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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 78

78 – Pulse


Her monster’s gigantic fists attacked her with her shriek and her shriek.

Kung-! The ground caved in with a roar, and the monster raised his hand again.

Below was a publican covered in dust.

It seemed that he somehow defended himself with divine power, but he couldn’t stop the pain that surged like a wave.

“aaa! Don’t come!”

The monster was about to hit his hand down again.

Seeing that she managed to block the attack just now, Seri will surely die if she receives this attack as well.

I couldn’t wait to see it.


With a loud roar like the sound of a bomb exploding, my body flew straight ahead.

Her monster’s fist strikes her again.


Just before Seria Porte was completely covered by her fist, my hand touched Seri.

She slips away from the shadow of her fist as she embraces her.

But less than 0.1 Second.

It was late.



I let out a painful moan, and the tax collector shouts my name.

It felt like my legs were breaking.

I managed to get Seri out, but my left leg couldn’t.

It’s the first time I’ve heard a sound from the bridge.

Still, it was a body that had pride in being strong.

Honestly, it sucked.

I threw Ceri far away and used her sword as her staff to support her.

It must be difficult to fight in this state.

“Pain reduction.”

It seemed to be getting better to some extent.

I can’t stand up properly because my bones are broken, but I’ll be able to fight.

Aren’t you crazy? First of all, I’m a madman now.

“Yeah, I’m crazy.”

The monster swings his fist.

Dodge her body down.

The power of the monster was beyond imagination.

A boulder the size of a human head flies towards me due to the wind generated when I swing my fist.

I try to block it by raising my left foot.

I thought about my injured foot and jumped up to avoid it.

Turn round and receive a buff from Professor Kiria.

I extend my arms in the air and face the monster.


Light wraps around.

Because even the monster had eyes, he squinted at the sudden bright light.

In the meantime, I landed on the ground. Straighten the sword put in magic

“Heaven line”

A straight red line connects the front and back of the monster.

Draw your sword along that line.

Then the line opens, and red liquid drips down.

It was proof that the monster had suffered damage.


“Damn it.”

The absence of the left foot was too great.

I was swayed by the aftermath of the technique I used, and my body couldn’t keep my balance and I fell backwards.

Aiming for that gap, the monster’s feet point at me.


Someone supports my back.

It was Flora who heard her voice.

From nob le mt l dot com

Nice timing

“Thanks to that, I didn’t fall.”

I raised my sword and cut off the foot of the monster.


The monster let out a cry.

It was anger at the fact that the attack had been blocked.

I tried to move forward again, but Flora caught me.

“Wait a minute, Professor. Professor Kyria helped me.”

Flora’s hand touches my left foot.


It felt like my weak left foot was gradually returning to normal.

Isori is that Professor Kiria helped, isn’t this level of healing still not enough for Flora?

Flora said.

“It looks like it’s back to normal, but it’s just a makeshift first aid measure. It’s never back to normal, so please be careful. …”

Flora’s voice was sad. She

Was genuinely concerned about me.

And Keira was also genuinely worried.

She is a soft-hearted guy.

“Thank you.”

I stroked her hair.

And then I turned my gaze back to the monster.

“I hope you’re back to normal too.”

Because Keira is also a student at our academy.

I really want to get it back to normal.

To do that, you must never kill.

Of course I won’t die here either.

···For a while, I use this leg I got thanks to Flora until it’s about to break.

I get into position.

With the strongest blow I can use.

Extend your left foot back. Grab the handle of the sword and channel the magic power.

The sword, which was completely black, changes to dark red.

Strengthen the lower half of the body, and strain the arms and hands.

A skill like this will take some time to recover.

In the meantime, it will inflict a fatal wound.

Take a deep breath.

Closing and opening your eyes.

Hold the sword with both hands and run.

Unsurprisingly, all feet are reinforced.

The speed was invisible even to Professor Keira.

“Red Clash”

Wields a sword.

The slash is aimed at the monster. Cut off one arm

A neat cross-section reveals itself.

Do not miss the moment.

Approaching the monster, I clenched my fist towards the section where his arm was cut off before the arm regenerated again.

She uses the skills of Rebecca Andre, whom she has seen every day for seven years.

To be honest, among the combat skills, this year’s skills were the most difficult to copy.

“Wave is sh*t.”

How do you send out waves from a human fist?

At first, I thought I was just training my fists, but it wasn’t.

When Rebecca raises her fist, a strong pulse comes out of her fist.

Because the waves pass through people or walls, they suffer not only external injuries but also internal injuries at the same time.

So even if you block the fist with a guard, the damage will come.

Isn’t it an open fraud?

The problem is that b*tch didn’t even know she was using waves.

He learned it from his father, but he said he was so ignorant that he couldn’t remember it with knowledge and had to remember it with his body.

-Hey, Rebecca.

– Yes? Senior why?

-Every time you use your fist, a wave goes out. How do you do that?


-Uh, waves.

-What is that?

-? Your skills.

-I only do fist punches, right? The only skills I know are Taebo or Taekwondo, which my senior taught me the other day. Oh, come to think of it, I think my father said something before.

– Huh.

So it was really hard to follow.

It’s not enough, but how many times have you tried it?

“It collapses the inside of the body.”

Even if I can’t defeat you, I’ll be able to give you a fatal wound.

If you restrain this monster without killing it, you can find a way to save Keira.

“Kyungpa Kwon (硬波拳)”

Rebecca’s martial art, her fist touched the monster.

It was supposed to reach.


The monster exploded.

It was shattered.

The pieces of the body were scattered in all directions, and nothing existed except for Havir where the monster was.

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode