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I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself Chapter 6

006. How to f*ck the Main Character of a Novel

“Here I come. “Stop calling me.”

Looking at that second-year middle school student’s strong tone of voice, I’m sure he’s Lee Seong-hyun.

Lee Seong-hyun’s original practical test opponent was a guy who failed in three skill books.

It was just a character to make Lee Seong-hyun stand out.

Since Lee Seong-hyun’s opponent never changed in each episode, he was caught off guard.

‘Except for me, the one who received the lowest evaluation was probably Lee Seong-hyun.’

Lee Seong-hyun’s awakening occurred after the written exam.

He does not measure additional skill books in the practical exam.

In other words, the internal evaluation of Lee Seong-hyun at this point is the lowest.

‘It would be natural for you to be matched with me.’

Lee Seong-hyeon came up to the stadium and spoke in a low, harsh voice.

“Let’s finish it quickly.”

Originally, Seonghyun Lee showed an unprecedented performance in the practical exam and passed the academy with a C grade in the hunter grade.

Maximum grade a first year student can receive.

Of course, I have no intention of being an extra here to highlight Lee Seong-hyun.

That should never happen.

‘Cancer! ‘Of course.’

Lee Seong-hyun looked at my face and muttered as if he was shocked.

“How could that guy…?” .”

What should I do?

Because of you, I went through a hard time and came out.

Seonghyun Lee stared at me for a moment, and his eyes sparkled.

“One page, still trash skills. I don’t think I got anything there…. “Maybe the bug was just lucky.”

Did you use [Piercing Eyes]?

A baby in the terminal stage of voyeurism.

“There was no need to worry.”

Seonghyun Lee clicked his tongue and took his gaze away from me.

From noble mtl dot com

The existence of the [Blackout] Skill was not discovered.

As expected, the skills acquired with the [Empty Skill Book] Cannot be seen.

‘I don’t have to worry about being caught by the observation skill.’

At that time, the supervisor shouted.

“I understand that each test taker is prepared.”

I know the first skill that Seonghyun Lee will use.

B-grade skill [Invisible walking].

A skill that hides one’s location for a short period of time.

They will try to use it right from the start and aim for the neck from behind.


An electronic sound announcing the start of the match rang out along with the supervisor’s gesture.

At the same time, Lee Seong-hyun disappeared before my eyes.


At the same time, the sound of my dagger and Lee Seong-hyun’s sword clashing rang out.

‘It was blocked.’

There is no time for complacency.

The ice arrows and fireballs that Seonghyun Lee cast before using [Invisible Walk] Will be aimed at my back.

I quickly lowered my posture.

At the same time, the skill passed by my back and headed toward Seonghyun Lee.


Lee Seong-hyun blocked the skill he used and stopped for a moment as if embarrassed.

“How did you notice…? ?”

Lee Seong-hyun’s embarrassing voice.

An exclamation erupted from the audience looking at this place.

“What, did you just see it?”

“I don’t know, I couldn’t even see it?”

“I thought it was a trivial game, but what skill did he just use?”

“No, is that important? “I only used 4 skills right now!”

“Why are you avoiding that?”

“Is it possible to avoid something like that? Isn’t it just a coincidence?”

‘It couldn’t be a coincidence.’

Of course, I didn’t block it by seeing it with my own eyes.

However, I knew the type of skill Lee Seong-hyun would use first and where he would aim.

That’s why he covered his neck with a dagger as soon as the game started.

Afterwards, I knew of the existence of the skill that had been cast in advance, so I just ducked and avoided it.

‘I wondered if I could win using that. After all, that would be eating too much raw food.’

After a moment of silence, Lee Seong-hyun disappeared before my eyes again.

“Hey, did you see it? You’re crazy!”

“What on earth is that skill?! I think it’s at least grade B… !”

Lee Seong-hyun once again used [Invisible Step].

He lowered his posture while holding his dagger in his right hand.

‘3 Seconds.’

3 Seconds.

He will appear behind me in exactly 3 seconds.

‘3… 2… One.’

That moment.

I twisted my body with all my strength and swung the dagger backwards.

[Poor blow]!


Lee Seong-hyun took a step back in a split second.

Thanks to this, my dagger that was aiming for Lee Seong-hyeon’s neck grazed his arm.

‘Does this make sense?’

This is just Seonghyun Lee’s innate sense.

It is a truly unreasonable world.

Lee Seong-hyun muttered with a slightly surprised face.

“This can’t be happening…” .”

How could this be?

His face gets even more upset as he says he never expected to be counterattacked.

‘What should I do now?’

This is the end of Lee Seong-hyun’s attack pattern that I know.

So, has my evaluation been sufficiently overturned?

“That student, I think he’s using at least five skills….”

“That can’t be…. “If it’s true, it will make headlines this evening.”

“Give me some of that student’s materials. From what I remember, it must have been two skill books.”

