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I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself Chapter 48

048. Academy attack incident. But with Ganghwayeon

“There’s no way I can admit something like you.”

Hwa-yeon Kang-yeon frowns and mutters.

Unusually for her, she doesn’t even seem to be paying attention to what’s going on around her.

“Hey, isn’t Ganghwa-yeon a little strange…? Was it like that originally?”

“Well, when I first saw it, it felt very soft and like an apostle of justice, but now it seems a bit sharp.”

“What did Kim Si-woo do!”

“Did you provoke something like you did to Kim Shun?!”

What can I do?

It’s really unfair.

Honestly, I feel a little scared because of those eyes that look like they are going to kill me at any moment.

What should I say?

How can I tell Kang Hwa-yeon to take away those passionate eyes from me?

I opened my mouth trembling, trying to relieve Kang Hwa-yeon’s anger.

Yes, they are treating each other coldly, but in fact, Ganghwa-yeon respects her father, Kang Young-ho. The only common denominator between me and Ganghwayeon is Kang Youngho, so let’s just say hello here.

Thinking like that, I carefully asked Ganghwayeon.

“Is your father okay…? What are you…?”


Before I could finish speaking, my voice was drowned out by the buzzer sounding the start of the game.

“Hey, did you see that?! Kim Si-woo, that guy is really crazy!”

“You’re making a mockery of Inferno’s CEO in front of Kang Hwa-yeon?!”

“That was a real idiot.”

“Where on earth does that guts come from?!”


This is not it.

No, I really am not.

I am not that kind of pad ripper.

The words (I have no relationship with Chairman Kang Young-ho, but I think you are misunderstanding something, Kang Hwa-yeon) were muted.

With the sound announcing the start of sparring, Ganghwayeon’s sword burned hotly.

– Grumbling.

“My father is not someone you can talk about so easily, Kim Si-woo.”

It was burning much hotter than before.

Her eyes too.

Her kendo.

f*ck you.

It’s really unfair.

Let’s make sure that this is what happened. Kang Hwa-yeon, you are the best. I can never beat you.

Is to take the correct stance.

Thinking like that, I clumsily blocked Kang Hwa-yeon’s sword as he closed the distance in an instant.


‘What kind of power is this…!’

I was surprised by the blow, which was heavier than the male Kim Shun’s, and my guard easily relaxed.

After that, as if it was natural, Ganghwayeon’s blade entered my neck.

“I lost.”

As soon as I said that, Kang Hwa-yeon’s victory was confirmed.

5 Seconds until defeat?

No, it looks like we lost almost as soon as we started.

“Kang Hwa-yeon wins!”

“After all, it doesn’t work for Kang Hwa-yeon.”

“I told you, it’s surprising that Kim Si-woo is strong, but why would he be the chief for no reason?”

Honestly, I was surprised too.

I was planning to lose after getting one or two hits, but Kang Hwa-yeon’s first attack was much heavier than I expected, so I lost track of her sword.

‘My hands are numb.’

If I had used [Hopping Gun] Or [Fate Intervention], I could have easily avoided it.

‘The gun is a bit hard to show, and the cooldown for Fate Intervention is too long.’

After using it once, you have to wait for half a day. There will be an attack on the academy this afternoon, so I can’t use [Fate Intervention] Here.

‘You never know what might happen.’

Anyway, we naturally lost in the end.

With this, Ganghwayeon will no longer have to worry about me.

Kang Hwa-yeon looked confused for a moment as if she was wondering what had happened, and then she shouted at me.

“What are you doing?”

Kang Hwa-yeon looks at me with eyes full of anger.

“Why didn’t you use it?”


“You’re saying you’re going to pretend not to know until the end. Is it fun to play with it? Are you trying to pity me by intentionally losing?”

Kang Hwa-yeon criticizes me with a sharp voice.

Kang Hwa-yeon is a woman who plays the perfect leader.

That’s why she always speaks softly and kindly to everyone.

There is only one meaning for Kang Hwa-yeon speaking like this in front of everyone.

‘It means the dog is angry.’

f*ck you. Why are you doing this to me, teacher?

The students around her were also surprised by her changed tone of voice.

“What is Kang Hwa-yeon talking about now?”

“Are you saying that Kim Si-woo took care of you?!”

“Hey, no way…”

What are you looking at?

It is truly unfair.

Her hands are so numb that she can’t even hold a sword properly.

Kang Hwa-yeon bit her lip as if she was trembling at her chi and muttered.

“Ah, it’s not worth using to me.”

Her blood was flowing from her lips.


Kang Hwa-yeon said that, slammed her fist on the door, and left her class.

The air became cold in an instant.

‘Things went wrong.’

The way people look at me has also become a little more complicated and subtle.

“Isn’t Kang Hwa-yeon mistaken…? She saw it. She didn’t look like that at all to my eyes.”

“No, it doesn’t make sense that Kim Si-woo looked after me. Even if I do my best right now, it’s not enough.”

