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I Was Summoned to the Duel Monster World Chapter 32

032. Knight Revival

“To blatantly steal my card like this, it’s truly a card fit for a thief.”

“I didn’t steal it.”

I’m just borrowing it for a while.

When the game is over, the cards return to their original owners.

Above all, even if I summon it and send it to the graveyard, it will go to the opponent’s graveyard, not my graveyard.

Therefore, it is never stealing.

[He’s smiling so evilly?]


Anyway, I am borrowing it.

“Battle! Caesar attacks Bergen.”

The gun that had been aimed at the cards in the hand was now aimed at the heart of a pious priest.

Soon, with a light gunshot, a hole opened in Bergen’s chest, and he disappeared as a particle of light.

I think it is fortunate that the dying process is not shown.

If it wasn’t a duel, I would have been disgusted by the scene where blood was pouring out of a pierced heart.

“Since Bergen has been destroyed, I will activate the face-down trap card ‘Revival Justice.’”

[Revival Justice]

General trap

Can be activated when the ‘Apostle’ monster on the field is destroyed by battle or effect.

You can select 1 ‘Apostle’ monster of level 4 or lower from the graveyard and special summon it.

“We summon ‘Apostle of Faith, Paladin Kane’ from the graveyard.”

The apostle of faith finally appears.

If the fundamental apostle of justice wore white clothes, the apostle of faith, on the contrary, wore black clothes.

In the case of Kane, who came out of the graveyard instead of Bergen, he was wearing black armor and holding a blood-colored greatsword.

From Noble mtl dot com

It was a monster that gave off the feel of a corrupted black knight.

“I set one card and end my turn.”

There was a restriction that special summons could not be made during the turn when Caesar’s effect was activated, so additional actions were not possible.

In other words, I just removed one option for the executor.

It wasn’t enough to turn the situation around or make it more advantageous.

[Still, I saved myself a day by taking away the scam card]

[I even checked what cards my opponent had in his hand]

[The key point of this duel should be to withstand the opponent’s next draw card and the onslaught that will unfold]

Viewers who accurately analyze and discuss the aspects of the duel.

You can never ignore the knowledge and experience accumulated while living for such a long time that it is impossible to estimate your lifespan.

It’s just that such high-quality analyzes are meaningless…….

[Open the door!]

[Owner, unlock the DP gambling house right now!!]

[I think I’m going to go crazy I think I’m going to go crazy I think I’m going to go crazy I think I’m going to go crazy I think I’m going to go crazy I think I’m going to go crazy]

The state of the chat was dizzy.

A chat room overflowing with gamblers who want to bet on wins and losses rather than analysts.

How is it that there is no difference between humans and gods?

It almost feels like I’m broadcasting from home.

They said they referenced the Internet broadcasting culture of my world, but they also took the viewer’s mindset into account.

“I’ll finish it within this turn. Draw!”

“You say that before you draw a card…” ….”

“Unlike you, I am not arrogant. “I am saying this because I am confident in name and reality.”

The executioner shows an unpleasant smile as he pulls out a card from his hand.

I had already checked his hand with Caesar’s effect, so I knew what he was trying to do.

Of course, even if we knew, there is no way to stop it.

“I will activate the magic card ‘Breakdown of Justice and Faith’ from my hand.”

[The stalemate between justice and belief]

Swift attack magic

Can be activated by sending 2 cards from your hand to the graveyard. Send 5 cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard and banish 5 additional cards. If there is an ‘Apostle of Justice’ that went from the deck to the graveyard and an ‘Apostle of Faith’ that was excluded, they are special summoned onto the field. Your opponent cannot activate card effects in response to the activation of this effect.

[The ‘card’ appears]

[It’s a restricted card, but it’s in the hand]


“Let’s send 5 cards to the graveyard and the remaining 5 cards to the exclusion zone.”

“That’s crazy.”

As it is a card full of luck elements, I was desperately hoping that it would fail.

However, two justices were sent to the graveyard, and one apostle of faith ended up in the exclusion zone.

In the end, a total of three monsters appeared on the opponent’s field at once.

When I looked at the monsters that appeared despite my bad luck, I realized that further development was possible.

“Stock Summon ‘Saint Canel, Apostle of Faith’ with two level 4 monsters.”

[Apostle of Faith, Saint Canel]

Rank: 4 / Attribute: Light / Race: Wizard

Attack / Defense: 2100 / 1000

Level 4 ‘Apostle’ monster

Effects ⑴ and ⑵ of this card name can each be used only once per turn.

⑴: This card can be activated by removing 1 of its deadlock material. Take one magic or trap card with the card name ‘Justice’ or ‘Faith’ from the deck.

⑵: You can select and activate the ‘Apostle’ monster on the field. Send 3 cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard, and if there is an ‘Apostle’ card, a specific effect is given according to that number.

●1: Growth

●2: Vampirism

●3: Division

Growth: Attack and defense increase by 500 each time you destroy another monster or at the end of each turn.

Vampirism: Recovers the player’s life equal to the battle damage inflicted by the monster on the opponent.

Disruption: An effect that summons a monster token with the same name and effect at the end of the turn.

[They are discarding cards from the deck and drawing them hahahaha]

[Those bastards should all change their card names to Apostles of Gambling, huh?]



