare-handed girl, at best unarmed.

The owner and the escorts were killed by simply having their limbs and heads pulled out by overwhelming strength. When Coffee realized that fact, he got goosebumps.

“My lady.”


But when he turned again to see the young lady, there was no terrifying monster or anything in the place. Even though it is stained with blood, it is still noble and beautiful, he just needs to be served.

“Good job.”

So he bowed his back, knelt and bowed to his new master. Just in time, the sun rose and a ray of sunlight filtered through the thick curtains.



In return for his faith, he witnessed a miracle at the end of his life.

The sun, moon and stars. Three different kinds of radiance dance around the girl. As if blessing a girl soaked in blood and intestines, the song of an invisible angel tickles my ears.

A moment later, the radiance exploded and obscured his vision. When he opened his eyes again, the young lady was still the same, but Coffee felt that everything had changed.

Fire and ice, lightning and light sing together around the girl. It is a power that the young lady trained in martial arts and magic was unaware of until the end, proof of her faith.

However, just as there was no stigma on the girl’s body to prove that she belonged to someone, there were no stigmata that symbolized her being a servant of God. Nonetheless, all three of her divine powers obeyed her.

With the knowledge she had accumulated throughout her life, Coffee knew what kind of existence she had become.


On the day an insignificant old man died, a new star rose in the world.


“Is Master Baskin dead?”

“So, are we free now?”

As the night passed and morning dawned, the other slaves also slowly realized the situation.

Baskin had no relatives or blood relatives. At the time of his death, all magical and shamanic contracts he entered into were not passed on to anyone else, and contracts without a subject were void.

There was still a clear mark on the slave’s body, but the mark of shame no longer had a binding force on them. In time, the stigma will fade, and they will return to being free people.

Before that happened, Coffee called the slaves staying in the mansion as a general manager.

“Everybody calm down. I will explain the situation.”

The stigma no longer held them back, but according to their old habits, they followed Coffee’s words. After clearing the table in the restaurant, they opened their mouths for the coffee they had gathered together.

“Last night, the master passed away due to an attack by a mysterious assailant.”

“As expected!”

“That evil old man! You are dead at last!”

“Now I can go see my family!”

The slaves were excited and excited with the vague hope of freedom. So was the coffee. The direction of his joy and hope was probably a little different from theirs.

He believed that coffee itself was not different from theirs in his mind.

“Nothing to worry about. We will have a new master who deserves much more.”


A commotion spread among the gathered slaves at his nonchalant words. There was no one who belonged to the higher society and did not know about the situation. Their master is dead. Then who?

“What nonsense are you talking about!”

“I don’t think Master has any successors, right?”

“If the city council rips up the contract before it comes to collect the property, we can all be free! Coffee, you too!”

The slaves chattered, and their anger grew as their hopes were dashed. Even so, many of the slaves were in the same situation as they were and harbored animosity toward the coffee that served them.

Originally, people hated things that were close and within reach more easily than those that were far away. One battle slave, impetuous by nature, roared and lunged at him.

“You’re trying to get on top of our heads now!”

The stigma only remains in form, but has already lost its power. The restriction that the assets of the company cannot attack each other no longer worked. Just before the old man’s bony neck was caught in the hands of a giant.

“Noisy, noisy.”

Small, soft hands thumped away the well-trained warrior’s attack. The battle slave, who had received a heavy shock and backed off, looked at In-young, who appeared in front of Coffee, with surprised eyes.


A girl I’ve only seen a few times going to and from the mansion. Wasn’t she at best the master’s concubine? But Coffee was leaning toward the white girl.

“Welcome, lady.”

“Yeah, what is going on?”

“Sorry for the noise. It’s no big deal.”

Coffee took a step aside and glanced at the slaves.

“It looks like the slaves are rampaging after the stigma has been lifted for a while.”


The two young and old had a very easy conversation in front of those who were full of resentment and despair. The face of the battle slave who had been ignored in a sudden turn reddened.

“At least this kind of girl is the new master? Old man, are you finally senile?”

“Why are you calling yourself a slave again in the first place? The opportunity to become a free citizen is just around the corner!”

The slaves, who had been quiet for a while by the appearance of the girl, began to rant again. It was then that the girl who had been quietly looking at the coffee turned her head away.


And then, lightning struck.

People staggered and covered their ears at the sound of thunder that exploded close by. When they came to their senses and looked forward again, they saw a girl who slowly retrieved her outstretched hand.

I saw a battle slave collapsed in front of coffee. It was an instant death.


“It is a monster! Run away!”

A moment of silence. Panic ensued. A colleague who was with me just a moment ago died. By the hand of one who claims to be their new master.

The slaves who had gathered in the restaurant began to run away in an instant. The girl stared at it and waved her hand gracefully in the air, as if she were the conductor of an orchestra.

“What, what?”

A barrier of fire, cold, and lightning soared from the three doors leading to the dining room, respectively. The slaves had no choice but to stop before the torrent of power that would crush them if they jumped inside.

