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It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It Chapter 198

198. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

「A civilization of brilliant and sublime giants who live longer than the stars, make friends with dragons, and rule the six planetary systems. There was.」

「And one day, their world was roughly destroyed.」


A planet where giants once flourished a brilliant civilization was now shrouded in impenetrable darkness. From a distance, it might just look like a huge black egg, or some kind of dark nebula.

However, those familiar with the observable forces of all dimensions would not have a hard time discerning that it was not just dark matter, but something living.

The annihilator of the supreme civilization. A person who has transcended the limit of life, ascended to the limit of the world, and reached extinction, which is called the limit of an existence. A chewing-and-swallowing night that the weak dare not even call its name.

Even the word god would be insufficient to describe him. The great being spoke supremely and solemnly.

[Oh wow, these bastards keep popping out no matter how you catch them.]

‘Night’ sighed and watched what was happening inside her stomach. The splendid palaces and towers built by the giants’ civilization collapsed, and everything was ruined in ruins.

The last giants were making a desperate escape in a sky chariot led by twelve dragons.

The sun in the sky was devoured, and the earth was covered in darkness and twisted into grotesque shapes. Creatures born from the gestures of the night were walking around with their eyes on fire to obliterate all of civilization.

There is no way that the night bothers to find each and every insect, so if they held their breath more, maybe their miserable life would have continued a little longer.

“In case of emergency, leave us and run away, you guys have wings!”

[I can’t do that. I swear by our hearts, we will not abandon our soul mates!]

However, it seems that they are determined to struggle until the last moment rather than wither away little by little in fleeting despair. The dragons opened their mouths, and the giants aimed their big cannons at their bodies.

The dragon’s breath that burns everything and the giant’s light cannon that vaporizes enormous mass at once opened the way. Even the darkness seemed to take a step back from that overwhelming amount of light.

It’s all futile and futile. A being so vast that a mortal’s senses would drive them insane just by perceiving it, looked down on them. At that gaze, the last survivors of the giant civilization shuddered.

[It’s a truly touching friendship.]

No one could argue against that laid-back sarcasm. Rather, they were seized with a terrible fear. Afraid. I couldn’t help but be afraid.

The very fact that such a distant being could communicate with him. It was like an elephant talking like an ant, acting like an ant, and claiming to be an ant too.

But the ants could never know. Even if elephants stomp their feet just once, they will be slaughtered. The elephant looking down at the swarm of ants from above knew that too.

So this is a cruel mockery, a miserable game.

[Where, shall we really see if there is as much trust in actions as words?]

‘Something’ happened. Only the old sage, the greatest warrior among the giants and the wisest sorcerer, could discern what had happened.

In an instant, the whole world rose like a blade to attack them. More precisely, the sky carriage, a dragon’s reins made by twisting the thread of a small nebula spider that never breaks.

The body of the stellar predator that swims through space and drinks the Milky Way like water was cut short, and the dragons took their own initiative and were released from their bare restraints. And the sky carriage, which lost its buoyancy, began to fall helplessly.

Of course, the technology to float things in the giant civilization was overflowing. However, the only means to support the weight of not one but dozens of giants was the flapping of the dragon’s wings.

“No! Ahx (stop)! FDeh (Be rich)! PlL (slow down)!”

I drew runes one after another, squeezing out the power so that the magic core that the old sage had implanted in my body exploded. Following his hand gesture, the runes flew up like butterflies and clung to the bottom of the sky carriage.

However, nothing could withstand the giant’s overwhelming existential weight. The rune quickly lost its power and crumbled, and the sky carriage, which had been slow for a moment, began to fall rapidly again.

But his exhaustion gave him the time he needed. The dragons, freed from the reins and flying freely, returned again and began to support the sky carriage with their bodies this time.

All the twelve dragons pushed their bodies in, barely keeping their balance. As they descended little by little under the weight of the Sky Chariot and the giants riding on it, the dragons flapped their wings without stopping.

“Run away, run away too!”

[We don’t give up on our friends!]

It was a tearful struggle that even the night had to applaud. The road once swept by the blast of light began to be filled with twisted beings again, and no matter how ceaselessly the dragons flapped their wings, they were constantly getting closer to the ground.

A scheduled catastrophe. Obvious new wave. The night when I watched everything from the audience’s point of view suddenly became boring.

Some virtues fade because they are so common. He has seen too many sacrifices to save others but himself. Sometimes he himself drove victims into the pit of sacrifice.

And, these giants and dragons were a needlessly virtuous race. Sacrifice, go first, I’ll take the road. Repeated and repeated, boring and insignificant stories.

