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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 81

81 – Nursing

Flora was still weak after the funeral, but she regained her energy.

Thanks to the man who was next to me that day.

“Ha ha…”

Flora remembered herself crying out loud in the arms of the man.

Then his cheeks flushed red.

-If you still can’t find a reason to live, I’ll find it for you.

‘I’ll find you…’


Flora let out a silent clamor.

She was so ashamed and ashamed of herself that day,

Unlike how she looked like a demon when I first saw her, it was because Habir looked so cool after that day.

I can feel her heart beating.

As if the heart that stopped beating after Keira’s death started beating again.

“It was warm…”

Flora thought of Havir’s arms again.

I could feel that he was worried about me even through the mask.

The way he stared at himself was so warm.

He wanted to be held forever, but he regretted not being able to.

My world, which was in great shock, was colorless.

A man named Havir colored it so that the color could be seen again.

So a man named Habir became the driving force of Flora’s life and Flora’s idol.

And then I became the person I wanted to stand by my side for the rest of my life.

A girl’s love began.


Serie Aporte goes on trial.

And although the death penalty was withheld, of course he was sentenced to prison.

Because there is too much evidence.

The people of the empire were shocked as if they had been stabbed in the back of the head.

About the actions that Seri Aporte, who is called a saint possessed by God, has been doing.

At the same time, the tax collector confessed his sins to everyone.

Keira’s case, as well as what she has done to her own colleagues and her party members.

Everyone knows about Gaur’s attempted rape, but no one knows what happened after that.

Seri said in front of the magic tool that reflected her.

“I messed up a blue student’s future and a man’s seven years and his life ahead.”

Except Gaur, who was expelled, everyone in Astria knows.

There was even a book about him and their party.

[Serie Aporte]

[Harin Acnis]

[Rebecca Andrew]

[Lee Gabarin]

[Habir Gadivi]

So anyone could have guessed who the ‘one man’ Se-ri was talking about was.

‘Javir Gadivi’

Seri’s remarks, which were sent out throughout the empire with magic tools, were followed by great reactions and shocks from the people.

Some of them were so severe that parents covered their children’s ears, and some cried while covering their mouths.

“And I lost him, and my emotions went out of control. However, he saved me by sacrificing himself until the end. All of this is my fault. I apologize to everyone who may have been shocked by me. Sorry.”

The tax collector bowed his body 90 degrees and apologized.

She seemed genuinely remorseful.

····Yes, reflecting is good.

It’s good to leave knowing that you won’t be forgiven by me.

It’s good to apologize to everyone.

It seems like he’s trying to confess all his sins and receive true judgment… Then I can’t take off my mask.

I was about to take off the mask because it didn’t seem necessary to use it, but I don’t want to be noisy for a while.

I’ll just take it off as usual, only when I’m alone or with people who know who I am.

In the room, I put the mask back on and headed for Flora.

Flora seems to have cheered up a bit, but she can’t help but be worried.

There was a knock on the door.

“Who are you?”

Fortunately, it was a good voice.

“It’s me.”



For a moment, a small choking sound was heard from behind the door.

And Flora slowly opened the door.

“Ah… Hello… Professor…”

His voice trembled like a sick chick.

What is it? Wasn’t it okay just now?

From nob le mt l dot com

No, it must be because it hurts.

“Yeah, are you okay?”

“Ah… I think I’m better than before…”

“That’s good, is there anything you’d like me to do?”

When I asked that question, Flora’s face turned red for some reason.

Then she vigorously shook her head from side to side.

Aren’t you really sick?


“Ah, ah! It’s nothing!”

“Uh… Yes…”

At that time, a loud sound was heard from somewhere.


When I looked in the direction of the sound, Flora was again looking down at her with a red face.

Ah, it’s a physiological phenomenon, so it can’t be helped. Are you okay. I wanted to say that, but I was scolded the other day for telling Haki that it is not delicate to say such a thing to a woman.


“I should have told you when I was hungry. I bought porridge knowing that. Eat.”

Flora had a ponytail on her face.

Looks like you’re muttering something again. It didn’t seem dangerous.

You don’t seem to be as anxious as before.


“It’s me.”

I was startled by Professor Havir’s sudden voice.

And without realizing it, I ended up feigning illness.

Before I opened the door to the professor, I lowered my voice and spoke trembling like a sick person.

Actually, it doesn’t hurt that much, but…To be honest, I don’t even know why I did this.

As soon as the professor entered, he took off his mask and said with a worried look in his eyes.

“Is there anything you would like me to do for you?”

What do you want me to do…?

I gulped and looked at the bed.

A man and a woman in the same room… There’s even a bed here… Ugh! No no no! What am I thinking!

I shook my head from side to side.

Habir looked at him strangely and asked.


Oh! I lost myself in my own thoughts again!

I’m not the only one here right now!

“Ah, ah! It’s nothing!”

“Uh… Yes…”

Havir was looking at me with an expression that he didn’t know the question, but when I strongly denied it, he let it go.

I could feel his kindness in that way.

It was a strange state for anyone to see, but now.

With the bean pods on it, it looked cool no matter where you looked.

Did I consume too much energy because of my stupid behavior?

I heard thunder in my stomach.

When I raised my head slightly, Havir’s eyes widened and he was making a surprised expression.

In the end, again, my face turned red and my gaze turned downward.

It was the height of shame.


“I should have told you when I was hungry. I bought porridge knowing that. Eat.”

Saying that, Havir opened the packaging of the porridge he had bought, warmed it up, put it in a bowl, took out a spoon, and handed it along with the porridge. No, I was trying to pass it on.

Because I threw my hand down right before the professor handed me the porridge.


I had to be brave here.

Honestly, since you’re the professor who asked if there’s anything you’d like me to do…!

“…Feed me please.”

“… What?”

Havir thought, ‘Did I hear that wrong?’

But, as if to prove that Havir hadn’t been misinformed, Flora drove the wedge in.

“I don’t have much strength in my arms, so I think it’s hard to lift a bowl or scoop it out with a spoon and eat it myself. So… Scoop it up and feed it yourself.”

“Feed me?”

“Yes, I heard you did.”

“Uh… That, yes.”

Habir looked a little flustered, but he pretended to be unconcerned and took up his spoon to prepare the porridge.

And slowly brought the porridge to my mouth.


I deliberately raised my voice.

That voice amplified Havir’s feelings of embarrassment.

I had never fed someone something, but since it was my first time to experience this, I couldn’t help but feel ashamed since it was my first time feeding a woman. I was ashamed.

However, contrary to his inner thoughts, Habir’s expression was almost expressionless.

I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get a reaction, but I didn’t give up.

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode