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I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor Chapter 147

147 – Destiny (2)

How did the demon king react when he saw his severed arm?

Was he angry, or was he constantly confused and confused?

The answer was very sober.

I was embarrassed for a moment, but my eyes became serious again.

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Now that he knew that my attacks would work on him, the Demon King needed to kill me with all his might.

Can I win? I had no choice but to try my best.


Looking at my eyes, Flora casts a spell.

“שלום לכולם, אני רוצה להגיד תודה לכולם.”

Divine power emanates from Flora and flows into me.


The overall physical strength increases, and the sense of speed and pain also dulls.

When I practiced buffs before, I wasn’t at this level, but how much did I practice?

I pulled back the black sword and grabbed the handle with both of his hands.

As fast as possible, as strong as possible.

After taking a deep breath, I kicked my feet.

“Red Clash.”

A red thread crosses the demon king.

As I swung the sword along the line, fire and heat enveloped the sword.

As if the demon king could not see it, he pulled out his tentacles.

“There is no time. Kill quickly and get out of this place.”

“I can’t do that.”

The tentacle and the black sword met in the air.

Quad deuk-!

A disgusting yet shocking roar erupts.

The black sword was gradually pushed back by the strength that could not be thought of as a tentacle.

Initiates berserk at the same time.

A heat that seemed to melt the surroundings escaped from my body.

If I continued to use great power like this from the beginning, my body’s energy might run out quickly, but I didn’t have time to worry about that right now.

If you don’t, you won’t be able to last even a second, let alone waste time.

Surely, the strongest being among the enemies I’ve fought so far.

The leisure to conserve energy was a luxury.

Use your eyes to the fullest.

I don’t hide any of my strengths.

“Fire moth.”

Moths made of flame spread their wings.

At the same time, they rush at the demon king.

“Things like flying flies.”

As the demon king swings his arm forward, demonic energy erupts and bursts the fire moths in the air before they reach him.

And through the smoke created by the fire moth that exploded, my black sword shone.

“Extreme island. And-“

The color of fire changes.

“Black flame.”

Soon, it got dark.

With all my might, I thrust out my sword to cut the demon king’s, Gaur’s body in half.


“Isn’t it strange that no matter how hard you try to cover your eyes, you can’t catch it if it comes so honestly?”

The demon king grabbed my neck.

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No, I tried to grab it.

“I know.”

My portrait, which was at the front, has already reached the rear of the demon king.


Instead, light magic was shot into the face in front of nothing.

I swung the black sword at the same time.



And then, my stomach was pierced.

They flew at the same time and hit the wall.



I let out a heavy breath.

f*ck, the Demon King was stronger than I thought.

Even though the dark sword must have touched his body, his pupils did not waver.


I let out a breath that looked like it would stop at any moment.

“Professor Havir!”

At that time, Flora, who was applying the buff, came running and began to heal my wounds.


“Pain relief.”

Two spells were cast upon me.

“It’s okay. It’s a fatal wound, but with my holy power, I’ll be able to heal it right away.”

“…What time?”

“Thirty seconds.”

Certainly, it must be a gift from God.

This wound can be healed in 30 seconds.

It was a healing speed that surpassed Seri.


“Havir, you must not be alive. It is the order of the demon king. Die.”

It seems that the demon lord, unfortunately, had no intention of waiting for those 30 seconds.

Several tentacles come out and rush at Flora who is healing me.

“Ancient magic.”

“Mirror of Death.”


Those tentacles are blocked by Haki, Freya and Kavri.

I can’t attack, but I want to defend myself.

There were also academy guards who came running in a big commotion, but they didn’t notice the demon king’s identity and just died like ants being crushed by people.

However, some people were able to block only one tentacle.

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No matter how they were, they were guards in Hestia, so they had a high level of fighting power.

Flora shouted.

“Just…! Hold on for 30 seconds!”

Healing has begun.

I feel my body gradually recovering.

Like that, 25 seconds 20 seconds 15 seconds 10 seconds.

“Five seconds!”




A tentacle that was blocked by a guard killed the guard and started charging at me.

It was said that it only needed to last for 5 seconds, but the tentacles were faster than the flowing time.


A moment before the tentacle reached me, who had not yet fully recovered, a human figure passed by.

“Jabir, I love you more than anything in this world.”

“… Freya?”

The look on Freya’s face as she passed me by and said that was very vague and sad.

It’s like saying goodbye to someone you’ll never see again.

At the same time, she got in between me and the tentacles.



It pierced her chest at an unresponsive speed.

Immediately after recovery, I cut off her tentacles and hugged the fallen Freya, followed by Flora, who placed her hand on Freya’s chest to check her condition.


Flora took a deep breath and fell silent.

She and her eyes trembled in disbelief.

I asked Flora with a hopeless feeling.

Flora just shook her head.

The tentacles have already destroyed the heart.

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No matter how much divine healing you have.

It was impossible to create something out of nothing.

The reason why Freya is alive right now is because of the tough vitality unique to the elf race, not the hopeful meaning that she can live without a heart.

I’d rather despair.

It was a curse that forced her to watch her die.

At that time, I remembered one thing.

It was when I went to a fortune teller with Freya.

A meaningful word said by an old woman who seemed to be the fortune teller at that time.



-I asked you earlier if you believe in fate, right?

-It was.

-The first time I saw you through a crystal ball. A miserable fate has been shown to you.

– A disastrous fate?

At the time, I dismissed it as nonsense, but I only realized it now.

-One of your neighbors will die.

That means now.

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

I Ran Away From Them and Became an Academy Professor

그녀들에게서 도망치고 아카데미 선생님이 되었습니다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
At some point, I ran away from the women who bound me and used abusive language and became an academy professor. Why are you trying to find me so much? I left the party and became an academy professor.exau


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not work with dark mode