Coffee looked at the lady he was serving with quiet, but wonder-filled eyes. Even though it had only been a few hours since she had awakened to her divine power, she was already skillfully handling it.

“What is this! What the hell is that monster!”

“He is our new master. I am also a warrior.”

Therefore, even when he saw his comrades who fell into despair and anger and used evil, his face was at peace with not a trace of delusion. Coffee still spoke in a husky voice.

At his last words, an uneasy chatter spread among the slaves. Warrior, warrior? No one knew as much as coffee, and even the most ignorant slave knew what it was.

“Is that a warrior? Even so, why the hell would a righteous warrior do that!”

From noble mtl dot com

“You say something strange. The master only punished his slaves so that they would not escape.”

“You are crazy! Aside from that monster, why are you? You were a slave! The stigma should have been lifted, but why are you helping that monster instead of seeking freedom!”

Coffee looked at the evil slave. Was he one of the upper house’s accountants? If it’s that level of resistance, it’d be better to leave it out as soon as you find a replacement.

“Did the lifting of the stigma make us no longer slaves?”


But that’s for later. Instead of the girl who was silent again after one use of force, Coffee informed them in a soft and dignified voice.

“I am still a slave. That goes for you too. Why is it strange that a slave works for his master?”

Coffee glanced back and saw that the lady’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed. Come to think of it, it must have been morning time. Huh, this is my disloyalty.

“So keep your mouth shut.”

The moment he spoke in a strong tone, the slave could no longer resist.

Even though the stigma was lifted, the years of obedience remained in the body. If the master had been weak, they would have become a mob to break the shackles and tear up the slave memorandum right away.

The barrier of divine power blocking the entrance was still strong. The moment an irresistible reality struck, the slaves could no longer burn their will and surrendered themselves to obedience.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I will serve you a meal right away.”

“Yes, butler, don’t you eat?”

“Heh heh, don’t worry about the villain. I have other things to do.”

In the disturbing silence, only the rattling of cutlery and the grinding of pens could be heard. Cream removed the barrier of divine power, but the slaves did not run away.

One courageous one of them tried to escape, but as soon as he opened the door, he was struck by lightning and collapsed as a corpse. Bound by the intangible shackles of fear, they returned to their days of obedience.

“Ummm, what is this?”

It wasn’t until Cream finished her meal, and coffee, and the paperwork was almost finished, that the city official arrived. The slaves were still waiting in the cafeteria, unable to leave.

The official who arrived at the cafeteria, guided by coffee, looked at the gloomy and subdued atmosphere of the slaves and put on a puzzled expression.

“I told you on the way, but the owner was attacked by a mysterious assailant last night.”

“I noticed the change through a memorandum kept by our city. Then the right is…”

“Yes. Baskin-nim’s adopted daughter, Miss Cream, will succeed.”

The official did not know about the circumstances of the company. He had only sensed Baskin’s death and was dispatched for post-processing.

However, contrary to the city’s expectations, the riot of slaves did not occur.

“As an adopted daughter, I have never been reported in the city.”

“Haven’t you heard the story many times? It’s just that I haven’t registered my family register because I haven’t had enough time.”

“Hmm, I see.”

Rumors had already spread about the beautiful girl Baskin was taking care of, and above all, he did not dare to think that Coffee, who had been Baskin’s right-hand man for decades, would betray him.

If he betrayed his master, how is it that the stigma still remains on his forehead? There was plenty of time to seize the Slave Memorandum.

Above all, in the memorandum of slavery that Coffee organized, there was also his own. It was enough for the official to transfer the ownership of the memorandum on behalf of the authority he received from the city.

“By the way, I think the content has changed a bit? What is this confidentiality clause?”

“Since slaves often become lax in discipline these days, the master has ordered a revision of the memorandum. I didn’t know it would turn out like this, but…”

There were only two free people who belonged to the Ice Company. When one of them died, everything in Ice Company naturally belonged to the other one.

None of this would have been so easy if one of her slaves had exposed her, told of her coffee’s deceit and treachery, and said that that girl was a beast that killed her own master. .

But the slaves chose silence instead of accusations. Without missing a single one.

“Thank you for the quick work.”

“It’s late, but I express my condolences on the death of your master.”

All succession procedures have been completed. The stigma, which had faded little by little, became clearer again, and the binding power that had been released for a while began to tighten the slaves more strongly than before.

Everything in the Chamber was inherited by a girl, and the birth of a new hero was hidden from the world in the silence of the slaves. What happened in one corner of the city was buried so quietly.

After several months.

Instead of sensing the birth of her new hero, Jeon put up her announcements all over her world to find him or her. To find the opponent of the demon lord, the owner of the new holy sword.

And then, one evening at Robbins. The girl who was returning with the old butler happened to see the announcement.

“Do you want to go?”

“Yes. It will be there, I think.”

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

마검인데 용사가 집착함
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Leaving the Holy Sword in good condition, why would you f*ck with me…


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not work with dark mode