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I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself Chapter 43

043. Erina Esnatia knows the answer

“Young, it tastes bad.”

Chewing a sandwich in a corner of the academy while watching the setting sun.

Academy’s special Kim-Daughter Sandwich, made with kimchi and strawberry jam, allowing you to enjoy the crunch of kimchi and the softness of soft strawberries.

Is it because my tongue got used to the delicious food that Erina Esnatia served for a while?

I can’t get rid of the feeling that it’s inadequate.

“Still, it’s miraculously cost-effective at just 600 won.”

The lack of protein is a drawback, but the significance of being able to fill a meal at this price is significant.

I tried to ignore my throbbing body and took a big bite of the sandwich.

‘It’s difficult.’

From noble mtl dot com

It has already been a week since I started taking private classes from Professor Kang Geom-seon.

However, as an ordinary person, it feels daunting to follow the ‘feeling’ that Professor Kang Geom-seon talks about.

‘I’m trying to gloss over it somehow.’

The professor didn’t give me the answer.

This is clearly a problem pointed out by Professor Kang Geom-seon, so it cannot be wrong.

However, Professor Kang Geom-seon’s teaching method does not provide the answer easily.

‘It might work well for geniuses.’

I am not a genius.

There is no way you can do it that easily.

Isn’t there only one thing that can bridge the gap between a genius and a commoner?

‘It’s an effort. Effort.’

If there is one good thing. I don’t know if it was because Kim Si-woo’s body was originally trained consistently, or because I just had a natural sense of it, but his talent for wielding a sword itself didn’t seem to be that bad.

‘Considering that I felt comfortable using the dagger for the first time as soon as I was possessed, I guess it’s the former.’

When I first became possessed, [Poor Strike] Was at LV.2. Considering Kim Si-woo’s situation, he would not have received proper education, let alone effective training methods.

Still, the fact that he raised his strike to level 2 means that Kim Si-woo worked like crazy. It would not be strange if he remained in the body.

‘Is this the first time I was possessed?’

Come to think of it, my appearance and Kim Si-woo were not so different that I couldn’t even tell immediately after being possessed.

From the setting of an orphan with an incurable disease, which would be criticized if written in a novel, to his younger sister.

Is it a coincidence, or is it some kind of sh*tty prank in this world?

“Is this your younger sister?…”

His unpleasant memories came to mind, so he shook his head and shook the thoughts away.

Well, in any case, in the end, it takes ‘effort’ to raise [Kkangchong] To a level where it can be considered a real threat.

This means that there is nothing but the power of anger.

‘It would have been nice if the style gave even a little hint.’

In fact, thanks to Professor Kang Geom-seon’s personal guidance, not only did I lack the basics of swordsmanship, but my control over the [Kangchong] Became more sophisticated than before.

I still can’t control it properly, but at least I’m not hitting my face on the ground.

“Why are you making a serious expression that doesn’t suit you, Siwoo KIM?”

“Miss, I’m surprised.”

I don’t know when she came to me, but Erina Esnatia was crouching in front of me, who was sitting on a chair, looking at my face.

“Is it that much?”

“What do you mean?”

“My beauty. It’s surprising.”

“I was definitely surprised.”

“What does it mean?”

“It means exactly the opposite of what you think.”

“Do you want to go behind Siu?”

What does he think of me?

At some point, Erina lost her hesitation in speaking.

“What on earth are you doing there?”

“I came here a while ago, and I was watching Siwoo Kim sitting there with a stupid expression on his face. Are you dissatisfied?”

“Why are you so fierce? Calm down, foreigner.”

“What is a foreigner? A foreigner.”

Erina Esnatia said as she snatched the sandwich I was eating.

“Aren’t you angry because you’re eating such poor food, Siu? Koreans are Babsim. Babsim.”

“No, you’re not Korean…”

“What on earth is this?”

She opened my sandwich and looked shocked when she saw the kimchi inside.

“He manages to eat things like this. After all, Siwoo is a kimchi warrior.”

“Of course not. To me, kimchi is murder.”

“What are you talking about? I wasn’t able to eat properly, so wasn’t even my brain stained with kimchi soup?”

Erina shook her head as if she felt pathetic and continued her words.

“You probably received compensation for conquering the dungeon, but why aren’t you eating properly? It must be a lot of money for the common people.”

That’s right, it was like that.

I was really lucky to get a lump sum of money that I didn’t plan for.

Close to 50 million won was paid in compensation alone.

Of course, there is some exaggeration in the amount since it includes consolation money, but it is definitely a large amount.

‘Well, I ended up spending it all on Marie Kim.’

Now that I have decided to take responsibility for Marie Kim, I am putting the lump sum that I received in priority to ensure that Marie Marie Kim’s hospital bills do not fall behind.

‘Something was a bit bitter towards Mura too.’

Since she had personally requested the blacksmith Mura, he also paid her a fairly large amount of money.

‘No, in this case, should I call it an investment?’

After paying the tuition for the National Seoul Hunter Academy, which is said to be national but only attended by wealthy people.