“There may have been something invisible to our eyes.”

Unsurprisingly, most opinions are that Kang Hwa-yeon’s unexpected behavior was caused by her misunderstanding.

And most of the students were embarrassed by Kang Hwa-yeon’s unexpected appearance.

At that time.

“There is no way Kang Hwa-yeon could have defeated Kim Si-woo…”

Kwak Doo-pal swallows his saliva and mutters to himself. The students around him heard those words and clung to him.

“Kang Hwa-yeon can’t beat Kim Si-woo? What do you mean?!”

“Do you know something?”

“Damn it! I don’t know anything! Don’t stick with me, you bastards!”

Kwak Doo-pal looks scared and shouts at the students.

Kwak Doo-pal’s suspicious behavior was making the atmosphere even stranger.

“Now that I think about it, there is a rumor that Kwak Doo-pal fell asleep to Kim Si-woo…”

“Oh, no way.”

“Hey, but if you look at that…”

Hey, you crazy bastard. Kwak Dupal, what are you doing?

Why is the atmosphere forming strangely?

“I can’t help it.”

Professor Kang Geom-seon looking at me.

It would be ambiguous even from Professor Kang Geom-seon’s perspective. In his eyes, it may seem like I was really pushed out, but Kang Hwa-yeon, who fought directly, is furious.

In the first place, this is probably the first time you’ve seen your nephew Ganghwa-yeon so angry.

It looks like I have put a scratch on Kang Hwa-yeon’s high self-esteem.

‘But I never thought he would run out midway.’

I’m sorry, but I can’t help it today.

If I pursue it and pray that it was a misunderstanding, it might be resolved somehow.

When I looked at the smartwatch on my wrist, it showed 9:59 AM.

‘I don’t have time to hang out any more today.’

4 Hours until the academy attack. There is so much to prepare until then.

There is so much to gain from the honey pot today.


“As planned, we will attack the Seoul Hunter Academy today. The target is Seonghyun Lee.”

Sunbaek was hesitant to attack the Seoul Hunter Academy due to the risk, but now that a genius named Lee Seong-hyeon has appeared, he can no longer postpone it.

Lee Seong-hyun’s talent was so great that he had to be nipped in the bud before he grew too big.

“The top priority target is Lee Seong-hyun.”

“Then, the chief…”

“Of course, we need to make sure to kill at least one of them when we can root them out. No matter how talented she is, she is the one who beat Lee Seong-hyun right now. We don’t know how that talent will blossom later.”

Kang Hwa-yeon, who has never been the chief in 10 episodes.

Up until now, I was able to escape from the purpose of innocence thanks to the focus on Lee Seong-hyun.

But now that she has become a senior, her fate has changed.


“For now, except for Ganghwa-yeon, Kim Si-woo will continue the tournament.”


Wait a minute.

That’s not true.

“No matter what, it was Kang Hwa-yeon who won and I…”

“I went out because of you, so there’s nothing I can do.”

Professor Kang Geom-seon shakes his head and speaks.

Why is it my fault?

You guy, you just want to see me fight more.


At that moment, an ear-splitting explosion was heard from far away.



“W-what’s going on!”


Due to heavy drinking, my vision was momentarily shaken and strong tinnitus remained.


It is clear. An explosion announcing the attack on the White Academy.

However, there were still four hours left until the time of the incident.

‘What happened?’

At that moment, Professor Kang Geom-seon’s smartphone rang.

From noble mtl dot com

That must be a call calling Professor Kang Geom-seon.

“It looks like something is going on in Building 1. This place is safe, so please wait here calmly.”

As expected.

The one that Sunbaek attacked was Dong 1, where Seonghyeon Lee was located. For some reason, the attack time has changed, but other than that, things seem to be running the same.

“Everyone, please wait here until I return!”

Professor Kang Geom-seon shouted that and quickly left the classroom.

“Hey, what’s going on?!”

“Professor Kang Geom-seon went?”

“I don’t know, but when I looked at SAC, I heard something happened in Building 1?”


“No way. What kind of crazy people would commit a terrorist attack here? It must have been an accident.”

Unfortunately, Sunbaek is a very crazy group.

“For now, the professor told us to wait here, so let’s wait.”

“I guess so, huh?”

Actually, the training room I’m in right now is far away from Building 1, so it won’t be attacked.

In other words, it’s safe to be here.

‘But I have to get out of here.’

Extras will use typical methods to escape the location.

I approached the door cautiously.

And he took a deep breath.

“Hey, Kim Si-woo, why is that guy like that?”

“aaa!!!!! Please help me!!”

Yes, you guys are so strangely calm.

There should be at least one extra who shouts.

I shouted and ran out the door.

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

주인공 혼자 다 해 먹는 헌터물에 빙의했다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A novel that isn’t even finished. I was possessed by an extra whose name I did not know. and. Only I can write the ending of this novel.


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not work with dark mode