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I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself Chapter 42

042. Strike

“I’ll let you figure it out within two weeks.”

Two weeks?

Not a month, but two weeks?

You are talking about the 14th, right?

Is that possible?

Isn’t Professor Kang Geom-seon playing a trick on me?

I don’t know his training method for firing attacks.

But at least I know that it’s not something you can learn in a week.

“You look like you don’t believe me.”

“No. It’s just that it’s so surprising.”

“Well, that’s right. It took me over a year just to catch the clue to the attack.”

That’s right.

Why are you making fun of me?

“However, I started from the bottom. I really started from zero. Because flash attack is my unique skill, there was no place to get information. You have me, right? It’s like riding on the shoulders of a giant.”

Is that what it meant?

“Even so, is it possible to learn in two weeks?”

“It’s impossible.”


What is it?

“But, I guess I can catch at least that strand.”

“Is it a strand?”

“The degree to which you can quickly and accurately cut an enemy in the desired direction and immediately take an attacking stance against the opponent.”

Certainly, at that level, it can be called a flash attack.

This would be a way to use the [Knock gun] To its limit, which until now was literally ‘firing’ the body and hoping to hit the opponent or twisting the body to change direction.

But why is it only two weeks?

Professor Kang Geom-seon smiled and said, before such a question crossed his mind.

“Two weeks later. I plan to conduct an evaluation in my class. The method is sword sparring. I plan to allow you to use all sword-related skills in an environment completely similar to actual combat. If you learned ‘Slash Attack’ from me, We can achieve victory.”


If you use [Knocking Gun] There, it will be a joke to advertise that you have one more skill.

I have no choice but to reveal it someday,

I would like to decline such troublesome work in a situation where my influence is still insufficient.

“What are you worried about? You are just Professor Kang Geom-seon’s student and have learned to use Kang Geom-seon’s unique skills.”


Utilize skills.

It is literally a change in skill depending on how the skill is used.

For example, Ganghwayeon’s [Inferno], Depending on her training, can envelop a large area around her body, not the enemy, as if creating a barrier.

[Poor blow] Also, if you stab it at a 45 degree angle, it gets stuck a little deeper.

However, unlike skill combinations, it rarely produces dramatic changes.

“The skill you have called [Clumsy Strike]. I happen to have the same skill as that. It’s so groundbreaking that its use is almost comparable to [Slash Strike].”

“That means…”

“That skill you told me about last time… Hmm!”

Professor Kang Geom-seon cleared his throat and corrected himself.

“That incredible leg strength. If it becomes known that you have that much great leg strength, you might be in trouble. You’ll definitely be pressured by track and field athletes. So let’s do it this way. I’ll only use the [Blow] That I discovered for my student Kim Si-woo. “I plan to tell only the military. Everyone will find out that way.”

Who would argue with Professor Kang Geom-seon?

As hunters are the axis of society, their rights are strongly protected.

This means that the whereabouts of the monsters the hunter has subdued are solely the responsibility of the hunter, and there is no obligation to inform anyone of any unique details of the skills that the hunter has discovered.

If what Professor Kang Geom-seon says is true….

From now on, at least ‘flash’ can be used without worrying about attention.

Should I call it a spicy attack, not an exquisite one?

“First, let me think about it.”

“Yes, I am looking forward to it. It will be in the form of a private lesson, so please come here after 6 PM starting tomorrow.”


Kang Geom-seon smiled.

A student he cherished. And his beloved disciple Lee Doksa.

A letter of recommendation she sent.

Professor Kang Geom-seon was well aware of Lee Doksa’s personality.

[Recommendation letter.

1. High judgment

2. Good movement.

3. He’s a genius

Guaranteed by his beloved disciple Lee Doksa! Box.

You will definitely regret it if you do not receive it.]

The Doksa Lee he knew would never easily say the word genius.

Even more so because I know that that title is only granted to a very small number of people.

That’s why I couldn’t believe my eyes when I received the letter of recommendation.

Who is the student who made this poison sergeant do this? He wondered if he was being threatened without even knowing it.

If there was someone who did something like that to his favorite student, he wasn’t going to let it go. She

Of course she didn’t even think there would be someone who could do that to her.

That’s why I was really excited when I first saw Kim Si-woo.

There was only one skill written in the skill book: [Poor Strike].

She considered the [Blow] Skill to be something she had a complex about. It was a backward compatible skill for that blow. How can steam not leak?

If it weren’t for the poisonous snake’s recommendation, she was a student who would never, never have been accepted.

In the first class, he showed some persistence that caught quite a bit of attention. If it was just persistence, it wasn’t ‘genius’.

That’s why I was curious about what caught Kim Si-woo’s attention.

That’s why he spoke to me with the intention of accepting a sum.

By the way, what is happening?