Is there any way there is anything left?



“You’re a beggar. I’m a beggar….”

“W-what is it? Why are you suddenly so depressed?!”

Erina was flustered as if she was embarrassed by the words that came out without her knowledge.

“Don’t you think I said something bad? I’m buying you food. Just shut up and follow me.”

“Jeong, really?”

I didn’t drink tea, but I haven’t been able to eat much lately.

I feel like tears will flow a little without me even realizing it.

“Is it okay if I cry a little?”

“What do you mean by that, Siu?!”

“aaah! aaa!!”

“Jin, calm down!!”


Erina has become a little more cautious since I behaved indecently.

“Hey, I told you not to do that. It was a joke.”

“I understand. That means don’t cry, Siwoo.”


“So is that really okay? Siu?”

Erina spoke, pointing to the black bag in her hand.

“Oh, it’s because you haven’t been to a good house.”

“No, I’ve never eaten it before.”

Just like last time, she stopped Erina from taking her to her ridiculously expensive-looking restaurant and brought her some other food instead.

Budae stew.

I was craving this for no reason.

The price is cheap, and in my previous life, I would buy this food once and eat it for 3 meals.

Tears are flowing from my mouth now.

“Budae-jjigae… Even the name is very strange.”

“They say you’ll know when you try it.”

Yes, Cheonggukjang was too strong from the beginning.

If foreigners generally have no likes or dislikes about Budae Jjigae, Erina will be able to enjoy it.

Thinking like that, I looked at Erina.

“What, what is it?”


Blond hair that shines brighter in the setting sun.

Her hair, which fell down to her waist, created a graceful curve, highlighting Erina’s feminine beauty.

Above all, her delicate face that looks like it was taken from a doll.

A clear blue wall.

This is.

‘It means that the K patch hasn’t been released yet.’

If she drank cheonggukjang three times a day and took a bath with kimchi soup, her eyes would not have been blue.

Originally, she had no intention of becoming this close to Erina Es Natia, but she had already become too attached to her to let her go.

So, we are trying to help her ‘truly’ adapt to Korea.

The first step is this Budae Jjigae.

I will make red-colored kimchi soup flow instead of greasy butter to Erina Esnatia, whose blood is flowing thickly.


“W-What is it? Didn’t you feel a creepy vibe somewhere, Siu?!”

“I don’t know.”

“No! It definitely gave me goosebumps similar to the eerie energy that the eerie Doom Machine boss gave off in that dungeon…”


I walked for a while, ignoring Erina, who was shaking and holding her arm.

“But where on earth are you going, Siu?”

“It won’t go far.”

“Could it be that you’re sleeping somewhere on the side of the mountain, Siu?!”

Erina looked at me as if she was shocked.

“I can’t believe it! Anyway, I didn’t know it would be this big. Is this the K gap between the rich and the poor?!”

He appears to be hitting her head and feeling truly sorry.

“No, how can that be possible? Do I look like a homeless person?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Stop saying bad things.”

To Erina, she suggested having a meal at the dormitory where I live.

It was easy for her to accept that I would give her special treatment since it was her first customer.

“This place is really creepy. How on earth can there be a dormitory in a place like this?”

“Are you spooky?”

“The source of Siwoo’s dullness was here.”

That’s too much.

“It’s spooky. Well, it’s not wrong.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Ghosts live here.”

“W-What kind of bullsh*t are you talking about, Si-woo?”

“Oh, to be exact, I lived.”

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense.”

Yes, I have achieved Buddhahood now.

I hope you are having a good time there.

“Here it is.”

After a long walk, I arrived at the dormitory.

“sh*t! Isn’t this the real Gwigok Mountain Lodge?!”

“Where do you keep learning strange words?”

“What is this again?”

Erina asks, pointing to the sign.

[Private dormitory song]

“This? It’s our dorm trademark. Stop talking nonsense and just follow me.”

I spoke to Erina and opened the door to the dormitory.

I am back. My sweet home!!!

“It’s not as bad inside as you think….”

Of course.

It’s my sweet home.

“Rather than that, is it really okay for ME to go? The other people…”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I live here alone.”

“Siwoo lives here alone?!”

Erina speaks as if she is genuinely surprised.

“It’s mine, it’s mine.”

“The dorm I’m staying in is smaller than this!”

Erina speaks as if she were protesting.

“How on earth do you stay in a place like this? Isn’t this special treatment? Aren’t you rich, Siu?!”

“Unfortunately, it is true that we live here and it is also true that we are beggars.”


“Anyway, congratulations on becoming the first customer.”

“Hmm, it’s not a bad feeling. Like I said, I’m asking you to treat me as a special guest.”

“Then, shall we go to the training ground first?”


“Bob comes after that.”

Why would I bring you here?

Let my strength be your secret, Erina Esnatia.

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

주인공 혼자 다 해 먹는 헌터물에 빙의했다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A novel that isn’t even finished. I was possessed by an extra whose name I did not know. and. Only I can write the ending of this novel.


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not work with dark mode