“It was probably an error in the skill book meter. I almost missed out on a talented person who will go down in Korean history. So, we need to change the measurement method….”

The eyes of the graders are completely focused on Lee Seong-hyun.

Other professors are also talking freely, with their eyes fixed on Seonghyun Lee.

If the atmosphere is like this, passing the exam will be a breeze.

‘f*ck it, if it’s like this, just let me pass!’

There is nothing we can do.

I guess just avoiding one or two isn’t enough.

A reliable herbal medicine is needed.

“Huh… You can do it, Kim Seon. “It’s about leaving a deep impression on your brothers.”

You only get one chance.


‘What on earth is that guy?’

Lee Seong-hyun was embarrassed that his attack was blocked.

Kim Si-woo.

At first, he was wary because he was someone he had never seen before during his return.

However, the reality seen through [Piercing Eyes] Is the bug itself.

[Ice Arrow] And [Fireball] Were just performances to appeal to one’s own strength.

I was planning on ending with [Invisible Steps].

‘But why…? . ‘

Yes, it is an illusion.

It was just the opponent’s luck.

Lee Seong-hyun thought so and continued his attack.

“The fun ends here.”

Lee Seong-hyun quietly spit out a line about how he thought he was cool.

However, the trash in front of him avoided it as if it knew where to attack.

I wanted to trample on it right away.

To be exact, the sight of one page of the skill book crawling up was extremely uncomfortable.

‘Why, why isn’t it right!’

When Kim Si-woo thrust the dagger under his chin, his reason was already gone.

‘You son of a b*tch!’

With Lee Seong-hyun’s hand gesture, a huge flame flew towards Kim Si-woo.

[Dragon of Ashter].

A skill that spews powerful fire in the shape of a dragon.

Kim Si-woo shouted just before the flames hit him.

“Stop, Ella!”

“There is no way it will stop. “Stop squirming and die, bug.”

But Seonghyun Lee didn’t know.

[Dragon of Ashter] Is not a simple attack skill.

Every ministry has a self that loves Ashter.

When he heard a nickname that only his master would know, the dragon of Ashter hesitated in confusion.

There was no way Lee Seong-hyun of the 5th episode knew the reason.

“What, why?…. What are you doing?!”

The moment when Lee Seong-hyeon was embarrassed because the dragon of Ashter did not listen to his words.

A black smoke screen suddenly appeared, blocking Lee Seong-hyun’s vision.

“Where did it go? I don’t know what trick the bug bastard used, but anyway….”


“What?! You can’t see it. “You rotten bastard!”

“I think that guy used a smoke bomb.”

“Are you using a secondary weapon in a combat genre?”

“That’s what people who aren’t confident in their skills are like.”

“But did the practical test smoke bomb perform this well? I know that I can’t act properly because it interferes with the evaluation….”

Of course.

The black smoke spreading widely right now is my skill [Blackout].

I have no intention of revealing my abilities like Lee Seong-hyun right away.

Lee Seong-hyun did not choose to hide his strength once during the 8th episode.

Of course, he is not without benefit from that choice.

You might be able to get support by contacting large clans in advance.

But it caught the attention of the media and countless people.

‘That is an absolute specification.’

From now on, we must use the development of .

In order to do that, it is absolutely advantageous to not attract attention right away.

Based on that judgment, I chose the secondary weapon smoke screen as a means of use.

“Nothing will change if you waste time with pranks like this.”

Lee Seong-hyun spoke in a mocking tone.

“I don’t think so either.”


Gakheonheon has a system called [Skill Linkage].

A technique that activates a new skill by linking two skills.

Listening may seem like an important skill, but

The method of activation is also different.

There are only a few combinations that can be linked.

In short, it is inefficient.

That is why it is a technology that some professors who conduct research are interested in.

Is the general perception of skill linkage.

But I know.

There is no such thing as a skill that cannot be linked.

It’s just that the conditions are ridiculously strict.

So, the technology I will show you now may be the first of its kind.


I took two steps in the darkness where I couldn’t see anything.

Incredibly difficult conditions.

4.3 Seconds after casting [Blackout], Take two steps and then 2 seconds later use [Poor Strike] With the left hand.

‘If you know, there’s nothing you can’t do.’

The dagger he was holding in his right hand was held in his left hand.

When the trash skill [Clumsy Strike] Is linked with the [Blackout] Skill.

A moment when the E-grade skill becomes upwardly compatible with the B-grade [Invisible Step].

An attack aimed at the opponent’s back in the dark.

[Sneak Attack]

He delivered a perfect surprise attack to Lee Seong-hyun that he could never avoid.

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

주인공 혼자 다 해 먹는 헌터물에 빙의했다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A novel that isn’t even finished. I was possessed by an extra whose name I did not know. and. Only I can write the ending of this novel.


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not work with dark mode