Isn’t she saying that she is giving herself a blow with her confident appearance?

It was absurd.

Where does this confidence come from in a guy who doesn’t even have a trace of talent?

That’s why I was thinking of pressing her nose properly.

I was trying to teach the limitations of those without talent.

‘Where on earth did I see that? ‘Is there such a thing as coincidence?’

His unique walking style and way of handling the sword.

It was very unusual, but it was definitely a sword technique I had seen somewhere.

The current Professor Kang Geom-seon was using his own reinterpretation of Japan’s ‘Ildo-ryu’.

To use [Flash Strike], It is best to use a long, thin sword.

His swordsmanship was his trademark, along with the [Flash attack], To the point that it was even exported to Japan.

However, before he became a professor, he had not yet given up his skill called [Blow].

He studied his own unique swordsmanship in order to effectively use the trash skill [Blow], Which everyone agrees has no place to use as a main skill.

‘Even though I failed.’

I failed to deal with [Blow], But in the end, I succeeded in getting up to my current position by abandoning [Blow], Holding a long sword, and using [Flash Strike].

Therefore, not many people knew that Professor Kang Geom-seon himself used a dagger.

But Kim Si-woo was following it, albeit clumsily.

It was funny.

At the same time, I was a little happy.

He didn’t seem to have the seed of talent, but it was around this time that he started to feel like he wanted to cultivate it.

A ridiculous rush.

Honestly, I was disappointed. She wondered what she was thinking.

But there were water droplets where Kim Si-woo pointed.

It wasn’t just a drop of water, it was Kim Si-woo’s proof.

At that moment, Kang Geom-seon felt an exhilarating emotion.

‘This viper guy. ‘You sent an interesting guy to your teacher.’

This poisonous snake was the only one of his students who almost missed his attack.

‘Even though I failed in the end.’

And Kim Si-woo, whom the poisonous master sent with confidence.

If this is a student, maybe.

I thought so.

Honestly, it was a bit unreasonable.

Only a first year student. That’s a huge blow against a student who only has one skill book.

The result was even more unreasonable.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

And I couldn’t hide my excitement.

It was an angle that could not be avoided unless it was thoroughly planned from the beginning.

It wasn’t a question of talent.

From the beginning, it was a story that was based on Kim Si-woo’s plan.

Kang Geom-seon was certain.

Kim Si-woo. He was a man who could be called a sword genius.

He wonders what it will be like if he blooms.

He came to me on his own.

Whether or not he hid his skills from Professor Kang Geom-seon from the beginning was not an important issue.

In his eyes, he has already surpassed himself.

No, he only hoped that he might be able to create a prosecutor who would surpass his older brother ‘Kang Young-ho’ ‘with the sword’.


2 Weeks.

Honestly, I didn’t expect such a short period of time would be mentioned.

“It’s rather good.”

An incident that will occur in two weeks.

A must-have for academy web novels.

I’ve been using it for so long that it smells now.

If not, it’s a bit of a disappointing cliche, like dried kimchi.

‘Academy attack incident!’

To be exact, it is the ‘Pure White Academy Attack Incident’.

After the super magic body LK-99, Lee Seong-hyun is the greatest genius produced by Korea.

In order to nip that in the bud, an unprecedented incident occurs in which a pure white man attacks the National Seoul Hunter Academy.

Of course, since each and every professor at Seoul Hunter Academy is a monster, they are eventually suppressed.

‘In the end, I couldn’t even inflict a single proper injury on Seonghyeon Lee.’

You might think it was Lee Seong-hyun of the 1st episode, but now it is Lee Seong-hyun of the 5th episode.

Since we have already predicted the timing, we will probably treat it as an annoying event.

‘Of course, it’s a honey barrel event for me!’

I plan to stab the pure white guys in the back and intercept the materials they stole, such as the honey pot.

It is not theft.

Look at Hong Gil-dong, isn’t it true that stealing from bad guys is a crime?

They only gave Hong Gil-dong back, and I only said that I would use it a little.

Although we obtained Psyche’s Blade and [Fate Intervention], The stability of the operation will be greatly improved if we also obtain a flash attack.

‘The reason it’s taking a little longer is that Professor Kang Geom-seon’s exam coincides with the exam in two weeks.’

It won’t matter. Anyway, the attack doesn’t start until the afternoon. There is plenty of time to prepare.

Rather than that, the sparring assumes a situation that is completely similar to the actual fight.

It is rather good.

This is a good opportunity to use a dagger made from [Psyche’s Blade].

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

I Was Possessed in a Hunter Story Where the Protagonist Eats Everything by Himself

주인공 혼자 다 해 먹는 헌터물에 빙의했다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
A novel that isn’t even finished. I was possessed by an extra whose name I did not know. and. Only I can write the ending of this novel.


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not work with dark mode