The grotesquely twisted beasts rush in, gnashing their teeth. The earth eroded black is getting closer little by little. Nevertheless, the last survivors encouraged each other and did not give up until the end.

Bam, who was staring blankly at it, suddenly raised his hand. And they lightly bumped their palms.


Dozens of giants and 12 dragons making awkward sound effects with their mouths. And all the sky chariots that supported them and supported them were crushed.

Bam watched for a while as it came together and became a lump, but soon lost interest and threw it anywhere. A massive chunk of mass fell to the ground, causing a local earthquake, and while being swept away by the trembling ground, the people of the night struggled to chew and swallow it.

This was the hell he had created, and his world was so boring. It was more fun when the King of Giants and his twelve generals writhed with planet-destroying weapons and all.

Now, the people of the night began to fight each other to eat the essence of the civilization where the last survivors were concentrated, or other competitors who were aiming for the essence. Looking at the scene, the night turned its head.

[Are you sleeping?]

A pointless question that sounds like talking to yourself at first glance. The surviving members of the night did not have the intelligence to understand the meaning of the words, and those who could understand those words died immediately.

The questions asked by the night seemed to scatter so meaninglessly. However, after a long time, someone finally answered his words. It was a soft, faint voice like the morning dew.

[No, now.]

[hahahaha. How come you are still not good at talking?]

Bam talked to someone with a soft and friendly voice that was incomparable to that of a moment ago. That voice, which contained even a hint of playfulness and affection, was so different from what he had shown just a moment ago, that it was rather disgusting and alien to him.

A voice came again from the deepest part of the body of night that tightly enveloped the entire planet.

[Open, give me.]

[You’re not upset, are you?]

Bam moved a part of her body as the voice said. The layers of darkness lifted, and the being protected in the deepest depths of the night suddenly spread its wings.

It was a living being, but not a living being. It was a mental body, but not a mental body. It was a god, but not a god. Looking at the existence of everything but nothing, the night affectionately called her name.

From noble mtl dot com

[White night.]

The body was too white to be dark, too dark to be light. It possesses the wings of a flying beast, the legs of a wild beast, and the fins of a water beast, and is protected by the God of Destruction.

The White Crow of Salvation. Or white night She was the perfect name for a contradictory being either way.

[Why did it happen already?]



She is the beast of the night, she was a bird that wanted to enter the cage by herself, but unfortunately she couldn’t sing very well.

But her master, her companion, was the kind who would be exceedingly lenient with her own. Undeterred by the canary’s slow words, he quietly listened to her voice.


[Yes, I can feel it now.]

His companion isn’t good at talking, but he’s good at listening, so he probably sensed it and warned the night. Unfortunately, her words were too slow, and by the time she finished her words, the night was also feeling the aura of an uninvited guest.

The night shifted his attention away from his belly—that is, from the planet—to the wide expanse of stars that even his field of vision could not see all of them. A banquet of stars that extends infinitely.

Most certainly, he saw three disparate lights coming towards him against the river of stars.

[Are they Planet Eaters?]

Night prepared to receive those guests in anticipation of the pleasures to come. The size of the light isn’t too big, and since many people are walking together, it’s probably only about exercising after eating.

Still, compared to the survivors of a ruined civilization, he would be able to enjoy a meal much more satisfactorily.

[In case you don’t know, you’re in.]

However, the reason why the night did not go to kill them right away was because of her companion who flew by her side without returning to her arms.

Because of her reluctance to fight, the Midnight Sun, who would normally be asleep in his arms, has escaped his protection, though I don’t know what emotions she had.

[Me too, together, go.]

While the white night was speaking slowly, the light’s presence had already grown considerably, and it was close at hand. I don’t know what kind of confidence it is, but those three were clearly aiming for this place and approaching.

[We don’t even need to go.]

The night that laughed wildly caught the white night and wrapped itself in darkness. Baekya, who struggled for a while, knowing that he was trying to forcefully take him into his arms, soon calmed down after receiving his will.

If you hide your power, the lower ranks will not feel the higher ranks, so if you hide the presence of the midnight sun, which is inferior to him, they will not be able to reveal their existence either.

The fledgling planet-eaters soon swam through space and came close enough to see the planet. Three guys with different characteristics. Bam held her breath and overheard their conversation.

[What happened? Didn’t I say that there is a star full of life here?]

[Calm down. Hasty judgment brings anger.]

[First of all, let’s try to get closer to the line where the planet doesn’t break.]

One with a cold chill as if the soul would freeze, one with hundreds of millions of light balls bound together to form a colony, and one with enormous power gathered and set ablaze.

If they go together, they are usually members of the same clan, but each group was so full of personality that it was impossible to guess their origins. The interest of the night surged in an instant.

Whatever it was, he liked to play with it. Not one, but three planet predators that are hard to find even with that.

You shouldn’t miss any of the three. As the night was waiting for them to come a little closer, the midnight sun, which had been crouching in his arms, suddenly struck.

[What is it, where did it appear?]

[That seems to be the planet god of this planet, it’s cute.]

[The opponent is at least the same as us. Do not be vigilant.]

The night was frightened to see the midnight sun that had suddenly slipped out of my arms. But before he could stop it, the Midnight Sun gently flapped its wings and approached the planetary predators.

The three of them were wary of her sudden approach, but they didn’t attack first when they saw the white night’s hostile gesture. Thanks to that, they were able to prolong their trivial lives a little longer.

[You are the owner of this planet… Kuck!]

As the Midnight Sun approached, the night could not stand it any longer and moved as her fiery spoke to her as her representative. He cannot see his partner getting hurt.

The moment Night showed his sincerity, thousands of tentacles sprouted from his body covering the entire planet. It was so fast that the three planetary predators couldn’t react.

Their attention was focused on the midnight sun. However, even if they were vigilant and vigilant, the result would not have changed. Between the night and the three pyramids, there was more than a gap between a child and an adult.

[You dare to look at mine, you have good guts.]

The three Planetary Devourers, who had become like butterflies caught in a spider’s web in an instant, tried to break free from their restraints by exerting their power. But the more they struggled, the more tentacles violently pierced and imprisoned them.

A tentacle that looked different from the others gently snatched the midnight sun. The white night also came into his arms, unlike before, knowing that it was wrong.

[Be careful. What if you get hurt?]

[It’s okay, ah.]

[I’m not okay! I!]

It was indeed a typical sweet lover’s look. However, when the night turned its attention again after placing the midnight sun in its safe embrace, the will he uttered became ferocious, as if the nature of his existence had changed.

No, this is the true face of the night. To him, there is only one thing that is precious in the world. Other than that, there were only toys you could play with, vent your anger on, and destroy.

[Originally, I was going to play with it in moderation, but I changed my mind.]

Even the planetary predators, cosmic beings, could not shake the power of the night and were overwhelmed. Regardless of their reaction, the night growled ferociously.

[Just die.]

Just as it doesn’t get angry when a flying fly flies in, the night was very tolerant of those who invaded its territory. Rather, he even welcomed the toy as it walked in on its own.

But those mischievous things dared to harm his midnight sun. Of course, they didn’t even attack the White Night, but the White Night approached them first.

None of that mattered. The important thing is that Baekya is a companion that is more important than his own life to Bam, and the rest of the miscellaneous things are just worthless garbage.

The night opened its mouth. Now, if I shove them into my mouth and swallow them at once, their lives will end just like that. It’s a shabby end for a planet predator, but the fault lies with yourself for not recognizing the danger.


If the midnight sun had not suddenly stopped him, it would certainly have been so.

Bam stopped moving awkwardly, just as he had tied the three planetary predators together and shoved them into his mouth. The midnight sun knew that my words would be slow and would not be properly conveyed, so I conveyed my will through the bonded being.

[Don’t kill me?]



Bam, hearing Midnight’s answer, sighed and released the tentacles that were entangling the Three Planetary Devourers. Now they were free, but they still couldn’t dare to run away.

Because the Three Planet Eaters knew too. That this place is a space no different from the stomach of that feared enemy. In this place, no. Even if they fight outside this place, all their resistance will be in vain.

But contrary to his brutal nature in action, this stellar predator pretended to spare them.

[I feel lucky.]

The reason is probably.

The Planetary Devourer, made up of countless colonies of light, carefully glanced sideways at the marks left in space. White darkness. As they approached, they were dragged by tentacles and buried back into the night.

However, it was not difficult for her to see that their relationship was complementary rather than servile, and that, strangely enough, these mighty stellar predators respected their peers, the strange planetary gods.

[Tsk, now that it’s like this, I’ve been playing with it in moderation… What? Don’t bother me? Oops, got it.]

Feeling the mogol goosebumps at the words muttered calmly without any intention of hiding, the Planet Eater recognized that in order to survive the monster, it needed the help of the being sleeping in the arms of the night.

The star-like Planet Eater looked around at his still-unconscious comrades. Yes, even though they were of different species and had different years of life, they were determined to join forces under one purpose.

In order to do that, I had to survive first.

At any cost.

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

It’s a Magic Sword, but the Hero Is Obsessed With It

마검인데 용사가 집착함
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Leaving the Holy Sword in good condition, why would you f*ck with me…


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not work with dark mode