[Gacha is justice and faith hahahaha]

I agree with you in that the effects of restricted cards and deadlock monsters have an element of luck.

What is the definition of lottery luck?

If I had known this would happen, I should have asked God Miner when I faced him in my dream.

“Let’s remove one of Canel’s deadlock materials and bring the counter trap ‘Justice’s Punishment’ from the deck.”

A trap card that releases 1 ‘Apostle’ monster on the field and nullifies the activation of the opponent’s effect.

He confidently said he would finish it within this turn, but it seems he brought it in case he couldn’t finish it.

“Then, activate the effect of ‘Apostle of Faith, Priest Hylas’ on the field. Once per turn, this card special summons an ‘Apostle’ monster card from the graveyard or excluded zone by releasing one card on the field. “I will release the magic card set on the field.”

“Looks like you’re really planning to end it this turn.”

“Did you think I was just talking empty words?”

“I thought you were planning the next turn because you suddenly took a permission card from the deck.”

“I’m not the kind of person who acts recklessly like you, so I always take out insurance.”

The card specially summoned by the Executor is a level 2 attunement monster.

Meanwhile, level 3 and level 4 monster cards remained on his field, respectively.

It was a picture I had seen many times somewhere.

“By coordinating level 3 Hylas and level 4 Kane, we simultaneously summon ‘Apostle of Justice, Overlord Havers’!!”

Sure enough, I was reunited with the monster I had seen not long ago.

I never wanted to see you again.

I guess it can’t be helped since we’re opponents who use the same Apostle theme.

[Something big has arrived!]

[Can this be prevented?]

[It seems difficult to block because it is immune to the effect]

“Havers’ effect activates! “Uproot that wicked thief by the roots!!”

Havers’ first effect sends cards on the field to the graveyard, and even sends cards with the same card name to the graveyard.

The target designated by the executioner was none other than ‘Caesar, the king of poachers.’

Habers’ sword that emits a light so intense that it stings your eyes.

A condensing beam of light was fired from the tip of his sword and engulfed Caesar’s new form.

“With this, there is not a single monster card left to protect you.”


“Are you pretending to be relaxed until the end because of your small pride? “You are truly amazing.”

“Are your eyes just holes? “There are still set cards on my field.”

“Do you think that card will protect you?”

“Of course.”

“Then let me express my regret.”

“…… Uh?”

A wind suddenly blowing from somewhere.

The set cards began to shake violently, then turned into powder and scattered into the air.

[What on earth is this…? ?]

[What is it? Why does the card suddenly disappear?]

[Is this really a mess?]

“This is the ‘Chaos Destroyer’ effect in the graveyard.”

[Chaotic Destructor]

Level: 6 / Attribute: Dark / Race: Wizard

Attack / Defense: 2500 / 2000

“When ‘Chaos Destroyer’ is in the graveyard, it has the effect of destroying the opponent’s magic and traps by being excluded from light attribute monsters. But it just so happened that a destruction master was in the graveyard?”

[Lucky what?]

[Honestly, with this much luck, anyone would chew it up]

[From the first broadcast, all sorts of unfair things have happened]

[The problem is that the first broadcast becomes the last broadcast]

“hahahaha!! “This is so sad!”

“f*ck, it looks like I’m really the only one who’s unlucky.”

“Luck is also a skill. “Why don’t you just accept defeat now?”

“Ha… !”

As I let out a deep sigh, the chat window became even more chaotic.

Lilith, who was at the end of my line of sight, was moving violently and resisting to untie the rope.

My defeat also meant my death, so it seems like everyone is having a hard time accepting the current situation.

“Let’s finish this quickly. Direct attack with Cannell and Havers!”

Pitch-black rays and a brilliant sword of light rushing towards me.

With no cards on the field, I lowered my hand and accepted all of the enemy’s attacks.

[Ah, it’s over… !!]

The executioner, confident of victory, pressed the mask with his palm and began to laugh out loud.

I understand. Because I was able to overcome the thorn in my eyes and finally perform the ceremony I had dreamed of.

There’s no way I wouldn’t be happy.

But sometimes, I wish I could look around and smile.

“So is this the end?”


“Did you do everything you could?”

“What is that…?” ?!”

The executioner finally noticed the strange incident.

I guess I realized that there are still fields left that should have disappeared long ago as it ended in my defeat.

Moreover, his eyes were wide open as he saw my life still going strong.




From Noble mtl dot com

Viewers watching the duel are the same as the executioners.

Numerous hooks were coming up in the chat window due to the duel not being over yet.

“If this is the end, now it’s my turn.”

Friend, luck is important in a duel, but how to open the mouth is also important.

Skill is what turns even seemingly insignificant cards into an element of anxiety.

[Last Bastion]

General trap

Can be activated when this card is destroyed by the opponent. Designate a monster on the field and recover the player’s life points equal to that monster’s attack power.

[LP: 4000 >> 800 (-5300, +2100)]

I Was Summoned to the Duel Monster World

I Was Summoned to the Duel Monster World

듀얼 몬스터 세계에 소환당했다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Han Se-yoon, who lived as a dualist and a broadcaster. Summoned to the otherworld where monsters in cards reside.


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not work with dark mode